Emojis, motherfucker, do you use them?!

Emojis, motherfucker, do you use them?!
Lol, I didn't mean that would should renovate all our existing transport infrastructure.
The grade separated stuff was as a new standard going forward that new transportation infrastructure would be built to as we did Dragon Rail, and older infrastructure would be renovated over time at it's normal maintenance interval.![]()
I sit by what I am doing and by what I did. I work in logistics, and the boss changed the location of the plastic wrapper for the pallets by 20m.Three months later and we are still catching up with the backlog of work due to that. Roads will be far worse than that.
That is still multiple layers of construction and not to mention the normal rail standard and its gauge tends to get updated every decade or so.Lol, I didn't mean that would should renovate all our existing transport infrastructure.
The grade separated stuff was as a new standard going forward that new transportation infrastructure would be built to as we did Dragon Rail, and older infrastructure would be renovated over time at its normal maintenance interval.![]()
Was the border disputed at this time?The chinese borders with India and Vietnam be looking interesting.
I do recall in my reading some tiffs occurring between them about the borders.
Wait, Ireland isn't in the EU in this Time Line?
Technically, The Troubles 1 is ongoing, unless somehow not being in the EU stopped them a decade and a half earlyah yes, Troubles 2: electric bugaloo
edit: french guiana in the EU!?
Uuuuh...enough to run an economy on?BTW, what is the current state of our networking capabilties?
Do we have a standard protocol for connections and routing?
And do we have work on securing them(eg encryption and authentication)?
What about cryptography?
Not to this outcome. You made a deal with China: help in the coming Civil War (foreshadowing) in exchange for having buffer zones between India and Vietnam. That map represents that.
Only French here. No Guiana.
Troubles 2: Communal BoogalooOseanman said:
They refused due to EU having far more teeth in this AU. They are only an associate right now, though debate is being made about joining fully due to CyPac.
POV: You are an Englishman staring at the Irish not suffering from a famine you engineered.yeeessss, give the comrades on the isle an actual second option
Can I write an omake for this?
Good to know. Right now it appears the tools/primitives that I would've liked to use are not available yet.On par with the norm for the world right now. Nothing outstanding, but nothing crazy.
Go wild, I won't stop you from adding something to this quest made by yourself!
Uuuuh...enough to run an economy on?
By the sheer fact that you only have one system at the moment...yes?
Some, but nascent, work is being done.
On par with the norm for the world right now. Nothing outstanding, but nothing crazy.
Not to this outcome. You made a deal with China: help in the coming Civil War (foreshadowing) in exchange for having buffer zones between India and Vietnam. That map represents that.
Only French here. No Guiana.
Troubles 2: Communal Boogaloo
They refused due to EU having far more teeth in this AU. They are only an associate right now, though debate is being made about joining fully due to CyPac.
What do you mean by that ? Do you mean the EU is more solidified ? Like they decide by qualified majority instead of unanimity ?