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An Abridged and Incomplete List of Guang Fashion Movements (circa 1990)
This came up in the Discord, so I thought I'd cross post here for everyone else:

An Abridged and Incomplete List of Guang Fashion Movements (circa 1990)

Constructivist - Abstract and minimalist, designed to be easily fabricated, but having drifted from the original minimalist ideal and into more utilitarian stylings with a minimalism suborned to practical concerns.

Red Kitsch - A rebellion against the minimalism of Constructivism, Red Kitsch is all about embracing fine detail and extravagant decoration. It's a way of saying 'why shouldn't we have nice things? Isn't communism supposed to let us all live like royalty?"

Fuyao - Negative connotation, chinese garments that are strange. Embraced as avant garde. A breakaway of Red Kitsch, which shed the stylistic links and red/green/gold color palette. If it makes your old fashioned grandma complain, it's probably Fuyao.

Loi-Thoi - Anarchronistic. Traditional garb and walkman and sneakers, etc. Born from mixing modern consumer goods wild traditional pre-industrial stylings.

Saibafuku - Traditional fashion and aesthetics through the lens of high tech. An evolution of Loi thoi. Think Tron light stripes on kimonos.

Aparatchic - The equivalent of business formal, minimalist with military overtones, design to communicate seriousness.

Fanpan - Popular among Taiwanese refugee youth, a sort of ripped jeans militarism that lionizes armed struggle and rebellion.

AN: I'd intended to go into more detail and possibly add a few more, but given how busy I am I figured it would be best to just post what I've got.
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Progress Report on Common Toys

Progress Report

To: Haneul ha joon secretary of Wei Jungmin, leader of The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth,Midori Tsubasa Secretary of Eun Hui Minister of Industrious Ministry of Industry for the Production of a Greater Future in the Name of the Future of Humanity (IMIPGFNFH),Linh Phuong, secretary of Dalisay Diwa, minister of the Extravagant Ministry of Culture and Entertainment for the Amusement of Young and Old as well as the Expansion and Preservation of the History and Heritage of Guangchou (EMCEAYOEPHHG).

From: Edward Magorium head of the project "expansion of the product range manufactured by the Guangchou toy factory" and head of the Guangchou toy factory.

Date: november 28, 1983

Re: progress of the project "expansion of the product range manufactured by the Guangchou toy factory"

Dear Mr. Haneul ha joon, Mx. Midori Tsubasa, and Ms. Linh Phuong,

I am writing to provide a progress report on the expansion of the range of products made by Guangchou toy factory now that the factory is well established and the workers are used to their work in order to meet the desires of children and adults of the Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth for new toys,game,gadgets and other objects of entertaining purpose in order to improve happiness levels and allow the citizen to provide their own entertainment. The focus of this report is the completion or abandonment of projects, milestones achieved, tasks planned for the next months, and current roadblocks.

List of completed or abandonned projects and milestones achieved:
  1. Board games: the production of traditional board games from Guangchou (and a good part of Asia if we have to be honest) including Surakarta, Go, Mahjong, Xiangqi, Nyhout, Go-Moku, Ur wangsil geim and backgammon is well underway but we have also started the production of foreign games for other games that we could produce, we received the game files from abroad, I must say that the one from the ussr was quite disappointing, it's either bad propaganda or bad plagia or depressing with some correct stuff here and there, our allies in the cybernetic pact have been much more useful, the most notable are the mancal, yote and bao from africa, Sáhkku, hare and houds,brandub and Hnefatafl from Europe, Komikan, Sapo, Bul and Alquerque from Central America, Cuba even sent us an original edition of the landlords game, and that's without counting all the more modern games and non-allied countries that we copy.
  2. At the request of different cafes, bars and drinking establishments we are going to start producing "Pub games" the idea being quite foreign to Guangchou we are going to take inspiration from abroad, for the moment our main ideas are pinbal, arrows, dice, cards, whack a mole, tol boul, shuffleboard table, footbal table, billiards, skeebal, toad in the hole and cornhole but we discover new ones every day so this project could take a while.
  3. 3d puzzles: A recent invention idea (or rather two) by the postwoman Mayu Honoka has finished its evaluation, the ideas are simple but brilliant, firstly making hollow 3d puzzles with relatively soft foam pieces, dozens of buildings , natural charachteristics and others are already in design, the second consists of a series of thin wooden plates with detachable shapes pre-cut inside, it's perfect for making mechanisms or skeletons, the ideas are flowing, it's going to be great,the process can also be used to make 2d foam gliders.
  4. Slingshot dart, slingshot, blowguns, mace, bows and other cold weapons: It was finally decided that given the cultural importance of these objects having been used for hunting and combat for millennia, more functional and solid versions would be added in the range in addition to toys, this should allow older children who have taken an interest in the thing to have access to the tool to do it without the high cost of the advanced sports version, we hope that this will contribute to the preservation of heritage from guangchou
  5. Concerning the new edition of Maze and Minotaur we have resolved a number of problems, firstly concerning the ongoing war among which member of the adventurer company should be the canon spouse of Zeph I think I have solved the problem by deciding to a Polycule and by transferring elsewhere those who continued to insist on the best solution being an original charachters named like them at the head of a harem composed of members of the group, secondly it was finally decided that the use of old guangchou as language/coding for the enigmas would be reserved for higher level campaigns only and with a variation in Ithkuil so the Games Master can decides to have pity of his players and not inflict this on them, in addition the manual game in old guangchou commissioned by the university for educational and illustrative purposes of the difference between the old and the new language has been sent now that we have found a powerful enough forklift, thirdly the debate in the chapter on sex has been resolved, the basic player's manual will have a condensed chapter that is not too explicit in order to facilitate export among less enlightened nations and not to overload the basic game manual but a dedicated manual as exhaustive and illustrative as possible is being written for the pleasure of players of guangchou.
  6. Traditional games: The reason for the lack of success of this line of toys has been identified,because these things have been made in families for thousands of years parents are not very enthusiastic about the idea of buying them rather than making them thmself for their child and one day taught how to make them themselves to said children and when they buy them they prefer models offering something that they cannot do themselves rather than the basic models that we offer, the models will be modified and production reduced.
Task planned for next months:
  1. Retransmission of mail: now that the sex toy factory is built we will be able to forward them almost all the mail of requests and suggestions for more adult products that we have received, the only ones that we will keep will be those of erotic board,dice and cards games, non-leather or latex costumes and other products that are so close to our standard products that it is more logical for us to produce them than to have a second set of expensive industrial machines at the sex toy factory.
  2. Remote-Controlled Vehicles: Our engineering staff will start working on a basic plan for a generic remote-controlled land vehicle that can accommodate the bodywork of anything that go on the ground,tanks,car,train,truck,buldozer,etc,expt bike and motorbike,the way more thiner form mean they will need a frame of their own. This approach should help reduce difficulty of mass production compared to the other method of creating fully personalized vehicles for each specific model. If successful, we will apply the same process to remote-controlled planes and boats,althought iron tiger are likely to be needing they own.
  3. Following the great success of Lego it was decided that the next one whose concept we would copy would be the Meccano, this will probably be a great success given all the models inspired by Comiewood production "Universal War","Cosmos","sector general planned " in addition to all the more normal vehicles, buildings and animals
  4. Tin lithograph toy: It's a relatively simple kind of toy and already manufactured all over the world we don't foresee any problems to manufacture them even if managing to produce enough spring metal will be bit tricky for planing.

Current roadblocks:
  1. International call: not a roadblock in itself but something that must be transmitted to you, see you we have hired translators to be able to make versions of our games for our allies and possibly the international and two of the foreign professional translators (the limited many of them we have in Guangchou are a little too busy in the diplomatic service to translate hundreds of rule booklets in a reasonable time), and one of them who is British became very excited when he was responsible for doing the English, Arabic, Bedawiye, nobiin and kenuzi translation of Ur wangsil geim three days ago and called the British Museum, I received a very skeptical and somewhat haughty call from a certain Dr John Curtis, a Assistant Keeper of the Middle East Department at the British Museum, he asked a few questions about the Ur wangsil geim, once I explained to him that the rules came from a clay tablet in cuneiform with a translation into ancient Hebrew in back which was sold to a native of Guangchou as a game board by Kochi Jewish traders who lived in Persia and traded in East Asia a few thousand years ago spreading the game among the peasants of the island he became much more excited and said that he had to contact his superiors, I now have a lot of calls from a British historian and archaeologist and I don't know what to do.
  2. Financial problem: Among the games and toys that we decided to produce, a large number are quite recent and therefore their creator is still alive, we encountered certain problems in finding said creator to inform/ask them that we produce their games and their asked where we should send their 20% profit on sales if the game is less than 30 years old, namely that a certain number of capitalist companies are trying to claim that it is their money and obscure the real creators of the games and toys, we told them to fuck off and resumed the research but they continue to cause problems, we are currently looking for a way to prevent them from suing the creators to whom we pay the money.
  3. Slime: unfortunately we had to destroy the entire first batch of slime which will mean some scheduling problems, the recipe worked well in the laboratory but on an industrial scale the PH was unbalanced and went too much towards alkaline to be safe as a children's toy , the recipe is currently being revised.
  4. Fire in the wood warehouse: The inspection is over, it's bad but not a total loss, about half of the wood can be recovered, this will cause delays but if the next delivery is on time it won't be too much,a week and half only .

Please let me know if you require any further information or clarification on these matters.

Yours sincerely,

Edward Magorium
Head of the project "expansion of the product range manufactured by the Guangchou toy factory" and head of the toy factory of the government of The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth

I finnaly finished mid year exam so i can get back to this,hope you like it
Any thought ?
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[X] Making The GM's Life Easy
-[X] Commiewood:
Tales of Humanity
A series presenting throughout episodes factual history, fairy tales, legends, and myths from all over the world and from all eras (although the first episodes focus on stories from Guangchou dear to the animators). Unlike Disney and other modern producers, it was chosen not to sugarcoat the stories but to reproduce them much more faithfully (although a segment at the beginning of the episode putting the story in its context was added in cases where the story would have aged badly from a moral point of view, would be racist, etc.) in all their tragedies, joy, horror, exaltation, anger, strangeness, because sometimes things go wrong, sometimes the story doesn't end well, sometimes there is no good or justice if people don't all fight for it, and that's a good lesson to teach.
-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Build Rolling Stock And Rail Factory Complex (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)
--[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 6/18) (Helpful)
-[X] Agri-And Aquaculture
--[X] Expand The Sea-Forest Project (Mega-Project - 6/6 Actions) (-3 Reputation) (Extremely Helpful)
-[X] Political
--[X] Yoink Chinese Specialists and Intelligentsia (+3 Reputation)
-[X] CyPac
--[X] Freedom's Cry (+5 Reputation)
-[X] Wei Jungming

--[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
---[X] Went camping with the family, taught the children about the stars, plants and animals, harvesting food, bushcraft, told them the legends and stories of the country, in short, had a good time
---[X] Started writing, mainly but not only Steamy Romance Novels with your wife (as subject, co-author, or both varies from one novel to another); what is this nonsense of "pen name"? If someone has a problem with your books, they can come and tell you to your face.
--[X] Lover Action
---[X] Participated in various sporting competitions together, perhaps an aquatic triathlon
-[X] Commiewood:
Tales of Humanity
A series presenting throughout episodes factual history, fairy tales, legends, and myths from all over the world and from all eras (although the first episodes focus on stories from Guangchou dear to the animators). Unlike Disney and other modern producers, it was chosen not to sugarcoat the stories but to reproduce them much more faithfully (although a segment at the beginning of the episode putting the story in its context was added in cases where the story would have aged badly from a moral point of view, would be racist, etc.) in all their tragedies, joy, horror, exaltation, anger, strangeness, because sometimes things go wrong, sometimes the story doesn't end well, sometimes there is no good or justice if people don't all fight for it, and that's a good lesson to teach.

"Tales of Humanity is a long-running series founded in the beginning of 1984, with nearly 1.400 episodes created within its current 26 years of existence, most containing up to four different stories from around the world. As an attempt to teach the world of the various myths, folklore, legends, and similar stories, it succeeded, with many aspects of Asian and Indian culture gaining a spot in the light of the world it wouldn't have had had it not existed, alongside the manifold stories from Oceania. Yet, as a history teacher, it was a failed product, as tales of dragons and gods were far more popular to audiences than those of some noble who did a thing and then vanished from the world stage. A message quickly understood by its producers and given to their showrunners, ensuring that funding would remain constant despite the low ratings."
-The Economist; "Edutainment: Its Successes And Failures."

"Yeah, we kind of got sidetracked when we made that seventy-episode special on human/non-human love and relationship special. Can't say that I regret doing it, though!"
-Ma Chi, Lead Artist of the "Tales of Humanity" project from 1986-88.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Build Rolling Stock And Rail Factory Complex (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)

(12 + 3 = 15 - Medium Breakthrough)
>[2:11] HOURS AGO

--[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 6/10) (Helpful)
(4 + 10 + 4 + 6 + 11 + 12 + 6 = 53 / 6 = 8,8 - Optimal)
"We have been here for over half a year and are already almost done with seventy percent of the entire project. Are we certain nobody is fucking with the numbers?"

"We triple-checked everything, we are certain."

"Make it a quartet then, but use wholly different auditors. I will not have a project of this scale be sabotaged by short-sighted idiots!"

-[X] Agri-And Aquaculture
--[X] Expand The Sea-Forest Project (Mega-Project - 6/6 Actions) (-3 Reputation) (Extremely Helpful)

(4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 6 = 33 / 6 = 5,5 - Optimal)
The Sea-Forest of Guangchou is generally counted as the first and most notable ecological terraformation project to turn a large swath of unused land, or in this case, an in-land sea, into a food-producing region capable of feeding cities. The amount of produce grown and harvested has only grown since its inception, when mistakes, failures, and poor planning were revealed over time, with more understanding of the underlying principles and sheer experience with creating a veritable underwater garden of Eden. Today, it stands as a shining example of what happens when humanity puts its mind to conquering nature and bending it to its will, and a green oasis within the heavily built-up urbanite areas around the Guangchou Gyre, diving tours offering a glimpse beneath the water's surface to the teeming forest hiding beneath.

-[X] Political
--[X] Yoink Chinese Specialists and Intelligentsia (+3 Reputation)

(12 + 1 = 13 - Minor Breakthrough)
It should come as no surprise that, when faced with the choice of staying within a nation that is recovering from having multiple cities nuked in a civil war or emigrating to a country desperately in need of any specialists, teachers, skilled tradespeople, and more, that the choice would be no choice at all. Over months, when the offer became known to the refugees within China, tens of thousands took the offer, no matter what the culture shock would bring, and rapidly began to acclimate themselves to the culture and laws of Guangchou, as well as their society and norms. That housing was fully government-controlled and could not under any circumstance be bought by citizens turned out to be the surprisingly most noticeable friction point. However, younger generations tended to be far more accepting of such a change, even if other areas, notably the position of women within Guangchou society as complete equals, were still points of friction.

-[X] CyPac
--[X] Freedom's Cry (+1 Reputation)

(1 + 2 = 3 - Sub-Optimal)
It came as too little, too late. Whatever freedom fighters still exist within the country outside of its prisons and its graves have gone to ground. Those we were able to contact have either been those too dumb to make use of what we were trying to give them to any positive effect, or they turned around as soon as our people left to terrorize and plunder the very people they had claimed to try and free from the oppression of the bourgeoisie. South Africa remains within the hands of the West, in the clutches of Imperial America and the Apartheid. Maybe another decade must pass before the seeds of oppression have grown enough to spur a new generation with fire in their bellies and the old who have known defeat to fight once more as a united people, but that decade shall not pass in an instant even if we wish it to be so.

-[X] Wei Jungming
--[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
---[X] Went camping with the family, taught the children about the stars, plants, and animals, harvesting food, bushcraft, told them the legends and stories of the country, in short, had a good time.

"What animal is that?" Chaoxiang asked her father, pointing up at a branch far overhead where she had spotted a small bird with a red plume and shimmering green coat of feathers.

"That would be a...Fire-born Green Shimmer," he told her, looking up from a small notebook with a squint in his eyes.

"Weird name," she commented instead, watching the bird clean itself, a small feather of shimmering green falling to the floor before she lost sight of it in the greenery.

"Oh, and what would you name it then?" Her dad asked, ruffling her hair as the two of them returned to their camp, mirth in his voice as she swatted his hand away in annoyance. Now she'd have to comb it again!

"...Li," she said and then ignored her father's laughter.

"You can't just name an entire species Li!" He chuckled, and privately, Chaoxiang decided that she would discover a new species and name it Li.

If Bara could, so could she!

---[X] Started writing, mainly but not only Steamy Romance Novels with your wife (as subject, co-author, or both varies from one novel to another); what is this nonsense of "pen name"? If someone has a problem with your books, they can come and tell you to your face.
"And then she boobily breasted down the stairs to spite the matriarchy!" Jungmin grandly declared, shaking his fist at the air, deeply engrossed in his dramatic reading of the worst book he could deliberately write.

"Why. Why do I do these things to me," Mai groaned, trying to murder herself via pillow in her face as she listened to her man reading onward.

"For you see, she was the CHOSEN BOOBER!" He spoke with thunder and glee, causing another wave of groans and pleas to kill her now from Mai.

He ignored her. She had lost that bet and would suffer as much as he had while writing this book. And he'd force her to listen to all 643 pages!

--[X] Lover Action
---[X] Participated in various sporting competitions together, perhaps an aquatic triathlon

"So what have we learned?" Jungmin asked from beside Mai, Chaoxiang and Jangmi doodling on their mother's leg cast with all manner of pencils and colors.

"That you suck as a spotter?" Mai bit back, glaring as Jungmin grinned at her with his arm in a cast, already doodled on to its fullest extent.

"Well, you were mighty distracting," he replied, waggling his eyebrows. This earned him a whack on his head with a magazine. "Ow."

{-2 People's Opinion per Turn due to increased demands for QoL and Civilian Goods.
+1 to all Actions (1x Professionals To The Fore!)
Awed Ambition: +2 to Space Actions (Electronics, Metallurgy, Education), +1 to All Automation Projects
Automated-Communism Manifesto: +1 to all Automation Projects (Global)}

+2 to any (lowest first, then closest to Breakthrough) Action
+2 to any Artisinal Initiative
+2 to Mingxiang CyberSyn System 1.1.0
+2 to Weisoft
+2 to any Meat-Based Project
+6 to your first Civilian Rocket Project
+2 to Designing a Torpedo

Reputation - (68/100 Reputation - Appreciative Clapping)
People's Opinion - (71/100 People's Opinion- A Happy People Are Eager To Build A Better Future.)
History Page - (A name, several pages of your life, the Iwo Jima Crisis of 1974, links to dissertations of the Thai-Brain Drain, Iron Tiger, and Supercomputer Programs, alongside the Guang Healthcare Collapse of 1980. Several dozen pages and links to dissertations are dedicated to your advancement of multiple technologies. A dozen links and pages devoted to your influence on the Automatic Technocratic Movement (ATM). Three dozen pages and several dozen links to more regarding the Cybernetic Pact and its effects on Politics, History, and African Unity. Several dates of important milestones in your life, political and private. Horny memes due to your large family and the various scientific advancements made by specific sectors of Guang Industry.)

[Statistics Bureau]
-1 (Lacking) / ---
Food: -1 (Lacking) / +/-
Healthcare: -2 (Under Strain) / +++
Fuel: -1 (Lacking) / +/-
Available Recruits: +1 (Surplus) / --

Light Industry - Adequate - (Slight Downwards Trend)
Heavy Industry - Good - (Slight Upwards Trend)
Military Industry - Good - (Slight Upwards Trend)
Agriculture - Good - (Upwards Trend)

[] (Optional: Write-In Commiewood Project) (No Plan)

[] Infrastructure

-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Das Kapital Planned City (Mega-Project) (Trigger Sub-Vote)
-[] Build A Monument Within The Capital
--[] A Natural Park/Space/Building (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
---[] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed-use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population and pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
--[] A Statue/Art Installation (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful)
-[] Expand Your Public Transit Bus System (Extremely Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Energy-Efficient Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
--[] The Universal Building (-8 Reputation)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful)
-[] Public Radio/Televisions (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(Add TVs/Radios to specific public venues where people can get entertained and informed in a social setting. Once again, it lets you have some access to these sorts of luxury goods without needing to make a lot of radios and TVs.)
-[] Develop a Tourism Sector
-[] Increase the allotted number of Restaurants (+4 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Light Industry
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (0/2 to Full Coverage) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Your Train Network (Helpful)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
--[] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)
-[] Build Vitamin Supplement Factory (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
[] Develop Solar Cauldron (-1 Reputation)
-[] Develop Thermal Battery (+1 Reputation)
-[] Water Desalination (-1 Reputation)
-[] Oil Processing (+1 Reputation)
-[] Food Processing (-3 Reputation)
-[] Ammonia Production (-2 Reputation)
-[] Mineral Processing (-1 Reputation)
-[] Papermaking (-2 Reputation)
-[] Electrical Generation
[] Implement Just in Time Logistics (-1 Reputation)
[] Implement Continuous Improvement Programs (-3 People's Opinion)
[] Develop Lights-Out Manufacturing (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Appliance Factory Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Furniture Factory Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Household Hardware Factory Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Establish Ateliers (-5 Reputation)
-[] Tailors & Cobblers
-[] Woodworkers
-[] Metalworkers
[] Establish Rubber Plantations (-4 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Bulk Textiles Mill (-3 People's Opinion)
[] Generic Bulk Clothing Factory Complex (+1 People's Opinion)
[] Establish More Publishing Houses (+3 People's Opinion)
[] Build Breweries (+4 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Bottled Drinks Factory Complex (+2 People's Opinion)
[] Food Dehydration Plant Complex (-1 Reputation)
[] Petrochemical Plant Complex (+3 Reputation)
[] Pharmaceuticals Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Chemical Commodities Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
-[] Ammonia (Fertilizer)
[] Fine Chemicals Plant Complex (+1 Reputation)
-[] Agrochemicals (Pesticides)
[] Specialty Chemicals Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Inorganic Chemicals Plant Complex (+1 Reputation)
[] Polymer Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Consumer Chemical Plant Complex (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2/+2 to Geothermal Power (Trade/Omake))
-[X] Cosmodrome (Mega-Project - 6/8 Actions) (Automatic - No Cost)
-[X] Native Space Industrial Complex (Mega-Project - 6/8 Actions) (Automatic - No Cost)
-[] Cyberdize Heavy Industry Sector (Mega-Project - 3/12 Actions)
--[] Twin Hammer Heavy Industry Expansion
(Heavy Industry Cyberization projects are completed over time due to increased interest from workers and political pressure from the Military, who want to afford to build cool boats.)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Guangchou Semiconductor Manufacturing Cooperative (Mega-Project - 0/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation)
(With this project, we will be able to build...everything relating to electronics, not merely cheaper but also in far less time than before!)
-[] Build A Superconductor Foundry (Mega-Project - 0/4 Actions) (-1 Reputation)
(Must build Superconductor Foundry before the Nuclear Attack Submarine Type 9 can be finished.)
-[] Construct Housing Factory Complex - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)
-[] Build Structural Insulated Panel Factory Complex (-10 Reputation)
(Steel Mill, Glass Factory, and Bamboo Mill for durable, lightweight panels that reduce the need for heating/cooling during summer and winter.)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Steel Foundry Complex (Harmful) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant Complex (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Construct Power Plants (Helpful)
-[] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful)
-[] Improve Your Metallurgical Institute (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Research The "Incidental Star Blood Development Process" (???) (Requires Improved Metallurgical Institute)
-[] Develop Hydrothermal Carbonization (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct Electronics Factories Complex (+4 Reputation)
-[] Crack the 600 nm Process (Mega Project - 0/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Additional Harbors (Helpful)
-[] Construct Merchant Marine Vessels
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Industrial IT-Skeleton (+5 Reputation) (Helpful)
-[] Design A Civilian Ship (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] New Fishing Trawler
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] Design Cauldrons (Geothermal) (Mega Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(Mega-industrial parks that use geothermal power for thermal processes and electricity generation. Self-sufficient in terms of power needs and capable of exporting power to the grid while heating nearby greenhouses and homes.)
-[] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 6/10) (Helpful)
(Lay The Dragon's Spine, The central trunk line running the island's length, the Dragon's Limbs, branching rail lines headed to major and middling cities, and the Dragon's Claws - Streetcars for the larger cities. With this, your nation will finally be able to fully utilize the breadth and width of all available industrial might!)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-And Aquaculture
-[] Cyberdize Agricultural Sector (Mega-Project - 0/7 Actions) (-9 Reputation)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Guangchou Gyre Deep Water Fertilization (Mega-Project - 0/9 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (Extremely Helpful)
(The Bay of Guangchou has a nice enormous ocean gyre spun up by the Taiwan current as it passes by the mouth of the bay, keeping the water relatively contained. If you had enough power, you could sink pumps to the bottom of the bay and pump cool, nutrient-rich water to the surface, where phytoplankton could thrive and become food for larger fish. In addition, nutrient-rich water would help kelp grow in the shallows and regulate the temperature to extend its growing season.)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory Complex (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Build a Herbicide & Pesticide Plant Complex (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Pre-Made Food Factory Complex (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Marine Farming (-3 Reputation)
(While naturally occurring kelp forests are an excellent food source, You can also improve the yield of a kelp farm by cultivating mussels, scallops, and oysters in predator-proof containers and laying traps for shellfish along the bottom.)
-[] Solar Dehydrator Plant (Experimental) (-3 Reputation)
(Due to the low-temperature drying, solar-powered food dehydrators are simple and cheap to construct and preserve more nutrients than canning.)
-[] Develop And Test Novel Food Production Methods (Mega-Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(You can create further ways to make use of your available farming space to boost production with Industrial Mycoculture, Urban Permaculture Initiatives, Forest Farming (though you'll take full credit for that since IJ stole that idea from you!), Silvopasture, and Agroforestry)
-[] Create Insect Farm Complexes (-1 Reputation) (Helpful)
(Cricket and Mealworm Protein Cultivation are a cheap, plentiful, and versatile way to increase protein in people's diets.)
-[] Construct an Experimental Vertical Hydroponics Test-Building (+1 Reputation)
-[] Pemican Production Factory Complex (-2 Reputation) (Helpful)
(An ancient recipe from the Americas, made of powdered meat and fat that can be stored for years in a sealed container. Maintaining a stockpile will be full insurance against a poor harvest.)
-[] Seed Treatment Factory Complex (-2 Reputation)
(Seeds can be treated with various compounds to increase their germination chances and resistance to sickness.)
[] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+1 Reputation) (Helpful)
[] Fund Agricultural Veterinary Care (-3 Reputation)
[] Develop Fish Ranching (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Soldier's Councils (Triggers Sub-Vote)
(Bring communism to the barracks! And the cockpits! And the decks!)
-[] Create A Dedicated Coast Guard
-[] Design Two Iron Tiger Systems/A New Iron Tiger (Describe) (+5 Reputation)
--[] The Fateful Seal IT (Iron Tiger Revolver)
(The FS-IT is a Fateful Seal redesigned for iron tiger use, developed to use 130x800mmR shells. The FS-IT, just like the FS, uses a 6-or-7-round cylinder and can shoot HE, SAP, and AP shells.)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Credit Where It's Due (Light Scout Tank)
(Taking inspiration from the FT-17 (shape) and T-55A (armor and suspension), the CWID is the first native LST produced in Guangchou. Weighing 28 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a heavy machine gun mounted on a pintle on the turret top; it is crewed by four crew and possesses a top speed of 48km/h. Though, it is notably light on the armor for a tank.)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] MiS-27 (Multi-Role Jet)
(The MiS-27 is a Multi-Role jet aircraft, its shape inspired by the MiG-21, with the J37 providing its radical delta wing configuration. Flown by one pilot and armed with 2 Modified 25mm M/71 autocannons, this Jet also sports eight modular hardpoints to add rockets, bombs, fuel tanks, and supplies as needed or wanted.)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Police Carrier (Light Assault APC)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h off-road, this vehicle can transport its four crew and six passengers where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet 2A28 Grom, eight missiles, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations.)
--[] The BTR-71 (Light Amphibious APC)
(The BTR-71 has the general shape and appearance of the BTR-60 but has just about nothing in common. Weighing 20 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a hull machine gun. It is crewed by four crew with a place for eight additional passengers and possesses a top speed of 80 km/h on-road and 12 km/h in water.)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] The Gunagch (Destroyer Escort)
(Weighing at nearly 3kt and 100m long, the Gunagch is propelled by two electric drives/propellers, enabling a maximum speed/range of 25knots/20.000km (12knots). Armed with four 100m BS-4 guns in 2 twin turrets, eight modified 25mm M/71 autocannons in 4 twin mounts, sixteen 15x115mmR KPVT heavy machine guns in 4 quad mounts, and 80 depth charges.)
--[] Develop a Submarine (+3 Reputation)
---[] (Write-In)
-[] Design A Native Artillery/AA/AT Piece (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
--[] The BS-4 (Crewed Anti-Tank)
(The BS-4 is a field and anti-tank gun, taking inspiration from the BS-3. Its primary use is for coastal defense forces, with a six-meter barrel and an 11-meter overall length.)
--[] The Police Carrier Anti-Tank (Self-Propelled AT)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h off-road, this vehicle can transport its five crew where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet KPVT HMG, a rocket-deliver platform, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations. Additionally, the passenger compartment of the PC has been removed in favor of an AT Cannon with a gun shield.)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (Choose Any/All)
--[] Fateful Seal (Revolver)
(The Fateful Seal is designed as a top-break gas-seal revolver, using the Webley and the Nagant M1895 for inspiration. Research shows that as much as 26% of propellant gas escapes through the barrel and cylinder gap. Like more or less all gas-seal revolvers, the FS uses the cartridge case to seal the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. It uses a 13.2x55mmSR cartridge; the flat nose boattail bullet is 13.2 millimeters wide and 15 millimeters tall. It has a level on the right side, like the Webley revolver, and is used for the same purpose. Additionally, with the proposed 4.7-inch to 12-inch long barrels, the FS combines detachable shoulder stock, holster, and a 6-or-7-round cylinder.)
--[] Conscript's Friend (Cheap Pistol)
(The CF is a dead-simple integral box magazine pistol taking inspiration from the Steyr Hahn, the FN 1903, the Browning Hi-Power, and the TT-33. The FN 1903 provided the CF with its general shape and appearance, the Steyr Hahn, integral magazine and stripper clip guide, the Browning Hi-Power knowledge on double-stack magazines, and more modern safety features, and last but not least, the TT-33 gave the CF knowledge on simplicity. Cambered in an 8x40mmSR cartridge, the CF is designed to be as simple as possible while safely chambering its integral 10-round box fed with stripper clips. The handgun is supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the pistol with hand tools.)
--[] Spook's Squeak (Agent Pistol)
(The SQ is more or less a full copy of the Welrod except for its size and particular cartridge. With a total of 203mm in length, the SQ is chambered in the particular 6.5x30mmSR cartridge using a removable 8-shot magazine.)
--[] The Soldiers Pistol (Army Pistol)
The SP is a Browning Hi-Power chambered in 10x37mmSR and fed from a 10 to 20-round detachable double-stack magazine with a barrel length of 12 cm and an overall length of 20 cm, not counting the detachable combination stock.
--[] Name Pending (Flaregun)
(The NP is a small, light, single-shot break-action flare gun inspired by the Sturmpistole.)
-[] Design A Native Service Weapon (Rifle, SMG, Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket launcher, Etc.) (Describe) (Choose Any/All) (+1 Reputation)
--[] The Police's Friend (Bolt-Action Rifle with shotgun+grenade capabilities)
(The PF, just like FS, is meant to be used by police and rear line units and is a bolt-action rifle design taking inspiration from the Lee-Enfield, the Swedish Mauser, and the Fateful Seal. The Swedish Mauser provided the PF with its general shape, appearance, and stripper clip guide, the Lee-Enfield magazine and sling mounts, and the Fateful Seal gave the PF the base for its unique 12 g under-barrel revolver shotgun. The PF is meant to be able to use 40mm rifle grenades such as HEAT, HE, and Smoke, with the under-barrel shotgun supposed to be primarily used for riot control in police use and rear line units. Chambered in the same 13.2x55mmSR cartridge as the Fateful Seal, the PF is fed from a 10-round detachable magazine with a 25-inch barrel length and a 40-inch overall length.)
--[] The Militia's Friend (Cheap SMG)
(The MF is a crude SMG, taking inspiration from the Sten, PPS, Swedish m/45 SMG, MP 40, and MP 3008. The MF, just like the CF, is meant to be used not by the Military but by the militia forces of Guangchou. The Swedish m/45 gave the MF its general shape and appearance; the MP 3008 gave the shoulder stock; the PPS its knowledge of curved magazines; the MP 40, the safety features and sling mounts; and the Sten simplicity. With a fire rate of 570 rounds per minute, it chambers the 8x40mmSR cartridge from a 20- to 30-round detachable box magazine or a 50-round drum with a 20-inch barrel and a 28-inch overall length. The MF is designed to be as simple as possible while still safely chambering its cartridge, and it's supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the "submachine" gun using hand tools.)
--[] The Soldiers Friend (Mainstay Select-Fire Rifle)
(The SF is a relatively simple select-fire rifle taking inspiration from the AVS-36, the Fedorov Avtomat, the BAR, and the FG 42. It is meant to be used by professional forces, not police or militia. The BAR provided the SF with its general shape and appearance, the FG 42, the operational and gas system, the Fedorov Avtomat, the magazine, the dust cover, the AVS-36, and the muzzle brake and sling mounts. The SF has a fire rate of 406 to 610 rounds per minute, chambering the 6.5x57mmSR cartridge fed from a 20 or 25-round detachable box magazine while possessing a 28-inch barrel and a 40-inch overall length. The SF is designed to be a reasonably uncomplicated weapon yet modern and meant to be the main arm of the Military while still being cheap to produce.)
--[] The Guard's Arm (Costly High-Magazine SMG)
(The GA is a costly high-quality submachine gun taking inspiration from the Browning Hi-Power, the MP 40, MP 5, and the Conscripts Friend and is meant to be used by the secret service and the guards of various military-industrial and laboratory installations. The conscript's friend gave the GA its general shape and appearance, the MP 5 its action, the MP 40 the detachable muzzle ring, and the Browning Hi-Power the detachable double-stack magazine alongside modern safety features. The weapon has a fire rate of 457 to 800 rounds per minute, chambered in a 6.5x30mmSR cartridge from a 10 to 30-round detachable double-stack magazine or 48-round detachable double-stack drum. The GA is 457mm long, not counting the detachable shoulder stock, and has a detachable muzzle ring that can be unscrewed to attach a suppressor.)
--[] The Workers Might (Crewed Anti-Tank System)
The WM is a recoilless rifle design inspired by the Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle and the German 10.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40. It is an anti-tank weapon meant for service with professional forces. The LG 40 gave the WM its general shape and appearance; the Carl Gustaf gave it its hinged breech. The WM uses unique 152x305mmR shells capable of firing HE and HEAT ammunition.
--[] The Soldiers Arm (Mainstay SMG)
The SA is a simple submachine gun inspired by the United Defense M42 and the M50 Reising, meant to be used by professional forces. The UD M42 provided the SA its general shape, appearance, and wooden foregrip, and the M50 Reising gave the sights and sling mounts. The SA has a rate of fire of 570 to 800 rounds per minute, chambering the 10x37mmSR cartridge from a 20 to 30-round detachable double-stack box magazine or a 50-round detachable double-stack drum with a 35.6 cm long barrel and an overall length of 61 cm.
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe)
--[] Develop Naval Rockets (Mega-Project - 0/2 Actions)
--[] Develop a Rocket Engine (+1 Reputation)
--[] Develop a Rocket (+2 Reputation)
--[] Develop an Orbital Satellite (Mega-Project - 0/3 Actions) (+8 Reputation)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Submarine Yard (Submarine) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Torpedo Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Interior Defences
-[] Construct An Airfield
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory Complex (What) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
--[] Construct Military Electronics Factory Complex (-4 Reputation)
-[] Naval Shipbuilding Expansion (Mega-Project - 0/9 Actions) (+4 Reputation)
(We need to train more people and expand our heavy shipbuilding industry; once taken, this project will be completed independently due to military interest and popular buy-in.
Must be completed to build Small Carriers.)
-[] Mingxiang Astronautics Expansion (+3 Reputation)
-[] Mingxiang Rocketry Expansion (+5 Reputation)
-[] Navy Modernization (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Raise a (Mechanized Combat Engineer) Formation
-[] Design the IT Gen 2.5 Using Lessons Of The Civil War (+5 Reputation)
-[] Raise An Iron Tiger Formation (Generation+Purpose)
--[] Write-In Chosen Purpose
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social
-[] Expand Your Television Station (New Channel Name and Focus)
--[] The Social Revolution TV Channel (-1 Chinese Opinion)
(Focuses on the social aspects of communism, why they're essential, and how they tie into the broader communist project. It covers things like gender equality, the importance of contraception, why you shouldn't discriminate against queer people, readings and debates about Marx's later works where he refutes many of his earlier theories about stages, etc. (Head to Head is a popular segment where they bring the PRC and USSR ambassadors on the show to have them debate over their differing orthodoxies - people have started betting on which one will 'win.'))
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion) (+5 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Worker's Conditions (Helpful)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Labour Reforms (Triggers Sub-Turns) (Helpful/Harmful) (+/-? People's Opinion) (+/-? Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-7 Reputation)
-[] Expand Medical Education (-4 Reputation) (+3 People's Opinion) (Helpful)
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease Required) (Extremely Helpful)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
--[] International Production And Doctors (Helpful) (-11 Reputation) (-9 People's Opinion)
-[] Improve Foreign Intelligence Service
--[] Industrial Espionage in Japan (-5 Reputation) (Suspicious)
(Right now, there's a wide variance in the effectiveness of your foreign intelligence agents, which suggests a need for more effective mentorship and information transfer from the more successful ones to the less successful ones. Formalizing a training program means institutionalizing the knowledge of your best agents (with a focus on industrial espionage in Japan) should go a long way toward delivering more reliable results. Of course, industrial espionage may not be as glamorous as the political and military games the CIA and KGB played. Still, it's easier and has a better long-term payoff for the nation. Furthermore, narrowing the focus to Japan due to proximity, an abundance of high-tech industry, and ease of letting your agents blend into the population allows us to get the most optimal results for the effort invested.)
--[] Western Heavy Machinery For Reverse Engineering
--[] (Write-In Target/Activity)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Leader Pushed Developments
--[Y] Healthcare Reform (Mega-Project - 30/47 Actions) (Automatic +6 Actions per Turn)
--[] Reform Government Structure (Mega-Project - 0/10 Actions) (Triggers Sub-Vote) (-60 Reputation)
-[] The Dragon's Den - The Dragon Rail Network is looking ever more like a thing that can be put off "for now" every time you seek to begin work, and with a year already having passed, you'd rather begin work now, than have to force a shock labor order later. By wrangling everyone behind the project, you'd be able to not only complete it but also expand the urban and agricultural spaces of Guangchou by using convenient sites along the way, further increasing its positive impact on the people of Guangchou. (Mega-Project 0/34 Actions) (-17 Reputation) (+1 Automatic Progress per Turn once taken.)
--[] Continued Spreading of The People's Theology (+4 Reputation) (+5% CyPac Cohesion)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire for our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
--[] Medical Student Exchange with Cuba (Helpful) (-4 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion)
--[] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
("In Guangchou, you will be free to be and love as your truest self, free from bigotry and oppression based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. If you want to help build a better world, come to Guangchou." The Internationalists will spread the word through their contacts abroad that Guangchou LACKS engineers and scientists, accountants, doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great Leader's ambitious plans and that Guangchou ALSO has more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. We could attract many learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.)
--[] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
(A lot of nations are currently facing unrest or ethnic cleansing. We could exploit the fleeing populations and persecuted intellectuals to boost our native capabilities. Oh, and help the refugees, too.
---[] (Write-In)
--[] Southeast Asian Communist Kinship Programm (+3 Reputation)
-[] National Consulting Services (+2 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and suggest how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-5 Reputation)
-[] International
--[] (Write-In)
-[] Technologists
--[] Improve the Statistics Bureau (Focus) (-3 Reputation) (Political Consequences For Their Findings)
--[] Vocational Shock Effort (Helpful) (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Search for geologic hydrogen sources in Guangchou & nearby (-5 Reputation)
--[] Research the production of hydrogen in nuclear reactors (-4 Reputation)
--[] Research hydrogen fuel cells, furnaces, and storage (-5 Reputation)
--[] Develop the use of optical fibers as acoustic sensors (-1 Reputation)
--[] (Write-In)
-[] Militarists
--[] Create a dedicated branch of Military Engineers (+Allies)
--[] Sharpen Military Encryption Protocols (+2 Reputation)
--[] Create A Permanent Cryptography Research Working Group (+5 Reputation)
--[] Create A Permanent Working Group To Prope Our Encryption And Cybersecurity For Weaknesses (+3 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Cybernetic Pact (1 Action Free)
-[] NK promised Supercomputer (Promised Next 5-Year-Plan)
-[] Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang (Within this Plan - Required for continued Membership)
-[] Military Intervention (Country) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation)
-[] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Egypt (Infrastructure and Housing)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Libya (Electronics)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Togo (Show 'Em We Ain't Bad)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Guinea (Industrial Aid)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Ethiopia (Generic)
-[-] Freedom's Cry (+5 Reputation)
South Africa has long been under the yoke of imperialists, capitalists, tyrants, and the West. It is time that those who fight against their oppressive regime are armed and trained as befitting a people yearning to be free!
-[] A Red Rising Continued (+4 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Inter-Alliance Culinary Exchange (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] (Write-In)
[] Secret And High-Security Projects
-[] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT Again
-[] Mingxiang CyberSyn System 1.1.0 (Mega-Project - 2/10 Actions) (-6 Reputation)
-[] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 0/3 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (-7 People's Opinion)
-[] Nuclear Reactor Factory (Mega-Project - 0/4 Actions) (???)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
-[] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)

AN: That should be all. Please @ me if something is missing/incomplete.
Last edited:
Fur, Feather, Fin - Cave Leach - (Non-Canon)
Cave leach

Undisputedly one of the most repulsive denizen of the Guang ecosystems,writhing, serpentine, shaped vermicular carnivores of the tepid sludge that suffocate the depths of the chasms, they are feeders on the dead and wounded. Carnictis are slow-moving but relentless. Lacking eyes or a face of any sort (unless a sphincter maw of teeth can be considered a face), Cave Leech are little more than an animated stomach that folds in and out of itself with obscene undulation.

They are invertebrates flatworms similar to the related parasitic tapeworms that can infest other species of animal such as humans,the Cave Leech are worm-like blind creatures with fleshy pink skin with black shell that they emerge out of when they sense prey,said shell hare either gray-brown either black with sometimes a mix of the two color in large spots,they have bristles around their necks with a mouth at the end of the neck,he mouth has two rings of teeth, and they are described as being similar to slugs and maggots. the Cave Leech gives off a pestilential odor mix of rotting corpse,mud and faeces,the average adult measures between 1.8 and 3 meters long (6 and 10 feet) and weighs between 180 and 350 kg (400 and 700 books) with exceptional verified specimens up to 5.5 meters (18 feet) and unverified testimony, remains and unverified historical documents up to 13.4 meters (44 feet).

Life cycle:
The life cycle of the Cave Leech begins with the laying of a clutch of between 50 and 20 eggs in a pool of water near the sort of hot spring, if there is not one will be dug by the layer, once laid the layer does not care about its young and leaves them to their fate, after about 20 days the eggs hatch, the hatching of the first tends to cause the hatching of the others, a characteristic which has evolved due to the tendency of the babies to devour the eggs of the latecomers.

The Young Cave Leach will continue to develop over the next five years before reaching adulthood, using its superior agility and speed compared to the older one to reach prey first and hunt insects, sometimes it will injure a birds having caught it hard enough and quickly enough to make it fall back into its lair where it will devour it before it can take off again, each year in the heat of summer when a storm breaks out the moment of reproduction begins, it can happen several times a year if the very hot + storm conditions are met with a maximum recorded of 8 times, the necessity of the storm is to keep them moist and to add more water to the mud of their repair thus facilitating the movement inside, at the moment when the storm begins a mating frenzy occurs, all the young flee so as not to end up crushed, the Cave leech are hermaphrodites reproducing via a pair of cloacae, one for the entry of the semen and one for the exit.

No Cave leech has ever been recorded dying of old age, the reasons being that it is an animal that grows throughout its life without stopping and that it has a very long lifespan, it grows more or less depending on the quantity of food available but the more it grows the more food it needs to survive and the slower it becomes to the point where it dies of starvation once it reaches a certain size because the younger and faster ones have already devoured the prey before it does not arrive or he simply no longer has enough prey, this means that the maximum size of the Leach in a given place depends on how well positioned their sinkhole, cave or other is to trap prey to fall into it, the theoretical maximum lifespan would be around 2700 years thanks to the production of a hormone similar (but more imperfect) to that of Turritopsis dohrnii which would cure the damage caused to the telomeres by time, however even if it had access to sufficient of food to survive the Cae leech would collapse under its own weight long before reaching this age.

The Cave leech is completely devoid of eyes or ears making it deaf and blind, it is located thanks to the vibration, in fact it has an excellent sense of touch allowing it to be felt and interpreted the tiny vibrations of the air, of the water and soil, his sense of taste and smell his average.

They require very specific environmental conditions, living in the geothermal spring-fed sludge that clots the bowls of the island,in the rich organic river that are warmed by the hot, geothermal water bubbling into the syrup of the pits,these need mean that Cave Leech are restricted to the cavernous rents,pits,caves and sinkholes that suit their particular needs. Squirming downstream through the muck to where the chasms open into rivers is death. The cooling water sucks their life away, while any pit that sees a drought of carrion or fresh meat will similarly devastate the great worm,however to counter that problematic situation the Cave worm has developed a survival strategy. While the adults are susceptible to change, eggs can survive for decades in a dormant state, waiting for a return of favorable conditions to hatch and spread.

The vast majority of the time the Cave leech will be folded up buried in the mud retaining its strength, it will only move and release its mouth during reproduction times, to feed, in the event of danger or similar problems,they act extremely agresively at any time they are not sleeping.

Undisputed master of their small ecological niche the only ones attacking Cave Leech are certain birds of prey which target very young ones, parasites and rarely very stupid humans wanting to prove their courage or poach, Cave Leech hunting (it's a say carried out successfully, the failures are nicknamed Cave Leech feeding) is rare due to the great danger of attacking a scavenger which is also a pack predator favoring ambushes in its favorite environment as well as the prohibitions on doing so and the resulting trophies being extremely ugly.

Mainly scavengers, the Leech caves will feed on the carcasses crushed on the ground of anything that has the misfortune of falling into their lair, if it did not die instantly from the fall, found another path or managed to descend without fallen then they will rush on the prey which would probably have preferred to be dead to submerge it under their numbers tearing them alive thanks to their agility,numbers,numerous sharp teeth,extreme agresivity and the great strength of their muscles if the prey is large enough to prevent their preferred method,However if the prey is small or medium (yes that includes humans) then they can proceed with their favorite method which consists of swallowing it whole without considering whether it is alive or dead thanks to the very extensible skin and muscle taht constitue most of their body, any prey that successfully repels the first wave will be harassed. until exhaustion and blood loss causes the inability to defend themselves before finally being devoured, the Cave Leech are also cannibals who have no hesitation in feeding on the dead, weak, sick and wounded of their own species, once satisfied a Cave Leech will fold up and enter a state of digestive nap where the prey will be slowly dissolved in the gastric fluids of the leech.

Interesting anecdotes:
There are several species of cave insects that have developed a parasitic relationship with the Cave Leech. They lay their eggs in the mud and water where the Cave Leech lives to be ingested by said leech or if they are very lucky a carcase not yet devoured, most eggs never survive to hatching, destroyed by other bugs or drowned in the thick muck. However, a lucky few survive long enough to be ingested by the Cave Leech, later hatching in the worm's gut, where they spend their larval stage living as intestinal parasites. Years later, fattened on the meat they steal from their worm host, they undergo a metamorphosis and emerge from the flatworm's rectum as miniature versions of the adults, crawling out to join their parents as free-roving scavengers of the "abyss".

At the time of the British embassy a missionary decided to cross the jungle to reach a village he had heard about and spread the word of his gods, his guide died on the way from what is now theorized to be a heart attack, being three quarters of the way he decided to continue rather than turn back he quickly got lost and ended up falling into one of their nests breaking his leg, he was one of the very lucky few to manage to survive, reamping in a high corner, pushing them back with his pistol whose shock waves caused by the explosions disorientated them, a group of hunters heard him and came to help him threw a vine for him to grab and pulled him up before bringing him back to their village and treating him, he came away with big scars, a leg torn off in the middle of the thigh, smaller pieces of flesh devoured here and there all over his body and a huge mental trauma, once healed and having thanked his saviors with part of the gold he had to finish his journey, he left Guangchou and made it his mission to warn the world against the gates of hell who are in Guangchou and who must be avoided at all costs, thus contributing to the reputation of our nations.

The ancestors of the Cave Leech lived in the guts of large predatory dinosaurs, where they devoured the half-digested flesh swallowed by their hosts. At some point in their history, these gut parasites must have evolved so they could survive outside the confines of their hosts' intestinal tracts. They made their new homes in the geothermal spring-fed sludge that clots the bowls of the island. It is theorized that long ago, a Siamotyrannus or a similar predator fell into one of the chasms and died, its parasite cargo disgorging slowly from the carcass to find themselves in the rich organic river in the pit's base. Instead of drying up and dying, they thrived. Warmed by the hot, geothermal water bubbling into the syrup of the pits, the worms were sustained on the flesh of other animals falling into the chasm from the jungle above. Parasites no longer, they have swelled to disturbing new proportions and have become carrion-eating scavengers/predators of the "abyss." With their new size and strength they can overwhelm and consume live prey , dragging the slow or wounded to their deaths below the surface.

Research into the product allowing the Leech Cave telomeres to regenerate are being considered but initially encountered difficulties due to the problem of acquiring living subjects and the unique environment where these creatures live, requiring numerous studies to replicate it. adequately in order to avoid death in captivity of said study subjects.

The Leech Caves and their lairs were often used against the invaders of Guangchou by bringing patrols and colonies of enemy men to fall in to be devoured, notably the best known is that of the invasion of 1247 or the zip lines installed in above a sinkhole type nest allowed a group of gerillas to lead a group of enemies to chase them running then grab the zip lines to fly over the nest while their pursuer fell into the nest to be devoured alive , the screams were heard by other groups of enemies, greatly demoralizing the invading army.
There is a particularly well-known Cave Leech tune called "The Japanese Hole" where a Japanese bomber crashed during the Great War, the attempts of those who survived the crash to escape during the following days greatly entertained the local populations. between two days tried to save what they could from the rubble of their houses and buried their family, the films of the recordings are still particularly popular, notably the moment where the third pilot is impaled on one of the propellers after his improvised grapple let go, the moment where the propeller slowly turns towards the jaws of a group of Cave leech is very Schadenfreude.

For some reason Cave Leech are completely banned for importation into many nations.

I would be happy to hear any constructive critisism or modification suggestion if i missed something or got it wrong.
Hope you like it.

Any thoughts ?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 10, 2024 at 7:13 AM, finished with 21 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Housing and Immigration
    -[X] Commiewood:
    [X]plan dragon rail + time sensitive stuff
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Democratically Selected Consumer Goods Factory Complex (Kitchenware) (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: +1 PttF) X2
    -[X] Heavy Industry
    --[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 6/10) (Helpful) X4
    [X] Agri-And Aquaculture
    -[X] Develop And Test Novel Food Production Methods (Mega-Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation) X4
    -[X] Social
    --[X] (WRITE-IN) Social Espionage in Japan: the disappearance of the 13500 citizens of guangchou at the hand of the japan during the war has always been like a wound in the mind of the country unable to mourn without certainty of their fate since the japan refuse to say anithing about them, it being worsened by suspicion when the involvement of unit 735 when at their end, it's time to try to put an end to this, find out exactly what happened to them and according to the result, grieve, file a complaint for a crime of war / against the humanity on the Japanese and if you are very lucky bring home any survivors.(if they can find evidence of other war crime the japan comited on us then denied it would be nicetoo).cost :-7 Rep for all the costs involved, takes 2 turns (still one Action), and may not yield anything.
    -[X] Political
    -[X] Populists & Internationalists
    --[X] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
    -[X] Vaccination Campaign (Disease malaria) (Extremely Helpful)
    --[X] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang (Within this Plan - Required for continued Membership
    --[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    -[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
    --[X] Learn to play different musical instruments in family.
    --[X] Trying some "space cakes" that his mother makes with her and his wife.
    -[X] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
    --[X] Make a diplomatic tour in Cipac.
    [X] Housing and Immigration
    -[X] Infrastructure
    --[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
    ---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
    -[X] Heavy Industry
    --[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 10/10) (Helpful)
    -[X] Light Industry
    -[X] Construct Housing Factory Complex - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)
    --[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
    ---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Social
    –[X] Immigrant Settlement Services (Mega-project - 3/3) (-8 Reputation, -2 Public Opinion)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang
    --[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action: Learn to play different musical instruments in family.
    --[X] Personal Action: Trying some "space cakes" that his mother makes with her and his wife.
    -[X] Lover Action: Take a diplomatic tour of CyPac.
1984 - H2 - Diplomatic Reach
[X] Housing and Immigration
-[X] Commiewood:
An animated series presenting through various love/relationship stories a maximum of the genders, sexual and Romantic orientations that exist to the best of the current knowledge.
The objectives of the series are:
1. Be an entertaining, wholesome series with (for once) healthy and functional relationships.
2. To educate people about the different sexualities/genders/etc. (It would do a world of good in many places.)
3. Allow people with a non-standard gender/sexuality living in countries less tolerant/educated than Guangchou to be able to put a name to what they feel/are and to know that, no, they are not weird monsters for what they feel or want.
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 10/10) (Helpful)
-[X] Light Industry
-[X] Construct Housing Factory Complex - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)
--[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
--[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
--[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Social
–[X] Immigrant Settlement Services (Mega-project - 3/3) (-8 Reputation, -2 Public Opinion)
-[X] CyPac
--[X] Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang
--[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: Learn to play different musical instruments in the family.
--[X] Personal Action: Trying some "space cakes" his mother makes with her and his wife.
-[X] Lover Action: Take a diplomatic tour of CyPac.
-[X] Commiewood:
An animated series presenting through various love/relationship stories a maximum of the genders, sexual and Romantic orientations that exist to the best of the current knowledge.
The objectives of the series are:
1. Be an entertaining, wholesome series with (for once) healthy and functional relationships.
2. To educate people about the different sexualities/genders/etc. (It would do a world of good in many places.)
3. Allow people with a non-standard gender/sexuality living in countries less tolerant/educated than Guangchou to be able to put a name to what they feel/are and to know that, no, they are not weird monsters for what they feel or want.

"The animated edutainment (educational entertainment) series "So Many Ways To Love" is a series created by a small team from within the Third District of Guangchou, and had, at its beginning, to struggle with budget allocations and a lack of talented animators, leading to the early-series janky-ness that nonetheless managed to be turned into a strength by the team with a simple yet ingenious trick. In the show, an Artificial Intelligence is sent to Earth by an unnamed space-faring nation to study and catalog humanity, with said AI kidnapping a trio of humans from the planet; a Guang, a West German, and a South African, to help it in its understanding by providing varied understanding and context to gathered information. The sections where the AI and the trio interact with each other are animated to the expected standard of Commiewood. However, that quickly changes once the narrative of each episode dips into the story segment. There, the style and quality is of noticeably lesser quality, but is outweighed by providing three distinct styles of visuals to the audience depending on who tells the story. The Guang visuals are akin to theater cut-outs moving across the screen, rigid poses, and limited action sets moving about; the West German has a blocky and functional appearance with plenty of pencil strokes and sketch visuals, while the South African shows their segments with watercolors and shapes draped in colors that coalesce and dance, rather than adhere to rigid forms. Each story is started with the AI asking a question about human life, typically something regarding inter-human interaction, and the trio answers in turn, engaging with both the AI and the audience to whom the stories are told. Said stories are typically centered around sexuality, gender roles, norms, and love in all its forms, relayed by the experiences of the trio, and heavily show functional relationships rather than the usual standard of entertaining and drama-filled relationships usually shown in TV that would be unimaginably toxic in the real world. Surprisingly, the show has become a far greater success story in West African Countries than in Guangchou."
-A Retrospective On The Cultural Impacts Of Commiewood, 2000.

[USSR] [Create The мать-медведица]
The USSR has announced the finalization of a homegrown Iron Tiger program, revealing to their people and the world the "Mother Bear" Iron Tiger, a massive engineering suit designed to work both with its in-built tools and supplied scale-appropriate machines for the army first as engineers, before beginning production runs for the civilian industries. Vaguely humanoid, the suit resembles a gorilla in its hunched-over form and oversized arms and hands, with the latter rugged and detailed enough that the suit operators should be able to perform any action with them that human hands should be able to do. Naturally, as if to not be outshone despite the superior Russian engineering, the USA has revealed its Iron Tiger.

[USA] [Create The Vertically Integrated Propulsion Raider - VIPR - Gen1 US Mech]
Abomination. That is the only way to call this...thing. It''s a snake. A snake with guns. Four on its body, one in its mouth. The body-guns are machine guns, while the mouth-cannon is...a cannon. Why. Why did they make this thing? Why did they spend billions on such an obvious bondoogle? And why is it actually working well in the fucking desert and swamps?!

-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation) x2

(4 + 9 + 2 + 2 [Omake] = 17 / 2 = 8,5 - Optimal)
A new swath of construction begins across many cities of Guangchou, the rising squat blocks of the LSEEH's rising one by one, now aided by the constructed Housing Factory Complex (HFC) delivering blocks upon blocks of pre-fabricated and constructed rooms, walls, facades, stairwells, and more. What had previously taken around 8 months to create now takes less than 5, with quality assurances and inspections rising by more than 400% as assurance that the created housing is without any long-term (40+ years) faults and safe for human habitation. Thankfully, the expected rise in faulty construction or slip of quality does not happen, even after the third round of independent and non-interacting inspectors finish their verdict. The housing program continues with full steam ahead as hundreds of families move into their new housing with glee and relief at the sharp rise in living quality finally reaching their end of the island.

-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 10/10) (Helpful)

(10 + 9 + 4 + 1 +4 = 28 / 4 = 7 + 8,8 = 15,8 / 2 = 7,9 - Optimal)
One could call it a miracle, but none would deny that it was the pure power and sheer enthusiasm of the workers of Guangchou that enabled the construction of the Dragon Rail within such a short time frame, with merely slight overshoot and less waste of materials, trains running all across the island at full steam already. Line after line is declared open for transportation, and thousands soon settle into routines of public long-distance transport to visit family, cities, or vacation spots, with freight trains arriving on the networks and taking no time at all to lift the already rising economy higher and higher, productivity rising sharply across all industries. In fact, not a single sector reports anything but increasing industrial activity, massive amounts of suddenly available transportation capacity boosting the economy of the nation day by day. An economic boom is upon us!

-[X] Light Industry
--[X] Construct Housing Factory Complex - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)

(11 + 1 = 12 - Boosted)
Section A - 1.348 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~3 Months
Section B - 842 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~3 Months
Section C.a - 645 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~2 Months
Section C.b - 341 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~3 Months
Section C.c - 107 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~5 Months
Section D.a - 348 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~3 Months
Section D.b - 682 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~3 Months
Section E - 555 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~4 Months
Section F.a - 378 Orders Remaining...ETA: ~1 Month

--[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-3 Reputation) x3
---[X] Democratically Elected (+3 People's Opinion)

(5 + 10 + 10 + 3 = 28 / 3 = 9,3 - Boosted)
New sets of factory complexes begin construction within several cities in Guangchou, their products and lines decided after a vote by a Local Congress, and workers soon entered the halls of those factories to begin production of more Arcade Machines, clothing, and art and writing supplies ranging from pens to scissors to glue to paint and glitter. So much glitter. However, the Arcade Factory Complex also begins with the production of a limited run of prototype "Save Chips" for the very same Arcades, capable of holding the "save data" of any game designated as a [Loop] game. Within, character data and items can be stored for second, third, or more sessions of such games without a loss of progress. Time will tell how popular such things will be.

-[X] Social
--[X] Immigrant Settlement Services (Mega-project - 3/3) (-8 Reputation, -2 Public Opinion)

(2 + 9 + 5 + 3 = 19 / 3 = 6,3 - Optimal)
"Papers, Please," the woman said, and I gave her the small collection of books given to us by the Ministry Man who had handled our case. Tired eyes roamed the small books, swift hands checking for any discrepancies before a green stamp descended with five chunky 'thunk' 'thunk' 'thunk' 'thunk' 'thunk's onto the paper. "Last check cleared; welcome to Guangchou. Report to your Immigration and Assimilation Officer at the end of the hall in room..." the woman leaned back and checked something on a glowing screen before leaning forward again, "room 17c. One left, two rights. Follow the blue line if you are lost. NEXT!" And with that, we were through.
-Memories of Flight, an Atomic Refugee Recalls

-[X] CyPac
--[X] Mozambique - Promised Native Mingxiang

(5 + 1 = 6 - Optimal)
The arrival of the large ships from Guangchou did not come without fanfare or notice, as the cargo of the cargo ships held what promised to be the start of a golden age for the people of Mozambique; the streets of Maputo overflowing with crowds trying to catch a glimpse of the vast and massive arrays of computers promised years ago and finally delivered. When the first ship's captain leaves the ramp, they are welcomed by a committee, cameras flash, and an orchestra plays as every string and lever is pulled to unite the people behind the show of cooperation and socialist unity of and from Guangchou and the Cybernetic Pact, especially now that the civil war has come to an end. That is not to say that all went swimmingly, far from it; a lot of delays were encountered, and an entirely new power plant had to be constructed in tandem with the Mingxiang being assembled, but it was a step into a future where computational power would hold more sway than human hands in the allocation of resources within the minutia than the macro. It is not without reason, then, that the proceedings were watched carefully by eyes and ears, reporting to foreign masters sitting on the thrones of imperial conquests and hegemony.

--[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
(5 + 1 = 6 - Optimal)
[Senate Passes The "Foreign Propaganda Exclusion Act" With A Slight Majority]
-Los Angeles Times

[Poll Suggests That 77% Of All Americans Fear A Rising Red Americas]
-The New York Times

[President Reagan Delivers Blistering Speech Denouncing The Accusations Of Warmongering]
-Star Tribune

[Cowards Or Communists - Why Stay Your Hand?]
-The Washington Post

["Who Do You Trust? Communists Or Americans?"]
-USA Today

[Reagan Atop A Mountain of Corpses]
-The Boston Globe

-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: Learn to play different musical instruments in the family.

It takes some finagling of Jungmin's schedule, but with some work, a few hours are shaken loose here and there, enough to take some lessons in some of the instruments he had always had some interest in; Bo Ni quick to learn the violin with a passion, one he and Mai happily support, even as his other kids do not seem to enjoy the musical lessons as much. Nonetheless, there is some good time to be had and some new developments to be explained. Daiyu has officially told Jungmin, Mai, and his siblings that they do not wish to be addressed as He and Him anymore but as They and Them. They seemed far more confident after saying such, like a burden had been taken from their shoulders, a burden both of his parents had noticed but not talked about to allow them to come to their conclusion and solution themselves. A little paperwork later, the declaration is officially noted within the system.

--[X] Personal Action: Trying some "space cakes" his mother makes with her and his wife.
"Where is the rest?"
"What rest?"
"I...I gave you two each an entire hand-cake. Did...please tell me you both didn't eat them completely?!"
"...Why? I told you not to!"
"Well, we weren't feeling anything after an hour, so we ate them."
"...I'll go get you water for after your trip. It's gonna be wild, boy."

--[X] Lover Action: Take a diplomatic tour of CyPac.
From Yugoslavia to Albania, Afghanistan to Syria, Egypt to Western Sahara, Madagascar, Mali, and Nicaragua, a massive nearly 4-month-long diplomatic journey begins for Jungmin, spending half a week within each member-nation of the Cybernetic Pact for diplomatic talks, speeches, comradery, economic talks, and cultural appreciation. From speaking to the people influenced by the liberation theology project to the workers of Albania asking questions about that far-off and queer land Jungmin hails from, paying his respects at Nasser's Grave in Egypt, working alongside the women of the Women's Market Vanguard to dig a well, and even see the devastation wrought by American Money in the Americas, each stop and country draws crowds, draws publicity, and it draws international attention. The tour ends, predictably, in Guangchou, where, upon reaching his bedroom once again, Jungmin proceeds to sleep for 19 hours straight, utterly spent after so long in political mode.

{-2 People's Opinion per Turn due to increased demands for QoL and Civilian Goods.
+1 to all Actions (1x Professionals To The Fore!)
Awed Ambition: +2 to Space Actions (Electronics, Metallurgy, Education), +1 to All Automation Projects
Automated-Communism Manifesto: +1 to all Automation Projects (Global)}

+2 to any Artisinal Initiative
+2 to Mingxiang CyberSyn System 1.1.0
+2 to Weisoft
+2 to any Meat-Based Project
+6 to your first Civilian Rocket Project
+2 to Designing a Torpedo

Reputation - (63/100 Reputation - Appreciative Clapping)
People's Opinion - (82/100 People's Opinion- A Happy People Are Eager To Build A Better Future.)
History Page - (A name, several pages of your life, the Iwo Jima Crisis of 1974, links to dissertations of the Thai-Brain Drain, Iron Tiger, and Supercomputer Programs, alongside the Guang Healthcare Collapse of 1980. Several dozen pages and links to dissertations are dedicated to your advancement of multiple technologies. A dozen links and pages devoted to your influence on the Automatic Technocratic Movement (ATM). Three dozen pages and several dozen links to more regarding the Cybernetic Pact and its effects on Politics, History, and African Unity. Several dates of important milestones in your life, political and private. Horny memes due to your large family and the various scientific advancements made by specific sectors of Guang Industry.)

[Statistics Bureau]
-1 (Lacking) / ++
Food: -1 (Lacking) / -
Healthcare: -2 (Under Strain) / ++++
Fuel: -1 (Lacking) / +/-
Available Recruits: +1 (Surplus) / -

Light Industry - Adequate - (Upwards Trend)
Heavy Industry - Good - (Stagnant)
Military Industry - Good - (Stagnant)
Agriculture - Good - (Slight Upwards Trend)

[] (Optional: Write-In Commiewood Project) (No Plan)

[] Infrastructure

-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Das Kapital Planned City (Mega-Project) (Trigger Sub-Vote)
-[] Build A Monument Within The Capital
--[] A Natural Park/Space/Building (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
---[] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed-use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population and pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
--[] A Statue/Art Installation (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Energy-Efficient Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
--[] The Universal Building (-8 Reputation)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful)
-[] Public Radio/Televisions (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(Add TVs/Radios to specific public venues where people can get entertained and informed in a social setting. Once again, it lets you have some access to these sorts of luxury goods without needing to make a lot of radios and TVs.)
-[] Develop a Tourism Sector
-[] Increase the allotted number of Restaurants (+4 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Light Industry
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (0/2 to Full Coverage) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Your Train Network (Helpful)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
--[] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return those to the factory.)
-[] Build Vitamin Supplement Factory (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
[] Develop Solar Cauldron (-1 Reputation)
-[] Develop Thermal Battery (+1 Reputation)
-[] Water Desalination (-1 Reputation)
-[] Oil Processing (+1 Reputation)
-[] Food Processing (-3 Reputation)
-[] Ammonia Production (-2 Reputation)
-[] Mineral Processing (-1 Reputation)
-[] Papermaking (-2 Reputation)
-[] Electrical Generation
[] Implement Just in Time Logistics (-1 Reputation)
[] Implement Continuous Improvement Programs (-3 People's Opinion)
[] Develop Lights-Out Manufacturing (+2 Reputation)
[] Establish Ateliers (-5 Reputation)
-[] Tailors & Cobblers
-[] Woodworkers
-[] Metalworkers
[] Establish More Publishing Houses (+3 People's Opinion)
[] Petrochemical Plant Complex (+3 Reputation)
[] Pharmaceuticals Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Chemical Commodities Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
-[] Ammonia (Fertilizer)
[] Fine Chemicals Plant Complex (+1 Reputation)
-[] Agrochemicals (Pesticides)
[] Specialty Chemicals Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Inorganic Chemicals Plant Complex (+1 Reputation)
[] Polymer Plant Complex (+2 Reputation)
[] Consumer Chemical Plant Complex (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry
-[X] Cosmodrome (Mega-Project - 7/8 Actions) (Automatic - No Cost)
-[X] Native Space Industrial Complex (Mega-Project - 7/8 Actions) (Automatic - No Cost)
-[] Cyberdize Heavy Industry Sector (Mega-Project - 4/12 Actions)
--[] Twin Hammer Heavy Industry Expansion
(Heavy Industry Cyberization projects are completed over time due to increased interest from workers and political pressure from the Military, who want to afford to build cool boats.)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Guangchou Semiconductor Manufacturing Cooperative (Mega-Project - 0/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation)
(With this project, we will be able to build...everything relating to electronics, not merely cheaper but also in far less time than before!)
-[] Build A Superconductor Foundry (Mega-Project - 0/4 Actions) (-1 Reputation)
(Must build Superconductor Foundry before the Nuclear Attack Submarine Type 9 can be finished.)
-[] Construct Housing Factory Complex - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)
-[] Build Structural Insulated Panel Factory Complex (-10 Reputation)
(Steel Mill, Glass Factory, and Bamboo Mill for durable, lightweight panels that reduce the need for heating/cooling during summer and winter.)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Steel Foundry Complex (Harmful) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant Complex (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Construct Power Plants (Helpful)
-[] Construct Geothermal Power Plants (Helpful)
-[] Improve Your Metallurgical Institute (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Research The "Incidental Star Blood Development Process" (???) (Requires Improved Metallurgical Institute)
-[] Develop Hydrothermal Carbonization (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct Electronics Factories Complex (+4 Reputation)
-[] Crack the 600 nm Process (Mega Project - 0/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Additional Harbors (Helpful)
-[] Construct Merchant Marine Vessels
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Industrial IT-Skeleton (+5 Reputation) (Helpful)
-[] Design A Civilian Ship (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] New Fishing Trawler
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] Design Cauldrons (Geothermal) (Mega Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(Mega-industrial parks that use geothermal power for thermal processes and electricity generation. Self-sufficient in terms of power needs and capable of exporting power to the grid while heating nearby greenhouses and homes.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-And Aquaculture
-[] Cyberdize Agricultural Sector (Mega-Project - 0/7 Actions) (-9 Reputation)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Guangchou Gyre Deep Water Fertilization (Mega-Project - 0/9 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (Extremely Helpful)
(The Bay of Guangchou has a nice enormous ocean gyre spun up by the Taiwan current as it passes by the mouth of the bay, keeping the water relatively contained. If you had enough power, you could sink pumps to the bottom of the bay and pump cool, nutrient-rich water to the surface, where phytoplankton could thrive and become food for larger fish. In addition, nutrient-rich water would help kelp grow in the shallows and regulate the temperature to extend its growing season.)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory Complex (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Build a Herbicide & Pesticide Plant Complex (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Pre-Made Food Factory Complex (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Marine Farming (-3 Reputation)
(While naturally occurring kelp forests are an excellent food source, You can also improve the yield of a kelp farm by cultivating mussels, scallops, and oysters in predator-proof containers and laying traps for shellfish along the bottom.)
-[] Solar Dehydrator Plant (Experimental) (-3 Reputation)
(Due to the low-temperature drying, solar-powered food dehydrators are simple and cheap to construct and preserve more nutrients than canning.)
-[] Develop And Test Novel Food Production Methods (Mega-Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(You can create further ways to make use of your available farming space to boost production with Industrial Mycoculture, Urban Permaculture Initiatives, Forest Farming (though you'll take full credit for that since IJ stole that idea from you!), Silvopasture, and Agroforestry)
-[] Create Insect Farm Complexes (-1 Reputation) (Helpful)
(Cricket and Mealworm Protein Cultivation are a cheap, plentiful, and versatile way to increase protein in people's diets.)
-[] Construct an Experimental Vertical Hydroponics Test-Building (+1 Reputation)
-[] Pemican Production Factory Complex (-2 Reputation) (Helpful)
(An ancient recipe from the Americas, made of powdered meat and fat that can be stored for years in a sealed container. Maintaining a stockpile will be full insurance against a poor harvest.)
-[] Seed Treatment Factory Complex (-2 Reputation)
(Seeds can be treated with various compounds to increase their germination chances and resistance to sickness.)
[] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+1 Reputation) (Helpful)
[] Fund Agricultural Veterinary Care (-3 Reputation)
[] Develop Fish Ranching (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Soldier's Councils (Triggers Sub-Vote)
(Bring communism to the barracks! And the cockpits! And the decks!)
-[] Create A Dedicated Coast Guard
-[] Design Two Iron Tiger Systems/A New Iron Tiger (Describe) (+5 Reputation)
--[] The Fateful Seal IT (Iron Tiger Revolver)
(The FS-IT is a Fateful Seal redesigned for iron tiger use, developed to use 130x800mmR shells. The FS-IT, just like the FS, uses a 6-or-7-round cylinder and can shoot HE, SAP, and AP shells.)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Credit Where It's Due (Light Scout Tank)
(Taking inspiration from the FT-17 (shape) and T-55A (armor and suspension), the CWID is the first native LST produced in Guangchou. Weighing 28 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a heavy machine gun mounted on a pintle on the turret top; it is crewed by four crew and possesses a top speed of 48km/h. Though, it is notably light on the armor for a tank.)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] MiS-27 (Multi-Role Jet)
(The MiS-27 is a Multi-Role jet aircraft, its shape inspired by the MiG-21, with the J37 providing its radical delta wing configuration. Flown by one pilot and armed with 2 Modified 25mm M/71 autocannons, this Jet also sports eight modular hardpoints to add rockets, bombs, fuel tanks, and supplies as needed or wanted.)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Police Carrier (Light Assault APC)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h off-road, this vehicle can transport its four crew and six passengers where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet 2A28 Grom, eight missiles, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations.)
--[] The BTR-71 (Light Amphibious APC)
(The BTR-71 has the general shape and appearance of the BTR-60 but has just about nothing in common. Weighing 20 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a hull machine gun. It is crewed by four crew with a place for eight additional passengers and possesses a top speed of 80 km/h on-road and 12 km/h in water.)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] The Gunagch (Destroyer Escort)
(Weighing at nearly 3kt and 100m long, the Gunagch is propelled by two electric drives/propellers, enabling a maximum speed/range of 25knots/20.000km (12knots). Armed with four 100m BS-4 guns in 2 twin turrets, eight modified 25mm M/71 autocannons in 4 twin mounts, sixteen 15x115mmR KPVT heavy machine guns in 4 quad mounts, and 80 depth charges.)
--[] Develop a Submarine (+3 Reputation)
---[] (Write-In)
-[] Design A Native Artillery/AA/AT Piece (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
--[] The BS-4 (Crewed Anti-Tank)
(The BS-4 is a field and anti-tank gun, taking inspiration from the BS-3. Its primary use is for coastal defense forces, with a six-meter barrel and an 11-meter overall length.)
--[] The Police Carrier Anti-Tank (Self-Propelled AT)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h off-road, this vehicle can transport its five crew where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet KPVT HMG, a rocket-deliver platform, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations. Additionally, the passenger compartment of the PC has been removed in favor of an AT Cannon with a gun shield.)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (Choose Any/All)
--[] Fateful Seal (Revolver)
(The Fateful Seal is designed as a top-break gas-seal revolver, using the Webley and the Nagant M1895 for inspiration. Research shows that as much as 26% of propellant gas escapes through the barrel and cylinder gap. Like more or less all gas-seal revolvers, the FS uses the cartridge case to seal the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. It uses a 13.2x55mmSR cartridge; the flat nose boattail bullet is 13.2 millimeters wide and 15 millimeters tall. It has a level on the right side, like the Webley revolver, and is used for the same purpose. Additionally, with the proposed 4.7-inch to 12-inch long barrels, the FS combines detachable shoulder stock, holster, and a 6-or-7-round cylinder.)
--[] Conscript's Friend (Cheap Pistol)
(The CF is a dead-simple integral box magazine pistol taking inspiration from the Steyr Hahn, the FN 1903, the Browning Hi-Power, and the TT-33. The FN 1903 provided the CF with its general shape and appearance, the Steyr Hahn, integral magazine and stripper clip guide, the Browning Hi-Power knowledge on double-stack magazines, and more modern safety features, and last but not least, the TT-33 gave the CF knowledge on simplicity. Cambered in an 8x40mmSR cartridge, the CF is designed to be as simple as possible while safely chambering its integral 10-round box fed with stripper clips. The handgun is supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the pistol with hand tools.)
--[] Spook's Squeak (Agent Pistol)
(The SQ is more or less a full copy of the Welrod except for its size and particular cartridge. With a total of 203mm in length, the SQ is chambered in the particular 6.5x30mmSR cartridge using a removable 8-shot magazine.)
--[] The Soldiers Pistol (Army Pistol)
The SP is a Browning Hi-Power chambered in 10x37mmSR and fed from a 10 to 20-round detachable double-stack magazine with a barrel length of 12 cm and an overall length of 20 cm, not counting the detachable combination stock.
--[] Name Pending (Flaregun)
(The NP is a small, light, single-shot break-action flare gun inspired by the Sturmpistole.)
-[] Design A Native Service Weapon (Rifle, SMG, Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket launcher, Etc.) (Describe) (Choose Any/All) (+1 Reputation)
--[] The Police's Friend (Bolt-Action Rifle with shotgun+grenade capabilities)
(The PF, just like FS, is meant to be used by police and rear line units and is a bolt-action rifle design taking inspiration from the Lee-Enfield, the Swedish Mauser, and the Fateful Seal. The Swedish Mauser provided the PF with its general shape, appearance, and stripper clip guide, the Lee-Enfield magazine and sling mounts, and the Fateful Seal gave the PF the base for its unique 12 g under-barrel revolver shotgun. The PF is meant to be able to use 40mm rifle grenades such as HEAT, HE, and Smoke, with the under-barrel shotgun supposed to be primarily used for riot control in police use and rear line units. Chambered in the same 13.2x55mmSR cartridge as the Fateful Seal, the PF is fed from a 10-round detachable magazine with a 25-inch barrel length and a 40-inch overall length.)
--[] The Militia's Friend (Cheap SMG)
(The MF is a crude SMG, taking inspiration from the Sten, PPS, Swedish m/45 SMG, MP 40, and MP 3008. The MF, just like the CF, is meant to be used not by the Military but by the militia forces of Guangchou. The Swedish m/45 gave the MF its general shape and appearance; the MP 3008 gave the shoulder stock; the PPS its knowledge of curved magazines; the MP 40, the safety features and sling mounts; and the Sten simplicity. With a fire rate of 570 rounds per minute, it chambers the 8x40mmSR cartridge from a 20- to 30-round detachable box magazine or a 50-round drum with a 20-inch barrel and a 28-inch overall length. The MF is designed to be as simple as possible while still safely chambering its cartridge, and it's supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the "submachine" gun using hand tools.)
--[] The Soldiers Friend (Mainstay Select-Fire Rifle)
(The SF is a relatively simple select-fire rifle taking inspiration from the AVS-36, the Fedorov Avtomat, the BAR, and the FG 42. It is meant to be used by professional forces, not police or militia. The BAR provided the SF with its general shape and appearance, the FG 42, the operational and gas system, the Fedorov Avtomat, the magazine, the dust cover, the AVS-36, and the muzzle brake and sling mounts. The SF has a fire rate of 406 to 610 rounds per minute, chambering the 6.5x57mmSR cartridge fed from a 20 or 25-round detachable box magazine while possessing a 28-inch barrel and a 40-inch overall length. The SF is designed to be a reasonably uncomplicated weapon yet modern and meant to be the main arm of the Military while still being cheap to produce.)
--[] The Guard's Arm (Costly High-Magazine SMG)
(The GA is a costly high-quality submachine gun taking inspiration from the Browning Hi-Power, the MP 40, MP 5, and the Conscripts Friend and is meant to be used by the secret service and the guards of various military-industrial and laboratory installations. The conscript's friend gave the GA its general shape and appearance, the MP 5 its action, the MP 40 the detachable muzzle ring, and the Browning Hi-Power the detachable double-stack magazine alongside modern safety features. The weapon has a fire rate of 457 to 800 rounds per minute, chambered in a 6.5x30mmSR cartridge from a 10 to 30-round detachable double-stack magazine or 48-round detachable double-stack drum. The GA is 457mm long, not counting the detachable shoulder stock, and has a detachable muzzle ring that can be unscrewed to attach a suppressor.)
--[] The Workers Might (Crewed Anti-Tank System)
The WM is a recoilless rifle design inspired by the Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle and the German 10.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40. It is an anti-tank weapon meant for service with professional forces. The LG 40 gave the WM its general shape and appearance; the Carl Gustaf gave it its hinged breech. The WM uses unique 152x305mmR shells capable of firing HE and HEAT ammunition.
--[] The Soldiers Arm (Mainstay SMG)
The SA is a simple submachine gun inspired by the United Defense M42 and the M50 Reising, meant to be used by professional forces. The UD M42 provided the SA its general shape, appearance, and wooden foregrip, and the M50 Reising gave the sights and sling mounts. The SA has a rate of fire of 570 to 800 rounds per minute, chambering the 10x37mmSR cartridge from a 20 to 30-round detachable double-stack box magazine or a 50-round detachable double-stack drum with a 35.6 cm long barrel and an overall length of 61 cm.
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe)
--[] Develop Naval Rockets (Mega-Project - 0/2 Actions)
--[] Develop a Rocket Engine (+1 Reputation)
--[] Develop a Rocket (+2 Reputation)
--[] Develop an Orbital Satellite (Mega-Project - 0/3 Actions) (+8 Reputation)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Submarine Yard (Submarine) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Torpedo Factory Complex
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Interior Defences
-[] Construct An Airfield
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory Complex (What) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
--[] Construct Military Electronics Factory Complex (-4 Reputation)
-[] Naval Shipbuilding Expansion (Mega-Project - 0/9 Actions) (+4 Reputation)
(We need to train more people and expand our heavy shipbuilding industry; once taken, this project will be completed independently due to military interest and popular buy-in.
Must be completed to build Small Carriers.)
-[] Mingxiang Astronautics Expansion (+3 Reputation)
-[] Mingxiang Rocketry Expansion (+5 Reputation)
-[] Navy Modernization (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Raise a (Mechanized Combat Engineer) Formation
-[] Design the IT Gen 2.5 Using Lessons Of The Chinese Civil War (+5 Reputation)
-[] Raise An Iron Tiger Formation (Generation+Purpose)
--[] Write-In Chosen Purpose
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social
-[] Expand Your Television Station (New Channel Name and Focus)
--[] The Social Revolution TV Channel
(Focuses on the social aspects of communism, why they're essential, and how they tie into the broader communist project. It covers things like gender equality, the importance of contraception, why you shouldn't discriminate against queer people, readings and debates about Marx's later works where he refutes many of his earlier theories about stages, etc. (Head to Head is a popular segment where they bring the PRC and USSR ambassadors on the show to have them debate over their differing orthodoxies - people have started betting on which one will 'win.'))
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion) (+5 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Worker's Conditions (Helpful)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Labour Reforms (Triggers Sub-Turns) (Helpful/Harmful) (+/-? People's Opinion) (+/-? Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-7 Reputation)
-[] Expand Medical Education (-4 Reputation) (+3 People's Opinion) (Helpful)
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease Required) (Extremely Helpful)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
--[] International Production And Doctors (Helpful) (-11 Reputation) (-9 People's Opinion)
-[] Improve Foreign Intelligence Service
--[] Industrial Espionage in Japan (-5 Reputation) (Suspicious)
(Right now, there's a wide variance in the effectiveness of your foreign intelligence agents, which suggests a need for more effective mentorship and information transfer from the more successful ones to the less successful ones. Formalizing a training program means institutionalizing the knowledge of your best agents (with a focus on industrial espionage in Japan) should go a long way toward delivering more reliable results. Of course, industrial espionage may not be as glamorous as the political and military games the CIA and KGB played. Still, it's easier and has a better long-term payoff for the nation. Furthermore, narrowing the focus to Japan due to proximity, an abundance of high-tech industry, and ease of letting your agents blend into the population allows us to get the most optimal results for the effort invested.)
--[] Western Heavy Machinery For Reverse Engineering
--[] (Write-In Target/Activity)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Leader Pushed Developments
--[Y] Healthcare Reform (Mega-Project - 36/47 Actions) (Automatic +6 Actions per Turn)
--[] Reform Government Structure (Mega-Project - 0/10 Actions) (Triggers Sub-Vote) (-65 Reputation)
-[] The Dragon's Den - The Dragon Rail Network is looking ever more like a thing that can be put off "for now" every time you seek to begin work, and with a year already having passed, you'd rather begin work now, than have to force a shock labor order later. By wrangling everyone behind the project, you'd be able to not only complete it but also expand the urban and agricultural spaces of Guangchou by using convenient sites along the way, further increasing its positive impact on the people of Guangchou. (Mega-Project 0/34 Actions) (-17 Reputation) (+1 Automatic Progress per Turn once taken.)
--[] Continued Spreading of The People's Theology (+4 Reputation) (+5% CyPac Cohesion)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire for our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
--[] Medical Student Exchange with Cuba (Helpful) (-4 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion)
--[] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
("In Guangchou, you will be free to be and love as your truest self, free from bigotry and oppression based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. If you want to help build a better world, come to Guangchou." The Internationalists will spread the word through their contacts abroad that Guangchou LACKS engineers and scientists, accountants, doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great Leader's ambitious plans and that Guangchou ALSO has more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. We could attract many learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.)
--[] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
(A lot of nations are currently facing unrest or ethnic cleansing. We could exploit the fleeing populations and persecuted intellectuals to boost our native capabilities. Oh, and help the refugees, too.
---[] (Write-In)
--[] Southeast Asian Communist Kinship Programm (+3 Reputation)
-[] National Consulting Services (+2 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and suggest how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-5 Reputation)
-[] International
--[] (Write-In)
-[] Technologists
--[] Improve the Statistics Bureau (Focus) (-3 Reputation) (Political Consequences For Their Findings)
--[] Vocational Shock Effort (Helpful) (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Search for geologic hydrogen sources in Guangchou & nearby (-5 Reputation)
--[] Research the production of hydrogen in nuclear reactors (-4 Reputation)
--[] Research hydrogen fuel cells, furnaces, and storage (-5 Reputation)
--[] Develop the use of optical fibers as acoustic sensors (-1 Reputation)
--[] (Write-In)
-[] Militarists
--[] Create a dedicated branch of Military Engineers (+Allies)
--[] Sharpen Military Encryption Protocols (+2 Reputation)
--[] Create A Permanent Cryptography Research Working Group (+5 Reputation)
--[] Create A Permanent Working Group To Prope Our Encryption And Cybersecurity For Weaknesses (+3 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Cybernetic Pact (1 Action Free)
-[] NK promised Supercomputer (Promised Next 5-Year-Plan)
-[] Military Intervention (Country) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Egypt (Infrastructure and Housing)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Libya (Electronics)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Togo (Show 'Em We Ain't Bad)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Guinea (Industrial Aid)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid)
-[] Economic Cooperation - Ethiopia (Generic)
-[-] Freedom's Cry (+5 Reputation)
South Africa has long been under the yoke of imperialists, capitalists, tyrants, and the West. It is time that those who fight against their oppressive regime are armed and trained as befitting a people yearning to be free!
-[] A Red Rising Continued (+4 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Inter-Alliance Culinary Exchange (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] (Write-In)
[] Secret And High-Security Projects
-[] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT Again
-[] Mingxiang CyberSyn System 1.1.0 (Mega-Project - 2/10 Actions) (-6 Reputation)
-[] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 0/3 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (-7 People's Opinion)
-[] Nuclear Reactor Factory (Mega-Project - 0/4 Actions) (???)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
-[] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)

AN: That should be all. Please @ me if something is missing/incomplete.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 15, 2024 at 2:41 PM, finished with 53 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] [Plan] Bread & Circuits
    [X] Commiewood: Broken Earth
    -[X] Commiewood:The horizon zero dawn saga.
    [X]plan finising what we promised to our peoples
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (0/2 to Full Coverage) (+1 People's Opinion) X2
    -[X] Heavy Industry
    --[X] Cyberdize Heavy Industry Sector (Mega-Project - 4/12 Actions) X3
    ---[X] Twin Hammer Heavy Industry Expansion"
    -[X] Agri-And Aquaculture
    --[X] Develop And Test Novel Food Production Methods (Mega-Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation) X8
    -[X] Social
    --[X] (WRITE-IN) Social Espionage in Japan: the disappearance of the 13500 citizens of guangchou at the hand of the japan during the war has always been like a wound in the mind of the country unable to mourn without certainty of their fate since the japan refuse to say anithing about them, it being worsened by suspicion when the involvement of unit 735 when at their end, it's time to try to put an end to this, find out exactly what happened to them and according to the result, grieve, file a complaint for a crime of war / against the humanity on the Japanese and if you are very lucky bring home any survivors.(if they can find evidence of other war crime the japan comited on us then denied it would be nicetoo).cost :-7 Rep for all the costs involved, takes 2 turns (still one Action), and may not yield anything.
    -[X] Political
    --[X] Populists & Internationalists
    --[X] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
    --[X] Vaccination Campaign (Disease malaria) (Extremely Helpful)
    ---[X] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    -[X] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
    --[X] Submit a motion to the Olympic committee for aquatic triathlon to be added to the list of Olympic sports.
    --[X]Started correspondence with the rest of the CIPAC leaders, strengthening ties and understanding.
    -[X] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
    --[X] Learned armed martial arts together, Guangchou has no regulations on cold weapons, there is a reason for that, you have a strong and long tradition of really loving this stuff that go cut and break, so let's participate in said tradition.
    [X] [Plan] Bread & Circuits
    -[X] Infrastructure
    --[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (2 Actions)
    ---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Construct Consumer Goods Factory Complex (2 Actions) (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
    ---[X] Democratically Elected (+1 People's Opinion) (Boni: +1 PttF *)
    -[X] Heavy Industry
    --[X] Guangchou Semiconductor Manufacturing Cooperative (Mega-Project - 6/6 Actions) (-6 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF +2 Electronics = +3)
    --[X] Build A Superconductor Foundry (Mega-Project - 4/4 Actions) (-1 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF +2 Metallurgy = +3)
    -[X] Military
    --[X] Naval Shipbuilding Expansion (Mega-Project - 1/9 Actions) (+4 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation) (Boni: +1 PttF)
    --[X] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid) (Boni: +1 PttF)
1985 - H1 - Before The Plans Finalization
The time has come. After nearly four years of construction, the production infrastructure and rocket designs for Guangchou's very own native space program are (mostly) finished. Though the whole circus around the entire thing still needs to be done on an international and political stage, several other things have already been decided.

For one, The Mission:
(Plan Vote Please)
[] (Write-In - Subject to QM Veto)

[] I Spy With My 3-Meter Eye...

Satellites offer a myriad of economic, scientific, and cultural boons, alongside a subtle but prominent shadow cast by the military over the use of the same. Eyes that stare into the ocean can stare into hostile nations all the same, networks of communication to unite people from one end of the world to the other can be turned to direct and guide missiles and troops, data streams that contain economic plans and information can churn the numbers for munition plants and logistical networks. Can there be peace amongst the stars when the earth churns in war?
(Timeframe: 5 Years
Goal: Have 9 Satellites in orbit.)
-Soft Challenge: Orbital Watchers - Deploy 25 Satellites.
-Hard Challenge: Skyguard Online - Deploy 50 Satellites, 10 of which must have military use.
-Impossible Challenge: A Ring Of Steel - Deploy 100 Satellites, 25 of which must have military use.
-Nightmare Challenge: Orbital Immortality - Deploy 250 Satellites, 50 of which must have military use.

[] Moon's Haunted *Loads Rabbit Ears Into Rocket*
There have only ever been twelve people on the Moon: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Charles "Pete" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt. It is time to add more names to that list and for another flag to adorn that body that humanity has looked up to since it could think.
(Timeframe: 10 Years
Goal: Land a person on the Moon.)
-Soft Challenge: Frequent Flyers - Land multiple times (4) on the Moon.
-Hard Challenge: Extended Staycation - Have a Moon Crew stay for a consecutive month on the Moon.
-Impossible Challenge: This Is Our Home Now - Construct a Permanent Outpost on the Moon.
-Nightmare Challenge: Interplanetary Flag Annihilation - Steal or Kick Over The American Flag.

[] To Make Another World Our Own
To reach out into infinity is easy if this is done for but a moment, a finger dipped into that eternal blackness above and beyond our sight. To stay there and live, work, and grow? Another story, and one which will require a hundred different approaches, for a step above can be done anytime, but to sit down once above is the stuff of legend told to inspire for generations.
(Timeframe: 15 Years
Goal: Create a Space Station capable of supporting 10 people with regular resupply.)
-Soft Challenge: International Mingling - Create a Space Station capable of supporting 50 people with regular resupply.
-Hard Challenge: Bastion 13 - Create a Space Station capable of sustaining 50 people without outside resupply for 6 months.
-Impossible Challenge: Deep Wheel Orcadia - Create a Space Station capable of supporting 100 people without outside resupply for 2 years.
-Nightmare Challenge: Door To Infinity - Create an Orbital Industrial Facility designed for non-scientific purposes.

[] Project Elrond
The stakes are low, the funding high, and nobody is willing to not put their name on a mission that will write history and bring a whole lot of Prestige to every person involved. Also, being the first non-superpower to land something on Mars, and after nearly (at least) eight years will be a flex for the space program that will see international recognition and funding secured for decades.
(Timeframe: 20 Years
Goal: Land a drone on Mars.)
-Soft Challenge: Planet of the Machines - Land multiple drones on Mars.
-Hard Challenge: Interplanetary Geology - Return probes from Mars to Earth.
-Impossible Challenge: Humanity, United. Once Again. - Land a person on Mars.
-Nightmare Challenge: Plot A New Course - Land twice on Mars.

For Two, the International Aspect:
[] Suggest CyPac Collaboration (0/10/20/30/40/50% Funding)

With CyPac being what it is and the infrastructure and early designs for rockets and the space program mostly finalized, suggesting an international collaboration with CyPac member nations to take up funding (and gain recognition, flag placements, or personnel allocations in return) could make this venture far more digestible for Guangchou.
(Funding functions as a way to gain Space Actions. The more Actions you put in, the more CyPac put in if something is taken. For example, every two Actions at 50% would gain you another. Every tenth at 10% would do the same.)

For Three, The Initial Rocket:
[] (Write-In Rocket Design)

AN: Feeling sick, but wanted to push this update out anyways. :C
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Fur, Feather, Fin - The Bleeding One [Plant Edition]
Bleeding Ones

Cadendo fungus, commonly known as the threats from tree, bleeding one, shroom meat, buffalo tongue, or tongue mushroom, is an unusual bracket fungus classified in the Agaricales, that is very commonly seen in Guangchou forests and sometime seen in foreign forest it have been introduced into, it looks remarkably similar to a slab of bleeding raw meat.

The cap is 7–45 cm (2,75-17,71 inches) wide and 2–8 cm (0,78-3,14 inches) thick with exptional specimen reching up to 90 cm (35.43 inches) wide. Its shape resembles a large tongue, and it is rough-surfaced with a reddish-brown colour. The spores have dimensions of 7–8.5 by 5–6 μm are pink and are released from minute pores on the creamy-white underside of the fruit body. A younger Cadendo fungus is a pinkish-red colour, and it darkens with age. It bleeds a dull burgundy juice when cut, which can cause stains, and the cut flesh further resembles meat. The flesh have the texture of beef,is a litle sour in taste,edible and considered choice by some, although it need to be cooked to get rid of the halinogenic effect of the mushroom,older specimens should be soaked overnight as their juice can cause gastric upset.

The thick red syrup dripping from the top is very sweet,slightly less halucinogenic than the flesh,gave the mushroom a distinct and pleasent sweet smell and contain a pigment known to have anticoagulant properties similar to heparin.

The underside of the fruiting body, from which the spores are ejected, is a mass of tubules. The genus name is a diminutive of the Latin word fistula and means "small tube", whilst the species name Cadendo fungus means "Dripping mushroom", referring to the constent driping of a syrup like liquid.

The species is very common, and can often be found on oaks,pines and sweet chestnut (though they are very litle kinds of tree it won't grow on) from August to the end of autumn, on either living or dead wood. It has a tendency to impart a reddish-brown stain to the living wood of tree, creating a desirable timber type.

The bleeding one (and the syrup they dripp but only for a dozen hours) are bioluminescent and emit a pale red light,it can be made to grow and fruit in farming and laboratory conditions, and the growth conditions affecting bioluminescence hare curently investigated.

Life cycle:
There are four basic stages to the life cycle of a mushroom: Spore germination, colonisation, fruiting, and sporulation.

Like a plant seed, a bleeding one spore germinates (sprouts) when the environmental conditions are right. High humidity, plus a favourable temperature .
When the spore germinates, a strand of mycelium emerges from it. The strands of mycelium spreads through a substrate, gathering water and nutrients, to be able to produce fruiting bodies (mushrooms).

This process of mycelium spreading through a substrate is called colonisation.
Mycelium slowly spreads through its substrate, trying to colonise as much area as possible. The more substrate that a single body of mycelium has colonised, the greater its access to nutrients, and therefore the greater its capacity to produce lots and lots of fruiting bodies (mushrooms) to continue to produce spores and procreate.

Once the body of mycelium has gained access to enough nutrients, certain environmental conditions will trigger the formation of fruiting bodies, better known as mushrooms.
These environmental conditions involve high humidity and a slight drop in temperature, which is one reason why mushrooms are the most abundant in autumn.
The first stage of a mushroom fruit body is called a hyphal knot. This is when the individual strands of hyphae bundle together and prepare to grow a mushroom.
From there, a small cluster of visible bumps form on the surface of the mycelium. As they grow, they begin to look like miniature mushrooms just a few millimetres in size, known as primordia. These are commonly called 'pins' in the cultivation world.
From this point, provided humidity and temperatures remain favourable, the pins continue to grow into full size mushrooms. Depending on temperatures, and the individual species, this process of a pin growing into a full size mushroom can take anywhere between two days to a week or longer.

As the mushroom fruit body matures,pores begin to become visible on the underside of the mushroom. They have a 'veil' or a ring around the stem protecting the gills during early growth. But eventually as the cap of the mushroom grows, the pores become exposed and begin to release spores.
Sometimes spores can be released in such vast quantities that they appear as wisps of smoke wafting from the bleeding one pores. It is also common for spore deposits to be visible on the log around the mushroom.
Spores are so small that they are easily carried away in air currents, and once airborne they are capable of travelling just waiting to land in a favourable place to germinate and continue through the life cycle once again.

Bleeding one grow on the trunks and branches of trees, they have two groups of roots, one which attaches them to the trunk and another very long root which descends along the trunk, clinging to it and plunging into the ground in order to spread surrounds the tree and binds itself to the root of their tree in order to provide their part in the mycorrhiza relationship that they have with the tree.
They live in forests, marshes and almost anywhere there are trees and have the kind of weather tipical from Guangchou, their favorite trees are oaks, pine and sweet chestnut but there are very few trees where they will not grow on.

Curiously, this mushroom has few predators beyond insects and humans, this could be explained by the psychoactive nature of it's flesh and the syrup it produces, in fact just like with fermented fruits animals such as wild boars, muntjacks, monkeys, shrooms, bats, squirels, etc. seem to appreciate the recreational effects of ingesting said syrup and seem to either understand that if they eat the mushroom completely it will not be able to produce more syrup afterward or understand that since the flesh is more concentrated in psychoactive (which can only be neutralized by cooking) they will have a trip more powerful than what they would like, given the testimony repeated throughout history and confirmed by recent field studies of very young animals completely intoxicated, the second theory seems confirmed for the moment even if it seems that this is more of an learned thing than an instinctive one, but the first theory has not yet been proven false, in any case only a truly starving animal will eat more than a very small part of it.

They are a rare exemple of Polypore forming an mycorrhiza relationship with trees,wich is a symbiotic association between a green plant and a fungus. The plant makes organic molecules by photosynthesis and supplies them to the fungus in the form of sugars or lipids, while the fungus supplies the plant with water and mineral nutrients, such as phosphorus, taken from the soil,this symbiosis has been discovered to be good for the tree wich thanks to the aditional nutrient delivered by the mushroom can grow stronger and is less likely to fall sick.

Interesting anecdotes:
Experiments aimed at studying the effects of nutrients present, growing conditions, temperature, age and others on the color of the luminescence of the bleeding one have had promising results with increasing in emited light and specimens glowing in orange and purple having been obtained.

This mushroom has been used on numerous occasions against the invaders of Guangchou when it was decided more advantageous to sow confusion than to kill them via poisons, the most common way was to press the mushroom to obtain the juice and syrup then to cover arrows and darts with it and shoot them at the enemy before retreating until this has its effect,another one was to reduce the mushroom to a powder and send infiltrators to sprinkle their food and fresh water reserve with it and then took advantage of the confusion that followed,they where also attempts at creating metsubushi (a technique used to temporarily or permanently blind or disorient an opponent by using a small containers like an hollowed-out eggs (happō), bamboo tubes or other wich is filled with a powder made up of ashes, ground-up pepper, mud, flour,dirt,etc. For severe damage, it could also include fine-ground glass. When confronted by an attacker, a person would blow the metsubushi in the attacker's eyes, blinding them.) with mushroom powder wich had a relative sucess due to the psychoactive powder not working very well through lungs but the idea was recycled to be used with other more agresive substances.

Many many families in Guangchou have family recipes on how to make candy, jam, fruit pastes, and others from the syrup of bleeding one, both versions where the syrup is cooked to neutralize the psychoactive for children as well as more "spicy" for adults, it is considered a tradition of teaching teenagers of a certain age the different recipes both to spend a moment of family bonding and to prevent them from trying something stupid in their corners without assistance.

The psychoactive effects of mushroom come from two molecules, psilocybin and psilocin. When psilocybin is ingested, it is broken down by the liver in a process called dephosphorylation. The resulting compound is called psilocin, responsible for the psychedelic effects. Psilocybin and psilocin create short-term increases in tolerance of users, thus making it difficult to misuse them because the more often they are taken within a short period, the weaker the resultant effects are. Psilocybin mushrooms have not been known to cause physical or psychological dependence. The psychedelic effects appear around 20 minutes after ingestion and can last up to 6 hours. Physical effects may occur, including nausea, vomiting, euphoria, muscle weakness or relaxation, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.
As with many psychedelic substances, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms are subjective and can vary considerably among individual users but in the case of this mushroom it depends also if you take the flesh of the mushroom or the syrup, in fact the syrup contains much less of the psychoactive product and therefore has softer and shorter effects. The mind-altering effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last from three to eight hours, depending on dosage, preparation method, and personal metabolism. The first 3–4 hours after ingestion are typically referred to as the 'peak'—in which the user experiences more vivid visuals and distortions in reality. The effects can seem to last much longer for the user because of psilocybin's ability to alter time perception.

Sensory effects include visual and auditory hallucinations followed by emotional changes and altered perception of time and space. Noticeable changes to the auditory, visual, and tactile senses may become apparent around 30 minutes to an hour after ingestion, although effects may take up to two hours to take place. These shifts in perception visually include enhancement and contrasting of colors, strange light phenomena (such as auras or "halos" around light sources), increased visual acuity, surfaces that seem to ripple, shimmer, or breathe; complex open and closed eye visuals of form constants or images, objects that warp, morph, or change solid colors; a sense of melting into the environment, and trails behind moving objects. Sounds may seem to have increased clarity—music, for example, can take on a profound sense of cadence and depth. Some users experience synesthesia, in which they perceive, for example, a visualization of color upon hearing a particular sound.

As with other psychedelics such as LSD, the experience, or 'trip,' is strongly dependent upon set and setting. Hilarity, lack of concentration, and muscular relaxation (including dilated pupils) are all normal effects, sometimes in the same trip. A negative environment could contribute to a bad trip, whereas a comfortable and familiar environment would set the stage for a pleasant experience. Psychedelics make experiences more intense, so if a person enters a trip in an anxious state of mind, they will likely experience heightened anxiety on their trip. Many users find it preferable to ingest the mushrooms with friends or people familiar with 'tripping.' The psychological consequences of psilocybin use include hallucinations and an inability to discern fantasy from reality. Panic reactions and psychosis also may occur, particularly if a user ingests a large dose. In addition to the risks associated with the ingestion of psilocybin, individuals who seek to use psilocybin mushrooms also risk poisoning if one of the wide varieties of poisonous mushrooms is confused with a psilocybin mushroom.

Bleeding ones syrup has always been a very popular sweet among the Guang and a commercial product, the main reason being that for a very long time apart from honey it was the only source of sweetness with this level of sugar existing, and mushrooms sting you much less than bees, archaeological evidence has shown that the consumption of this syrup dates back at least 150,000 years, and this was before they discovered that by cooking it you suppressed the psychoactive effects of this syrup. which it seem was discovered between 140,000 and 130,000 years ago and led to a sharp increase in consumption, which unfortunately led to a certain number of cavities and dental problems among the locals of the time but also explains the large quantity dental care equipment found by archaeologists.

The use of dried Bleeding one flesh in ceremonies, rituals, philosophical journeys and others during which said dried mushrooms are either burned and the resulting vapors breathed or smoked or eaten dates back more than 11,000 years,it was dicovered thanks to the ruins of a prehistoric setlement disocered in the south of guangchou in wichit seem that a particulare hut was utulized for rituals involving burning and breathing the mushroom,it's theorized thanks to the evidence discoverd when analizing the ground composition,indeed in where the hut used to be it's satured with some molecule that when analized revealed to be precisely the one obtened in Bleeding one ashes.

The flesh of Bleeding one visually very similar to beef also has the texture, particularly once cooked, The particular slightly bitter taste so appreciated by some is known to go really well with curry.

I would be happy to hear any constructive critisism or modification suggestion if i missed something or got it wrong.
Hope you like it.

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