[X]Get the choppers moving towards the fight, maybe they can shoot Murphy from the back or something.
How much ammo do our HK choppers still have? Scouts should probably disengage and head for refuel, we have no way to take advantage of the Arges. Is there any way that they can mount AK Rockets before Gojira makes it to the near shore?

[X] Scout squadron disengage and head for refuel, possibly rearm.
[X] Hunter-Killer squadrons move to engage secondary target from the rear.
-[X] Be ready to support a full retreat from our primary asset if it becomes necessary.
[X] Tacit engages with melee. Rip and Tear!
How much ammo do our HK choppers still have? Scouts should probably disengage and head for refuel, we have no way to take advantage of the Arges. Is there any way that they can mount AK Rockets before Gojira makes it to the near shore?
One-shot with their missiles, and four shots with their sucky rockets.
You cannot switch Arges and rockets in a convenient time frame while in a battle.

EDIT: Only three rockets left.
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Oh, they still have a missile load? Did not realize that. Can they get within 20 units within this turn and fire on Murphy?

EDIT: I would recommend taking a called shot to the Spine with the missile load rather than just an accuracy boost.
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Then we're back to my original vote. Tacit might need fire support or he might not, but those Scouts are just casualties waiting to happen.
I will redeem my previous terrible roll.

Edit: So that's 11 and 3 for the attacks.
Vanestus threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Shanking Time! Total: 10
9 9 1 1
Vanestus threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Shanking Time! Hit Locs Total: 28
1 1 10 10 9 9 8 8
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I will redeem my previous terrible roll.
Not sure who to pick. I'll take...

(1d2= 2)


[X]Get the choppers moving towards the fight, maybe they can shoot Murphy from the back or something.
(3,n/a from stun)

This time, Tacit's moves-- though desperate-- are spot on. Murphy tries to defend itself, but the jaeger's having none of it. With the tortured scream of metal, Tacit Ronin rams one fangblade through the kaiju's hips!

Murphy takes 1 Strike! Stunned!

The next blade goes between the kaiju's eyes. And it doesn't stop.

Murphy takes 5 Strikes! +4 Ongoing! Irritation! -3 Dex, No Ranged attacks! Bonus Head Damage! Bonus Head Damage! Blinded in one eye! Brain damage reduced HtH by 1! Temporarily Blind! Brain destruction! Instant Death!

SE-26-014, "Murphy" Defeated!

Murphy's scream is cut off as Tacit Ronin's entire arm is shoved through its head, pulverizing the skull beyond recognition. The kaiju crashes to the ground, the toxic remains of its brain leaking out.

Tacit Ronin stands, quivering weakly, waiting for the carryalls.
Week 11: Combat End
As soon as Tacit's brought back to base, its conpod is removed. Emergency services stream in, everyone worrying about the status of the pilots. Their concern is justified.

When Murphy's fingers went through the conpod, the two pilots were badly injured. Very badly. After hours of frantic treatment, the news is finally relayed to the council. The pilots are going to make it out alive.


Of the two, Noah's probably the best in shape; but even he's a mess. His left arm is broken in several places, and there's severe tearing in several muscle groups. On top of that is a concussion. The doctors have no idea when he's going to be recovered enough to pilot, if ever.

Noah is out of action indefinitely. Each week, roll a 1d10 to see how well he's recovering.

Alec, as you may guess, is far worse. On top of the physical injuries, his half of the Pons short-circuited. Given that it was connected directly to his brain... yeah. Even if he is able to get in a jaeger again, Tacit Ronin's unused 'Beatdown' technique will never see the light of day.

Alec has brain damage. Due to this, Tacit Ronin has permanently lost its 'Beatdown' Perk. Additionally, roll a 1d10 each week to see how well he's recovering.

Tacit Ronin itself is also damaged, as was seen by the gaping hole in its face.

Tacit Ronin will require a dedicated Repair Action and 50 Resources to fix.

Fortunately, this is the worst that it gets. The jaeger's swift killing of Murphy, and the air-force's unquestionable victory have prevented any loss of morale, and the only thing that needs to be cleaned up is Murphy's head.

Speaking of Murphy, the kaiju appears to have some sort of 'fire breath'-generating organ inside it. The actual organ itself is half-dissolved and charred from misfiring, but it's an interesting idea.

Garm, on the other hand, is far more of interest. The kaiju appears to incorporate highly-radioactive materials into another specialized organ-- some of it's even Plutonium! Said Plutonium is swiftly added to the stockpiles for jaeger fuel. While it may have been able to project this radiation in a deavastating plasma-like attack, such a weapon would have very short range, similar to the Plasmacasters wielded by Mark III and higher jaegers.

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category II Kaiju
A somewhat dragon-like kaiju, with a long fin running down its tail and quills on its shoulders.

HtH: 2
Ran: 1
Str: 2
Tou: 2
Agi: 3
Dex: 2

Dura: 3
Stru: 12

- Underwater Expert: +2 Agility while submerged.

Claws (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 1
Grappling Bonus: +1
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Conflagrative Breath
Built-In Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 2d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Fire
Damage Bonus: 1
Range: 3/6/12

Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All
Durability: 8
Class: Category II Kaiju
A quadrupedal kaiju with a heavy shell covering most of its back. The head is somewhat dog-like, with a bank of eight eyes embedded in the helm.

HtH: 3
Ran: 1
Str: 3
Tou: 4
Agi: 3
Dex: 0

Dura: 6
Stru: 12

Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Armour Penetration: 2
Grappling Bonus: +1
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength

Radiation Cannon
Built-In Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 2
Damage Type: Burst
Damage Bonus: 2
Range: 1/3/5

Coverage: All but Eyes, Arms, Legs, Hands, and Feet
Armor Value: 4/-
Resilience: All
Durability: 9

Coverage: Arms, Legs, Hands, and Feet
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: All
Durability: 7

Sunken Sockets
Coverage: Eyes
Armor Value: 1/-
Resilience: All
Durability: 3

It is now downtime

Category II Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Salvage Facility Bonus: +100 Resources
Manufacturing: +2500 Resources
Morale Bonus: +625 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 4750

Free actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue (-150 R)
[ ] Leave it be.

You have five actions.
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Of the two, Noah's probably the best in shape; but even he's a mess. His left arm is broken in several places, and there's severe tearing in several muscle groups. On top of that is a concussion. The doctors have no idea when he's going to be recovered enough to pilot, if ever.

Noah is out of action indefinitely. Each week, roll a 1d10 to see how well he's recovering.

Alec, as you may guess, is far worse. On top of the physical injuries, his half of the Pons short-circuited. Given that it was connected directly to his brain... yeah. Even if he is able to get in a jaeger again, Tacit Ronin's unused 'Beatdown' technique will never see the light of day.

Alec has brain damage. Due to this, Tacit Ronin has permanently lost its 'Beatdown' Perk. Additionally, roll a 1d10 each week to see how well he's recovering.
Rolling for heals

Good for our brain-damaged lad, slow healing arm for his bro, tho.
Ψυχή threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Drift... WITNESS THEM! Total: 12
3 3 9 9
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Can we test the population for drift compatible folks? I'd assume that'll take an action.
Can we test the population for drift compatible folks? I'd assume that'll take an action.
You actually already have a group of Drift-Compatible candidate teams! Alec and Noah just had the best overall scores at the time. Who knows, the substitute pilots might even get their own jaeger eventually!

And no, searching for pilots is a free action.
[X] Clean up the Blue (-150 R)
[X] Search for new pilots for Tacit Ronin.

[X] Plan Upgrade
- [X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin (-50)
- [X] Build 2x HF-2 Blades (-1,000)
- [X] Research: Jaeger Augment: Acceleration Short-Circuit
- [X] Research Better Rockets
- [X] Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
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[X] Prepare secondary pilot team.
[X] Clean up the Blue.
[X] Build 2x HF-2 Fangblades
[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades.

3550 Resources remain

This is the stuff I think is absolutely necessary. Below is a short list of thoughts I had on research possibilities. I'll let cooler heads than mine debate what's most important.

[] Research: Gunboats
-A good place to start on a Navy. Think Destroyers.
[] Research: Anti-Kaiju Naval Mines
-They want to hit us from the sea? Make 'em wade through fire first.
[] Research: 2-stage Anti-Kaiju Torpedoes
-Can be dropped from Hunter-Killer Choppers or fired conventionally from T-95 units. First stage is a pneumatic "punt," the second is a ramjet sucking in water and throwing it backwards, like a JetSki, but underwater.
-Self-guiding with a simple IFF after launch, or can be slaved to the Arges...if we can get laser designators to work properly underwater.
[] Research: GaussTech (Costs: Bastion Token)
-Modern Navy is already looking into this, even has working prototypes (and this was years ago I saw this). Railguns are naaaasty. We can start here and move up to Rotary Gauss (rapid fire!) and Hyper-Assault Gauss (shotgauss!). Mostly good for use as Emplacements (again, make them wade through fire) or on Naval Vessels right now, if we build a new Jaeger we might want to go with a fire-support model (Unit 00, reporting for duty, God's In His Heaven).
[] Research: Jaeger Augment: Acceleration Short-Circuit
-Some egghead was reading the old BTech sourcebooks and thought the MASC was a cool idea. So he started working on a way to incorporate it into Tacit's arm servos, figuring that the old bastard was already pretty quick on his feet. I'd want it to grant an extra d5 on Parry attempts if successfully activated, but that's obviously up to the GM.
[X] Prepare secondary pilot team.
[X] Clean up the Blue.
[X] Build 2x HF-2 Fangblades
[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades.

3550 Resources remain

This is the stuff I think is absolutely necessary. Below is a short list of thoughts I had on research possibilities. I'll let cooler heads than mine debate what's most important.

Nice thing is, of your list only two are real actions that take time. Good on you for proper action economy WRT installing the blades.

[X] Prepare secondary pilot team. (free action)
[X] Clean up the Blue. (-150) (free action)
[X] Build 2x HF-2 Fangblades (-1,000)
[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades. (-50)
[X]Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
[X]Continue research into improved Kaiju Salvage Technicques
[X]Research shore-patrol Gunboats. Primary weapons should be HF+ Missiles (and Torpedoes when we actually research them)

Population because Actions are king. Probably get Research next turn so we can start digging into more Stat boosts for Tacit, and work on the backlog of good ideas we're building up.
- [X] Research Jeager Ranged Weapons System
What does this mean? Do you just want a general ranged weapon for Tacit/other future jaegers, or something else?

Because if you want a ranged weapon, you'll need to upgrade Tacit to a Mark II. And by that I mean you'll need a total of Str 2 (to mount 2 diff weapons-- one is taken up by fangblades), and Ran 1 (so you can actually aim the damn thing)