[X] Tacit be ready to counter Murphy.
[X] All units within range of Garm fire!
Tacit drops into a prepared stance, as Murphy shakes off its surprise. The kaiju steps forwards, tail trashing against the earth as it leisurely approacbes Tacit.


Bolted to the bottom and sides of the scout helicopters, the Arges system hums to life. Orange laser light paints itself onto Garm's dark shell, before the colour shifts to red. Lock-on confirmed.

A moment later, the Hellhounds open fire.

Garm takes 2 Strikes! Garm's R. Shoulder is on fire! Garm's Head is on fire!

All Hellhounds out of missiles! Rockets only!

Guided unerringly by the Arges, every single missile strikes the target! Garm howls, flames licking across its right side, and runs forwards! The kaiju's radiation levels begin to spike!

Murphy/Garm are 9/8 from the channel, 109/108 from the T-squads, about 20 from each other
- 14 from Tacit
- 8 from Scouts, 8 from Hellhounds
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[X] all units retreat with atleast 1 unit of seperation between yourselves, prepare for possible EMP
[X] all Choppers retreat back towards the DP with at least 3 unit of separation
[X] Tacit move 2 units forward
[X] "Keep 'em burnin'!" (All Choppers retreat back towards the DP—avoiding water if possible in case Garm pursues so he keeps burning if so—with at least 3 unit of separation)
[X] "...Deban da." (Tacit move 2 units forward)
[X] all Choppers retreat back towards the DP with at least 3 unit of separation
[X] Tacit move 2 units forward
Tacit Ronin takes a step forwards, closing the distance slowly.

Murphy's jaw opens, a glow building in its throat, before-


Misfire! Conflagrative Breath disabled!

... Nothing. The glow snuffs out, some internal mechanism breaking. Murphy blinks, and opens its mouth again. Again, nothing happens.

Tacit tilts its head in mock confusion.


The helicopters swiftly back away, forcing Garm to bound after them. Something snaps, and the kaiju's shoulder shell fractures, the fire licking across the blackening flesh.

Garm takes 3 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! -1 HtH, -1 Dex! R. Shoulder armour destroyed! Fire spreads to Chest!

The kaiju enters the water, but it's not deep enough to quench the fires... Yet.

Murphy/Garm are 9/-4 from the channel, 109/98 from the T-squads, about 26 from each other
- 12 from Tacit
- 10 from Scouts, 6 from Hellhounds
Alright... Garm is burning in 3 spots now. It's worth trying to keep that going, and since we don't know the range on whatever special attack Garm has, I don't know if continuing to retreat would get us out of range.

[X]Choppers get maximum separation around Garm and shoot Rockets
[X]Tacit Runs full speed towards Murphy.

Tacit moves 12 units at full speed, which gets us 2 units away from Murphy. With it's breath weapon disabled, it can't shoot us, and we are too close to charge, so either it backs off or walks in to attack range which gives it a penalty.
[X]Choppers get maximum separation around Garm and shoot Rockets
[X]Tacit Runs full speed towards Murphy.
[X] "Disco Inferno!" (Choppers get maximum separation around Garm and shoot Rockets)
[X] "IKE!" (Tacit Runs full speed towards Murphy)
[X]Choppers get maximum separation around Garm and shoot Rockets
[X]Tacit Runs full speed towards Murphy.
I'll take...
1d10 for Arges,
3x 1d10(+1) for Rockets, and
2d10 hit locations for the rockets.

I'm assuming you don't mean full speed full speed, as that'd actually bring you into melee range of Murphy. So instead, you'll move 10 Units, not 12.
[X]Choppers get maximum separation around Garm and shoot Rockets
[X]Tacit Runs full speed towards Murphy.
Tacit Ronin charges, accelerating towards Murphy! The kaiju screeches, and lunges forwards, hurtling a fist around toward the jaeger!

[ ] Block!
[ ] Parry!
[ ] Dodge!


The Arges locks on again, as the Hellhounds spread out, swooping in to fire their rockets! Unfortunately, while accurate, the weak weapons just can't pierce Garm's armour! The kaiju's jaw opens up again, gamma radiation bleeding out...

Garm takes 7 Strikes!

Before the burning phosphorus eats away at its shoulder completely, sending the kaiju crashing down, armour around its head shattering from the intense head. A chunk of shrapnel drives itself through Garm's skull, piercing its brain in an instant. The kaiju quivers for a moment, before the radiation levels snuff out.

SE-26-015, "Garm" Defeated!

Murphy is 7 from the channel, and 109 from the T-squads
- melee with Tacit

- bought it from being on fire too much
[X] Dodge!

I thought only the Hellfire+ missiles got bonuses from Arges? I'm not gonna complain if the rocket pods get boosts too, makes them a much better backup weapon.
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[X] Dodge!

We should probably look into researching some better rockets for our forces at some point.
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I thought only the Hellfire+ missiles got bonuses from Arges? I'm not gonna complain if the rocket pods get boosts too, makes them a much better backup weapon.
That was a mistake. Your rockets still suck, unless you put mini cameras in their noses to steer them so they work with Arges. Keep in mind you're basically just using your infantry's rockets.

1d10+3 for Dodging