Unusual side thought - what if, by the time this whole crazy thing is over, we ultimately become part of KRAUN and rather than 'just' being Neo-Seattle and one of the last remnants of the PPDC, we wind up effectively being something like KRAUN Pacific Coast Command or something like that?
So long as KRAUN continues to show itself to not be the bad guys/NEGA-UN, I'd be cool with that.
Unusual side thought - what if, by the time this whole crazy thing is over, we ultimately become part of KRAUN and rather than 'just' being Neo-Seattle and one of the last remnants of the PPDC, we wind up effectively being something like KRAUN Pacific Coast Command or something like that?
If we play our cards right KRAUN might instead become part of the Empire of Neo-Seattle.
Week 29: Downtime, Part 1
[X] Plan Strange Times, Strange Measures (Version 2.0)
-[X] Clean up the mess (-500 R)
-[X] Attempt to research Breach-centric Weaponry System - Attempt to devise a means by which to take our ability to temporarily create breaches and weaponize this ability, possibly through the use of some kind of 'telefrag' effect. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!) (Free Breach Research)
-[X] Research Jaeger-based laser weaponry DEW System (Free Jaeger Research)
-[X] Build SH-6 Scout Chopper Squadron*2, Hellhound Squadron*1 (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Contact KRAUN to request another conference with them (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin, Re-Install HF-2 Fangblade and install Supercomposite Plate-I Armor on Left Arm and Sensors (If I'm not mistaken, we did research the ability to install this stuff on the Sensors) (-1650 Resources)
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin (Second Action)
-[X] Build Jaeger Recycling Plant (-1500 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing to 9 (-4500 R)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 10 (-5000 R)
-[X] Upgrade City Scanners to 7 (-3500 R)
-[X] Research Kaiju Hive Mind - UsingPalisade and the Kaiju brains we have in storage, see if there is a way we might be able to 'weaponize' the Kaiju Hive Mind in some way through the Kaiju brains in our possession against future Kaiju attacks and in other Kaiju encounters in general (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!)
-[X] Research 'Breachgate' - Research gate system capable of holding open a breach between two points for an extended period of time in order to allow for their use long-distance travel as well as improving the ability to research an open breach. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE)
-[X] Build J-Tech Lab (Research Augment) (-1000 R)

(17650 Resources Spent, 16450 Remain)
Part 1:




The young man grunted again, stirring in his half-sleep.

"Noah you idiot, wake the hell up," the voice snapped. Groaning, Noah Williams' eyes fluttered open, focusing blearily on a reddish blur to the right.

"...Ash?" he wondered aloud, as the figure slowly resolved.

Ashley Langley raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm Stacker Pentecost," the redheaded woman replied in complete deadpan.

Noah smiled, and chuckled weakly. Slowly, a soft smile crept onto Ashley's face.

"...Listen, Noah," she said. "You... you'd better get better, you hear?" The man glanced back over at her, the chuckling dying off. Ashley huffed, looking away.

"I... l-look, you're as much a part of this team as I am," she shot back. "My stepsister may be decent at piloting, but I..."

"...Just don't die on me, alright? Being done in by shrapnel's a stupid way to go."

Noah sighed, the smile returning again.

"...Sure thing, Ash."


The Blue cleanup is normal, though many members are clad in bright yellow radiation suits instead of their typical outfits.

The Breach Facility is hard at work. With the advent of new and dangerous kaiju, Command wants a better, nastier weapon, and one place they're looking for it is the Breach.

Technically, there's already a basis for Breach based weapons; the Supercells. The plasma pulse that they can create is directly caused by overloading the reactor, disengaging the safeties, and venting the resulting unstable soup of Cherenkov radiation and superheated plasma. It's incredibly dangerous, and damages the reactor each time it's used, but it's proven technology.

Alternatively, the unstable nature of the Breaches themselves could be used (as Admiral Jawa had actually suggested). Such a weapon could essentially tear slices out of a target, creating deep wounds without a focus on piercing armour-- at least in theory. The only problems are that the Breaches made so far (other than those in the Supercell) have only lasted for mere fractions of a second, and that this is completely new research. Still, it should have a chance, now that they know what they're looking for.

Disposable Bonus gained! One time use for one of the following:
+3 to "Supercell Discharge" research
+3 to "Fragmentation Slicer" research

Another project, this one handled by J-tech, is the design of laser-based DEWs for the jaegers. It's an easy goal, only made easier by the samples from Ascalon, and it's not long before the first prototype is tested and approved.

By following a similar structure to the photothermalelectric cells in Ascalon's hands, the new weapon is able to fire off a barrage of laser beams from a small area without overheating. The overall damage is a little underwhelming, but it's small enough that it may be able to mount on smaller platforms!

New Jaeger Weapon available to purchase: 60mm Laser Vulcan!
60mm Laser Vulcan:
Costs 250 Resources
Built-in Ranged Weapon (Carbine)
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10/ (2x number mounted) x 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Fire
Damage Bonus: 0
Range: 5/10/-

May move and fire at no penalty.

Laser Vulcans may be mounted on the Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Chest, or Torso of a jaeger. 2 Vulcans may be mounted simultaneously on the Chest or Torso instead of 1. Every 2 Vulcans mounted count as 1 single weapon for the purpose of the Strength limit.
Research on mounting Laser Vulcans on smaller platforms will be fairly easy.

The ever-beaten-up airforce gets yet more numbers, as more helis are built and filled in. The nihilistic, caffeine-addicted scouts have a party to celebrate their imminent demise new pals.

2 Squadrons of SH-60 Scout Helicopters constructed!
1 Squadron of A-KA-77 "Hellhound" Attack Helicopters constructed!


Once more, the council assembles in the Space Needle for a conference with KRAUN. They're all there, and they're ready.

As before, the KRAUN logo flashes across the screen, before fading away. And, as before, there are five figures waiting for them. 05 is slurping a mug of something with a straw in it. 02 is adjusting their tie. Both stop as soon as they realize that they're on a live feed. Both swiftly assume the more professional stance of their fellows. 03 does not say anything.

"Neo-Seattle," 01 says. "We were not expecting you so soon again. We assume you have something to say?"

Edit: Expect for Thread 2 to start up at the end of week 29. Also, next game-week marks the start of November. Almost 11 months Post Tod der Jaeger. Time sure flies, huh? (of course you'll get a special 'gift' for the end of the year as well...)
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Part 1:




The young man grunted again, stirring in his half-sleep.

"Noah you idiot, wake the hell up," the voice snapped. Groaning, Noah Williams' eyes fluttered open, focusing blearily on a reddish blur to the right.

"...Ash?" he wondered aloud, as the figure slowly resolved.

Ashley Langley raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm Stacker Pentecost," the redheaded woman replied in complete deadpan.

Noah smiled, and chuckled weakly. Slowly, a soft smile crept onto Ashley's face.

"...Listen, Noah," she said. "You... you'd better get better, you hear?" The man glanced back over at her, the chuckling dying off. Ashley huffed, looking away.

"I... l-look, you're as much a part of this team as I am," she shot back. "My stepsister may be decent at piloting, but I..."

"...Just don't die on me, alright? Being done in by shrapnel's a stupid way to go."

Noah sighed, the smile returning again.

"...Sure thing, Ash."
#feelsgoodman :cry:
New Jaeger Weapon available to purchase: 60mm Laser Vulcan!
60mm Laser Vulcan:
Costs 250 Resources
Built-in Ranged Weapon (Carbine)
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10/ (2x number mounted) x 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Fire
Damage Bonus: 0
Range: 5/10/-

May move and fire at no penalty.

Laser Vulcans may be mounted on the Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Chest, or Torso of a jaeger. 2 Vulcans may be mounted simultaneously on the Chest or Torso instead of 1. Every 2 Vulcans mounted count as 1 single weapon for the purpose of the Strength limit.
Research on mounting Laser Vulcans on smaller platforms will be fairly easy.

....I want to cover tacit in the laser vulcans. Just put them everywhere. ALL THE DAKKA!

I mean sure they do terrible damage, but you could farm so many crits. (I'm not actually saying we should, but its just kind of a hilarious idea especially with the no move penalty)

....I want to make a giant disco ball jaeger. A DISCO BALL OF LASERS!
We need to get at least four of those gatlings. Research a bit more to put some failsafes against Nat 1s and we can go for crits through sheer volume of fire.

Hell, we could mount a whole bunch of them on JH, since she doesn't have any Built-ins aside from the Electrocaster.

Too bad we can't put a pair on the head. Head Vulcans are a tradition, after all.
....I want to cover tacit in the laser vulcans. Just put them everywhere. ALL THE DAKKA!

I mean sure they do terrible damage, but you could farm so many crits. (I'm not actually saying we should, but its just kind of a hilarious idea especially with the no move penalty)

....I want to make a giant disco ball jaeger. A DISCO BALL OF LASERS!
We need to get at least four of those gatlings. Research a bit more to put some failsafes against Nat 1s and we can go for crits through sheer volume of fire.

Hell, we could mount a whole bunch of them on JH, since she doesn't have any Built-ins aside from the Electrocaster.

Too bad we can't put a pair on the head. Head Vulcans are a tradition, after all.
Your designers didn't want superheated beam weapons next to your squishy, heat-vulnerable pilots. Shell-firing vulcans are more likely to be allowed there.

You may fit two pairs of Laser Vulcans on Tacit (or 8x 1d10 at maximum firing mode) and one pair on Jagdhund (4x 1d10). To add more, you'd need more Strength.

And yes, they basically do shit against anything with decent armour, but that was never their role. The Laser Vulcans essentially fill the same role as Cherno's rockets did-- lots of crit-able die to be flung at the enemy-- except they do it better (no shot limit, and better range brackets). They're your backup weapons for when everything else fails and your reactor attacks are too risky.
Your designers didn't want superheated beam weapons next to your squishy, heat-vulnerable pilots. Shell-firing vulcans are more likely to be allowed there.

You may fit two pairs of Laser Vulcans on Tacit (or 8x 1d10 at maximum firing mode) and one pair on Jagdhund (4x 1d10). To add more, you'd need more Strength.

And yes, they basically do shit against anything with decent armour, but that was never their role. The Laser Vulcans essentially fill the same role as Cherno's rockets did-- lots of crit-able die to be flung at the enemy-- except they do it better (no shot limit, and better range brackets). They're your backup weapons for when everything else fails and your reactor attacks are too risky.
Which is exactly the kind of OH SHIT button I wanted. <3
And another thing for Revolver Shogun. I'm gonna need to re-find or rebuild my notes.
Once more, the council assembles in the Space Needle for a conference with KRAUN. They're all there, and they're ready.

As before, the KRAUN logo flashes across the screen, before fading away. And, as before, there are five figures waiting for them. 05 is slurping a mug of something with a straw in it. 02 is adjusting their tie. Both stop as soon as they realize that they're on a live feed. Both swiftly assume the more professional stance of their fellows. 03 does not say anything.

"Neo-Seattle," 01 says. "We were not expecting you so soon again. We assume you have something to say?"

[X]"Yes, and we thank you for meeting with us once again."
-[X] "We'd like to start by giving you an update on our status, including our Kaiju records and the current status of Jagdhund."
--[X] (Make sure they have an up-to-date record of the Kaiju we've killed and what Jagdhund's current status is)
--[X] (Provide them of an overview of our fight with Ascalon)
-[X] "The nature of our fight with Ascalon has put certain things into perspective, including the realistic nature of our situation in this war. While we have no intent of giving up or losing, we do think it is important to prepare for a worst case scenario. As such, if it is at all possible, we'd like to request data that would allow us the means to produce our own Angelnet Transceiver, so that if Seattle does face worst case scenario by loosing our Jaegers and facing imminent annihilation, we will have the means to both inform you of it and provide you with as much information as we can before going off-line for good to ensure that such a loss would not be entirely in vain."

That'll take care of points 2 and half of 1, then we can move on to the rest of 1 and other points as well once we've given them a chance to respond to this.

  1. Give them an update on our status, including ensuring they are up to date on all Kaiju's we've killed and the current status of Jagdhund, as well as telling them anything they don't know about Vulcan's Nest and the situation over there (Especially the way the alien environment has taken over).
  2. See if they might be willing to share with us the information needed to build an ANGELnet transceiver independent of Jagdhund, if for no other reason that should we hit a worst-case scenario and lose both Jagdhund and the destruction of Neo-Seattle is imminent, we can be sure to let them know about it and try to send them all information we have in order to ensure that such a loss would not be entirely in vain.
  3. Send them data related to our ARGES targeting system and Faraday Frame.
  4. See if they have any information they are willing and able to share with us on the ability to create a nuclear explosive device, for the purposes of using it as part of a theorized 'Breach Buster' anti-Breach explosive device we're planning.
  5. See if they have any information they could share on the creation of Supercell reactors capable of powering a Mk V Jaeger.
  6. See if they have any anti-Kaiju information they can share with us that would help us kill more Kaiju.
  7. Make clear how big a role Jagdhund played in defeating Ascalon, how helpful she has been, and how thankful we are that they have continued to allow her to operate out of Neo-Seattle, as well as going over the upgrades we've given her while she's been here; hint and suggest at the idea of letting us borrow another MkVI 'roboJaeger' as an additional reinforcement to further help us continue our fight on this side of the country and ensure we're able to keep up the fight and our research towards solving the Kaiju problem if they have one to spare or they have any operating in our area that might be able to use Neo-Seattle as a base of operations and how useful it would be to helping us help them win the war, but don't outright ask or request as much.
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I approve of the LASER VULCANS. On principle as much as anything. Maybe Paladin Victor will mount a pair of them on one of his arms instead of a Plasmacaster. Or, heck, mount them on both arms in pods!

[X]"Yes, and we thank you for meeting with us once again."
-[X] "We'd like to start by giving you an update on our status, including our Kaiju records and the current status of Jagdhund."
--[X] (Make sure they have an up-to-date record of the Kaiju we've killed and what Jagdhund's current status is)
--[X] (Provide them of an overview of our fight with Ascalon)
-[X] "The nature of our fight with Ascalon has put certain things into perspective, including the realistic nature of our situation in this war. While we have no intent of giving up or losing, we do think it is important to prepare for a worst case scenario. As such, if it is at all possible, we'd like to request data that would allow us the means to produce our own Angelnet Transceiver, so that if Seattle does face worst case scenario by loosing our Jaegers and facing imminent annihilation, we will have the means to both inform you of it and provide you with as much information as we can before going off-line for good to ensure that such a loss would not be entirely in vain."