2x 1d10+3 for burst fire (hits on 7+ vs prone)
1d10+2 for rrrrrrrrrrails (hits on 7+ vs prone)

2x 1d10+4 to tear this dude up

jaiveer00 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: tear this dude up Total: 7
5 5 2 2
jaiveer00 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: rrrrrrrraaaails Total: 2
2 2
jaiveer00 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: burst fire Total: 2
2 2
jaiveer00 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: burst fire Total: 6
6 6
jaiveer00 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: hit location tearing Total: 28
5 5 6 6 9 9 8 8
jaiveer00 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: hit location burst Total: 19
2 2 1 1 7 7 9 9
jaiveer00 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: rrrrrails hit location Total: 16
7 7 9 9
[X] Tanks, Heimdal, and Jagdhund fire on Matilda.
-[X] Tanks back up from Matilda and use Powershells.
-[X] Burst fire for Jagdhund's rifle.
[X] If possible, scouts should use Arges on Matilda.
[X] Tacit Ronin does some more slicing and dicing with Rouge.
[X] Navy and attack helicopters move into firing range and be prepared to fire torpedoes if Rouge breaks melee.
-Vs. Matilda

Fortunately for the workers who prepare the vehicles for combat, there is another option, which is slightly more likely than everyone being a bumbling, incompetent fool: saboteurs. It's not much likelier, given how tight base security is, but it is possible.

For their sake, they'd better hope it was saboteurs.

Somehow, the shots from the smaller vehicles hit everywhere except Matilda. Even the elites barely manage to deal scratches to the kaiju.

Out of pity, Jagdhund empties the remainder her clip into the thing's face. Matilda just squeals and flails in a puddle of its own blood.

Matilda takes 3 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! Matilda is losing stamina!
Out of Ammo!


-Vs. Rouge


There's no contest. Tacit simply rips the Category II in half with its blades, leaving the kaiju halves floating free and limp.

Rouge takes 8 Strikes!
SE-26-032, "Rouge" Defeated!

Tacit shakes its blood-drenched blades, dumping spare ballast so it can float to the surface for pickup.

- Tacit will return to the shoreline in... not soon enough to make a meaningful contribution to the other 'fight'.
- Matilda is 13 from tanks, 14 from JH/Heimdal.

This is... kinda hilarious. On one hand, you have Tacit beating the shit out of their kaiju. On the other, Jagdhund's being the exasperated team mom who's trying to make the conventionals not feel useless and left out despite the fact that nothing's been working other than the Heimdal and herself. Poor Jagdhund needs some R&R, she's been pulling everyone's weight the last couple matches.
I'm really tempted to have the tanks drive up and spin their wheels on Matilda's face.
I mean, I know that would be really stupid.
But it's so tempting.
Fuck, I'm basically explaining the entire Harboiled combat system in my "Quick and Dirty data sheet". This is a lot more than I thought I was gonna do... and I just lost half of the work when I made this post. Why do I do any work outside of a word processor. :cry:
[X] Strengthen your allies! Reap the sweet rewards of justice!!

[X]...just fire already...
-[X]JH reload​
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Aledeth's Giant Robots And You (a short Vs. The World guide)
Giant Robots, Kaiju, and You:
How to play "VS The World" Quests and have a clue what all the pretty numbers mean!
Welcome, Commander, to the PPDC! Or rather, what's left of it. 'What's left' being your city, your Jaeger, and your fellow players. Shit's fucked yo. The particular flavor of fuckery may vary from Quest to Quest, but the basic game mechanics don't. The purpose of this post is to get you up to speed on the mechanics of the VS The World combat system, how stats work, and various other useful tidbits of knowledge. I've been an active participant in almost every single VS The World quest that existed on SB & SV, so I'd like to make some of my experience with the game systems more accessible for other players that might be new to the party.

Note: Any statements and rules posted below here are subject to the whims of the GM running the quest. If they decide something is different than what's said here, GM ALWAYS WINS.


Hand to Hand (HtH): Each point adds +1 to all attack rolls with built-in melee weapons, +1 to all Block reactions, and +1 to all grapple resolution rolls
Strength (STR): Each point adds +1 to damage with melee weapons (unless otherwise stated), +1 to Slam attack rolls, +1 to all grapple resolution rolls after the first round, and allows Jaegers to carry 1 built-in weapon system per point. Certain equipment has a minimum STR requirement to use
Ranged (RAN): Each point adds +1 to attack rolls with ranged weapons, required 1 point to use Ranged weapons
Agility (AGI): Each point adds +1 to Dodge reactions, +1 to charge rolls, increases our walking speed by 1 unit, and our max running speed by 2 units,
Toughness (TGH): Increases Jaeger Structure and Durability, no precise formula for how it works
Dexterity (DEX): Each point adds +1 to Parry Reactions, +1 to attack rolls with carried melee weapons, and gives boosts to all other miscellaneous actions that don't fall under a specific category (like scanning in murky water). Needed for any task requiring somewhat delicate movement, like holding things or using hand-held guns.

Structure is how many strikes a Jaeger/Kaiju/Thing can take before passing out from damage. If the number of strikes taken is double the unit's structure, the character/unit is completely destroyed.

Durability is how many strikes a unit can take before it start taking penalties to your stats. If it is 1 strike over your durability, it is at -1 to all stats. 2 Strikes over, -2 to all stats, and so on.

Basic Turn Structure:
There are two components of a turn: The movement Phase and the Attack Phase.

Movement: Walk/run to a position, or Charge an eligible target. Walking speed is 3+AGI units, running is twice that. If you run, you get no Attack action this turn. If you walk, any Attack made this turn takes a -3 penalty.
Charges: Must be 4+ units from the target. Roll 1d10+AGI to determine how far the charge goes. Failure to charge far enough to reach melee distance with the target Stuns you and gives the target a free countercharge against you, which automatically succeeds and has no minimum distance. No reactions are allowed while Stunned.
If a charge is successful, add +2 to your melee attack against the charge target. Charging ignores the -3 movement penalty on attacks, so there's a net difference of +5 in favor of a charging Punch vs walking up and Punching something.

Attack: Make a Melee or Ranged attack against an eligible target. Melee attacks require the target to be next to you, Ranged attack needs the target to be in range and have ammo for your weapon.

After you complete all attacks with units on your side of the battle, the enemy takes their turn, following the same rules. When they are done, you go again.

How Damage Works:

In melee, you roll to hit vs the enemy rolling to block/dodge/parry. If you win the roll, the damage is the difference between your to-hit roll and the enemies defense roll, plus modifiers like Strength and Weapon damage mods, minus the armor value of the area. Think of the difference between rolls being how accurate the hit is. High differential means we got a very solid blow in, low difference means we clipped them with the fist.

An example:

We attack Kaiju 'Bugsy' and roll a total of 9 for our attack. He rolls a 4 on his dodge roll. We now do 9-4 damage + 3(example Strength) for a total of 8 damage. Then we roll hit location, lets say the shoulder.
'Bugsy' has armor value of 3 there. So 8-3 is 5 damage.
Now, each damage type has a damage table that determines how much damage you must deal to cause a glancing, minor, or major wounds. Glancing wounds do 1 strike, minor do 3 strikes and usually come with some other penalty, and major wounds do 5 strikes and cause serious havoc, often taking off limbs and such. Truly powerful hits can outright destroy the targeted location, and if a central part of the body is destroyed (anything from the eyes to the pelvis), the target dies instantly.

Ranged attacks work very similarly, except rather than taking the difference between our roll and the Kaiju's, the difference between our roll and the minimum to-hit number for the ranged weapon determines the bonus 'accuracy' damage.

The Armor Value of armor is listed as x/y, 4/2 as an example. What those numbers mean is any regular attack to that location has any damage dealt reduced by the first number, 4.
If an attack has an Armor Piercing value, the AP is compared to the first number. If the AP value is >= to the AV, the armor is pierced, and the first listed number is ignored. Instead, the attack is reduced by the 2nd number, in this case 2. Certain armor exists that has no 2nd number, like 5/- armor. If that armor is attacked by a weapon with AP5, it's like the location is completely unarmored. Armor can also carry special bonuses or penalties against specific damage types. This bonus boosts both numbers.
For example, armor with a value of 4/1 +1 vs Impact would count as 5/2 against Impact attacks.

Armor also has a Resilience stat. What the resilience stat does is determine how much damage a particular piece of armor must suffer from a single attack before the armor on that location is completely destroyed. Armor with Resilience 9, for example, must take 9 points of damage before being destroyed. The armor reduces damage from the hit before resilience is calculated, so a 4/2 Armor with resilience 9 would need to take 13 damage from one attack before being destroyed. If the attack had AP4, it'd only need to be 11. Armor penetrated by a high AP weapon isn't destroyed automatically, but it is easier for that attack to break it.

Each reaction (Block, Dodge, or Parry) have a few nifty details about them.

Block: When blocking an attack, you are using the Jaegers arms to get in the way of the enemy attack. if you fail to block, the Kaiju hits as normal, but if you succeed, the Kaiju still does the base damage of the attack (meaning any weapon bonuses & strength, but no accuracy boosts) to an arm of the Jaeger. Blocking extra strong attacks like Bites or things like that is still dangerous! A Critical block takes 0 damage.

Dodge: Dodging an attack is the only way to guarantee you take no damage. Critical dodges give the Jaeger the option of moving 1 unit out of combat without provoking a Passing Attack.

Parry: Parrying an attack does two things. First, it does the same thing as Blocking, only it is the Jaeger's hands that are used. Even a successful parry leads to a Jaeger or Kaiju taking a little damage, especially if it's a strong attack they are trying to parry. No free lunches here! After a successful parry, we get to Counterattack using a carried or built-in melee weapon. This doesn't count against our actions for next turn. Critical Parries are extra strong offensively, as the enemy isn't allowed a reaction roll against the Counterattack.

Any time a Reaction is made past the first each turn, a stacking -1 penalty to the roll is applied. This is meant to simulate the difficulty in fending off multiple attackers, or a single opponent with an excessive attack speed.

Ranged Weapons:
Your typical ranged weapon has ranged brackets listed that look something like this: 10/20/30
What those number mean is anything from 1-10 units is Short Range, 11-20 units is Medium Range, and 21-30 is Long Range. Any unit in melee range with the shooter is at Point Blank range. Note: A weapon fired at a target at Point Blank range allows the target to make a Reaction to the ranged attack.
Depending on what weapon type you are using, there are different modifiers to attack rolls depending on the distance of the target.

A Rifle weapon fires at -2 against Point Blank targets, and -2 against Long Range targets. Short and Medium Range is unmodified.
A Carbine weapon fires at -1 against Medium range, and -3 against Long Range targets. Point Blank and Short Range is unmodified.
A Scatter weapon fires at +2 against Point Blank range, -2 against Medium, and -4 against Long Range targets. Short Range is unmodified.

You may occasionally find weapons that look like this: 10/-/18, where there is no medium range bracket and it goes directly to Long range at 11 units, or -/20/40 where there is no short range bracket and you start at Medium range, or 15/25/-, where there is no long range bracket and the gun accuracy never drops beyond medium.

Temporary Strikes:
Temporary strikes are just that, temporary. They last for one turn (yours & the Kaiju's), then go away, taking any stat penalties with them. A target that goes over their Structure from Temporary Strikes is defeated but not killed, and can recover given time.

Passing Attacks:
Any time you or a Kaiju move away from an enemy you are in melee range of, a Passing Attack is granted against you. This is a basic attack made with whatever weapon the attacker wants against the unit moving away. The defender is allowed a reaction as normal, and this attack does not count against the normal limit of one attack per turn for whoever is making the Passing Attack.
It does count as a Reaction for the unit making the attack, and applies penalties to further Reaction rolls that unit takes.

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Since we're close to downtime and I won't be on here later today, I'd like to put forward my plan for this week's downtime. If in the future, there is a better way to "stash" a plan in advance, and posting a bit before downtime really irks people, please let me know.

Plan: Velocitas Eradico

[X] Research the construction of a high-power radio dish for communications with Medford (free Comms action).
[X] Continue research on the VI-11b Supercell Quantum Reaction Chamber (free breach research).
[X] Upgrade Tacit Ronin's dexterity (free J-Tech research).

[X] Build 7 squadrons of attack helicopters [-3500 R]
[X] Upgrade Seattle's population by two points [-9500 R].
[X] Research installation of the Heimdal's Longspear railgun into the Murasame-Class destroyers.
[X] Research adaptation of Heimdal's Longspear railgun into a shoulder-mounted weapon for jaegers. Upscale the weapon a bit, if possible.
[X] Research a dedicated facility for the cost-effective production and repair/rebuild of Heimdal units (discount on the production and repair/rebuild of Heimdal units).
[X] Research advanced supercomposite armor plating for jaegers.
[X] Continue research on cheaper jaeger frames. Focus on the Mark 3 frames in particular.
[X] Research a dedicated production facility for land conventionals (construction of x number of heavily discounted non-superheavy land conventionals as a free action each turn).

Cost: 13, 000 R
Since we're close to downtime and I won't be on here later today, I'd like to put forward my plan for this week's downtime. If in the future, there is a better way to "stash" a plan in advance, and posting a bit before downtime really irks people, please let me know.

Personally, I think it would be better if there was more time for people to vote during weekly downtimes, something that made it so that arguably the biggest action from week to week didn't lock people out of the decision making process if they're so unfortunate as to be offline or engaging in real-life stuff when the weekly planning kicks off.
Because my guess is it either won't make a tangible difference, or it'll kill the gains we get from making frames cheaper for non MK III, which I'm not cool with.

Admittedly, I'd been considering putting an emphasis on the MK III over the MK I myself (not ignoring the MK I, but emphasizing the MK III), but it's probably good to ask if it makes a difference or if it's better to just research Jaeger frames in general.
Personally, I think it would be better if there was more time for people to vote during weekly downtimes, something that made it so that arguably the biggest action from week to week didn't lock people out of the decision making process if they're so unfortunate as to be offline or engaging in real-life stuff when the weekly planning kicks off.
I'll wait longer this time. Sorry about that.

@Fyrstorm will the bolded actually have an effect?

Because my guess is it either won't make a tangible difference, or it'll kill the gains we get from making frames cheaper for non MK III, which I'm not cool with.
It'll lessen the effect on other frames, but increase the effect on Mark III frames.

The Heimdal points its gun at the kaiju, and fires.

SE-26-034, "Matilda" Defeated!

Except writeup to take a while. Doing this from mobile isn't the easiest.
I'll wait longer this time. Sorry about that.

It'll lessen the effect on other frames, but increase the effect on Mark III frames.

The Heimdal points its gun at the kaiju, and fires.

SE-26-034, "Matilda" Defeated!

Except writeup to take a while. Doing this from mobile isn't the easiest.
We can wait. There's no need to rush, Fyr.