[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
-Vs. Matilda

It seems that the Heimdal isn't quite as ready as expected. The resupply workers simply roll their eyes, and drive up to the superweapon, bringing their supply of flechettes.

Jagdhund's weapon barks, firing off a precise shot!

Matilda takes 1 Strike!

The kaiju wobbles in flight, but doesn't fall, a few lines of Blue dripping down its chest.

- Matilda is 9 from the shoreline, 24 from Tanks, 29 from Jagdhund/Heimdal
- Rouge is somewhere within 20 Units. Navy is 10 from TR, except floating.

Your turn. Be glad you have the RSB or whatever they're called, or else your superheavy would be useless now.
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Meanwhile, inside the Command room, General Aledeth loudly curses his supply department for their stupidity.

At the same time, General Highwind wonders if he should just fire whoever is in charge of calibrating Tacit's sensor equipment.
You know how we specifically stated that we're loading torpedoes on the choppers this time? Maybe we should make that a pre-op ritual.

[X] Load artillery
[X] Load AKBs
[X] Load Heimdal
[X] Load Jagdhund
[X] Load...
-Vs. Matilda

The rail and rifle open fire again, each connecting solidly! Matilda's hind leg breaks, bent at a weird angle, while a squirt of blood sprays from between its wings!

Matilda takes 2 Strikes!

But the kaiju is a tough one, and these wounds are minor at best. The insect buzzes forwards, raising up its clawed feet to strike once it's close enough!


-Vs. Rouge


"There it is!" Ashley shouts. Noah's already on the job, twisting Tacit's gaze rightwards. The kaiju is hard to see at this distance, but the ultrasonics have nailed it down! The kaiju is around 1500 meters west, trying to sneak up on the jaeger! Rouge lets out its own ultrasonic squawk, and darts south, circling around towards Tacit Ronin!

- Matilda is 13 from Tanks, 18 from Jagdhund/Heimdal
- Rouge is 9 Southwest of TR. Navy and Air Force are 10 North of TR.
[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
--[X] Tanks use Powershot ammo.
[X] Scout choppers LARS Matilda.
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[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
-[X]Tanks use Powershot ammo
[X] Scout choppers move into range and Arges Matilda (if possible).
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[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
-[X]Tanks use Powershot ammo
[X] Scout choppers move into range and Arges Matilda (if possible).
[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
-[X]Tanks use Powershot ammo
[X] Scout choppers move into range and Arges Matilda (if possible).
[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
-[X]Tanks use Powershot ammo
[X] Scout choppers move into range and Arges Matilda (if possible).
I'll take...
2d5+6 for rocket charge! On a total of 9+,
2x 1d10+5 for slicing!

1d10+4 for rifle
1d10+2 for longspear
2x 1d10 for Powah
1d10 for Elite Powah (hits on 4+ rather than 5+)

Scouts are above the ocean, they can't do shit about Tilds.
I'll take...
2d5+6 for rocket charge! On a total of 9+,
2x 1d10+5 for slicing!

1d10+4 for rifle
1d10+2 for longspear
2x 1d10 for Powah
1d10 for Elite Powah (hits on 4+ rather than 5+)

Scouts are above the ocean, they can't do shit about Tilds.
Nah, we were sending the scouts to Arges the flying one so the tanks could get some benefit, not the underwater one.
TR Stabs: 2#1d10+5 10 14
TR Stabs: 2#2d10 11 6

JH Gun: 1d10+4 10
JH Gun: 2d10 7

Longspear: 1d10+2 7
Longspear: 2d10 3

Regular PS Tonks: 2#1d10 1 2
Elite PS Tonks: 1#1d10 1

Holy hell those Tank rolls. Not like Arges could help there >.>
[X] Tacit Ronin activates solid thrusters to increase agility by +3, charge and slice Rouge.
[X] Navy and air force prepare to fire all torpedoes should Tacit miss the charge.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and Tanks fire on Matilda.
-[X]Tanks use Powershot ammo
[X] Scout choppers move into range and Arges Matilda (if possible).
-Vs. Matilda

Someone's getting fired. Only one group of tanks actually has ammunition, and the armed one misses by a mile. The resupply corp comes to the rescue with the last of their supplies, before buggering off.

Resupply Corp used up for the remainder of the battle!

The bigger weapons, however, are just fine, opening up into the kaiju with impunity.

Matilda takes 4 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! -1 Agility!

The shots clip the kaiju's wings, sending it careening out of control! Matilda slams into the beach, one gossamer wing tearing apart under the violent crash!

Matilda takes 1 Strike! Matilda is Prone! Matilda is losing Stamina! Matilda can no longer fly!

The kaiju's abdomen flexes, swinging forwards. A spike at the tip pulses, and fires off!


1 Strike! Torso armour destroyed!

The angled armour on Jagdhund's stomach shatters, but the jaeger is otherwise mostly unharmed by the shot.


-Vs. Rouge



Tacit's rockets ignite, burning through their fuel in an instant to throw the jaeger into glorious melee combat!

The fangblades dart right and left, one blade slicing a gash across Rouge's brick red chest, the other nearly removing the kaiju's hind leg!

Rouge takes 6 Strikes! +3 Ongoing! -3 Agility! R. Thigh armour broken!

Rouge gnashes its teeth, before its mouth splits, revealing a second set of jaws inside!

[] Block!
[] Parry!
[] Dodge!

- Matilda is 9 from Tanks, 14 from Jagdhund/Heimdal, and is prone.
- Rouge is melee with TR, 18 from navy/af