@Space Jawa Agreed on upgrading the population. Let's put two, maybe even three points into that stat.

It might also be a good idea to build an additional two or three J-tech research augments, since they are only 1000 resources a pop, and will allow us to upgrade multiple jaeger stats each week as a free action.
@Fyrstorm Would it be feasible to research a high speed, dedicated jaeger transport system between Seattle and the two nearby cities of Tacoma and Everett? If we upgraded the scanners of a new city to a moderately high level (e.g., 6) and had this single jaeger high speed transport system in place, could we reliably reinforce one of the new cities with the jaeger stationed in Seattle before a kaiju reached Tacoma or Everett?

I'm thinking something along the lines of a ground system that magnetically propels a jaeger at very high speeds between two nearby cities, and which has much less setup time than the carry-alls.

Maybe a subsurface rail line with a wrist-mounted control system?

"Tacit Ronin, it's showtime!"
Cast In The Name Of Cherno... Ye Not Guilty."
@Space Jawa Agreed on upgrading the population. Let's put two, maybe even three points into that stat.

It might also be a good idea to build an additional two or three J-tech research augments, since they are only 1000 resources a pop, and will allow us to upgrade multiple jaeger stats each week as a free action.
I'm fairly sure only the first augment gives the free research action and all subsequent ones give a bonus to the research made with that action.

Speaking of Free Extra Actions, we should get something to auto-build conventional units like boats and tanks for us. We really need to get more of a navy and replace our losses but that takes too many actions better spent in making sure our Jaegers are ready for combat.

Maybe a subsurface rail line with a wrist-mounted control system?

"Tacit Ronin, it's showtime!"
Cast In The Name Of Cherno... Ye Not Guilty."
I got a better idea. Huge airplanes to carry Jaegers further and faster than Carry-alls. I'm fairly sure Evangelion had those.

[X] Arty and Infantry to the walls.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and the tank units move to engage Matilda. Jadghund and Heimdal set up position twenty units from the shoreline two units apart. The tanks set up screening position five units ahead of them, spaced two units apart.
[X] Tacit Ronin takes the Air Force and Navy out to engage Rouge by sea. Try to approach from the flank. Choppers carry torpedoes.
Would it be feasible to research a high speed, dedicated jaeger transport system between Seattle and the two nearby cities of Tacoma and Everett? If we upgraded the scanners of a new city to a moderately high level (e.g., 6) and had this single jaeger high speed transport system in place, could we reliably reinforce one of the new cities with the jaeger stationed in Seattle before a kaiju reached Tacoma or Everett?

I'm thinking something along the lines of a ground system that magnetically propels a jaeger at very high speeds between two nearby cities, and which has much less setup time than the carry-alls.

Maybe a subsurface rail line with a wrist-mounted control system?

I got a better idea. Huge airplanes to carry Jaegers further and faster than Carry-alls. I'm fairly sure Evangelion had those.

I remember there was research into this idea in Cherno Quest, and then vs now, I think realistically I don't think a high-speed transport system like that is viable. Beyond ensuring we have at least one Jaeger stationed in the new city at all times, I think we have two potential options:

1) Upgrading our scanners both in Seattle and the nearby cities to high enough level that we can guarantee we can catch any Kaiju well before they could get to either city - at a level well beyond a mere 6.
2) I know it may sound crazy, but think realistically we have a better chance of researching some kind warp/wormhole portals for instant city-to-city transport than we do making a physical high-speed transport system work. Flying through the air at those speeds risks damaging the Jaeger on landing, and ground system risks being wrecked by Kaiju and risks being impossible to keep repaired feasibly.

Alternatively, I think for the short term we're better off making contact with southern California - if they do have a working Shatterdome and Jaeger down there and are pulling off the same show we are, making contact with them and establishing relations and communications is likely to provide us with the best of what we need (mostly research) while removing the need to split our limited resources between multiple cities.

Agreed on upgrading the population. Let's put two, maybe even three points into that stat.

One point certainly, maybe two points, I'm not sure on three at the moment - we do have our limited resources to consider, especially with our plans to build additional Jaegers and power cores to run them. I expect the needed Supercells to cost a pretty penny for the foreseeable future, even with cost reduction research.
I remember there was research into this idea in Cherno Quest, and then vs now, I think realistically I don't think a high-speed transport system like that is viable. Beyond ensuring we have at least one Jaeger stationed in the new city at all times, I think we have two potential options:

1) Upgrading our scanners both in Seattle and the nearby cities to high enough level that we can guarantee we can catch any Kaiju well before they could get to either city - at a level well beyond a mere 6.
2) I know it may sound crazy, but think realistically we have a better chance of researching some kind warp/wormhole portals for instant city-to-city transport than we do making a physical high-speed transport system work. Flying through the air at those speeds risks damaging the Jaeger on landing, and ground system risks being wrecked by Kaiju and risks being impossible to keep repaired feasibly.

Alternatively, I think for the short term we're better off making contact with southern California - if they do have a working Shatterdome and Jaeger down there and are pulling off the same show we are, making contact with them and establishing relations and communications is likely to provide us with the best of what we need (mostly research) while removing the need to split our limited resources between multiple cities.

One point certainly, maybe two points, I'm not sure on three at the moment - we do have our limited resources to consider, especially with our plans to build additional Jaegers and power cores to run them. I expect the needed Supercells to cost a pretty penny for the foreseeable future, even with cost reduction research.

How about this... Research improvements to Heimdal and station multiple units at the new city rather than a Jaeger. As expensive as they are, Heimdals are still much cheaper than even a Mk. 1 Jaeger.
They're also 'just' conventionals, not Jaegers.

Cons are great support and stop-gap measures that should not be discounted or underestimated, but we can not rely on a full-blown city being properly defended if we don't have the ability to ensure we have a Jaeger there to protect it when needed.
2) I know it may sound crazy, but think realistically we have a better chance of researching some kind warp/wormhole portals for instant city-to-city transport than we do making a physical high-speed transport system work. Flying through the air at those speeds risks damaging the Jaeger on landing, and ground system risks being wrecked by Kaiju and risks being impossible to keep repaired feasibly.

Dude. Breach-Tech. We need to do more than just research how to close them, we need to figure out what sorts of exotic effects they create. If we manage to figure out how to create a Breach that links two points in the same universe, we have our Fast Travel method ready.
Dude. Breach-Tech. We need to do more than just research how to close them, we need to figure out what sorts of exotic effects they create. If we manage to figure out how to create a Breach that links two points in the same universe, we have our Fast Travel method ready.

I'm fully aware of researching breach tech. That's exactly what I have in mind. And as soon as we get supercells figured out and/or figure out how to close the breaches that exist or otherwise get the basics of the breaches figured out, this is definitely something I want to aim for.

I just think that the Breach in our backyard and getting supercell reactors have taken priority over what I figured was a personal pet project that had to be put on the backburner temporarily till we got more important, fundamental, and reasonable stuff figured out first (see also - the anti-Kaiju submarine project I would love to do but haven't brought up in forever since I know it's not realistically very high on the priority scale right now and probably not until we're ready to try to go after the original breach).
Long story short, bullet spewers are almost certainly going to be innacurate, so Carbine range brackets are most likely the best you could possibly hope for, but Scatter weapons is much more likely.
That sounds roughly what I want, really. Revolver Shogun has his railguns for long and extreme long-range, the missiles to cover medium to short, and then the arm-mounted bullet spewers for short and point blank.

As for Metalstorm type weapons being bad on Jaegers due to being hard to reload? I disagree completely. Not that they're easy to reload in battle, but that it wouldn't need to be used more than once in a battle. If we develop a similar kind of one-shot weapon system, it wouldn't be used on Jagd IMO, but on Tacit. He's unlkely to be using it more than once in a battle anyway since regular melee attacks are so effective with him, so this'd be an OH SHIT panic button weapon, or something to use if he's too far away for anything else and still wants to contribute.
Point. I was mostly thinking in the context of my pet project jeager, and while a one-shot "fuck you" button has its uses, being a good primary armament is not among them.
That sounds roughly what I want, really. Revolver Shogun has his railguns for long and extreme long-range, the missiles to cover medium to short, and then the arm-mounted bullet spewers for short and point blank.
Gotta keep in mind, the more we focus on long ranged firepower for Jaegers, the more the GM starts doing that with Kaiju. Best to keep the Jaegers focused on medium-short range combat where the game system is designed to function best.
[X] Arty and Infantry to the walls.
[X] Jagdhund, Heimdal, and the tank units move to engage Matilda. Jagdhund and Heimdal set up position twenty units from the shoreline two units apart. The tanks set up screening position five units ahead of them, spaced two units apart.
[X] Tacit Ronin takes the Air Force and Navy out to engage Rouge by sea. Try to approach from the flank. Choppers carry torpedoes.
Two movements are agreed on; one against the flying kaiju, one against the swimming one.


- Vs. Matilda

Jagdhund and the Heimdal wait, standing tall behind the row of tanks.

Out above the water, the kaiju flies. It's big, grey, and insecty, almost like a giant cicada.


-Vs. Rouge

Tacit's feet hit the water, sending up a plume as the jaeger sinks like a rock. Above, the air force and navy wait, torpedoes ready to fire on the kaiju.

As the jaeger lands on the silty ocean floor, its floodlights flicker on.

"...God, I hate fighting fish," Ashley mutters. Noah raises an eyebrow.

"I'm the only one here who's fought underwater, Ash."

The fiery young woman rolls her eyes.

"In the sims, idiot. Stupid maritime kaiju always manage to sneak up on me." Ashley glances back towards the screen, as if daring Rouge to show its face.

"...Come one, let's go."


- Matilda is 20 from the shoreline, 35 from Tanks, 40 from Jagdhund/Heimdal
- Rouge is somewhere within 20 Units. Navy is 10 from TR, except floating.
Gotta keep in mind, the more we focus on long ranged firepower for Jaegers, the more the GM starts doing that with Kaiju. Best to keep the Jaegers focused on medium-short range combat where the game system is designed to function best.
Yeah, I know, which is why RS is slotted in behind almost literally everything else.
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge.
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge
I'll take a 1d10+2 for scanning.
[X]Shore dudes hold position, JH and Heimdal overwatch (semi-auto fire)
[X]Tacit Pings sonar, try to locate Rouge
-[X]If Tacit is successful and they are in range, boats and choppers are to fire torpedoes at Rouge.
-Vs. Matilda

The guns rise, ready to open fire on the kaiju. Matilda closes in, wings flapping rapidly. The kaiju is easier to see now, the dull grey of its shell darkening around its antennae and legs, a faint blue glow leaking from its joints. The wings are milky, blurring the world viewed through their membranes-- not that seeing through them is easy anyway, given how fast they're moving.

But with their speed, the kaiju is in range in no time!

Overwatch activated!
1d10 for Longspear
1d10+2 for Rifle
Hit locations as appropriate.


-Vs. Rouge


Tacit's scanners poke and prod the sea around it, searching for the jaeger's foe. There's a few flashes of something big, but it's not enough to narrow down the monster's position.

- Matilda is 9 from the shoreline, 24 from Tanks, 29 from Jagdhund/Heimdal
- Rouge is somewhere within 20 Units. Navy is 10 from TR, except floating.