It occurs to me that most of our casualties thus far have been air force, unless I'm misremembering.

I may have to write up an omake of my own at some point.
We also lost quite a few Tank crews to Misfires, but yeah, the Air Forces took the most Kaiju-related casualties.

Perry the Platypus: 1d10+4 7

And that should do it. Nat 10 on magic. o_O
I'm laughing like a madman here. Out of all Vs The World quests, this is the one who finally researched Magic and actually managed to roll high enough to (probably) achieve success.

I wonder how the discovery will happen? Drunk Scientists partying out and playing at being Science Wizards until one of them shot a fireball out of nowhere? Some jackass switched around the official orders from the Council a joke order to research Magic amd the Science team took it seriously? Or maybe they managed to learn something from our captive Kaiju that led them to the discovery?
I'm laughing like a madman here. Out of all Vs The World quests, this is the one who finally researched Magic and actually managed to roll high enough to (probably) achieve success.

I wonder how the discovery will happen? Drunk Scientists partying out and playing at being Science Wizards until one of them shot a fireball out of nowhere? Some jackass switched around the official orders from the Council a joke order to research Magic amd the Science team took it seriously? Or maybe they managed to learn something from our captive Kaiju that led them to the discovery?
The Commodore is a simpler man, from a simpler time.

Be there when the enemy dies.

The weapon matters little if you cannot be sure within the moment when the life fades from their eyes.
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I think we still need rolls for the new Jaeger Hands.

EDIT: Well :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:.

I suppose with all the other good rolls we got this was almost to be expected.
Yup. Now I know wht happens next.

The Scientists threw a party when they should be researching the Gantlets and a very drunk Researcher stumbled upon the basics of Magic after he put on a bunch of lab coats to serve as a robe and a wizard hat made from the Gauntlets' blueprints.
Omake: Air-Force Memorial
Air-Force General Devlin stared at the memorial, and the names etched upon it.

Steve Heckland, 34, veteran chopper pilot.

Killed when Marvin pulled out that artillery weapon.

Paul River, 22, former art major, but signed up for the Air-Force out of a desire to contribute to the defense of Seattle.
Howard Phillipson, 27, amateur novelist. Devlin still had one of the manuscripts he'd been passing out a few weeks ago.

Both of them vaporized by a blast of lightning from Hellwyrm.

These, and other names, lined the stone memorial. Devlin couldn't honestly say he knew each and every one personally, he'd never been good with names and faces.
But the Air-Force was his responsibility, the lives of these men rested on his shoulders. And he would be damned if he let something like this happen again on his watch.

Devlin reached into his jacket and removed a small flask. Bending down, he gently placed it at the foot of the memorial, next to the flowers from other visitors.

"You boys drink up. You've earned it. We'll handle the rest from here, alright?"

Turning away, Devlin tugged his cap back on, and headed off to glare at the scientists until they produced something to help keep the rest of his boys alive.
Week 13: Downtime
[X] Plan Research & Development (Mk II)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 7 (-3500 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Stat Upgrades: Hand to Hand*15 (-300 Resources)
-[X] Research Jaegrenades
-[X] Research Improvements to Helicopter Speed & Maneuverability to increase their survivability in combat
-[X] Research Improved Jaeger Gauntlets to increase the effectiveness and viability of successfully parrying attacks
-[X] Research the Theoretical Foundations of Magic(!)
The week is a busy one, as even more houses and infrastructure are built to support Seattle's growing population.

Population increases to 7!

Alec and Noah are significantly better, the latter finally being allowed out of the hospital!

Noah returned to piloting duties! Tacit Ronin will currently sortie with Ashley and Noah!

More work continues on improving Tacit's hand-to-hand combat prowess, with new double jointing systems being mapped out and constructed. It's not done, but it's getting close.

9/15 points to HtH 3!

More work is done on the 'Jaegrenades', with the first prototype rolling out by the week's end. It's not fancy at all; just a shipping crate stuffed with shrapnel, warheads, and a ddtonator, but it makes an impressive explosion when Tacit lobs it.

New Jaeger Weaponry available to purchase: JED-2-f Fragmentation 'Jaegrenade'!
JED-2-f Fragmentation 'Jaegrenade'
Costs 750 Resources
Small Explosive Weapon
Damage Type : Impact
Attack Dice : 3d10/2d10
Damage Bonus: 2/0
Radius : 1/3
Armour Penetration : 0/0
Countdown : Impact

Grenades may be either pitched or lobbed up to 15x Str units. Upon reaching their target, Impact grenades will detonate immediately. Non-Impact grenades will detonate after their Countdown timer has passed, and must be Primed as a Standard Action.

A Jaeger can carry up to 4 grenades with no encumbrance.

The helicopters receive some more love, at the... request of Councilman Devlin. Of course, the scientists are more than happy to help, as the fatalities the air force has suffered have gone on long enough.

There's not much to do about the scouts, and the carryalls never see combat, so the focus is on the Hellhounds. Their solution is rockets.

Affixed on pivoting mounts to the rotors, the thrusters should make it much harder for a ranged weapon to successfully hit one of them while in the air.

All attacks against Hellhounds are at +1 Difficulty to-hit!

The next project is to improve Tacit Ronin's ability to deflect attacks. It's fairly sinple, and a set of blueprints for some specialty gauntlets are drafted up. They're nothing really special, but they should function well for deflection of blows, thanks to the angled design. The only disadvantage is that they're not as good at grappling than Tact's current set.

New Jaeger Weaponry available to purchase: P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets!
P-20 Fulgor Gauntlet
Costs 200 Resources
Built-in Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +1
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

That just leaves one last thing; Magic.

It is by far the weirdest thing that the Neo-Seattle scientists have been asked to make. After all, who expects a group of logically minded individuals to come up with a functioning phenomena that breaks physics?

Apparently, the NPPDC does.

Nearly half the team calls it quits within the first few days, leaving behind a small group of particularly nerdy, free thinking, and open minded people to continue.

A week and a half goes by before the team finally reports in. Dr. Thomas Riddle comes in, a little wide-eyed and trembly.

"Er... s-sirs?... We... might have something."

They'd just started trying to get some sort of high energy reaction, experimenting with various things-- since that might be a good starting point, right? Well, while they had been trying something with a Uranium-Platinum composite, someone had jokingly suggested adding a drop of Kaiju Blue from Palisade. Since Platinum's non-corrosive, they'd decided sure, why not.

Then they set off the Breach Detector.

It was only for a microsecond, but... well, something happened. Actually, several somethings happened. Not only did they seemingly create a 'micro-Breach', but the few scanners in Palisade registered a massive neural shift.

The team has no idea what this means.

But everone can agree that it's pretty damn cool.

<UNKNOWN> Tech 'unlocked'! (Not-Magic). Further research required to gain progress!


Som̴ewḩer͜e͞ ̴e͏ls̶e͞.̛..





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Roll scanners for me, please.
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Ahahahahaha we almost managed to open a Breach. Holy shit.

We need to set up a forward base to research this in relative safety, with Tacit on stand-by nearby.

Guys, we should upgrade the Gauntlets and do more research on the Breach-tech and that bullet from Waltz.

By the way, Scanners incoming.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Scanners! Total: 4
4 4
(For Bondo, who's still afk atm)

The scanners go off.


It doesn't take long to narrow down their location.

Neither of them are particularly massive, at least, not for a Cat III. Rather, it's their radioactivity and toxicity that are cause for concern.

SE-26-018, codename "Polyp" has a very diffuse body structure, with only a few hard points on it. Internal toxicity is reading extremely high.

Se-26-019, codename "Twister" seems very similar to Polyp, but its toxicity isn't as high. However, the kaiju seems to be emitting some levels of Breach radiation.

Polyp and Twister are about 10 kilometers South of Seattle, approaching from the land. They are far enough away from water that boats will most likely not be able to hit them.

What do you do?
SE-26-018, codename "Polyp" has a very diffuse body structure, with only a few hard points on it. Internal toxicity is reading extremely high.
Well shit, look who's showed up to cover us in Acid and ruin our environment.

Se-26-019, codename "Twister" seems very similar to Polyp, but its toxicity isn't as high. However, the kaiju seems to be emitting some levels of Breach radiation.
Alright, you're going down first. Let the choppers and tanks deal with Polyp, tacit needs to slaughter this jackass before he does whatever it is he's going to dom
Naturally, though we should focus on what we know we can do for the time being.

Keep the boats on standby, but don't make plans that rely on using them.

We should probably deploy everything just out side of Seattle between it and the Kaiju.

As a side note...

The helicopters receive some more love, at the... request of Councilman Devlin. Of course, the scientists are more than happy to help, as the fatalities the air force has suffered have gone on long enough.

It's a minor thing, and certainly not anything worth editing or going back on - and I admit it's possible I'm forgetting or overlooking something - but there's something that's bugging me and feels off about making the flavor of the Chopper Upgrades come from Devlin specifically requesting them when I don't recall him being the one to specifically make the point of requesting them.

It could just be a flaw inherent in the way the omakes and game are set up vs the original omake being basically a transcription of our posts during the Kaiju fight, though.

Just something that's on my mind, that's all.
could we research cruise missiles that fire from the city at targets? or would we need to get long distance targeting first?
Ack! The more we poke and nitpick at the flavor Fyrstorm adds to the game, the less likely they are to keep doing it.

[X]All forced deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X]Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X]Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X]Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.

Normally I'm be all in favor or fighting close, but a Kaiju specifically noted as being SuperDuper toxic is not something I want dead on my lawn after we just got our environment rating up to growing.

Also, @Fyrstorm : Maybe the big price-tag on the Grenade will be a good disincentive to spamming them, but stat-wise that thing does almost as much single target damage as the Tac Nuke from Cherno Quest, with the added advantage of being able to crit since a Jaeger is throwing it.
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[X]All forced deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X]Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X]Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X]Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.
[X] All forced deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X] Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X] Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X] Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.
[X]All forced deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X]Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X]Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X]Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.
[X]All forces deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X]Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X]Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X]Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.
Also, @Fyrstorm : Maybe the big price-tag on the Grenade will be a good disincentive to spamming them, but stat-wise that thing does almost as much single target damage as the Tac Nuke from Cherno Quest, with the added advantage of being able to crit since a Jaeger is throwing it.
Well... dang.

I actually gave you one of the weaker grenades Hardboiled has to offer. The standard one does 5d10 Burst!

There's another disadvantage to Jaegrenades; use one and you'll be cleaning up the mess for weeks. 3d10 Impact is going to spread Blue like crazy-- and making something like that cauterize wounfs will be really tough; again, it's a shipping container of warheads and cannonballs.

[X]All forces deploy, intercept Kaiju as far from the city as they can.
-[X]Guns and Choppers deploy against Polyp, 2 unit spacing between each tank and chopper squad
-[X]Tacit deploy VS Twister
-[X]Boats on Standby as close to the battlefield as they can get.
The forces deploy, swiftly intercepting the kaiju nearly 8 kilometers from the city.

They're very slow kaiju.

The artillery lock into place, guns pivoting forwards. The helis fly above, glaring ahead as the gunboats wait in the shallows. Tacit Ronin strides out, Fangblades slowly heating up.

The kaiju appear. It's worse than they'd thought.

Polyp is barely coherent, more like a mountain of blubber and mucus than a kaiju. Gurgling blindly, it strides forwards on two stumpy legs, a knot of tentacles writhing from its shoulders. From the fat rolls of its neck protrudes a shiny beak, snapping at the air.

Twister is far more kaiju-shaped, but still very different. Pasty white, it lumbers forwards on ten fat limbs, beak snapping like a grotesque tardigrade. Orange light dances beneath it, shining through the skin of its underbelly. But that's not the worst of it.

Around Twister writhes a carpet of meat and mucus, an army of miniature Twisters that squeal and flail like maggots. As the defense forces watch in horror, light plumes under Twister, dropping another Spawn to the ground.

Cat 0, Twister Spawn generated!

Noisily, the horde of kaiju squirms forwards, led by the two titans.

- Polyp is 20 from your spaced land/air forces, 20 from Tacit, and 24 from the ocean.
- Twister is 30 from your spaced land/air forces, 30 from Tacit, and 29 from the ocean.
- Spawn are fucking everywhere. But mostly 30 from your dudes (same distances as Twister, Radius 2) There are about... 20 of them currently.

What do you do? Other than gag and try to keep your lunch down, I mean.