[X] There isn't enough stabbing going on here.
[X] There isn't enough stabbing going on here.

Twister doesn't stand a chance. Sliced apart, the kaiju practically disintegrates, the Breach signature snuffing out.

Twister takes 10 Strikes!

SE-26-019 "Twister" Defeated!

Tacit's arms whirr, and the blades retract.

"Yeah, definitely disgusting."
...i think we're gonna need a cleanup on aisle 7?


bring some napalm, we're gonna need it.
Week 14: Combat End
Even as Tacit Ronin washes off its forearms in the water, cleanup crews are arriving. There's a nasty dent in its gut, but that's about it.

Tacit Ronin will require 1 action and 50 R to repair!

The fangblades' performance has been astounding, and Noah seems to have a new technique to take advantage of it.

New Perk!
- Lightning Strike: Once per battle, Tacit may combine an attack with the Fangblades into a single attack (2d10 rather than 2x 1d10).

Lightning Strike is essentially a 1-time-use 'fuck ALL your shit' attack for when you want to rip a kaiju in half, consequences be damned.

The two-- or rather, thirty five-- kaiju are... odd. Polyp seems incredibly toxic, with the sort of ammonia levels that are usually only in the brain. Twister... your scientists don't know how it was making that Breach. The closest they've got is a similar setup to the platinum-uranium alloy combination. Another interesting thing is the neural links between Twister's brain and those of its Spawn. It almost seems like they'd receive commands from it...

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category III Kaiju
Polyp is barely kaiju-shaped. Mostly just a mountain of blubber and slime, Polyp strides around on two stumps of legs. From the top half of its body, several boneless arms wave, tips split into two wriggling tendrils. The head is enveloped in fat, a shiny black beak the only thing readily visible.

HtH: 2
Ran: 1
Str: 4
Tou: 8
Agi: 1
Dex: 1

Dura: 10
Stru: 17

- Toxic Mucus: Opponents suffer a -1 penalty to grapples, and take 1d10 Acid damage per round in a grapple.
- Acidic Blood: Double the cost of cleanup, inflict 1d5 Acid to the opponent if dealt a Major+ Wound in melee with an Edged/Impact weapon.
- Blind: All attacks that would hit the Eyes hit the Head instead.

Tentacles (x4)
Built-in Melee Weapons

Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Parry Dice: 2d5
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +3
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Acid Spit
Built-in Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Acid
Damage Bonus: Strength
Range: 5/10/15

Coverage: All
Armor Value: 3/2
Resilience: -2 Edged, +1 Blunt, +1 Fire
Durability: 10
Class: Category III Kaiju
Clearly related to Polyp, Twister is far more defined. Its body is long, with a developed beak and pasty white skin. The kaiju sports ten limbs, all stumpy and ending in twin tendrils.

HtH: 2
Ran: 1
Str: 3
Tou: 6
Agi: 1
Dex: 4

Dura: 7
Stru: 15

- Broodmother: May generate 1d5+Dex Spawn as a Standard Action, and control all Spawn. Cannot generate further Spawn once over its Durability.
- Blind: All attacks that would hit the Eyes hit the Head instead.

Tendrils (x4)
Built-in Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 2d5
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +3
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Acid Spit
Built-in Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Acid
Damage Bonus: Strength
Range: 5/10/15

Pasty Skin:
Coverage: All
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: -1 Edged, +1 Blunt, +1 Fire
Durability: 10

Twister Spawn:
- Move up to 6 units a turn on land or water.
- Tendrils: 1d10 Blunt, -1 damage. Range melee, hits on 5+.

It is now downtime.

Category III Kaiju killed: +2000 Resources
Category 0 Kaiju killed: +1650
Salvage Facility Bonus: +365 Resources
Manufacturing: +2500 Resources
Morale Bonus: +1250 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 15915

Free Actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-1565 R)
[ ] Leave it be!

Pick your seven actions, and throw me a 1d10 for Alec.
I think we should make those resupply groups, maybe some more helis as well, and keep researching not-magic.
[] Plan soon, Magitech Jeager, soon (Mk II)
-[] Clean up the Blue! (-1565 R)
-[] Build 3*P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-600 R)
-[] Repair Tacit and install P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-50 Resources)
-[] Upgrade Communications to 3 (-1500 R)
-[] Upgrade Scanners to 3 (-1500 R)
-[] Research <UNKNOWN> tech
-[] Manufacture x2 Field Resupply Squad (-400 R)
-[] Research Directed Energy Weapons (such as Lightning Cannons)

(5615 Resources spent, 10300 remain)

[x] Plan soon, Magitech Jeager, soon (Mk III)
-[x] Clean up the Blue! (-1565 R)
-[x] Build 3*P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-600 R)
-[x] Repair Tacit and install P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-50 Resources)
-[x] Upgrade Communications to 3 (-1500 R)
-[x] Upgrade Scanners to 3 (-1500 R)
-[x] Research <UNKNOWN> tech
-[x] Build 3 Hellhound Squadrons (-1500 R)
-[x] Research Directed Energy Weapons (such as Lightning Cannons)

(6715 Resources spent, 9200 remain)
Last edited:
[X] Plan soon, Magitech Jeager, soon (Mk II)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1565 R)
-[X] Build 3*P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-600 R)
-[X] Repair Tacit and install P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-50 Resources)
-[X] Upgrade Communications to 3 (-1500 R)
-[X] Upgrade Scanners to 3 (-1500 R)
-[X] Research <UNKNOWN> tech
-[X] Manufacture x2 Field Resupply Squad (-400 R
-[X] Research Directed Energy Weapons (such as Lightning Cannons)

(5015 Resources spent, 10300 remain)
Last edited:
[X] Plan Little Bit of Everything
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1565 R) (Free Action)
-[X] Build 3*P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-600 R)
-[X] Upgrade Defenses to 1 (-500 R)
-[X] Upgrade Communications to 3 (-1500 R)
-[X] Build 3 Hellhound Squadrons (-1500 R)
-[X] Upgrade Tacit Ronin: Hand to Hand*15 (-300 R)
-[X] Research <UNKNOWN> tech
-[X] Repair Tacit and install P-20 Fulgor Gauntlets (-50 Resources)

(6015 Resources Spent, 9900 Remain)
[X] Plan Little Bit of Everything

Because, again, there's a low, low chance this will be the only time we want to defend our base against units that are not Kaiju, Jaegers, Kaigers, etc. Even if the "Conventionals" are eye-searing sins against basic geometry and biology, if they're tiny we need some walls!

I like walls. Walls are pretty.
Because, again, there's a low, low chance this will be the only time we want to defend our base against units that are not Kaiju, Jaegers, Kaigers, etc. Even if the "Conventionals" are eye-searing sins against basic geometry and biology, if they're tiny we need some walls!

It's also likely to set us up for if/when we get around to developing defensive emplacements for long-range Railguns (or lightning guns) by giving us a place to put those things.
I think we can do that next turn, I want scanners that can reliably see the shits coming first.
We get the scanners and comms up this round, get the resupply squads so our conventionals don't suddenly run out of ammo, then next turn we focus on upping the defense perimeter and pumping out some more conventionals.
It's also likely to set us up for if/when we get around to developing defensive emplacements for long-range Railguns (or lightning guns) by giving us a place to put those things.
Right. Decorations are what really make your home homey! ;)

(I generally tend toward supporting both a strong defense, and a holistic/generalist approach. For whatever that's worth.)
Can we upgrade city things multiple ranks in one go?
Yeah, but it'll get progressively more expensive.

Let's say you have a new city, 0 in all stats, and 3000 R to spend. First things first, you'll need some population. But 1 Population is pretty useless. So let's say you want 3. For a single action, you could spend 500 to boost to Pop 1, then 1000 to Pop 2, and finally 1500 to Pop 3. It uses up a lot of R, but it gives you lots of good stuff.
Yeah, but it'll get progressively more expensive.

Let's say you have a new city, 0 in all stats, and 3000 R to spend. First things first, you'll need some population. But 1 Population is pretty useless. So let's say you want 3. For a single action, you could spend 500 to boost to Pop 1, then 1000 to Pop 2, and finally 1500 to Pop 3. It uses up a lot of R, but it gives you lots of good stuff.
I assume that each cost is on top of the previous one?
good to know.
I think we can do that next turn, I want scanners that can reliably see the shits coming first.
We get the scanners and comms up this round, get the resupply squads so our conventionals don't suddenly run out of ammo, then next turn we focus on upping the defense perimeter and pumping out some more conventionals.

To date, running out of ammo really hasn't been a major problem for anything other than the Helicopters, and even then, it's been rare.

Short term, building more choppers will largely take care of that particular problem (and give us more missiles to shoot at once, to boot!), and long term, we can try to research upgrades to the resupply squads so that they're more than just one-and-done per battle before building them.