[X] Plan Back In The Habit
-[X] Clean up the mess (-410 R)
-[X] Select a proper test site to designate as a target location to open a breach to, then open and close an experimental breach as proof of concept. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!) (Free Breach Research)
-[X] Research 20*Range Stat Upgrade for Tacit Ronin (Free Jaeger Research)
-[X] Contact KRAUN and attempt to set up a way to exchange intel; focus on sending them all information we have on the Kaiju Hive Mind, and our plans and blueprints for the PL-92 Condor FWA. (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Build 3 Hellhound Squadron (Free Conventional Construction)
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin and Replace Shoulder Armor (It looks like we still have one Superalloy Composite Plating piece left to do this with) (-1300 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 R)
-[X] Research Upgrade to J-Recycler Plant facility to also allow recycling of damaged J-Tech parts and ruined/wreck equipment not from J-Tech sources.
-[X] Research Jagdhund Upgrade: 20*Range (-400 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: 20*Agility (-400 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: 20*Agility (-400 Resources)
-[X] Go Kaiju Hunting and Resource Harvesting at Vulcan's Nest
-[X] Action Held in Reserve
-[X] Action Held in Reserve

(2960 Resources Spent, 13400 Remain)
2d5+8 for Experimental Breach Exit Point
20x 1d10+8 for Ranger Tacit, Level 1
No Roll for KRAUN, just more torture for me (it won't be as long as last time)
1d10+8 for making the J-Recycler more Recycle-y
20x 1d10+8 for Ranger Jagdhund, Level 4
40x 1d10+8 for Sprinter Tacit, Level 4
If you roll the 20s or 40s using the on-site roller, I will be miffed.
Index • Orokos.com

Learn it and love it, people.

That being said:
JH Raned Upgrade: 20#1d10t2 18 Successes

TR Agility Upgrade: 20#1d10t2 20 Successes (holy shit)
TR Agility Upgrade Again: 20#1d10t2 20 Successes (Holy shit again, overkill much?)

It looks weird because I rolled 1d10 with a target number of 2, since any roll of 2 or above gets us a success on the upgrade action with a research score of 8. Ones are always autofails, so increasing our Research stat doesn't really help Jeager upgrades anymore. Just helps with everything else :V
Week 28: Downtime, Part 1
[X] Plan Back In The Habit
-[X] Clean up the mess (-410 R)
-[X] Select a proper test site to designate as a target location to open a breach to, then open and close an experimental breach as proof of concept. (SAFE RESEARCH MODE!) (Free Breach Research)
-[X] Research 20*Range Stat Upgrade for Tacit Ronin (Free Jaeger Research)
-[X] Contact KRAUN and attempt to set up a way to exchange intel; focus on sending them all information we have on the Kaiju Hive Mind, and our plans and blueprints for the PL-92 Condor FWA. (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Build 3 Hellhound Squadron (Free Conventional Construction)
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin and Replace Shoulder Armor (It looks like we still have one Superalloy Composite Plating piece left to do this with) (-1300 Resources)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund (-50 R)
-[X] Research Upgrade to J-Recycler Plant facility to also allow recycling of damaged J-Tech parts and ruined/wreck equipment not from J-Tech sources.
-[X] Research Jagdhund Upgrade: 20*Range (-400 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: 20*Agility (-400 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: 20*Agility (-400 Resources)
-[X] Go Kaiju Hunting and Resource Harvesting at Vulcan's Nest
-[X] Action Held in Reserve
-[X] Action Held in Reserve

(2960 Resources Spent, 13400 Remain)
The week kicks off with a simple cleanup of Blue. Nothing more, nothing less.

Unfortunately, Noah still hasn't recovered-- but given the severity of his injuries, that's to be expected.

The stress to Jagdhund's frame is easily fixed, and several spare parts are brought out to replace Tacit's damaged components, alongside the spare chunk of supercomposite armour. Ashley and Maria spend a good few hours onboard, testing the arm to make sure everything functions properly.

Both jaegers are fully repaired!

Pressing on, J-tech pushes for further upgrades to the jaegers' systems. Further accuracy improvements and bug fixes are designed for Jagdhund to improve her standing in ranged combat, with only a little bit of work remaining to make it compatible with her ANGEL OS. A dedicated distance targeting array is put through several in depth simulations, before the engineers declare it ready for Tacit Ronin.

Additionally comes the work on boosting the pale jaeger's reflexes and acceleration. The old leg joints are stripped down, and replaced by a completely new set. These new ones are extremely low friction assemblies, with minimal servo assistance in the knees and lower thighs-- instead relying on high-pressure cylinders to deliver the power in its steps. Further improvements on the new system are considered, but ultimately stop short of actual incorporation due to time constraints.

Jagdhund is 18/20 points to Ranged 4!
Tacit Ronin is 20/25 points to Agility 5!
Tacit Ronin to Agility 4!
Tacit Ronin to Ranged 1!
Tacit Ronin is at 18/20 stat points to reactor maximum!

The Seattle Air Force suffers its losses with dignity, producing a boost in morale sufficient to motivate a large enough number of people to join in, neatly filling up the nine new Hellhounds produced by the facilities.

3 A-KA-77 "Hellhound" Attack Helicopter Squadrons built!

The Breach Research team continues to work their butts off, attempting to calculate an exit point for their proof-of-concept Breach. Eventually, they decide on somewhere fairly safe-- the abandoned death-grounds of Twister and Polyp. Nothing lives there anymore, and given the size of the rip it's unlikely most Category Zeros would be able to fit through it. They doubt it'll stay open for long, even with a quick placement of a receiver over there, but all they need is a microsecond activation.

Cautiously, the switch is pulled.


For the merest fraction of a second, something happens. Space and time distort, before something is pushed to its limit, and rips open like a wound. Two places are connected, the distance between them reduced to a mere footstep--

--And then the universe recoils, and the Breach collapses with a crunch, releasing a flash of radiation. All the electrical devices within a two-kilometer radius of the facility promptly die.

Fifteen minutes later, and power is restored. As expected, the wormhole didn't last long at all, barely even for a second-- but it was long enough for their sensors to record it. The electromagnetic pulse that came from its closure is still a little unsure-- they don't know if that's something that'd happen constantly, or if the side effects are tied to the Breach's size and distance of transit.

Moving on, and J-Tech is responsible for another project; improving the J-Recycler. It's easy enough to let it accept imperfections. Very easy.

J-Recycler Plant (One per city)
Costs 1500 Resources
As a free action, a number of pieces equal to your Manufacturing Level of Armour, Weapons, Jaeger Augments, or Jaeger Miscellaneous stored in the Inventory may be recycled to gain a number of resources equal to half their total price. If you so wish, you may instead recycle a piece of badly damaged equipment (from the same list) to gain a similar number of resources, adjusted to account for damage.

Another KRAUN contact session happens in the meanwhile, in an attempt to devise some sort of way to communicate things other than video and sound. Altering the array's signal to allow for static image transfer is a little awkward, but the organisation clearly has a lot of experience with using it. Stability is achieved for long enough to send over the blueprints and Hivemind data-- though the latter has to all be rendered into images, rather than a textual document.

After finishing the jaegers' repairs and upgrades, the council decides to send them off to Vulcan's nest for another harvesting mission, and take on any kaiju there. Easy enough, right?

Decide who's going on the hunting trip. By default, it's your Carryalls and Jaegers.
[X] Hunting Trip
-[X] Take both Jaegers, all Carryalls, all Scout Helicopter Squadrons, and 5 Hellhound Squadrons
[X] Hunting Trip
-[X] Take both Jaegers, all Carryalls, all Scout Helicopter Squadrons, and 5 Hellhound Squadrons
[X] Hunting Trip
-[X] Take both Jaegers, all Carryalls, all Scout Helicopter Squadrons, and 5 Hellhound Squadrons
[X] Hunting Trip
-[X] Take both Jaegers, all Carryalls, all Scout Helicopter Squadrons, and 5 Hellhound Squadrons
[X] Hunting Trip
-[X] Take both Jaegers, all Carryalls, all Scout Helicopter Squadrons, and 5 Hellhound Squadrons
The aircraft took off, the two Jaegers hanging just underneath them. Within a few hours, they were there, at the outskirts of the city. Even at this distance, there was a clear view of the alien growths consuming the buildings.

Not to mention the kaiju.

There were three of them, crawling just inside the boundaries. Practically identical, like massive, grey ant-mantids; each with a pair of claws, a set of tiny eyes, and a thick carapace on their spines. All Category IIs, all perfect replicas of each other (and, curiously enough, of Abrams). Even the jaegers' systems couldn't differentiate them properly. But still, there must be a codename. And with their formic appearance, there's an easy choice.


The three Myrmions (Alpha, Beta, and Gamma) are all 30 Units away, and are spaced 5 Units from each-other. How do you act?
Ah, fair enough.

Idea: Let's soften one with the choppers, have Tacit pick his own, JH should go with the choppers, but also in place to give Tacit support if need be.