I'm thinking of actually using cover rules in these fights. Most of the time, you just Duke it out on what's essentially a flat plane-- so actually fighting somewhere with tall buildings should have an effect.
[X] All units advance until the Kaiju enter gun range. Fire as one.
One more thing.

How are you dividing the kaiju shots? There are three of them, and they're 500 meters apart. If you just fire everything in their general direction, not much is going to hit.

For assets that can shoot, you have:
- 7 A-KA-77s (1 Shot Hellfires, 4 Shot Micros)
- 1 Jagdhund (with large gun)
- Any large rocks Tacit Ronin can find

Also, Arges won't transfer over to other kaiju, so you'd need to hit all three with three different helis to possibly gain Arges against them all.
Half the scouts arges alpha, the other half arges beta, Jagdhund and Tacit attack alpha, and the rest of the copters attack beta. Part of me says we should just focus all of the dakka on a single kaiju, but I think splitting between two should work decently.
One more thing.

How are you dividing the kaiju shots? There are three of them, and they're 500 meters apart. If you just fire everything in their general direction, not much is going to hit.

For assets that can shoot, you have:
- 7 A-KA-77s (1 Shot Hellfires, 4 Shot Micros)
- 1 Jagdhund (with large gun)
- Any large rocks Tacit Ronin can find

Also, Arges won't transfer over to other kaiju, so you'd need to hit all three with three different helis to possibly gain Arges against them all.
[X] Shoot whichever one is closet to the Jaegers.
One last thing...

How do you want Jagdhund to shoot? Precisely, Default, or Spray n' ELIMINATE (since most of the times she's actually gone Full Auto, she's actually killed or critically injured whatever she's shot at)
One last thing...

How do you want Jagdhund to shoot? Precisely, Default, or Spray n' ELIMINATE (since most of the times she's actually gone Full Auto, she's actually killed or critically injured whatever she's shot at)
[X] Rain lead on those suckers! (Full Auto)

If only for the mental image of Jagdhund emptying that magazine on the Kaiju.
[X] All units advance until the Kaiju enter gun range. Fire as one.
-[X] Concentrate fire on the closest kaiju.
-[X] Jagdhund goes Full Auto
Roll me...
1d10-1 for Arges Elite (hits on 4s)
3x 1d10-1 for Arges (hits on 5s)
7x 1d10(+Arges) for A-KA-77s (hits on 4s)
3x1d10+2 for JH FA (hits on 7s at this range)
And hit locations for all damaging attacks that hit
3x1d10+2 for JH FA (hits on 7s at this range)
And hit locations for all damaging attacks that hit
Rolling this. EDIT DANG IT.

EDIT 2: So a hit, a miss, and an Explode? I'll roll the hitlocs on both, I can't remember how Explode works, halp pls?
KnightDisciple threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 1d10+2 JH Total: 5
5 5
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: 1d10+2 JH Total: 22
7 7 2 2 10 10 3 3
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations Total: 23
10 10 4 4 6 6 3 3
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EDIT 2: So a hit, a miss, and an Explode? I'll roll the hitlocs on both, I can't remember how Explode works, halp pls?
If something capable of exploding (jaeger, elite, or kaiju) rolls a natural 10, you throw another 1d10 as a bonus. If that is also a natural 10, throw another until you no longer get a natural 10.
If something capable of exploding (jaeger, elite, or kaiju) rolls a natural 10, you throw another 1d10 as a bonus. If that is also a natural 10, throw another until you no longer get a natural 10.
Alright, I tossed another d10, gave us a 3 on top of the 10. Yay!

EDIT: The first roll, the one by itself, is a d6 so it can be ignored.
[X] All units advance until the Kaiju enter gun range. Fire as one.
-[X] Concentrate fire on the closest kaiju.
-[X] Jagdhund goes Full Auto
The scouts soar forwards, their Arges arrays lighting up. One set of helis malfunction, their dishes' electrical components tripping the emergency fuses and shutting off-- but the others have no problem, acquiring lock on Myrmion Beta.

Two Arges hits! Myrmion Beta is locked on!

The Hellhounds, quick in pursuit, open fire as well, sending a wave of missiles streaking towards the kaiju. Even afflicted with the poor vision of its small eyes, Beta recognises the attack, and shrieks towards the helicopters-- just as the warheads hit.

Myrmion Beta takes 4 Strikes! 1 Temporary Strike! +1 Ongoing! R. Shoulder Ablative Armour Destroyed! R. Shoulder on Fire!
Myrmions Alpha and Gamma take 1 Temporary Strike each!

The kaiju's forelegs take the brunt of the blasts, the carapace blackening and steaming where the warheads hit. Several others hit its shoulder, the ablative shell absorbing a piece of the force before burning away. Strangely, the other two seem affected as well, hissing and quivering.

Jagdhund flicks her fire selector to automatic, and centres her gun. There's a momentary pause...

... and the jaeger pulls the trigger.


Myrmion Beta takes 2 Strikes! 1 Temporary Strike! +1 Ongoing! All layers of Spinal Armour Destroyed! Neck Ablative Armour Destroyed! -1 Universal!
Myrmions Alpha and Gamma take 1 Temporary Strike each!

Weapon out of ammo!

Once more, Beta is not fully cowed, even as the carapace along its upper back is torn to shreds. The kaiju squeals again, blue blood bubbling from the punctures.

Alpha and Gamma don't take kindly to this abuse. The two hiss, springing to deal with the threat. Alpha scrambles in front of Beta, interposing itself before the mechanised forces, and splitting its mandibles open. Gamma sprints towards the two, then turns on a dime and starts galloping forwards.

Beta, meanwhile, turns to itself, scraping its claws along its shoulder. The remaining fragments of shell, still ablaze, are shucked off, taking the flames with them.

Myrmion Beta is no longer On Fire! No damage from Ongoing!

The Myrmions are 10/15 from your scouts, 15/20 from your A-KAs, and 25/30 from Jagdhund and Tacit. Alpha is engaged and clustered with Beta, and Gamma has moved 5 units closer (Gamma is the first value)
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[X] All units, fire again, Full Auto. Target Alpha and Beta.
[X] Tacit strides forward to meet Gamma.
[X]Arges on Beta.
[X] All units that can, fire again, JH Burst. Target Beta.
[X] Tacit strides forward to meet Gamma.

Using Burst fire instead of Full Auto since its more accurate and is less likely to run out of ammo, making sure we use Arges, and focusing fire on Beta. Alpha is close enough that he'll get cluster damage.

Very interesting connected Kaiju here. Seems like damage to one deals temporary damage to all of them.
[X]Arges on Beta.
[X] All units that can, fire again, while JH reloads and fires as well, when ready. Target Beta.
[X] Tacit strides forward to meet Gamma