[X] Plan Shoot Them Some More
-[X] Arges on Gamma
-[X] Jagd Shoot Gamma Again, Semi-Auto Mode
-[X] Helos pull back to behind Tacit
-[X] Tacit move to 5 Squares from Gamma
Roll time!
Don't bother with Arges because it's incompatible with the rifle.
1d10+4 for shooting, hits on 5s (so basically unless you roll a Nat 1)
1d10+1 just in case you accidentally clip Tacit or something (they're kinda in the way...). Hits on 5s.
And a hit location (possibly another if you hit Tacit)
[X] Plan Shoot Them Some More
-[X] Arges on Gamma
-[X] Jagd Shoot Gamma Again, Semi-Auto Mode
-[X] Helos pull back to behind Tacit
-[X] Tacit move to 5 Squares from Gamma
The remaining helicopters pull back quickly, a little shaken up by the sudden death of their fellows. Tacit Ronin strides past them, its sharp shapes and stark colours a comfort to the pilots.

Jagdhund plants the butt of her rifle against her shoulder, taking aim at the kaiju's leg...

Myrmion Gamma takes 2 Strikes! 1 Temporary Strike! -1 Agility! R. Thigh Armour destroyed!
Myrmions Alpha and Beta take 1 Temporary Strike each!

The rounds rip through the carapace on Gamma's thigh, tearing at important musculature and tendons! The kaiju hisses, pissed but not out of the fight! It's undamaged hind legs tense up...


And the insectile monster leaps at Tacit!

[ ] Block!
[ ] Parry!
[ ] Dodge;

The Myrmions are 5/15/16 from your scouts, 10/20/21 from your A-KAs, 0/10/11 from Tacit, and 20/30/31 from Jagdhund. The order is Gamma/Alpha/Beta (spaced Y-10-A-1-B).

Tacit steps back clumsily, the motion poorly thought out. Fortunately, Gamma's swing is just as poor, and barely comes within a metre of connecting.

Well, that happened. Your turn.
[X] Tacit Stab Gamma
[X] Everyone else either target Alpha with everything and fire when ready or move in close enough to hit Alpha.
-[X]JH uses burst fire
[X] Tacit Stab Gamma
[X] Everyone else either target Alpha with everything and fire when ready or move in close enough to hit Alpha.
-[X]JH uses burst fire
[X] Tacit Stab Gamma
[X] Everyone else either target Alpha with everything and fire when ready or move in close enough to hit Alpha.
-[X]JH uses burst fire
[X] Tacit Stab Gamma
[X] Everyone else either target Alpha with everything and fire when ready or move in close enough to hit Alpha.
-[X]JH uses burst fire
Alright then, roll...

2x 1d10+4 for stabulating
2x 1d10 for shooting, hits on 5s
And some hit locks.

Your crunchies can't do squat but buzz around.
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[X] Tacit Stab Gamma
[X] Everyone else either target Alpha with everything and fire when ready or move in close enough to hit Alpha.
-[X]JH uses burst fire
With Gamma currently engaged in fighting Tacit, attention is moved to Alpha. The forces circle around, Jagdhund closing in from the side. The jaeger opens fire-- and promptly blows apart a building, before the gun jams. A little frustrated, the jaeger rips off the mag, and tosses it away, reaching for her last one.

Out of ammo! 1 magazine remaining in inventory!

Tacit Ronin presses its attack, swinging both blades forwards!


Gamma responds with frightening competence, ducking under the first strike and leaning away from the second. There's a hiss as the sizzling blades pass mere metres from Gamma's shell. The kaiju hisses, and lashes out with a claw, aiming for the vulnerable conpod!

Reaction! (Dodge, Parry, Block)

The Myrmions are 10/10/11 from your scouts, 10/10/11 from your A-KAs, 0/10/11 from Tacit, and 15/25/26 from Jagdhund. The order is Gamma/Alpha/Beta (spaced Y-10-A-1-B). I cannot into triangles.