(6 11)

For a few seconds, it looks like Tacit will make the dodge. But without a second thought, Gamma readjusts, and manages to slam its claws into the jaeger's chest!

But the supercomposite holds up this time, and Gamma's talons only tear off paint.

No damage!

Alpha's chest flares, and the kaiju spits. But the attack isn't aimed at the Hellhounds-- it's aimed at the scouts!


2 SH-60 squadrons destroyed!

The jet of flaming fluid burns through the unarmoured helis in an instant, tearing them apart. Behind Alpha, Beta let's out a shrill cry, and hunkers down behind a building.

The Myrmions are 10/10/11 from your scouts, 10/10/11 from your A-KAs, 0/10/11 from Tacit, and 15/25/26 from Jagdhund. The order is Gamma/Alpha/Beta (spaced Y-10-A-1-B). I still cannot into triangles.
[X] Avenge Them
-[X] Tacit Stabs Gamma.
-[X] Jagdhund reloads and advances towards Alpha and Beta.
-[X] crunchies hunker behind buildings.
[X] Avenge Them
-[X] Tacit Stabs Gamma.
-[X] Jagdhund reloads and advances towards Alpha and Beta.
-[X] Choppers GTFO
[X] Avenge Them
-[X] Tacit Stabs Gamma.
-[X] Jagdhund reloads and advances towards Alpha and Beta.
-[X] Choppers GTFO
[X] Avenge Them
-[X] Tacit Stabs Gamma.
-[X] Jagdhund reloads and advances towards Alpha and Beta.
-[X] Choppers GTFO
[X] Avenge Them
-[X] Tacit Stabs Gamma.
-[X] Jagdhund reloads and advances towards Alpha and Beta.
-[X] Choppers GTFO
The helicopters pull back, no longer putting themselves at risk. Meanwhile, Jagdhund locks in her last magazine, closing in on Alpha and Beta.

(4, 13)

Gamma continues to be extremely frustrating, dodging both attacks perfectly. Ashley bares her teeth; the damn bug is starting to get on her nerves. The Myrmion tenses its legs, and lunges forwards with a headbutt!


Alpha and Beta remain hunkered down, more than happy to keep watch.

The Myrmions are 20/20/21 from your scouts and A-KAs, 0/10/11 from Tacit, and 10/20/21 from Jagdhund. The order is Gamma/Alpha/Beta (spaced Y-10-A-1-B)

Alpha and Beta are both in light cover, so all attacks are at +1 difficulty to hit them. Gamma just doesn't give a damn about Tacit's attacks. These guys' special ability is more potent than I'd thought. I should throw Cat IIs at you more often.
Fuckin' infuriating bug, let's see if you're so smug and dodgy after we slaughter your buddies :anger:

[X] Dodge!
Oh, I actually just remembered something. In the last fight, Tacit took a Major Wound. Guess what this means?

Your Faraday Frame won't work until-- no, wait.

Faraday Frame said:
The jaeger is completely immune to non-damaging EMP attacks-- e.g. that of a tactical nuke-- and always treats its armour value as 2x higher for the purposes of rebuffing Electrical attacks (essentially, gain Resilience: +(AV) Electric). A Major Wound to the core will disable this augment until repairs are carried out. This Augment has no effect when used underwater.

...damn, never actually specified that the augment had to be repaired. Guess you're alright for now. It's not like this would have affected the battle anyways, since Abrams didn't have an electric weapon-- and these guys' weird thing is that they're pretty much exact copies of Abrams.
I really suck at Metal Gear Rising without the Parry Assist turned on, so I'm just gonna try and evade.
C'mon man, just poke the stick towards the attacks and press square. the Parry window is really long and still connects when Raiden is putting the blade down. A little bit of practice and you should be able to parry nearly all the mooks at least 75% of the time.

Speaking of parries, I've been wondering if we can't switch the Gauntlets for some other system to improve the blades' stabbiness, like Rockets or something of the sort. Our Parries are simply inferior when it comes to avoiding damage and as such they're fairly redundant aside from the Counter, which we can't use if the Parry isn't succesful either way.

I've been thinking of researching some sort of Boosted Fang, something that makes parries essentially unusable in exchange for better damage and chance to hit. Rocket boosters in the place of the gauntlets would work nicely, as would a Revolver Stake style gadget to boost penetration amd damage.

I mean, over-specializing is bad, yes, but spreading out too thin or not optimizing our build just on the off chance we might use a parry in the future isn't going to help either.

Plus getting Tacit those Arm/Elbow Rockets would turn her into the Rocket Jaeger.

What do you guys think?
Speaking of parries, I've been wondering if we can't switch the Gauntlets for some other system to improve the blades' stabbiness, like Rockets or something of the sort.
You could, but you'd be, you know, removing your hands.

However, a better fangblade that's worse at parrying is always an option. Your gauntlets are effective backup weapons, so there's really no need to remove them. You could swap Jagd and Tacit's, though. That'd be a single Repair action, and couldn't be combined with any damage fixes, though.

You have 2 Actions remaining after this fight, again.
You could, but you'd be, you know, removing your hands.

However, a better fangblade that's worse at parrying is always an option. Your gauntlets are effective backup weapons, so there's really no need to remove them. You could swap Jagd and Tacit's, though. That'd be a single Repair action, and couldn't be combined with any damage fixes, though.

You have 2 Actions remaining after this fight, again.
I guess I just assumed a boosting system that doesn't count as an Augment would also eat the Gauntlet slot, for game balance reasons. It's what I'd do if I were a QM (and thankfully I'm not, I'd probably alternate between making things disproportionately hard and coddling the players, and generally make a mess of things). Also that directly improving the blades would hit diminishing returns pretty quickly, considering it's already a very good weapon that already had cauterization crammed in it. Then again, we have vastly improved our research since we last improved them weeks ago, so it shouldn't be a problem now, probably?

I think I'm going to sleep on this and make a better proposal tomorrow. We could certainly benefit from updating, improving and/or expanding our armory, anyway.