[X] Keep going.
-[X] Jagdhund tries a charge attack. Curb-Stomp if allowed on a charge, Punch if not.
Tacit Ronin raises up its foot again, aiming for the same spot-- and slamming its foot down.


The leg smashes into Texas's throat, leaving a distinct imprint in the blackened armour. Unfortunately, the plating is thick enough to take a beating, robbing the blow of much of its destructive force.

Texas takes 1 Strike! Texas is losing stamina!

Jagdhund charges in, horn blaring to alert her comrade of her presence. Tacit steps aside, as the autonomous jaeger leaps into the air, and lands back down on the kaiju's right arm.


Texas takes 1 Strike! Texas is still losing stamina!

The kaiju howls, and surges up, its cannons heating up rapidly!

Texas is 1 unit from Tacit, 1 from Jagdhund, 34 units from the tanks, 5 from the air force, and 51 from other forces.

Whoops, did Jagdhund's bonus wrong. It was +6, not +4.

Jagdhund and Tacit need to react. Block, parry, or dodge.
You know, when comparing this quest to HBvTW... I'm still going easy on you. I mean... two Category IIIs?! At Week 28?! Wow, that's just... something.

Expect for your next fight to be a bigger challenge. Much bigger. Mwahaha...
Hmm, speaking of that breach, I wonder if those on the other side are able to turn off the wormhole themselves, or even monitor what occurs on the other side of it? If they are not able to do either; would it be possible to erect a kaiju processing plant on the wormhole to get a constant supply of resources from said kaiju?
Hmm, speaking of that breach, I wonder if those on the other side are able to turn off the wormhole themselves, or even monitor what occurs on the other side of it? If they are not able to do either; would it be possible to erect a kaiju processing plant on the wormhole to get a constant supply of resources from said kaiju?

I doubt very much this idea would be anywhere near worth the trouble it would be to make it actually work, assuming it's even a viable idea in the first place.
Hmm, speaking of that breach, I wonder if those on the other side are able to turn off the wormhole themselves, or even monitor what occurs on the other side of it? If they are not able to do either; would it be possible to erect a kaiju processing plant on the wormhole to get a constant supply of resources from said kaiju?
You know the kaiju hivemind goes to something other than just the kaiju, that the kaiju are artificially created, that Breaches can be opened artificially, and that you can turn off a Breach. It's a safe bet that whatever's made the kaiju is capable of also deactivating a Breach from their end.

2x 1d10+2 for both jaegers to dodge!
You know the kaiju hivemind goes to something other than just the kaiju, that the kaiju are artificially created, that Breaches can be opened artificially, and that you can turn off a Breach. It's a safe bet that whatever's made the kaiju is capable of also deactivating a Breach from their end.

2x 1d10+2 for both jaegers to dodge!
Yes, but are they able to watch what happens from the other side of the breach how long would it take for them to realize the breach was compromised and how much effort do they put into opening a breach? Would they consider the wasted resources that were used in creating the breach worth ceasing to send kaiju through said breach to near certain death?
Yes, but are they able to watch what happens from the other side of the breach how long would it take for them to realize the breach was compromised and how much effort do they put into opening a breach? Would they consider the wasted resources that were used in creating the breach worth ceasing to send kaiju through said breach to near certain death?
You don't know.
Yes, but are they able to watch what happens from the other side of the breach how long would it take for them to realize the breach was compromised and how much effort do they put into opening a breach? Would they consider the wasted resources that were used in creating the breach worth ceasing to send kaiju through said breach to near certain death?

What is it you're even planning on doing? How exactly do you plan on setting it up so that the moment a Kaiju comes through, they're dead and we somehow magically get all the resources from said Kaiju?

And, more importantly, how do you plan on doing it in a way that wouldn't waste our time and resources in a ridiculous, silly way?
What is it you're even planning on doing? How exactly do you plan on setting it up so that the moment a Kaiju comes through, they're dead and we somehow magically get all the resources from said Kaiju?

And, more importantly, how do you plan on doing it in a way that wouldn't waste our time and resources in a ridiculous, silly way?
I'm thinking something akin to a slaughterhouse, that would clamp onto the kaiju the minute he gets out of the hole to prevent it from just falling back into it after dying. As for the means of execution, there are three options as far as I can see, depending on how you want the meat to turn out.
  1. Roasted: using a combination of electric shock as well as fire to both kill and cook the beast.
  2. Freeze dried: seeing as it has been determined that freezing has been effective at dispatching them, so having them suffer a deluge of liquid nitrogen should cause the kaiju to be flash frozen.
  3. Unprepared: this method, though named as it is, really means that the tissues aren't effected too severely by the method of killing. As for how the beasts shall be eliminated, decapitation should be a near surefire method to terminate their existence, and do so quickly enough that the beast wouldn't realize what is happening.
This project would be a means of killing kaiju on an industrial scale, and as for the gathering of resources from their corpses, how do we gain usable material from their corpses currently? The answer is by cutting them apart then taking what is usable, however, considering the toxicity of kaiju to the population, said facility shall need to be automated for the most part.
As much as it would entertain me to have a kaiju slaughterhouse mounted right over the breach it just wouldn't work. At best the kaiju makers would just stop using that breech, at worse they'd send a suicide bomber kaiju through. Like we might get two kaiju kills if even before they figured something was up.

The makers are tapped into the hivemind. If signals start getting lost the moment they go through the breach even if they don't know what exactly caused it, they can adjust to deal with it.

And this is even assuming we'd have the time or opportunity to even build a slaughterhouse over an active breach.
Yeah, without BS Magic tech beyond what we can even dream of right now, the idea is nothing more than a pipe dream.

And to be quite honest, the idea of trying to set up something like that kind of disturbs me just a little bit, even with Kaiju being the intended victims.

The two barely get out of the way in time. Texas's cannons roar, firing off round after round of organic ammunition into the air. The sheer level of firepower could easily have been more than the jaegers could handle-- had it actually hit.

Unfortunately for Texas, the strain of this reopens its belly wound, and more sizzling blood spurts out.

Texas takes 1 Strike from Ongoing damage! Blah blah blah stamina!

Yeah... even though the kaiju are, well, the enemy of all humanity, there's still such a thing as "war crimes" and "cruel and unusual punishment" and so on. A kaiju slaughterhouse is not only excruciatingly difficult to maintain, it's probably going to be detrimental to your citizens' morale. There's just some things that are going a little too far.
[X] Resume beatdown!
-[X] Put those fists to work, Jaegers!
--[X] Punch that Kaiju like the giant rotten meatsack it is!

I think this is going to be a very cathartic battle for our Rangers.
[X] Resume beatdown!
-[X]Stomp stomp stomp!

Feet are mechanically superior in every way in this particular situation.