Jagd's not close enough to shoot it yet, is she?
No, but Tacit is close enough to charge.

[X] Tacit charges Texas.
-[X] Jagdhund and the air force run forth to join the party.

Edit: Wait, scratch that, the Air Force is close enough to shoot it.

[X] The Scout Helicopters mark Texas with the Arges.
-[X] The Attack Helicopters fire at the Kaiju.
-[X] Tacit Charges and stabs.
-[X] Jagdhund runs forward to join the party.
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No, but Tacit is close enough to charge.

[X] Tacit charges Texas.
-[X] Jagdhund and the air force run forth to join the party.

Edit: Wait, scratch that, the Air Force is close enough to shoot it.

[X] The Scout Helicopters mark Texas with the Arges.
-[X] The Attack Helicopters fire at the Kaiju.
-[X] Tacit Charges and stabs.
-[X] Tacit Ronin runs forward to join the party.
I think you meant Jagdhund at the end there.

[X] Tacit charges Texas.
-[X] Jagdhund and the air force run forth to join the party.
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Well, dammit.

[X] Tacit Charges and stabs.
-[X] Jagdhund and Air Force move forward at full speed to get in range.
[X] Tacit Charges and stabs.
-[X] Jagdhund and Air Force move forward at full speed to get in range.
As the other forces Close in, Tacit Ronin lunges, its blades outstretched!


Texas shoves itself to the side, letting the jaeger overextend itself. The monster shrieks, and strikes out with its horn.

[ ] Block!
[ ] Parry!
[ ] Dodge!

Texas is 1 unit from Tacit, 25 from Jagdhund, 34 units from the tanks, 6/5 from the air force (Hellhound/Scout), and 51 from other forces.
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Tacit Ronin barely manages to get out of the way, the tip of the horn scratching a shallow groove across its left shoulder.

Yada yada do thing.
[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.
[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.

Depending on how things go, next turn we could have Tacit drop prone and let Jagdhund Overclock her gun and go full Auto on Texas. That gets him out of the line of fire and the choppers can try to help out too.

Does put us in a worse situation in future turns, but the massive damage spike from JH could be worth it.
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[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.
[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.
[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.
2x1d10 to stab, and a pair of hit locations, please.
Wah wah.

EDIT: I cannot into hitlocs. 2d10 per hit?
HolyDragoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Tacit Lobotomizer Total: 17
9 9 8 8
HolyDragoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit where? Total: 10
7 7 3 3
HolyDragoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit where, again? Total: 12
9 9 3 3
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[X] Air force is to stand by and prepare to fire as soon as they can do so without the chance of accidentally hitting Tacit.
-[X] Tacit is to stab the Kaiju until it stops moving.
--[X] Jagdhund runs to join the Kaiju Stabbing Party.
The SDF waits nearby, Jagdhund running to catch up with them Just a little closer, and she'll be able to show off her own melee prowess. But for the meantime...


The pale jaeger launches back into close quarters, blades flashing in the light. Ashley and Maria shout, putting all the force their damaged arm can give into the blows. Texas is wounded, no longer in its optimal position. It's vulnerable. Tacit's fangs rip into its body, severing muscles and tendons, burning shut vessels full of toxic blood, opening up internal wounds.

Texas takes 4 Strikes! +3 Ongoing! Texas takes 2 Strikes from Ongoing! Texas is losing Stamina!

The kaiju howls, the wounds sizzling and melting away at its front. Toxins steaming from the slashes on its chest, the char-skinned kaiju abandons all subtlety, and simply throws itself at the jaeger!

[ ] Block! (1d10-1)
[ ] Parry! (1d10)
[ ] Dodge! (1d10+2)

Texas is 1 unit from Tacit, 15 from Jagdhund, 34 units from the tanks, 5 from the air force, and 51 from other forces.