
Tacit is required to move next turn because of the Sound Breaker, but Texas is conveniently in charge range. We can have JH shoot Texas too, and overwatch Alaska with the crunchies so if it moves we melt it some more.
I'll take a 1d10+5 to Dodge (Sound Breaker Bonus helps out)

Edit: and an extra 1d10+5, for reasons.
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Tacit shifts to the left- only for Alaska's wild thrashing to strike it in the back of the neck, the bone spike firing down the length of the arm like a pile driver!

Tacit Ronin takes 1 Strike! Tacit suffers a -1 universal penalty from passing its durability! No damage from Ongoing!
Alaska takes no damage from Ongoing!

Thankfully, the supercomposite does its job, spreading the force throughout and dissipating it to far weaker levels. By the time the vibrations hit the gyroscopes, they're at a level that can be handled with ease.

You have good armour. Really good armour. Of course, the way that Alaska's attack works helped as well.

Alaska and Texas are melee/10 units from Tacit, 20/30 from Jagdhund, 17/27 units from the tanks, 15/26 from the air force, and 25/36 from other forces.
Tacit Ronin
must move at least 1 Unit this round, or be forced to move 1d5 Units in the direction it last traveled.
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
2x1d10+3 for Jagdhund's attack, hitting on a 7+
2d5+4 to charge Texas.
If you get 10 or higher, then roll 2x 1d10+2 for your Fangblades, and some hit locations
Another 1d10+4 for Dodging the inevitable provoked attack.

As for Alaska...
I'll take
1d10 for Arges Elite (hits on 4+)
3x 1d10 for Arges (hits on 5+)
4x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Mini-Missairu (hits on 4+)
1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Tonk PS Elite (hits on 4+)
2x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Tonk PS (hits on 5+)
1d10+2 for Heimdal (hits on 7+)
Hit locations as appropriate.

And a reminder if I've screwed something up.
2d5+4 to charge Texas.
If you get 10 or higher, then roll 2x 1d10+2 for your Fangblades, and some hit locations
Another 1d10+4 for Dodging the inevitable provoked attack.
I got this.

EDIT: Haha, exactly 10. Time for Fangblades.
EDIT2: So, 6 and 4 for Fangblades. I'll go ahead and roll 2 sets of 2d10 HitLocs (been a while!).
EDIT3: Well, those are good HitLocs.
KnightDisciple threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: 2d5+4 Charge Total: 5
1 1 4 4
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: 1d10+2 x2 for Fangblades Total: 6
4 4 2 2
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: 2d10 x2 for Hit Locs Total: 31
4 4 10 10 8 8 9 9
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 1d10+4 DODGE! Total: 5
5 5
Last edited:
JH Boolet: 2#1d10+3 12 8
JH Boolet: 2#2d10 8 11

Mini Missiles: 4#1d10+2 4 6 8 4
Mini Missiles: 2#2d10 15 12
Power Shells: 2#1d10+2 10 5
Power Shells: 2#2d10 15 20
Elite Power Shell: 1d10+2 3
Heimdall hit: 2d10 5
I got this.

EDIT: Haha, exactly 10. Time for Fangblades.
EDIT2: So, 6 and 4 for Fangblades. I'll go ahead and roll 2 sets of 2d10 HitLocs (been a while!).
EDIT3: Well, those are good HitLocs.
We actually didn't make the charge. 1 Short. Well, it was a risky move but it was the only real option we had.
I have clearly been playing too much world of warships, I keep mentally picturing the USS Texas and the USS Alaska.
Excellent! No cluster damage for you!

[X]Tacit charges Texas
[X]JH shoots Texas, Burst Fire
[X]Scouts Arges Alaska
[X]Tanks move up and shoot Alaska, Powershell
[X]Heimdall shoots Alaska
[X]Airforce flies into range and shoots Alaska with mini-missiles
2 Arges hits!
1 FRS used up!

The SDF closes in swiftly, showering Alaska with (completely ineffective) micromissiles, scoring burns along its pale hide. The Type-100s fire repeatedly, one group managing to pound several craters in between the monster's eyes! The Heimdal fires as well, its dart slicing through Alaska's shin and letting out a spray of Blue. The few missiles that accidentally hit Tacit do nothing but burn off paint.

Alaska takes 2 Strikes! Alaska is losing stamina!


Warbling, the kaiju tries to slash the disengaging jaeger, but Tacit's having none of it. The boosters flare, burning through the last of their fuel--

...and failing to reach their next target. Texas grins in animalistic glee, the weapons on its body twisting to face Tacit Ronin. Jagdhund's rifle cracks, sending a hail of shells blasting holes in the kaiju's front!

Texas takes 4 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! -1 Agility!

The kaiju shrieks, before firing off a spray of shells at Jagdhund! Half the rounds miss, but a few ricochet into the jaeger's neck armour.

Jagdhund takes 1 Strike!

Alaska, however, turns away from the incoming fire, and prepares to charge Tacit!


Unfortunately for Alaska, it's not immune to pain, and the constant beating has done its job. The kaiju barely makes it halfway before its hind legs almost give out, dragging the beast to a stop.

Alaska and Texas are 4/1 units from Tacit, 25/30 from Jagdhund, 18/23 units from the tanks, 10/16 from the air force, and 30/36 from other forces. You may counter-charge Alaska if you wish.