Tacit isn't broken yet. They're still combat capable and get extra bonuses when charging anyway, plus we have Lightning Strike for a heavy opening attack. Fixing damage is not a combat action, so we'd be giving up on using them for the rest of the battle if we did retreat them. I don't like the odds of just JH and our conventionals against 2 strong Kaiju.
I'm half tempted to press the attack with Tacit, but those stat maluses are murder on him.

At least she can still dodge and once she gets in melee range she should be somewhat safe from fire from the other Kaiju, but her offensive power is pretty much shot and those strikes are going to cause trouble.

After this, I'm going to press for researching Macross Missile packs and a point or two of RAN so Tacit can use them. With Argus compatibility too, for good measure.

Are all our forces in range? If so, then let's tag them with the Argus and unleash hell, while Tacit retreats until she fixes those strikes. If not, then move them into range and fire ASAP.
Alaska is in range of the Air Force, Arges, Heimdal, and Jagdhund, and will be in range of the tanks if they move. The Mortars and Arty are sitting back with the Heimdal to keep it safe (you never said what to do with them).

You can't heal Strikes in combat (unless you're a specially built kaiju), but you can fix your Ongoing Wounds if you roll 10 on your Ongoing roll (or 8+ if you use a Recovery action).

By default, your missiles are be Arges compatible. It's a very useful system.

Finally, Tacit isn't actually going into the negative range yet. So long as you don't take damage (from Ongoing or Strikes), you just won't have any bonuses in combat. +0, essentially.
Alaska is in range of the Air Force, Arges, Heimdal, and Jagdhund, and will be in range of the tanks if they move. The Mortars and Arty are sitting back with the Heimdal to keep it safe (you never said what to do with them).

You can't heal Strikes in combat (unless you're a specially built kaiju), but you can fix your Ongoing Wounds if you roll 10 on your Ongoing roll (or 8+ if you use a Recovery action).

By default, your missiles are be Arges compatible. It's a very useful system.

Finally, Tacit isn't actually going into the negative range yet. So long as you don't take damage (from Ongoing or Strikes), you just won't have any bonuses in combat. +0, essentially.
We're at 4 HtH according to the stat sheet, so it should still be +1 to attacks?
Tacit isn't broken yet. They're still combat capable and get extra bonuses when charging anyway, plus we have Lightning Strike for a heavy opening attack. Fixing damage is not a combat action, so we'd be giving up on using them for the rest of the battle if we did retreat them. I don't like the odds of just JH and our conventionals against 2 strong Kaiju.
That seals it then. We have +3 to charge from Agility, another +3 from the Solid Fuel Thrusters and a +2 from the Rear Thrusters for a total charge bonus of +8. I say we take the chance.

[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike, with a Flourish.
No Flourishes. That's Noah's shtick, and he's currently being treated for shrapnel wounds along his side. As long as he's not in there, Tacit can't Flourish. Lightning Strike is fine, though.
Okay then.

[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike.
Wait, are we allowed to attack with range units and charge the same target without Tacit getting shot by his own guys? It's not been consistent between Jaeger quests and I can't remember if we can here.
WELP, that definitely changes things. Does that mean we still have to worry about JH shooting Tacit though?
Yeah... but I'm pretty sure that the way your Aug's written means you can dodge it? Honestly, I don't know, it's been so long since I actually did stuff here.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker

Few edits to Highwind's plan, mostly just adding us using the charge boosters and telling JH how mush to shoot. Using the Sound Breaker version of the Rocket Boosters since that's a pure boost to our Agility for as long as it's active, meaning we dodge bullets and attacks more easily. Downside is we have to move again next turn, but there's another Kaiju right there for us to charge.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit itwith a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker

I think this'll be the first time we'll use Sound Breaker in this quest.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit itwith a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker

I think this'll be the first time we'll use Sound Breaker in this quest.
Well, it's the 2nd fight we've had the Solid Fuel Booster for IIRC, so :V

That said, I'm eager for the potential of Tacit becoming a Jaeger-sized Pinball.
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker
Hm... That's...
1d10-1 for Elite Arges (hits on 5+)
3x 1d10-1 for Arges (hits on 6+)
1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Elite Tank (hits on 5+)
2x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Tank (hits on 6+)
6x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Hellhounds (hits on 4+)

2x 1d10+3 for Jagdhund (hits on 7+)

2d10 for the Hit locations of anything that hits Alaska

and then...
2d5+5+1d5 for Sound-Breaker Charge (the lone 1d5 is the Agi increase). If the total is 10 or higher...
a 2d10+4 for your Lightning Strike, with a hit location.
2d5+5+1d5 for Sound-Breaker Charge
Leave it to me!

Edit: And have an Arges roll as well.
1d10-1 for Elite Arges (hits on 5+)
3x 1d10-1 for Arges (hits on 6+)
Highwind threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Sound Breaker Ready! Total: 2
2 2
Highwind threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Charge! Total: 5
1 1 4 4
Highwind threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: The All Seeing Eye Total: 14
6 6 4 4 4 4
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 1337 The All Seeing Eye Total: 7
7 7
Last edited:
Hm... That's...
1d10-1 for Elite Arges (hits on 5+)
3x 1d10-1 for Arges (hits on 6+)
1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Elite Tank (hits on 5+)
2x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Tank (hits on 6+)
6x 1d10 (+Arges Bonus) for Hellhounds (hits on 4+)

2x 1d10+3 for Jagdhund (hits on 7+)

2d10 for the Hit locations of anything that hits Alaska

and then...
2d5+5+1d5 for Sound-Breaker Charge (the lone 1d5 is the Agi increase). If the total is 10 or higher...
a 2d10+4 for your Lightning Strike, with a hit location.
Should Heimdall shoot too?

Elite Tonk: 1d10+2 9
Elite Tonk Hit: 2d10 16
Tonk: 2#1d10+2 3 3 :V
Hellhounds: 6#1d10+2 4 11 6 11 9 8
Hellhounds Hits: 5#2d10 4 9 13 4 11

Jagdhund: 2#1d10+3 5 13
Jagdhund Explosion: 1d10 1
Jagdhund hit: 2d10 9
Last edited:
[X] Scouts target Alaska with the Arges.
-[X] After the target is marked, all units, Jagdhund included, are to open fire on Alaska. JH use Burst Fire.
-[X] The tanks move forward four units, and fire as well if possible.
-[X] After everyone else has fired, Tacit is to charge Alaska and hit it with a Lightning Strike. Tacit Uses Rear Thrusters & Sound Breaker
2 Arges hits!

As soon as Arges lock is achieved, the forces open fire! There are a few malfunctions, but most of the advance force successfully empties their payload into the beast's body.

Alaska bellows, explosives bursting against its hide. Jagdhund's rounds slice into its spine, missiles splash their payload across its armour, and the elite tank squadron fires straight into the beast's eyes.

Alaska takes 11 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! -1 universal from spinal damage! Eye armour destroyed! -3 Dex for 7 turns!

The kaiju's disorientation is exactly what the other Jaeger was looking for. The massive fuel tanks on Tacit Ronin's back ignite, and the jaeger rushes forwards!

Sound Breaker activated! Tacit Ronin gains +2 Agility for 2 rounds!

Closing the distance in an instant, Tacit clasps its arms together, putting its all behind the blow. Alaska raises its massive arms to protect itself, but in its irritation misjudges the distance, and exposes itself to attack!


Alaska takes 3 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! Torso armour destroyed! Alaska is losing stamina!

The blades slice across the kaiju's exposed stomach, sheering away the armour plates and digging deep!

Tacit takes no damage from Ongoing!

Howling in agony, Alaska staggers, before rearing up and slamming its hands down once more!

[ ] Block!
[ ] Parry!
[ ] Dodge!

Meanwhile, Texas takes command, retraining its turrets onto the air force, and opening fire!


Most of the shots go wild at this distance, but a few detonate in the midst of a few helicopters, blasting them from the sky!

2 A-KA-77 Hellhound squadrons destroyed!

Alaska and Texas are melee/10 units from Tacit, 20/30 from Jagdhund, 17/27 units from the tanks, 15/26 from the air force, and 25/36 from other forces.