[X] "Well, since the probable Breach is closer to us, we'll send some scouts to check the area so we cam have confirmation one way or the other."
-[X] "In case it is indeed a Breach, would you be willing to cooperate with us to assault it? We might have a way to safely close it sometime soon."

I can't remember if we already know how to close Breaches or if we only figured out the Bio-lock thing. Anyway, we'll have to deal with that thing sometime soon, and having backup would really help.
[X] "Well, since the probable Breach is closer to us, we'll send some scouts to check the area so we cam have confirmation one way or the other."
-[X] "In case it is indeed a Breach, would you be willing to cooperate with us to assault it? We might have a way to safely close it sometime soon."
[] "Well, since the probable Breach is closer to us, we'll send some scouts to check the area so we cam have confirmation one way or the other."
-[] "In case it is indeed a Breach, would you be willing to cooperate with us to assault it? We might have a way to safely close it sometime soon."

EDIT: Changing vote.
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[X] "Well, since the probable Breach is closer to us, we'll send some scouts to check the area so we cam have confirmation one way or the other."
-[X] "In case it is indeed a Breach, would you be willing to cooperate with us to assault it? We might have a way to safely close it sometime soon."
Oops! I forgot-- you do know that X-01 is a Breach-- you'd scouted it out before:

The Condors are sent out on a scouting flight to BR-X-01, hoping to get a good picture of what they're dealing with. It's not pretty.

X-01 looks a lot like The Breach, if considerably smaller. The wormhole is sunken into the ground, blazing like a pit of magma. Around it, the earth is warped and distorted, Anteverse lifeforms swarming the place. Most seem to be Category 0s or lesser, but there's clearly more than just small fry. High level kaiju have been spotted, most Category IIIs, but a few classified as IVs. Only a few individuals actually stay around it, the others coming and going as they see fit-- but these few look nasty. Between the threat of being spotted, and the atmospheric distortion, this is as much as the Condors can gather.

So the first part of the vote is kinda redundant. Second part is fine, though.

[X] "We're currently hard at work developing ways to close the breaches, we think we might be close. If we can develop an assured way of actually closing breaches, would you be willing to cooperate on launching a coordinated assault to close the land breach?"
-[X] Ask about working out some kind of research, technology, and information sharing agreement.
--[X] Offer to send copies of the designs and blueprints for the Condor as an initial sign of goodwill, no questions asked.
--[X] Also, tell them what we've discovered about the Kaiju hivemind, since it's kind of a big deal.
[X] "Well, it is a breach and it's within our area of operations. We'll have to at least clean out the area around it even if we can't close it just yet."
-[X] "In any case, would you be willing to cooperate with us to assault it? We might have a way to safely close it sometime soon, but there will be heavy resistance there, considering there are multiple Cat IIIs and Cat IVs in there."

Considering how far away it is and the sheer concentration of enemies there, I'd say nuking the area a bit before tossing a few JeaGrenades at the Cat IVs that will inevitably survive.
[X] "We're currently hard at work developing ways to close the breaches, we think we might be close. If we can develop an assured way of actually closing breaches, would you be willing to cooperate on launching a coordinated assault to close the land breach?"
-[X] Ask about working out some kind of research, technology, and information sharing agreement.
--[X] Offer to send copies of the designs and blueprints for the Condor as an initial sign of goodwill, no questions asked.
--[X] Also, tell them what we've discovered about the Kaiju hivemind, since it's kind of a big deal.
[X] "We're currently hard at work developing ways to close the breaches, we think we might be close. If we can develop an assured way of actually closing breaches, would you be willing to cooperate on launching a coordinated assault to close the land breach?"
-[X] Ask about working out some kind of research, technology, and information sharing agreement.
--[X] Offer to send copies of the designs and blueprints for the Condor as an initial sign of goodwill, no questions asked.
--[X] Also, tell them what we've discovered about the Kaiju hivemind, since it's kind of a big deal.
[X] "We're currently hard at work developing ways to close the breaches, we think we might be close. If we can develop an assured way of actually closing breaches, would you be willing to cooperate on launching a coordinated assault to close the land breach?"
-[X] Ask about working out some kind of research, technology, and information sharing agreement.
--[X] Offer to send copies of the designs and blueprints for the Condor as an initial sign of goodwill, no questions asked.
--[X] Also, tell them what we've discovered about the Kaiju hivemind, since it's kind of a big deal.
[X] "We're currently hard at work developing ways to close the breaches, we think we might be close. If we can develop an assured way of actually closing breaches, would you be willing to cooperate on launching a coordinated assault to close the land breach?"
-[X] Ask about working out some kind of research, technology, and information sharing agreement.
--[X] Offer to send copies of the designs and blueprints for the Condor as an initial sign of goodwill, no questions asked.
--[X] Also, tell them what we've discovered about the Kaiju hivemind, since it's kind of a big deal.

"An opportunity to finally destroy one of these Breaches would be a great chance," responded 01. "Such an assault... would be more than beneficial to the both of us. For now, consider yourself to have our aid."

The prospect of an exchange service is brought up. However, this goes less well. KRAUN services are unfortunately stretched at the moment, and so they lack the immediate time needed to organise such an agreement. The offer of actual, functional fixed-wing blueprints is an enticing one though, and KRAUN doesn't turn the offer down.

However, the final thing draws there attention far more. There's a good deal of hushed, distorted whispering, and nervous looks. 03 keeps taking notes. Finally, one of the council members speaks up. It's 05.

"When we finally establish such an agreement, as we've discussed earlier, we request a copy of all findings and information related to this phenomenon. That is all."

You can basically say/ask KRAUN one more thing before they have to get back to work, or just let it end.

[ ] One more thing... (write in)
[ ] That's all.
Neo-Seattle's forces don't force KRAUN to stay on the line any longer than needed. The screen flickers off, and the connection shuts down.

With all that done, the council is left with plenty of time to muse over this.


- Two days later.


Roll scanners! (They're still 1d10+6, right?)
Unfortunately, the scanner feed is of rather poor quality. Still, it's enough to nail down the kaijus' position, and give a little about them.

SE-26-039, designated "Alaska", is large, bulky, and generally imposing. It features a six-limbed profile, and seems to emit heavier tremors than most kaiju of its size.

SE-26-040, designation "Texas", is also large and imposing, but far less bulky. It also has six limbs, along with a pair of heat sources in its torso.

The two are approaching from the same direction-- the East.

Alaska and Texas are bearing East of the city, and are about 17 kilometers out. What's the plan of action?
Well, if no one else wants to make a plan, I'll do it. Unfortunately, I can't really read the map right now because I'm on my phone, so my plan will probably end with our forces being deployed on the water. :V

[X] Deploy the Defense forces 6 kilometers out, in standard shotgun formation. Tacit and Jagdhund deploy five units in front of the other units.
-[X] Wait until the Kaiju show up.
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Well, if no one else wants to make a plan, I'll do it. Unfortunately, I can't really read the map right now because I'm on my phone, so my plan will probably end with our forces being deployed on the water. :V
You're lucky that they're approaching from one of the few directions that doesn't have water on it.
[X] Deploy the Defense forces 6 kilometers out, in standard shotgun formation. Tacit and Jagdhund deploy five units in front of the other units.
-[X] Wait until the Kaiju show up.