[X] "Hello KRUAN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"
[X] "Hello KRAUN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"

Going to go with the Jawa's plan. Sounds reasonable to start...

The masks bother me a little bit, but they might want to preserve opsec. Guy Fawkes masks would be worse, I guess.
The masks bother me a little bit, but they might want to preserve opsec. Guy Fawkes masks would be worse, I guess.
I was a little vague on that, I'll admit. The masks are a bit more like visors; they cover the face, have some heavy venting around the mouth (you've gotta breath, after all), and the eye covers seems to essentially be sunglasses-type stuff. They don't have seven eyes, moustaches, or other weird features like that.
Less confrontational?

The only issue I see there is that the second point might be a bit rough, but even then it's not that bad. I supposed it could be rewritten as something like... uh.

-[draft] "We must admit, we are curious about your organization. Beyond our interactions with your Jaegers (which are themselves another mystery to us), we know very little about your objectives and history. Could you give us some general information on that, please?

Just an idea. I suck at diplomacy.
I was a little vague on that, I'll admit. The masks are a bit more like visors; they cover the face, have some heavy venting around the mouth (you've gotta breath, after all), and the eye covers seems to essentially be sunglasses-type stuff. They don't have seven eyes, moustaches, or other weird features like that.
Sorry, but I saw them wearing either blank masks or Daft Punk cosplay helmets and I can't unsee them.

[X] "Hello KRAUN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"

I won't lie, I'm waiting for the part where KRAUN tries to infiltrate Neo-Seattle and attempts to use "cooperation and mutual benefit" as an excuse to bring us under their control.

I wouldn't even be mad. That's the sort of development that hasn't really showed up on any Vs The World quest I've read.
can we use a... less confrontational tone?

It depends on how you interpret the question, I think.

It could be taken as a confrontational 'Who are you (,and don't try to be smart about it).' as in demanding answers with an angrier, serious flat tone; I choose to interpret it more as a "Who are you (people)?" with a softer 'WTF' tone. Less a demand to be let into the loop, more a outpouring of questions about this mysterious organization that's got Robo-Jaegers running around.
[X] "Hello KRUAN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"
[X] "Hello KRUAN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"
Sorry, just kind of tired right now, and busy with other stuff. Consider this a short hiatus while I work up the motivation/energy/time to do this.
Sorry, hiatus is still on. I'm just 1) busy with other stuff, 2) not really in a PacRim mood, and 3) stuck on this stupid KRAUN thing.

If you still have a hankering for giant (bio)robots fighting giant (sorta)monsters, feel free to check out my story, Neon Genesis Evangelion: (Not) the End. Link is in my signature.

I promise I won't give up on this quest yet!
Sorry, hiatus is still on. I'm just 1) busy with other stuff, 2) not really in a PacRim mood, and 3) stuck on this stupid KRAUN thing.

If you still have a hankering for giant (bio)robots fighting giant (sorta)monsters, feel free to check out my story, Neon Genesis Evangelion: (Not) the End. Link is in my signature.

I promise I won't give up on this quest yet!

Patience I have. Your time you should take. Here I will be.
[X] "Hello KRUAN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"
[X] "Hello KRUAN. Before we begin, we'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with us and, even more than that, we'd like to thank you for allowing Jagdhund to continue to operate out of Neo-Seattle. It can not be overstated how important she has been to our efforts to protect this city and continue on against the Kaiju menace."
-[X] "That out of the way, if we might put it bluntly, who are you? What is the story behind your organizations existence and your objectives, beyond the obvious of winning the Kaiju war? And what is the story behind all the Jaegers you have an the AI you developed for them?"
-[X] "And if it's not too much to ask, can you fill us in on any world news you might have about the state of things and what's gone on beyond our own little boarders since everything fell apart?"
Alright, sorry guys, but we're continuing our hiatus. I really don't have inspiration for the response, I'm really focused on other stuff, and

I don't actually have that much thought out about KRAUN.

So yeah, sorry for this.

(Once more, if you like what I write, I sincerely implore you to check out (Not) the End-- once again in my signature.)
Alright, sorry guys, but we're continuing our hiatus. I really don't have inspiration for the response, I'm really focused on other stuff, and

I don't actually have that much thought out about KRAUN.

So yeah, sorry for this.

(Once more, if you like what I write, I sincerely implore you to check out (Not) the End-- once again in my signature.)
I actually have this amusing image of KRAUN High-Command being this bunch of overly paranoid guys with a hyperfocus on efficiency because they have to patrol this huge stretch of land and maintain god knows how many Jaegers and only have so many resources to spend.

They're well intentioned, and they'd probably get along great with us, if only they didn't think we're a dangerous bunch of warlords who managed to get a Jaeger working and proceeded to subvert one of their own and add it to our forces. They're just too paranoid for their own good.

The other way I picture KRAUN is that they'd be the ultimate result of a traditional Vs The World playerbase getting to play for a very long time and getting mentally scarred along the way because the GM was just a tad bloodthirstier than he should have been.
Alright everyone, I've made a decision.

Owing to 1) running into an ideas wall, 2) general loss of motivation, and 3) wanting to do something a little different in an effort to keep me engaged in this...

I've decided to end Tacit Ronin vs. The World.

I will try to give a proper send-off, if this cannot be counted as such-- but fear not! For those who wish for giant robots to punch giant monsters in the face, I bring a solution! I shall erect a new Versus The World quest, bigger, shinier, less tied completely to Pacific Rim! And I will link it, so that you may join this new quest! When I make it, that is.

So, I apologize for ending this quest. It really was fun. But I hope that I can still bring you all giant-roboty joy.

Best of luck, TacitQuest.
I will try to give a proper send-off, if this cannot be counted as such-- but fear not! For those who wish for giant robots to punch giant monsters in the face, I bring a solution! I shall erect a new Versus The World quest, bigger, shinier, less tied completely to Pacific Rim! And I will link it, so that you may join this new quest! When I make it, that is.
A) Kinda sad that you're ending, but it's your choice.
B) I still think it'd be cool to do a 'conventional forces' quest... Or being a Nega-UN Theater Command AI...
On the one hand, it is your quest, and thus it's all ultimately up to you, and it's good to have a send off rather than leaving us hanging.

On the other hand, dang, and we were doing so good and making such headway, too.
That would be...

... acceptable? You'd need a new thread, but I'd appreciate someone taking up the mantle of TacitQuest.