Rolling 1d10+8
DanielJH2112 threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Tough Tough TR Total: 53
6 6 7 7 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 6 6 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 2 2
DanielJH2112 threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Tough Tough TR Total: 29
5 5 3 3 9 9 9 9 2 2 1 1
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Week 27: Downtime
[X] Plan Value Planning
-[X] Clean up the mess (-520 R)
-[X] Attempt to open or otherwise create an experimental, contained research scale-model micro-breach that would allow us to study it in detail in a controlled environment. (Free Breach Research) (Safe Research Option)
-[X] Continue researching improvements to the Jaeger Stat Improvement process to allow more stat improvement rolls per action (Free Jaeger Research) (Let's try to get up to 20 at least)
-[X] Build 1 Jumphawk Squadron, 1 Hellhound Squadron, and 1 Field Resupply Squadron (Free Construction Action)
-[X] Resource Recovery Mission to Vulcan's Nest with appropriate military escort, attempt to harvest and bring back as many raw resources from Vulcans Nest as possible. (Free Comm Action) (More Resources FTW!)
-[X] Research Salvage Facility (Research building that would allow us to both recover resources from destroyed parts/units and scrap excess materials we don't need - such as excess armor pieces in storage - to recover resources from them)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrades: Toughness for Tacit Ronin*18 (-360 Resources) (Get at least some kind of upgrade on Tacit)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing to 8 and build 2 Kaiju Salvage Facility (-9500 Resources) (Manufacturing Boost)
-[X] Contact Medford and attempt to negotiate to established an airfield outpost and refueling station that would ideally allow for a way-point between Neo-Seattle and the rumored surviving holdout city of Los Angeles. (Let's make a real push towards LA)
--[X] Also, send them our information on Mark 1 Jaeger construction and refits
-[X] Attempt to contact KRAUN in order to have a more direct meeting with their leaders in some way, shape, or form. (Calling KRAUN, calling KRUAN, please pick up KRAUN, we promise we're friendly)
-[X] Research upgrade for Jaeger Conpod/Conpod armor to deflect critical damage away from critical control systems and pilots towards other surrounding areas where the damage would be less fatal, or otherwise look into ways to ensure pilot survivability in case of significant damage dealt to the conpod.
-[X] Research Plasmacaster Technology: Research a solution of some kind to the Overheating/misfire situation. (We've got direct energy weapons, lets focus on that and fix their primary weakness)
-[X] Research Plasmacaster Technology to increase the viable range of Plasma-based weaponry. (And also try to make them more viable as genuine range weaponry; if these work we can further focus on it in the future, maybe even see about scaling it down to make it a viable tech for our conventionals)
-[X] Repair Tacit Ronin (-50 Resources)

(10430 Resources Spent, 7890 Resources Remain)
Unfortunately, there are some severe complications with Noah, and there's no way he'll be getting up for a long time. The shrapnel's done some serious damage to his back, and it's not looking good.

The micro-breach work continues, with Breach-Tech burying themselves deeper in the process. Based on readings from the Supercells, pre-existing Breaches, and their current archives, they're able to dramatically improve their simulations. They're fairly confident that an actual Micro-Breach could be generated (so long as they have a strong enough power source), but there's one little problem.

They can't just create a Breach. There has to be some destination to it-- you can't just set the other side of the Breach to 'wherever it feels like being'. The process can be stabilized from one side, at least, so that won't be an issue.

More in-depth Breach Research can be performed!

The rapid-protoyper is given a look over at the demands of the council, who are certain that it can be even better. A little progress is made on it, but the most capable workers are busy, so it's not much.

Up to 20 rolls may be bought as one action!

More units are constructed by the MPFs, most based around the various aerial frames present in Neo-Seattle, save a few basic trucks that work with the FRS helicopters.

Jumphawk squadron constructed! Hellhound squadron constructed! FRS constructed!

A recovery mission to Vulcan's nest is sent out, in order to secure Anteverse matter for processing. The Jumphawks are partially loaded up-- before a trio of kaiju appeared, forcing a retreat after the Hellhounds' missiles proved ineffective. The kaiju were practically identical, resembling a previous monster that had been faced; the giant ant, Abrams. Several other kaiju similar to these have been spotted around in the Northwest, suggesting that they may be some sort of spawn. Still, the cargo is secured, and brought back for processing.

+160 Resources!

Designs for a facility that can break down jaeger parts are drawn up. It's a simple idea, though its efficiency is a little questionable.

New Manufacturing Augment Available: J-Recycler Plant!
J-Recycler Plant (One per city)
Costs 1500 Resources
As a free action, a number of pieces equal to your Manufacturing Level of Armour, Weapons, Jaeger Augments, or Jaeger Miscellaneous stored in the Inventory may be recycled to gain a number of resources equal to half their total price.

As the rapid prototyping facility gets its kinks worked out, the equipment it brought to use on Tacit. The still rather fragile jaeger's frame is given attention, fluid shock absorbers wrapped around vital components, and parts of the jointing systems replaced with better alloys. The layer of superconductor is reapplied over top of these new parts, keeping the gleaming gold colour uniform.

Toughness to 3! Tacit Ronin gains +1 Durability, +1 Structure!

Further autonomy is incorporated into the construction centres, along with expansions to the very helpful salvage facility.

Manufacturing to 8! 2x Kaiju Salvage Facility built!

Convincing Medford to reestablish their airport for refueling is a little more difficult than expected, mainly because of a few points they bring up; these points being 'what's in it for us?' and 'this activity could attract kaiju!' The inclusion of Mark I data doesn't really change their position-- Medford lacks the facilities and materials needed to service a jaeger. Looks like this will have to be tried again.

Following the recent disaster, efforts are made to improve the safety of the conpod. Unfortunately, there's not much progress. The most managed is a relocation of the sensor arrays, allowing them to be defended by heavier armour and making it harder for catastrophic malfunctions to affect the conpod. Deflection is difficult, and safety mechanisms would be far more complex-- but this is a start.

Sensors may now receive standard Jaeger Armour!

Improvements to the casters' cooling systems are made, expanding the radiators and coolant lines. The resulting weapon is going to cost more, but it won't be as likely to slag itself-- as long as the pilots are careful with it. Overcharging the weapon is still a very risky procedure-- and nothing can be done about that without lessening its impact-- but then again, that was always the case. As a bonus, an emergency venting system has been incorporated, allowing the weapon to disperse large amounts of heat safely, with the side effect of disabling the caster for a while. These vents can only be used once, as they'll melt themselves away in the process.

I-19 Plasmacaster improved to I-20 Plasmacaster!
I-20 Plasmacaster
Costs 1650 Resources
Built-in Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-1/2x 1d10-1/3x 1d10-1
Damage Type: Burst/Electric
Damage Bonus: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 5/3/0
Range: 1/2/3
Overcharge: Set damage bonus to 5. After the shot is resolved, instead of rolling overheat, roll as many attack dice as your rolled+1 on the misfire table, ignoring Jam results. For each subsequent overheat in each battle roll an extra dice.
Overheat: After firing, roll as many d10s as you did attack dice, subtracting as many shots as you made from the final score. If any results are equal or less than 0, roll on the misfire table, adding +1 for each die scoring under 0. Ignore jam results.
Emergency Heat Vents: Once per battle, instead of rolling overheat, treat the Plasmacaster as Jammed for a number of rounds equal to the number of shots you made. May not be used with overcharge.
Requires Tier 3+ Reactor to fit and fire.

Sadly, attempts to increase the range of the plasma cannons don't make much progress. The weapons just dissipate their charges too quickly. It's noted that improvements in the magnetic containment and focusing arrays should be approached, but that's all.

At the same time it's upgraded, Tacit Ronin also receives its repairs; the jaeger's ruined sensor array is pulled out and replaced with spare pieces, while the damaged armour is pieced together. With Noah out of the job for a while, Maria is brought back into action for the time being.

All Strikes repaired! Tacit Ronin is at 100% operational status!

Jagdhund's ANGEL-Net transmitter is fired up again, and another signal sent out. This one is less of a report, and more of a request; a meeting with the leaders of the organization.

Two days later, there's a response.

"--. .-. . . - .. -. --. ... --..-- / ... . .- - - .-.. . .-.-.- / .-- . / .- -.-. -.-. . .--. - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .. -. ...- .. - .- - .. --- -. / ..-. --- .-. / .- / -- . . - .. -. --. .-.-.- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.-. --- -. -. . -.-. - / - .... . / - .-. .- -. ... -- .. - - . .-. / - --- / .- / ...- .. ... ..- .- .-.. / -.. .. ... .--. .-.. .- -.-- / .- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.-. --- -- -- .- -. -.. / -.-. . -. - . .-. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .-. . .--. .-.. -.-- / .-- .... . -. / .. - / .. ... / -.. --- -. . .-.-.- / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / - .- .-.. -.- / - .... . -. .-.-.- / -.- .-. .- ..- -."

[ ] Do it.
[ ] Don't do it.

Alright then, explanation for the I-20. You don't add as many bonuses to the misfire roll, and you can temporarily disable the thing in exchange for not having to worry about potential misfires. I'd say that's fair.

Get ready for your meeting with KRAUN. There's going to be some roleplaying involved here.
[X] Do It

Also, I have some ideas on how to get Medford on board, but it's one of those "will take some saving up for a few turns, preparatory research, etc.".
[X] Do it.

50% cash back on all old & obsolete Jaeger stuff is pretty nice. Safer Plasmacasters is nice, shame no progress on Range was made so we still don't know what the potential for improvement is.

Seems like next time we want to go Harvesting we should bring the Jaegers with and treat it like a Hunting Mission, otherwise the resources gained just aren't worth the loss of actions.
[X] Do it.
-[X] If need be, also set something up to translate the Morse Code for us, possibly using Jagdhund's systems if needed and Jagdhund agrees.

Seems like next time we want to go Harvesting we should bring the Jaegers with and treat it like a Hunting Mission, otherwise the resources gained just aren't worth the loss of actions.

Works for me. I think we mostly just got a bad roll on it this time, and the Kaiju showing up was the ultimate representation of that. I'd be down for doing a hunting mission there and trying to see if we can do a real resource haul the next time we don't have any major Jaeger repairs to worry about.

Safer Plasmacasters is nice, shame no progress on Range was made so we still don't know what the potential for improvement is.

Do you think it's worth taking another look at with the magnetism and focusing before considering shifting to other energy weapon possibilities?

50% cash back on all old & obsolete Jaeger stuff is pretty nice.

I'd still like to see if we can upgrade it to at least allow us to get money back on stuff that gets broken.
[X] Do it.
-[X] If need be, also set something up to translate the Morse Code for us, possibly using Jagdhund's systems if needed and Jagdhund agrees.

Works for me. I think we mostly just got a bad roll on it this time, and the Kaiju showing up was the ultimate representation of that. I'd be down for doing a hunting mission there and trying to see if we can do a real resource haul the next time we don't have any major Jaeger repairs to worry about.

Do you think it's worth taking another look at with the magnetism and focusing before considering shifting to other energy weapon possibilities?

I'd still like to see if we can upgrade it to at least allow us to get money back on stuff that gets broken.
On PC range, sure. I'm still convinced it's never going to be long enough to use as a primary ranged weapon system, but any improvement is nice if it allows the PCs to be fired with decent accuracy from more than 3 units away.

For the Harvest thing, it might be that it's always gonna suck. we rolled an adjusted 8 and got 160 R, so it could be that harvesting plants is 20* the total roll.

In other ideas, we still need Missile Launchers for TR though. His lack of any Ranged option has become annoying lately. Also, maybe research into better medical treatment for Pilots so their recovery rolls get a boost?
How much/what kind of range are we looking for for Tacit? Is it mostly just a situational thing we could use the shock gun or maybe even the plasma caster tech for?
Shock Gun is far too weak as an opening attack. Ideally it'd be something that we could use when the enemy is too far to charge, but close enough that us getting closer would let them charge us instead. Gives TR something else to try, with a side benefit of being a different attack we could use if we've been knocked down. The Hellfire+ missiles fit that range bracket quite well.

Side benefit if we go the Modular Missile Rack idea, if we ever try to develop Heavy AntiKaiju Missiles like Striker they should fit right in.

Plasmacaster would only be useful in the 2nd role, but I don't even know if it can be mounted outside of the Hand/Arms, and if it can't then we can't use the PCs and Fangblades together anyway.
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[X] Do it.

I assume that we will be giving the plasmacaster to Jagdhund in order to essentially replace its axe attack with a short-range burst attack most of the time, and benefit from further boosts to Jagdhund's ranged stat.

As for TR's proposed ranged weapon, I agree with @aledeth that the plasmacaster is too short-ranged most of the time, and the Shock Gun is a one-off attack that is too weak outside of situations where it would inflict significant strike penalties to an already wounded opponent. Why don't we research a plasma warhead upgrade to our missiles this coming downtime, while also researching incorporation of @aledeth's proposed modular jaeger missile rack system? That way, Tacit Ronin can benefit from upgrades to our conventional forces' munitions.
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Plasmacaster would only be useful in the 2nd role, but I don't even know if it can be mounted outside of the Hand/Arms, and if it can't then we can't use the PCs and Fangblades together anyway.
Unless you remove a Fangblade, you cannot place a Plasmacaster on Tacit Ronin. It requires both an arm slot and a hand slot (though the latter is shared with the actual hand). Missile racks are a pretty good choice, and would look pretty cool if mounted under Tacit's chest prow.

Coincidentally, Jagdhund is powerful/versatile enough to make good use of one, and she has--not only free arm/hand slots-- enough strength points to mount one if you fancy!