Give Tacit Ronin a chest railcanon? We already got a big ass railgun design with the Heimdal, modifying the design for it to be a chest mounted version for Tacit shouldn't be that hard? Or shoulder mounted I suppose.

Also random joke plan!

Step 1: Use Breach research to access Hell
Step 2: Exploit Hell's energy
Step 3: Find the Doom Slayer
Step 4: ????
Step 5: PROFIT!

I haven't played Doom. Ever.

Do you like First Person shooters at all? Because if you do, you totally need to get your hands on the original Doom. (I'd also argue the new Doom but that's still full price, and I have no clue if you have anything that can run it.) Seriously, the original game might be over 20 years old, but its still pretty good. Well from a gameplay perspective at least, don't be expecting much story or cutscenes.

But yeah, I listed it as a joke plan for a reason. Admittedly not that reason.
[X] Do it.
- [X] Jawa's idea has merit as well, though visual might mean voice transmission as well.

Woo, contact! We might not feel as lonely now!

Or, in alternative, 'KRAUN-senpai wants to talk with us!'


... disregard the latter, it sounded funnier in my head.
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Okay, so, Medford's leery because, essentially, they're not sure if even just an airport will go unnoticed. But they don't have a Jaeger, a Shatterdome, anything. Understandable that they'd be concerned.

@Fyrstorm , does Medford have an effective 0 in all City stats, or dos it have any ranks in anything?

So, to get them on board, most likely we need to give them a Jaeger, a way to service it, and probably other material aid.

Thus, I propose a Medford Aid Package, which we can/should try to start saving up for soon (unless KRAUN becomes our Sugar Daddy and dumps a ton of resources on us or something).
It should contain:
-Enough Resources to "jump start" the City's Stats to at least 2-3 in most every category (Defense is an acceptable exception for starting out). If they already have 1-2 in most stats, we pick a couple to boost. The city needs to fully operate on its own once this starts (I'm assuming with my proposed approach we'd just end up controlling Medford).
-Several Conventional units, not counting at least 2 Jumphawk Squadrons.
-A Jaeger; I propose we design and build Paladin Victor as this Jaeger. Remaining potential Research items: a Plasmacaster that forgoes Overcharging for even more reliability, and perhaps being smaller (to fit into oversized forearm mountings); Missile Racks (such as @aledeth 's proposed item); and a Hammer (we all know what I'm talking about here).
-At least 1 if not 2 Mobile Repair Bays (based on the unit from Battletech/Mechwarrior) to act as a temporary "Shatterdome" until one can be constructed.

Basically, we need to bring not just an Army, but a Base, with us. And be ready to get settled in ASAP.
I can't say I'm at all in favor of a plan that is dedicated to building a Jaeger with the intent of giving it away to a place that realistically isn't going to be set up to maintain it in the near future, not to mention that such a plan means we have no idea how long it'll be till be possible to actually give them a Jaeger.

Frankly, I think we instead ought be looking into ways to potentially set up an airbase near them in a way that they'll be comfortable with, just as maybe setting it up far enough away from them that they won't be directly threatened by Kaiju that take notice or putting forces there that can distract Kaiju and lead them away if they get close.

Maybe start by helping them improve their sensors/detection enough that they'll know what's around them?
I think some people might be reading a bit too much into the weariness of Medford to host an airbase. We got some poor rolls on our comms this past turn (2 and 4), so I think this plays a big role. We might need to offer a few conventional forces in addition to a better comms roll, but giving them a jaeger and a mobile shatterdome would be excessive, in my opinion.
I can't say I'm at all in favor of a plan that is dedicated to building a Jaeger with the intent of giving it away to a place that realistically isn't going to be set up to maintain it in the near future, not to mention that such a plan means we have no idea how long it'll be till be possible to actually give them a Jaeger.

Frankly, I think we instead ought be looking into ways to potentially set up an airbase near them in a way that they'll be comfortable with, just as maybe setting it up far enough away from them that they won't be directly threatened by Kaiju that take notice or putting forces there that can distract Kaiju and lead them away if they get close.

Maybe start by helping them improve their sensors/detection enough that they'll know what's around them?
I think the issue is that we're facing a sort of "chicken and egg" situation.

If you don't have the necessary population and infrastructure to repeatedly attract Kaiju, you likely can't support Jaegers, many conventional units, or an airfield, Shatterdome, etc.
But if you don't have a Jaeger, you can't defend yourself enough to build up your population and infrastructure to support a Jaeger.

And so on.

The MRB is an idea I've proposed before, one intended to help on hunting missions and the like. And I believe it would be useful for setting up in new cities.

And maybe we don't need to give Medford a "startup package". But what about when we decide to expand to another city? Won't we ultimately have to do something to account for limited resources and infrastructure, at least at first?

Or is the player base in general content to just sit in 1 city for the entire run of the game?
I think the issue is that we're facing a sort of "chicken and egg" situation.

If you don't have the necessary population and infrastructure to repeatedly attract Kaiju, you likely can't support Jaegers, many conventional units, or an airfield, Shatterdome, etc.
But if you don't have a Jaeger, you can't defend yourself enough to build up your population and infrastructure to support a Jaeger.

And so on.

The MRB is an idea I've proposed before, one intended to help on hunting missions and the like. And I believe it would be useful for setting up in new cities.

And maybe we don't need to give Medford a "startup package". But what about when we decide to expand to another city? Won't we ultimately have to do something to account for limited resources and infrastructure, at least at first?

Or is the player base in general content to just sit in 1 city for the entire run of the game?

Remember that we have two nearby cities ready to move into. I think the current rough consensus is that once we have Paladin Victor/Hammertime up and running, we expand into one of them.
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We might need to offer a few conventional forces in addition to a better comms roll, but giving them a jaeger and a mobile shatterdome would be excessive, in my opinion.

I figure, if we set up a Condor Squad or two that can fly around and try to lead Kaiju off somewhere else, and a few squadrons of helicopters, that should probably go a long way.

I think the current rough consensus is that once we have Paladin Victor/Hammertime up and running, we expand into one of them.

I'll be in favor for expanding when we both have another Jaeger and a viable method of quick transportation so that we can realistically cover two cities with all three Jaegers.

That would be something that could theoretically be accomplished if we can get our own breach/wormhole network up and running.
I guess I just think we need to be a bit more proactive and forward-thinking about stuff beyond "research things" and "buff our two existing Jaegers".

I also think we're in danger of letting Perfect become the enemy of Good, when it comes to thinks how Jaeger coverage on cities. @Fyrstorm can confirm or deny, but I believe he's stated he wouldn't throw terrible odds at a single Jaeger, certainly not the same scenarios he throws at 2. If *handwave reasoning* means we won't ever face a stupidly-overpowered challenge, but instead something that's tough but winnable, then I'm not convinced we have to wait for a solution that means always having 3 Jaegers at any one city.

I'd rather have 2 separate, slightly weaker fights than 1 larger, more potent fight.

We could always send our Superheavy to the next city alongside PV, too.
I guess I just think we need to be a bit more proactive and forward-thinking about stuff beyond "research things" and "buff our two existing Jaegers".

I also think we're in danger of letting Perfect become the enemy of Good, when it comes to thinks how Jaeger coverage on cities. @Fyrstorm can confirm or deny, but I believe he's stated he wouldn't throw terrible odds at a single Jaeger, certainly not the same scenarios he throws at 2. If *handwave reasoning* means we won't ever face a stupidly-overpowered challenge, but instead something that's tough but winnable, then I'm not convinced we have to wait for a solution that means always having 3 Jaegers at any one city.

I'd rather have 2 separate, slightly weaker fights than 1 larger, more potent fight.

We could always send our Superheavy to the next city alongside PV, too.

I've been of the same mindset regarding expansion for a while. I think a single jaeger in each city (backed up by conventionals and perhaps the odd superheavy) is workable. Unless @Fyrstorm says otherwise, I assume any opponents thrown at a city will be largely dependent on the defensive forces of the city. Otherwise, expansion becomes impossible due to the ever-escalating forces thrown at every new city.

However, a focus on hunting expeditions, numerous research projects, improvement to our two existing jaegers, and a push towards Oblivion Bay is also not a bad strategy while we save up enough money for a third jaeger.
What do you think "get in contact with KRAUN", "Try to get in contact with Southern California", "make it easier to get a third Jaeger", and "figure out a way to close the breaches" all count as?
That's fair counterpoints.
I would say the 4th item is going to end up being more long-term. And that we've done about as much as we can on the 3rd item barring a lucky salvage somewhere.
The contact options are the easiest but may have the weakest results. *shrugs*

I've been of the same mindset regarding expansion for a while. I think a single jaeger in each city (backed up by conventionals and perhaps the odd superheavy) is workable. Unless @Fyrstorm says otherwise, I assume any opponents thrown at a city will be largely dependent on the defensive forces of the city. Otherwise, expansion becomes impossible due to the ever-escalating forces thrown at every new city.

However, a focus on hunting expeditions, numerous research projects, improvement to our two existing jaegers, and a push towards Oblivion Bay is also not a bad strategy while we save up enough money for a third jaeger.
I would definitely agree about trying to be more proactive regarding hunting expeditions. Because those are what's going to get us the extra cash to make the 3rd Jaeger, 4th Jaeger, and so on.
@Fyrstorm , does Medford have an effective 0 in all City stats, or dos it have any ranks in anything?
Medford effectively has a 1 in all but Research, Defense, and (possibly) Population. The first two are 0, the latter is 1-2.

@Fyrstorm can confirm or deny, but I believe he's stated he wouldn't throw terrible odds at a single Jaeger, certainly not the same scenarios he throws at 2. If *handwave reasoning* means we won't ever face a stupidly-overpowered challenge, but instead something that's tough but winnable,
I'll admit, this is a little true. I do prefer for each side to have some chance of winning. If I wanted an unwinnable fight, I'd have a tanky, high-category kaiju with some special movement method that spawns lots of low-category kaiju. Or... something like that.
Would Medford be willing to join with us if we gave it a Mark 1 jaeger? and enough resources to build a basic maintenance facility for it? as well as promising to keep it small (and thus under larger kaiju's metaphorical radar) until we could give it more? we can produce cheap ones pretty easily, and when its no longer contributing in any worthwhile way, we can move it to another new town..... uhh, might be best to trial this in one of our adjacent towns first though.....

(edit, I know we offered the jaeger tech, but pairing a built jaeger and needed infrastructure?)
We do have Vulcan's Nest, I think there's already consideration about possibly going back there with our Jaegers next week and seeing how many resources we can harvest overall from the anteverse-infested city.
I like this plan and I'm happy to be a part of it.

Medford effectively has a 1 in all but Research, Defense, and (possibly) Population. The first two are 0, the latter is 1-2.

I'll admit, this is a little true. I do prefer for each side to have some chance of winning. If I wanted an unwinnable fight, I'd have a tanky, high-category kaiju with some special movement method that spawns lots of low-category kaiju. Or... something like that.
Good information, thank you kindly!

Would Medford be willing to join with us if we gave it a Mark 1 jaeger? and enough resources to build a basic maintenance facility for it? as well as promising to keep it small (and thus under larger kaiju's metaphorical radar) until we could give it more? we can produce cheap ones pretty easily, and when its no longer contributing in any worthwhile way, we can move it to another new town..... uhh, might be best to trial this in one of our adjacent towns first though.....

(edit, I know we offered the jaeger tech, but pairing a built jaeger and needed infrastructure?)
Honestly, at that point, setting up a full "starter pack" makes more sense.

I think @JollyRoger has a point, in that our Comms roll was pretty low. So I'm up for just trying the roll again "as is", and see what that gets us.
The reply is sent, the connection made. The transmitter is linked up to a screen/camera/speaker/microphone combination in the command centre, where the council members wait.

The screen lights up.

<<Incoming Transmission. Transmission Approved.>>

On it, a familiar wireframe globe logo appears, a series of white letters underneath it: K.R.A.U.N.

The logo flickers out, replaced by a group of five people seated around a table. They're dressed very officially, though each one wears a mask.

"Hello, councilmen of Neo-Seattle," one says, their voice scrambled-- likely for secrecy's sake. "We imagine you'll want some answers."

[ ] What now?

God, finally.
The reply is sent, the connection made. The transmitter is linked up to a screen/camera/speaker/microphone combination in the command centre, where the council members wait.

The screen lights up.

<<Incoming Transmission. Transmission Approved.>>

On it, a familiar wireframe globe logo appears, a series of white letters underneath it: K.R.A.U.N.

The logo flickers out, replaced by a group of five people seated around a table. They're dressed very officially, though each one wears a mask.

"Hello, councilmen of Neo-Seattle," one says, their voice scrambled-- likely for secrecy's sake. "We imagine you'll want some answers."

[ ] What now?

God, finally.
Alright. Time for what TacitQuest does best besides kicking Kaiju ass. Diplomacy.

[X] "Hello as well, KRAUN. Lets start with how and when your organization came to be and its objectives. We're very curious about how you managed to build so many Jaegers and developed an AI for them as well."

Unless they had them before the TdJ happened, which wouldn't really surprise me considering they're fulfilled every single Evil Cabal trope I can think off the top of my head.

They might just be even more paranoid than we are, but until they how they're actually good people I'll trust them as far as I can throw Tacit.