It's not that they're unrealistic, it's that from what people have told me, the only reason to use a revolver when choosing a handgun is style. And while style is admittedly a factor (Revolver Shogun's core concept is partially a style thing, after all), function is important too.
How about a compromise? Paired handguns, one a revolver built for heavy duty, Armor Piercing ammo while the other is a pistol optimized for firing speed with high explosive rounds?

If it was good enough for Demonbane, it should be good enough for us, right? :V
Shoot - I just realized we need to replace armor for Jagdhund - she's short a piece of torso armor.

1 Strike! Torso armour destroyed!

The angled armour on Jagdhund's stomach shatters, but the jaeger is otherwise mostly unharmed by the shot.

Give me a moment, I'm going to edit the plan a bit.

Can we build the sterilization plant instead, please? It's been sitting there waiting since we researched it.... over 15 turns ago.

I figure that if this works, it'll give us plenty of extra resources with which to built the sterilization plant, plus numerous other things we'd no doubt like to have.

Plus we'll be picking up an extra action with which to do extra things, so I think that the sterilization plant should easily be able to make it into next weeks's plan, barring any unforseen emergencies like a near total twin-Jaeger meltdown of some kind.
[X] Plan Don't Forget the Basics
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-300 R)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund and replace destroyed/missing Jagdhund Torso armor with spare Solid Iron Armour from inventory.
-[X] Research Elite Training Academy (Research facility designed to train conventional units to Elite status)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Ronin Dexterity * 10 (-200 Resources) (We're just 4 off with 8 ranked Science, 15 shouldn't be necessary)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 9 (-4500 Resources)
-[X] Continue researching Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research Military Production Facility (Research Facility/Augment that would allow us free Construction of Convential Units each week)
-[X] Research Jaeger EMP Shielding/Protection w/Hellwyrm Token
-[X] Research Anteverse Bio-Samples for Resource Viability (Research Anteverse bio-samples for a way to harvest them from sites such as Vuncan Nest for additional resources)
-[X] Research the construction of a high-power radio dish for communications with Medford (Free Comm Action - Assuming we can do this as a free comm action)
-[X] Continue researching reduction to the production cost of new Jaegers, continue focusing on more efficient and cost-effective methods of production. (Free J-Tech Action)
-[X] Breach Closure Research - What would be the viability of exploiting the Theory of Reverse Transit to get something through the breach - such as a nuclear explosive device - by coating it in a 'Trojan Horse' shell made out of Kaiju biological material? (Free Breach Research)

(5000 Resources Spent, 13900 Resources Remain)
Guys. You are going to need to choose something else to do with your Communications Action. Researching the bfsd (big friendly satellite dish) is a Research Action, not Comms.

Keep in mind Comms can be used to look for goodies.
[x] Plan Most of the stuff we need to do.
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-300 R)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund and replace destroyed/missing Jagdhund Torso armor with spare Solid Iron Armour from inventory.
-[X] Research Elite Training Academy (Research facility designed to train conventional units to Elite status)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Ronin Dexterity * 10 (-200 Resources) (We're just 4 off with 8 ranked Science, 15 shouldn't be necessary)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 9 (-4500 Resources)
-[X] Continue researching Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research Military Production Facility (Research Facility/Augment that would allow us free Construction of Convential Units each week)
-[X] Research Jaeger EMP Shielding/Protection w/Hellwyrm Token
-[X] Research Anteverse Bio-Samples for Resource Viability (Research Anteverse bio-samples for a way to harvest them from sites such as Vuncan Nest for additional resources)
-[X] Search for supply caches and resources (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Continue researching reduction to the production cost of new Jaegers, continue focusing on more efficient and cost-effective methods of production. (Free J-Tech Action)
-[X] Breach Closure Research - What would be the viability of exploiting the Theory of Reverse Transit to get something through the breach - such as a nuclear explosive device - by coating it in a 'Trojan Horse' shell made out of Kaiju biological material? (Free Breach Research)
[x] Plan Most of the stuff we need to do.

[X] Plan X(YZ)

@LostDeviljho Your plan wasn't bad, but the Jaeger Railguns are something of a dealbeaker for me (did them to death in a previous quest, plus trying to avoid Long Ranged guns like that)

I realize that we can't spam long range fire, but I was thinking that a shoulder-mounted railgun would be great on Tacit Ronin (plus 1-2 points in ranged stats) and on the next melee or all-rounder jaeger we build as backup weapons, since we still sometimes face flying kaiju, can be knocked prone, face a magnetic field kaiju, or find ourselves just outside of charge distance. That will be when we really wish we had a shoulder-mounted or inbuilt ranged weapon.
[x] Plan Most of the stuff we need to do.

I realize that we can't spam long range fire, but I was thinking that a shoulder-mounted railgun would be great on Tacit Ronin (plus 1-2 points in ranged stats) and on the next melee or all-rounder jaeger we build as backup weapons, since we still sometimes face flying kaiju, can be knocked prone, face a magnetic field kaiju, or find ourselves just outside of charge distance. That will be when we really wish we had a shoulder-mounted or inbuilt ranged weapon.
Then why not go Full Gundam Zabanya Style Missile Spam? Just tack on loads of Micro Missile Launchers and unleash the good old Macross Missile Massacre on the Kaiju to soften him up before charging in and smashing his face in.
Oh! Oh! Oh!

We can still aim towards getting our connection to Medford set up another way!

[x] Plan Stuff That Must Be Done
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-300 R)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund and replace destroyed/missing Jagdhund Torso armor with spare Solid Iron Armour from inventory.
-[X] Research Elite Training Academy (Research facility designed to train conventional units to Elite status)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Ronin Dexterity * 10 (-200 Resources) (We're just 4 off with 8 ranked Science, 15 shouldn't be necessary)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 9 (-4500 Resources)
-[X] Continue researching Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research Military Production Facility (Research Facility/Augment that would allow us free Construction of Convential Units each week)
-[X] Research Jaeger EMP Shielding/Protection w/Hellwyrm Token
-[X] Research Anteverse Bio-Samples for Resource Viability (Research Anteverse bio-samples for a way to harvest them from sites such as Vuncan Nest for additional resources)
-[X] Search for viable sites to set up high-power radio dish stations and/or airport refueling depots/outposts between Seattle and Medford, preferably where they could be built/set up with the greatest possibility of being undetected and unbothered by Kaiju or otherwise avoiding the possibility of being destroyed (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Continue researching reduction to the production cost of new Jaegers, continue focusing on more efficient and cost-effective methods of production. (Free J-Tech Action)
-[X] Breach Closure Research - What would be the viability of exploiting the Theory of Reverse Transit to get something through the breach - such as a nuclear explosive device - by coating it in a 'Trojan Horse' shell made out of Kaiju biological material? (Free Breach Research)
Last edited:
Then why not go Full Gundam Zabanya Style Missile Spam? Just tack on loads of Micro Missile Launchers and unleash the good old Macross Missile Massacre on the Kaiju to soften him up before charging in and smashing his face in.

Micro missiles don't have the stopping power. If we're going to go down that route, we may as well just develop medium range Striker Eureka style chest missiles. I suppose this system would enable us to swap out upscaled torpedoes, for underwater missions (but the railgun should still work underwater, with the appropriate electrical insulation).
Just slap a couple Hellfires under Tacit's chest and be done with it. A rail doesn't really suit its style well, and the micros could be better.
Micro missiles don't have the stopping power. If we're going to go down that route, we may as well just develop medium range Striker Eureka style chest missiles. I suppose this system would enable us to swap out upscaled torpedoes, for underwater missions (but the railgun should still work underwater, with the appropriate electrical insulation).
You can have a weapon technically use micro missiles but still have reasonable stopping power. You just need to fluff it as being a barrage of loads and loads of micro missiles all at once.

Or use the Hellfire+, or make an entirely new Missile. I'd be content as long as we're firing lots of missiles all at once, just for that extra style.

By the way, even with all the insulation in the world there's no way a Railgun can work well underwater, mostly thanks to the sheer density of the water, which would cause the projectile to lose speed and power much faster.
You can have a weapon technically use micro missiles but still have reasonable stopping power. You just need to fluff it as being a barrage of loads and loads of micro missiles all at once.

Or use the Hellfire+, or make an entirely new Missile. I'd be content as long as we're firing lots of missiles all at once, just for that extra style.

By the way, even with all the insulation in the world there's no way a Railgun can work well underwater, mostly thanks to the sheer density of the water, which would cause the projectile to lose speed and power much faster.

I suppose adapting the Hellfire missiles would be the most straighforward path in that case. And you're right about the railgun's projectile. We'd need some kind of supercavitating round, and that would be pretty tricky.