What about some sort of setup like what Striker Eureka had? A ranged weapon, yet also useful in a grapple( a way to blast yourself free).
[x] Plan Stuff That Must Be Done
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-300 R)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund and replace destroyed/missing Jagdhund Torso armor with spare Solid Iron Armour from inventory.
-[X] Research Elite Training Academy (Research facility designed to train conventional units to Elite status)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Ronin Dexterity * 10 (-200 Resources) (We're just 4 off with 8 ranked Science, 15 shouldn't be necessary)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 9 (-4500 Resources)
-[X] Continue researching Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research Military Production Facility (Research Facility/Augment that would allow us free Construction of Convential Units each week)
-[X] Research Jaeger EMP Shielding/Protection w/Hellwyrm Token
-[X] Research Anteverse Bio-Samples for Resource Viability (Research Anteverse bio-samples for a way to harvest them from sites such as Vuncan Nest for additional resources)
-[X] Search for viable sites to set up high-power radio dish stations and/or airport refueling depots/outposts between Seattle and Medford, preferably where they could be built/set up with the greatest possibility of being undetected and unbothered by Kaiju or otherwise avoiding the possibility of being destroyed (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Continue researching reduction to the production cost of new Jaegers, continue focusing on more efficient and cost-effective methods of production. (Free J-Tech Action)
-[X] Breach Closure Research - What would be the viability of exploiting the Theory of Reverse Transit to get something through the breach - such as a nuclear explosive device - by coating it in a 'Trojan Horse' shell made out of Kaiju biological material? (Free Breach Research)
(5050 Resources Spent, 13850 Resources Remain)
1d10+8 for ETA
10x 1d10+8 for DEX
1d10+8 for Supercell
1d10+8 for MPF
2d10+8 for Hellwyrm Electro-Shield
1d10+9 for I'm In Yur Anteverse... Steelin Yur Stuffs
1d10+5 for Where Do I Put These Dishes?
1d10+8 for Cheaper Jaegers
1d10+8 for Present for the Precursors
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1d10+9 for I'm In Yur Anteverse... Steelin Yur Stuffs
1d10+8 for Cheaper Jaegers

Edit: well, the academy roll was kinda meh, but our research is damn good so that might compensate.
Edit the Second: Awwww yiss...
Edit III: Praise the dice gods!
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: +8 Super Boot Camp Total: 5
5 5
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: +9 Sick Alien Loot Total: 9
9 9
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: +8 Budget-Friendly Giant Robot Total: 9
9 9
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1d10+5 for Where Do I Put These Dishes?

1d10+8 for Present for the Precursors

Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Dish Scouting (+5) Total: 7
7 7
Space Jawa threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Dexterity Rolls (+8) Total: 57
5 5 3 3 4 4 8 8 3 3 8 8 7 7 2 2 9 9 8 8
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: I got a present for ya! (+8) Total: 3
3 3
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Week 24: Downtime
[x] Plan Stuff That Must Be Done
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-300 R)
-[X] Repair Jagdhund and replace destroyed/missing Jagdhund Torso armor with spare Solid Iron Armour from inventory.
-[X] Research Elite Training Academy (Research facility designed to train conventional units to Elite status)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Ronin Dexterity * 10 (-200 Resources) (We're just 4 off with 8 ranked Science, 15 shouldn't be necessary)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 9 (-4500 Resources)
-[X] Continue researching Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research Military Production Facility (Research Facility/Augment that would allow us free Construction of Convential Units each week)
-[X] Research Jaeger EMP Shielding/Protection w/Hellwyrm Token
-[X] Research Anteverse Bio-Samples for Resource Viability (Research Anteverse bio-samples for a way to harvest them from sites such as Vuncan Nest for additional resources)
-[X] Search for viable sites to set up high-power radio dish stations and/or airport refueling depots/outposts between Seattle and Medford, preferably where they could be built/set up with the greatest possibility of being undetected and unbothered by Kaiju or otherwise avoiding the possibility of being destroyed (Free Comm Action)
-[X] Continue researching reduction to the production cost of new Jaegers, continue focusing on more efficient and cost-effective methods of production. (Free J-Tech Action)
-[X] Breach Closure Research - What would be the viability of exploiting the Theory of Reverse Transit to get something through the breach - such as a nuclear explosive device - by coating it in a 'Trojan Horse' shell made out of Kaiju biological material? (Free Breach Research)
(5050 Resources Spent, 13850 Resources Remain)
Jagdhund's minor repairs are soon finished, the last piece of iron armour fitted over her torso and painted grey. The jaeger's armour is a patchwork of different metals, but it's fully covering.

Jagdhund fully repaired! Armour fitted!

Tacit's upgrades are finally finished, allowing the jaeger to match Jagdhund in terms of sheer finesse! Tacit's reactor is at its limit, and any further improvements will require either a Vortex Turbine or a Supercell to be installed.

Dexterity to 3! 15/15 stat points! Further upgrades will require a new reactor!

Promoting units isn't really something that can be done willy nilly. Only a few soldiers actually develop the sort of precision needed to qualify as Elites, but the NPPDCDF guesses they can help improve the training regime somewhat.

Units have a higher chance of being promoted to Elite!

With the recent victories, it's no surprise that Seattle's population is swelling again. And with the influx of people comes the need for renovation.

Population to 9!

The Supercell is looked at more and more, scientists trying to figure out how to make the thing run properly. Nothing's working... until someone remembers something from a few months ago. The UPt-Blue fusion that created Breaches-- they can use that to kickstart the reactor's operation again! The research centers are abuzz for days after that, putting together cohesive plans on construction, operation, and maintenance of the Supercell Reactor-- with some help from Jagdhund, of course.

New Miscellaneous available: Supercell Quantum Reaction Chamber VI-b (Mk 3)!
Supercell Quantum Reaction Chamber VI-b (Mk 3)
20 000 Resources
A jaeger with this reactor gains Rear Thrusters (upon reaching Mk III) and the Supercell Plasma Discharge

Broken Supercell may be fixed for 10 000 Resources!

Creating a Military Production Facility is a simple matter, and plans are quickly drawn up. As a bonus, future ones should be less expensive once the first one is produced!

New Population Augment: Military Production Facility!
Military Production Facility (Population)
1000 Resources (Each additional MPF costs 500 Resources)
Each MPF may, for free, create one non-superheavy land or air unit each downtime.

After the attack of Argent, the idea of an electromagnetic protection system began circulating. Now, that idea has come full circle. While some improvements have been thought up for the preexisting jaegers, there's a much better way to implement this. A new, full-frame augmentation has been designed, built around the sole purpose of shielding the jaeger's electronics from interference.

New Jaeger Augment: Faraday Frame!
Faraday Frame
2000 Resources
A jaeger equipped with this augment is completely immune to non-damaging EMP attacks-- e.g. that of a tactical nuke-- and always treats its armour value as 2x higher for the purposes of rebuffing Electrical attacks (essentially, gain Resilience: +(AV) Electric). A Major Wound to the core will disable this augment until repairs are carried out. This Augment has no effect when used underwater.

Examining the Anteverse biology found in Vulcan's nest, K-Science hypothesizes that they could be able to break it down the same way kaiju are-- it wouldn't be nearly as rich a gain as from the actual monsters, but it'd be something.

Anteverse Bio sites may be harvested for Resources! These gains won't be at the level of kaiju, but they'll still be a bit of extra cash in your pocket.

The special military computers are set to use, helping scout out areas where a high-power comms link/supply station chain could be located. With the aid of the Condor Squadrons, a few locations that could serve the purpose are found. Now all that's really needed is the actual dish designs, and the time and money to set them up.

Locations found! Difficulty to establish network reduced!

Further improvements into cheapening the jaeger frames are made, but there's only so much that can be done in the time frame.

Mk I Jaeger Frames Cost 39 000 R!
Mk III Jaeger Frames Cost 80 000 R!

A suggestion is brought up: nuking the Breach-- with the nuke wrapped in pieces of kaiju; a Trojan Horse of sorts. However, the DNA locks on the Breach aren't fully understood yet, and K-Science isn't sure whether or not a dead kaiju will still be able to pass through the Breach.

Have some time to chat on this and stuff before I throw the incursion at you. I may want a 1d100 roll, just for reasons, though.

Yeah, this isn't the best... but it's not the worst, either.
New Population Augment: Military Production Facility!
Military Production Facility (Population)
1000 Resources (Each additional MPF costs 500 Resources)
Each MPF may, for free, create one non-superheavy land or air unit each downtime.
Free as in no resource cost, or free as in free action?
*Reads the turn results*

Yes. Good.

*Is determined that the Paladin-esque Jaeger ought to get the Faraday Frame Aug. Stat Resists all around!*

@Fyrstorm , are you essentially going to treat Mark 4 like Mark 2, in that it's an upgraded Mark 3 (aka Vortex Reactor), and it's the jump to Mark 5 that requires a new reactor type?
This was a damn good turn.:D

The Supercell is looked at more and more, scientists trying to figure out how to make the thing run properly. Nothing's working... until someone remembers something from a few months ago. The UPt-Blue fusion that created Breaches-- they can use that to kickstart the reactor's operation again! The research centers are abuzz for days after that, putting together cohesive plans on construction, operation, and maintenance of the Supercell Reactor-- with some help from Jagdhund, of course.

New Miscellaneous available: Supercell Quantum Reaction Chamber VI-b (Mk 3)!
Supercell Quantum Reaction Chamber VI-b (Mk 3)
20 000 Resources
Oh yes, we can finally into Supercells!

After the attack of Argent, the idea of an electromagnetic protection system began circulating. Now, that idea has come full circle. While some improvements have been thought up for the preexisting jaegers, there's a much better way to implement this. A new, full-frame augmentation has been designed, built around the sole purpose of shielding the jaeger's electronics from interference.
This is a really good augment. Really good. And the fact that I see this augment making those sections of the frame not quite covered by the armor glow with a coppery gold shimmer just makes it better.

A suggestion is brought up: nuking the Breach-- with the nuke wrapped in pieces of kaiju; a Trojan Horse of sorts. However, the DNA locks on the Breach aren't fully understood yet, and K-Science isn't sure whether or not a dead kaiju will still be able to pass through the Breach.
Have our scientists tried to clone Kaiju tissue without the neural network, put it on some sort of life support, use that as a shell? Or is that a bit too out there even for our Partially Mad Scientists?
Some very nice goodies for us to build next downtime.

Now that we have an extra action and can soon start cranking out several conventionals each turn, I think it's time we had a hunting expedition. The Cat IV, "Goryo", would be a nice 5000 resource starting hunt.
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Have our scientists tried to clone Kaiju tissue without the neural network, put it on some sort of life support, use that as a shell? Or is that a bit too out there even for our Partially Mad Scientists?

We can research anything. :D

Or, barring that, see if we can break down our captured Kaiju in a way that we can safely remove it's limbs and stick a giant nuke inside it, then send that thing through.

We might want to see about preserving Kaiju brains in the future, give us something we can 'hook up' to Kaiju shells to see if there's some way to trick the breaches into thinking that it's a still-live Kaiju coming through.

Now that we have an extra action and can soon start cranking out several conventionals each turn, I think it's time we had a hunting expedition. The Cat IV, "Goryo", would be a nice 5000 resource starting hunt.

Personally? I say we check out Vulcan's Nest again and see if there are any new Kaiju that have showed up there, then do a resource harvesting mission while we're at it for extra resources.
@Fyrstorm , are you essentially going to treat Mark 4 like Mark 2, in that it's an upgraded Mark 3 (aka Vortex Reactor), and it's the jump to Mark 5 that requires a new reactor type?
No. Mark 4s require Cyclic Fusion Reactors, unless you're going the Supercell route (then ghey need a bigger, badder Supercell). Mark 5s all need massive Supercell Engines.

This is a really good augment. Really good. And the fact that I see this augment making those sections of the frame not quite covered by the armor glow with a coppery gold shimmer just makes it better.
*Shakes fist*
[Joking]Damn you, Strike Freedom![/Joking]

Have our scientists tried to clone Kaiju tissue without the neural network, put it on some sort of life support, use that as a shell? Or is that a bit too out there even for our Partially Mad Scientists?
It's out there.

No comment on the hunting.
The weekly scanner systems fire up...

And almost immediately find something. Something a little familiar...



As with the first time, the duo have extremely high thermals, an almost completely metallic composition, and appear to be creating some sort of electromagnetic disruption-- something that your scientists know comes from active Breaches.

The two signatures-- not named as of yet-- are approaching slowly from the East. They're currently just over 30 kilometers and closing.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund 15 units out from Seattle.
-[X] Unless the signatures are confirmed to be hostile, keep offensive systems offline until further notice (most notably, Jagdhund is to merely carry her ax and rifle on her back initially).
[X] All land-based cons deploy along the East side of the Seattle defensive perimeter on the unknown enemies advancement trajectory.
[X] All Attack Helos deploy 5 units out from Seattle, 10 units back from the Jaegers in Shotgun Formation.
[X] Scout Helos deploy 1 unit behind the Jaegers in Shotgun formation.
[X] Send Condor Squadron out to scout the new arrivals, get close enough to tell what they are but keep a safe distance; try to avoid any signs of aggression or hostility.

I say we plan for friends and assume they're potential allies, but prepare for the possibility that they're foes and take precautionary measure in case of a worst case scenario.
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[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund 15 units out from Seattle.
-[X] Unless the signatures are confirmed to be hostile, keep offensive systems offline until further notice (most notably, Jagdhund is to merely carry her ax and rifle on her back initially).
[X] All land-based cons deploy along the East side of the Seattle defensive perimeter on the unknown enemies advancement trajectory.
[X] All Attack Helos deploy 5 units out from Seattle, 10 units back from the Jaegers in Shotgun Formation.
[X] Scout Helos deploy 1 unit behind the Jaegers in Shotgun formation.
[X] Send Condor Squadron out to scout the new arrivals, get close enough to tell what they are but keep a safe distance; try to avoid any signs of aggression or hostility.

Yeah, this is...this is weird, so not going HERPA DERPA DIE is good, but Caution is also good.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund 15 units out from Seattle.
-[X] Unless the signatures are confirmed to be hostile, keep offensive systems offline until further notice (most notably, Jagdhund is to merely carry her ax and rifle on her back initially).
[X] All land-based cons deploy along the East side of the Seattle defensive perimeter on the unknown enemies advancement trajectory.
[X] All Attack Helos deploy 5 units out from Seattle, 10 units back from the Jaegers in Shotgun Formation.
[X] Scout Helos deploy 1 unit behind the Jaegers in Shotgun formation.
[X] Send Condor Squadron out to scout the new arrivals, get close enough to tell what they are but keep a safe distance; try to avoid any signs of aggression or hostility.

Agreed. Here's hoping they're at least neutral.