I really do think it's the best possible deployment we can take, we'll have the cons nearby to help us just in case, but doing our best to avoid an initial appearance of hostility. Assume they don't have 'Kill on sight' orders or are mindless robots, it should at least give them reason to stop and give us a chance to communicate and negotiate with them before any violence happens.

And, ideally, avoid any violence happening in the first place, leading to a best-worst case scenario where they identify us as ally-leaning neutrals who they're happy to leave to our own activities but wind up taking Jagdhund back home where she came from. Or a best case scenario where we get actual Jaeger allies and they let us continue to house Jagdhund out of Seattle, maybe even setting us up with an Angelnet transceiver of our own.
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This is what we get for not fixing the transmitter and talking to JH's superiors for so long, isn't it?

[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund 15 units out from Seattle.
-[X] Unless the signatures are confirmed to be hostile, keep offensive systems offline until further notice (most notably, Jagdhund is to merely carry her ax and rifle on her back initially).
[X] All land-based cons deploy along the East side of the Seattle defensive perimeter on the unknown enemies advancement trajectory.
[X] All Attack Helos deploy 5 units out from Seattle, 10 units back from the Jaegers in Shotgun Formation.
[X] Scout Helos deploy 1 unit behind the Jaegers in Shotgun formation.
[X] Send Condor Squadron out to scout the new arrivals, get close enough to tell what they are but keep a safe distance; try to avoid any signs of aggression or hostility.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin & Jagdhund 15 units out from Seattle.
-[X] Unless the signatures are confirmed to be hostile, keep offensive systems offline until further notice (most notably, Jagdhund is to merely carry her ax and rifle on her back initially).
[X] All land-based cons deploy along the East side of the Seattle defensive perimeter on the unknown enemies advancement trajectory.
[X] All Attack Helos deploy 5 units out from Seattle, 10 units back from the Jaegers in Shotgun Formation.
[X] Scout Helos deploy 1 unit behind the Jaegers in Shotgun formation.
[X] Send Condor Squadron out to scout the new arrivals, get close enough to tell what they are but keep a safe distance; try to avoid any signs of aggression or hostility.
Cautious of these new arrivals, the council decides nonetheless to meet them with peace. Peace with a good helping of defensive readiness, that is.

Emotions are a bit high as it is among the Shatterdome crew. Tacit's pilots remember the last time this happened-- granted, that jaeger has become one of their closest allies, but it was still incredibly tense. Jagdhund is... uncertain what will happen.

Nevertheless, they have to deploy.


The Condor squadron flies through the air, scouting out their unexpected guests. Based on the group's reports, the two signatures appear fairly similar to Jagdhund, though one seems a bit larger and bulkier, and the other has some sort of special armour plate on one shoulder. Radio distortion has limited the rest of the info somewhat.


The duo soon comes into visual range of the assembled forces.

They're very similar, both standing around 75 meters tall, with protruding chests, ovoid shoulder pads, strongly shaped limbs, and short metal skirting. Each has a port on their chest, the orange-gold light of a supercell shining out. But after that is where the differences start.

One of them is more similar to Jagdhund, with a single rectangular sensor eye, grey and purple armour, and a somewhat conservative build. The left shoulder, however, is further armoured by a massive shield plate that covers most of the arm, emblazoned with a wireframe globe insignia across its surface. In its hands is a familiar rifle, drum magazine and all, and there's clearly an axe clamped to its back.

The second jaeger is a little bulkier, armour a slightly lighter grey, detailed with a rather fleshy cerise. Unlike Jagdhund and the first jaeger, this one sports two sensors, one above the other, flanked by two stubby barrels on either side of its head. A flat, rectangular shape is affixed to its back, while its hip mounts... a sword? Unlike its counterpart, this jaeger doesn't seem to carry any ranged weapons, other than the four barrels on its head.

The duo stop, two kilometers from Seattle's jaegers.

..- -. .. - ... / .. -.. . -. - .. ..-. .. . -.. .-.-.- / -.-. .-.. .- ... ... .. ..-. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. ---... / ..- -. -.- -. --- .-- -. / .--- .- . --. . .-. --..-- / ..- -. .. - / ...- .. -....- .---- .---- -... .-.-.- / ... .-- .. - -.-. .... .. -. --. / - --- / . -. --. .-.. .. ... .... / .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . / ..-. --- .-. / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - .. ...- . / .--. ..- .-. .--. --- ... . ... .-.-.-, the first jaeger mutters, sensor eye prickling electrically.

- .... .. ... / ..- -. .. - / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .-.-.-, the second one rumbles in reply, one sensor darting over to its comrade.

Suddenly, the radio breaks out in a hideous squeal of static! It doesn't take long to resolve itself, but the distortion caught everyone off guard.

A voice echoes through, synthetic and genderless.

"Attention unknown forces. Identify yourselves immediately."

- The two Mark VIs are 20 from your jaegers, 35 from the DP
[X] This is Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund of the Neo-Seattle Defense Forces, please state your affiliation and reason for your presence.
[X] This is Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund of the Neo-Seattle Defense Forces, please state your affiliation and reason for your presence.
[X] This is Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund of the Neo-Seattle Defense Forces, please state your affiliation and reason for your presence.
There's a pause while people figure out what to say, before a consensus is reached, and relayed to Tacit's pilots, who-- in turn-- reply over the open link.

[X] "This is Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund of the Neo-Seattle Defense Forces. Please state your affiliation, and reason for your presence."

The two jaegers glance at each other, spitting a stream of Morse vack and forth too quickly to catch. Seemingly accepting of these terms, the duo return to face the Seattle forces. Once more, the more familiar jaeger is the first one to speak.

"This unit is designated N.Amr-VI-10b, codename Gardist," it answers. A few seconds later, the bulky jaeger alongside it rumbles out its own sentence.

"This unit is designated as N.Amr-VI-02a, codename Valiant. Collective affiliation is to Crown."

10b shifts its footing, steam hissing from a couple joints.

"Concerning purpose: approximately 2.75 months prior, Unit 11b no longer became accessible via ANGEL-Net, for reasons unconfirmed." The jaeger's sensor flicked over to Jagdhund, any intent behind the action masked by its lack of expression. "This unit has been deployed by Crown forces to locate Unit 11b, and confirm status of the unit's operational capability, alongside a variety of other potentials that you are not authorized to receive. 02a has accompanied this unit as a cautionary measure against hostile action."

How do you respond?
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[X] "N.Amr-VI-11b is Jagdhund's designation. She was found by our forces with her ANGEL-net transmitter broken and we took her in. We have since worked together to defend the city of Seattle and surrounding areas from Kaiju incursions, and she is not only a valuable ally of our city, but also a true friend. Attempts to repair the transmitter were made, but have since stalled due to difficulties in our research and constant Kaiju incursions."

What do you guys think?
[X] "N.Amr-VI-11b is Jagdhund's designation. She was found by our forces with her ANGEL-net transmitter broken and we took her in. We have since worked together to defend the city of Seattle and surrounding areas from Kaiju incursions, and she is not only a valuable ally of our city, but also a true friend. Attempts to repair the transmitter were made, but have since stalled due to difficulties in our research and constant Kaiju incursions."

What do you guys think?
[X] Highwind
This time, Tacit's reply is a little faster, partly the council's words, partly those of the pilots themselves.

[X] "N.Amr-VI-11b is Jagdhund's designation. She was found by our forces with her ANGEL-net transmitter broken and we took her in. We have since worked together to defend the city of Seattle and surrounding areas from Kaiju incursions, and she is not only a valuable ally of our city, but also a true friend. Attempts to repair the transmitter were made, but have since stalled due to difficulties in our research and constant Kaiju incursions."

"This unit is able to confirn this information to be correct," adds the jaeger in question.

"That... is within acceptable parameters," Gardist replies coolly, releasing the foregrip of its rifle to let the gun hang at its side. "Due to the intended purpose of the ANGEL units, such behavior is not immediately harmful to Crown's goals." There it is again, the mention of this 'Crown' organization.

Valiant remains silent.

Your move.