[X]"Yes, and we thank you for meeting with us once again."
-[X] "We'd like to start by giving you an update on our status, including our Kaiju records and the current status of Jagdhund."
--[X] (Make sure they have an up-to-date record of the Kaiju we've killed and what Jagdhund's current status is)
--[X] (Provide them of an overview of our fight with Ascalon)
-[X] "The nature of our fight with Ascalon has put certain things into perspective, including the realistic nature of our situation in this war. While we have no intent of giving up or losing, we do think it is important to prepare for a worst case scenario. As such, if it is at all possible, we'd like to request data that would allow us the means to produce our own Angelnet Transceiver, so that if Seattle does face worst case scenario by loosing our Jaegers and facing imminent annihilation, we will have the means to both inform you of it and provide you with as much information as we can before going off-line for good to ensure that such a loss would not be entirely in vain."
Lazer gauntlets, perhaps?
Well, the reference model I use for PV has these armored pod-things on the forearms; at one point I'd conceived of them as housing the Plasmacasters (instead of his hands doing GD's fancy fold-out thing, the armor plates retract and BAM PLASMA). Now I'm considering the benefit of just shoving a bunch of laser vulcans in there. Sort of like the system the Gundam Alex has.

@EvaUnit01 that has potential, though at this point it's looking like Big Van Vader's not long for the world, either. I dunno, I'll have to give it some thought.
"Neo-Seattle," 01 says. "We were not expecting you so soon again. We assume you have something to say?"

[X]"Yes, and we thank you for meeting with us once again."
-[X] "We'd like to start by giving you an update on our status, including our Kaiju records and the current status of Jagdhund."
--[X] (Make sure they have an up-to-date record of the Kaiju we've killed and what Jagdhund's current status is)
Thanks to the recent improvements in Neo-Seattle's ability to transfer data over the adapted ANGEL-Net connection, it's not too hard to send over the records of the kaiju that have been encountered so far. The five glance at the records, some seeming more concerned than others at the files. 04 mutters something under their breath about Oceania, to which 05 gives a barely noticeable nod.

Finally, they close up their tablets, and turn back to the screen.

"This is... concerning," 02 says. "This Category V..."

"Needless to say, things have been similarly worrying," 04 finishes.

"However, the status of the ANGEL Unit is promising," 05 interjects, addressing the others. "Let us not forget that Jagdhund, even with the upgrades, is still a member of the beta iteration of Mark Sixes. That a generalist model was capable of combating a Category Five and winning is more than we'd expected!"

"True," 01 murmers. "Even with the limited data, we should be able to speed up production of..." The chairperson pauses, and glances towards the camera. "...I'll discuss this later."

"Please, continue."

--[X] (Provide them of an overview of our fight with Ascalon)
-[X] "The nature of our fight with Ascalon has put certain things into perspective, including the realistic nature of our situation in this war. While we have no intent of giving up or losing, we do think it is important to prepare for a worst case scenario. As such, if it is at all possible, we'd like to request data that would allow us the means to produce our own Angelnet Transceiver, so that if Seattle does face worst case scenario by losing our Jaegers and facing imminent annihilation, we will have the means to both inform you of it and provide you with as much information as we can before going off-line for good to ensure that such a loss would not be entirely in vain."
The five listen intently, until the council finishes. 04 speaks up.

"The ANGEL-Net transmitter blueprints are a part of those used in the Mark VI. It should be easy enough to retrieve them."

The ANGEL-Net transmitter will require a Research action.
I swear to god that if they manage to make a Super-Robot-grade Jaeger before we do and it becomes a boss battle for us, I'm gonna declare a crusade. Another Crusade.
Anyway, now I don't want to share those blueprints and information with them anymore. Not until they drop the Shadowy Council bullshit. Sure, they probably aren't malicious, or if they are then they still should drop the whole SEELE thing anyway because their entrance this time was atrocious, but until they tell us whatever it is they're building, I don't plan on giving them a scrap of paper, let alone the Faraday Frame Blueprints.
To be fair, @Highwind, would you tell sorta-allies that Neo-Seattle was trying to figure out ways of murdering things with Breaches? Or the whole Hivemind weapon thing? Allies don't tell each other everything; some secrets are expected.

Also, you guys can say stuff back, you know. (Unless you're waiting for Jawa, of course.)
To be fair, @Highwind, would you tell sorta-allies that Neo-Seattle was trying to figure out ways of murdering things with Breaches? Or the whole Hivemind weapon thing? Allies don't tell each other everything; some secrets are expected.

Also, you guys can say stuff back, you know. (Unless you're waiting for Jawa, of course.)
My reaction was mostly an exaggeration, honestly. But I am worried about what they might pull off if we give them too many nice things without securing a better relationship first. I'm still not sure they aren't a bunch of nutjobs going for a plan somewhere along the lines of "Reclaim the world and rebuild it in Our image."

As for saying something, I figure this diplomatic meeting is Jawa's show but I'll take a stab at something.

[X] Onto other matters, our research teams have figured out the Breaches are DNA locked to only allow objects with the genetic signature of a Kaiju through. We figure the simplest way to destabilize and close a breach is to envelop a sufficiently potent Atomic bomb in a shell of Kaiju tissue and throw it into the Breach.
-[X] Alternative methods were being investigated, considering our lack of Atomic Weaponry, but the recent Cat V attack forced us to abandon that line of research for now and focus on improving our weaponry and upgrading the Jaegers. Research is promising, but we've hit a few roadblocks, especially when it comes to the Jaeger's power-plants. (Hint hint)
The five listen intently, until the council finishes. 04 speaks up.

"The ANGEL-Net transmitter blueprints are a part of those used in the Mark VI. It should be easy enough to retrieve them."

[X] "We will definitely have to put that in our agenda. With your approval on the matter, it should be easy enough to acquire them, especially with Jagdhund's assistance."
-[X] "We also must say, if Jagdhund is merely a beta model, we no doubt look forward to seeing what the next iteration is capable of pulling off."
--[X] "And while we're at it, we'd like to once again express our gratitude that you have continued to allow Jagdhund to operate out of Seattle. Her presence has made our fight all that much easier, and be rest assured we are taking very good care of her, as we're sure you can see from our reports. After all, if she hadn't been here to kill Ascalon, we might not be having this conversation right now."
---[X] "Naturally, if you have any other Jaegers that are operating in this area that need a local base to call 'home', or if at any time you decide to send any other Jaegers over to the northwest coast for any anti-Kaiju operations, let it be known that we would be more than happy to let them operate out of our Shatterdome."
----[X] (Hint Hint)
-[X] "Anyway, back to the immediate matters at hand, we don't believe we've brought it up specifically yet, so we'd also like to take some time to give you an update on the situation at a site we've dubbed 'Vulcan's Nest', where it appears that former city has effectively been overrun by some kind of wildlife that we are certain is connected with the Kaiju invasion."
--[X] (Assuming they're not aware of the situation at 'Vulcan's Nest' already, give them a briefing on what's been going on over there, our interactions with the site, and the progress by which the city has been overrun by an anteverse ecosystem and effectively ceased to exist as it's been 'taken over' by whatever it is that's living and growing there now.)

Also, you guys can say stuff back, you know. (Unless you're waiting for Jawa, of course.)

As for saying something, I figure this diplomatic meeting is Jawa's show but I'll take a stab at something.

I love how I've all but been given the keys to run the player side of this particular conversation. :D
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I love how I've all but been given the keys to run the player side of this particular conversation. :D
You went through the effort of planning this conversation, and my only real opinion here is that we shouldn't give them anything concrete until our diplomatic ties are tighter.

I trust Jagdhund, but the guys who built her are another matter entirely.

[X] Space Jawa.
You went through the effort of planning this conversation, and my only real opinion here is that we shouldn't give them anything concrete until our diplomatic ties are tighter.

Which could easily become a Catch-22 since by refusing to give them anything concrete, it makes it difficult to build those ties. And at the moment, they're the closest thing we have to allies that are capable of actually giving us anything in exchange.

Believe me, I fully recognize that there remains a possibility that they've got an underhanded plot going on. That is part of the reason why I'm being reserved with what tech I'm willing to share with them. Not all our cards are going on the table. We still have the Railgun in reserve, we haven't told them much if anything about what we've been doing with breach research. I don't expect we'll be telling them much/anything about our new Jaeger Lasers this week.

But if we are going to going to expect them to give us any kind of major tech from their end and to build up the kind of real trust that we will need to form a long-term partnership with KRAUN to try to save the world, we are going to have to take some strategic risks.
"Reclaim the world and rebuild it in Our image."
And you guys aren't doing that, even a little?

I love how I've all but been given the keys to run the player side of this particular conversation. :D
I mean, there's nothing stopping anyone else from doing anything, you just apparently have the proper charisma. Like Al. Or someone else.

Believe me, I fully recognize that there remains a possibility that they've got an underhanded plot going on.
See my first comment.

I don't expect we'll be telling them much/anything about our new Jaeger Lasers this week.
Horror upon horrors, whatever shall KRAUN do against your 60mm Laser Vulcan blueprints? [/SNARK]
I wanted to make a Chris Benoit reference, but couldn't think of anything that actually sounded like a good Jaeger name. "Crippling/Crippler" would almost be a mandatory part of its name in such an instance, though....
Offhand thought I had was "Savage Warrior". Maybe the pilots could be Eddie and Chris (just with different last names).

Had not even realised I had, so I'm guessing an accident. Only just caught up to current events, just binge read the quest. Hopefully I have a good enough understanding to meaningfully contribute

Now, just throwing my hat into the ring here, but as to our next jag, it was originally proposed the Paladin did did kind of nanobot healing. This was considered sadly impractical with current research crunch. (Perhaps viable to improve rolls to prevent ongoing damage though, or speed repairs in downtime?) However, we may be able to do the next best thing.

Hammerspace + super heavy Ablative (or even better, explosive reactive) armor .

You could even use normal armour at first to maintain high speed, then glorious dramatic upgrade sequence into ultra heavy mode for next time someone has to solo category V's. Feels a bit more in line with giant robot fights than just technomagic repairs.

Heck, even using hammer space in general might remove people's fear of using parry when you can replace the damaged part on the fly.

Just the first idea that struck me. Hope it inspires someone!
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[X] "We will definitely have to put that in our agenda. With your approval on the matter, it should be easy enough to acquire them, especially with Jagdhund's assistance."
-[X] "We also must say, if Jagdhund is merely a beta model, we no doubt look forward to seeing what the next iteration is capable of pulling off."
"Technically," 02 says. "The term 'beta model' is somewhat of a complicated term. I suppose a more accurate name could be... 'beta series'."

"To explain it further, the Mark Sixes were made with specific designs in mind, much like the T-90s or Braves*," 05 adds. "The Betas-- like Jagdhund and Gardist-- were made as all-rounders with a focus towards ranged combat, the Alphas were made for melee combat, and so on."

--[X] "And while we're at it, we'd like to once again express our gratitude that you have continued to allow Jagdhund to operate out of Seattle. Her presence has made our fight all that much easier, and be rest assured we are taking very good care of her, as we're sure you can see from our reports. After all, if she hadn't been here to kill Ascalon, we might not be having this conversation right now."
---[X] "Naturally, if you have any other Jaegers that are operating in this area that need a local base to call 'home', or if at any time you decide to send any other Jaegers over to the northwest coast for any anti-Kaiju operations, let it be known that we would be more than happy to let them operate out of our Shatterdome."
----[X] (Hint Hint)
Unfortunately, KRAUN's clearly not that trusting. Or not that gullible. Or maybe just smart enough to not need that. Whatever the case, the answer is clear.

The quintet look among themselves casually, before turning back to the camera, expressions unreadable under their helmets.

"We'll have to decline your offer," 04 says. "Our current units are already designed to operate for long periods of time alone, and none are currently near your region."

"And before you mention Gardist and Valiant, they have already returned to their designated territories," 01 adds.

"It's unfortunate, but there's no real reason for us to station another Mark Six over there. Perhaps another time, if things change," 05 finishes. "As it stands, we will consider it. Perhaps there is something else?"

-[X] "Anyway, back to the immediate matters at hand, we don't believe we've brought it up specifically yet, so we'd also like to take some time to give you an update on the situation at a site we've dubbed 'Vulcan's Nest', where it appears that former city has effectively been overrun by some kind of wildlife that we are certain is connected with the Kaiju invasion."
--[X] (Assuming they're not aware of the situation at 'Vulcan's Nest' already, give them a briefing on what's been going on over there, our interactions with the site, and the progress by which the city has been overrun by an Anteverse ecosystem and effectively ceased to exist as it's been 'taken over' by whatever it is that's living and growing there now.)
This is seemingly far more intriguing to the council-members. It's not long into the explanation that one starts taking notes, and just as short until the rest of them follow. There's no glances, no murmurings, just the soft clicking of words being laid out. The stillness of the scene is a little disconcerting, and someone almost has the temptation to check that the video feed hasn't frozen up. But eventually...

"Thank you for that."

With the voice scramblers on, it's hard to tell who spoke. The only hint is a barely noticeable bob of 01's head.

"This information is... different. Suffice it to say, we never suspected they could do this."

What do you say now?

(Also, I'm still a bit tired/sick/working on a a dark portion of my story, so KRAUN may seem slightly more arseholish/stuffy/negative. This is not intentional.)

*Note: Due to the nature of this altered timeline, there were obviously a
lot more jaegers-- among which were two distinct Mark I 'series'. The T-90s included Cherno Alpha and his two sister units, and were characterised by their toughness and strength. The Braves were named after their first unit, Horizon Brave, and emphasised dexterity and flexibility. They weren't mass production models by any means, but they were all very similar to each other.
"This information is... different. Suffice it to say, we never suspected they could do this."

[X] "You mean whoever - or whatever - is behind the Kaiju, correct?"
-[X] "Have you seen something that would seem to conflict with what we've encountered at Vulcan's Nest?"
[X] "We have two other pieces of tech we've been using that we'd like to share with you, to go with the Condor Fixed Wing aircraft we provided you with schematics to earlier."
-[X] "The first we've used to great success and, if you don't have anything equivalent to it yet, we can only imagine that it should benefit you greatly."
--[X] (Provide KRAUN with the details, information, and schematics needed for them to set up their own ARGES system, if they don't have anything like that yet.)
-[X] "The other we fortunately haven't had to use yet, but we believe that if the time comes when we do, we will not regret that we already have our Jaeger outfitted with it."
--[X] (Provide them with the schematics and intel they would need to outfit their own Jaegers with the Faraday Frame upgrade.)
[X] "There were a few items we were wondering if you might be able to share with us, as well."
-[X] "We currently have two theorized plans to close a breach. It's currently our plan to have both ready when we plan to finally assault one of the Breaches, so that if one fails, we still have the other as backup."
--[X] "One of these plans involves what we're currently referring to as a "Breach Buster" bomb that we think might be able to get past whatever it is that's kept other bombs from getting through. In order to build this design, however, we'll need an explosive device of a proper caliber. As such, we were hoping that you might have the information needed to build a nuclear explosive device that you would be willing to share with us."
---[X] "Naturally, if we were able to design and build these "Breach Buster" bombs, we would, of course, share the information needed to build them with you."
-[X] "We're also wondering if you might have any intel you can share with us on the means to produce a Jaeger power core capable of operating a Mk V level Jaeger. The ongoing and ever-intensifying nature of the war means we have had to keep working on the Jaegers stationed here to keep their capabilities advancing forward. If you had information you could share with us on how to build Mk V-level Jaeger cores, that would go a long way toward helping us keep both Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund at their top capacity."
-[X] "Beyond that, any information you can share with us that would help us kill Kaiju and keep Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund alive would be greatly appreciated."

I think that, barring anything that comes up in their conversation, that should cover everything.
Sounds okay... I do have one nitpick, though.

"Do you know how to nuke?" does not sound like a good request. The world is already a hellhole, and they look like paranoid to me. If we do ask for that, they might think that there's a big risk of us to go North Korea-retarded, but with actual functional weapons.

Maybe we should just give them the gist of the idea and mention that nuclear devices are probably the best payload that can be used, but we don't know how to create them in the first place.
"Do you know how to nuke?" does not sound like a good request. The world is already a hellhole, and they look like paranoid to me. If we do ask for that, they might think that there's a big risk of us to go North Korea-retarded, but with actual functional weapons.

Maybe we should just give them the gist of the idea and mention that nuclear devices are probably the best payload that can be used, but we don't know how to create them in the first place.

I don't suppose you have a better wording in mind, do you?