
Tacit ducks under the fist, and elbows Murphy in the face, horn honking in a mildly derisive manner. The kaiju's momentum slows, the two having switched sides. Murphy snarls, smoke venting from its wrecked internals through its nostrils as the quills flare. Tacit's horn blasts again, the fangblades launching down their rails to scrape tip with the ground. The two are less than a hundred meters away, eyes locked with visor in a death glare.

This is it.

Murphy is 7 from the channel, melee with Tacit, 26 from Choppers, and 109 from the T-squads.
Wait. Wasn't Murphy a lizard? Why did it try to punch us? Lizards can't punch.
jaiveer00 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: stabbity Total: 8
6 6 2 2
jaiveer00 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: stabbity hit location Total: 23
2 2 10 10 10 10 1 1
[X]Robo stabby bad Kaiju

Tacit Ronin launches forwards, swinging its swords wildly. Murphy neatly steps aside, causing a blade that would have kebabed its ribcage to whiff past its armpit. The kaiju hisses, and lunges again, blunted claws extended!

[ ] Dodge
[ ] Block
[ ] Parry

Murphy is 7 from the channel, melee with Tacit, 26 from Choppers, and 109 from the T-squads.

Finally an opponent who doesn't need to crit to survive two rounds against a ten-year-old refurbished piece of junk.
Remind me of the mechanical differences between dodging and parrying again? I thought they used different stats, and we were wildly more competent in one than the other.

Also don't we have the High-Frequency Blades equipped? So our blades cauterize as we cut, reducing the amount of Blue we need to clean up?
Remind me of the mechanical differences between dodging and parrying again? I thought they used different stats, and we were wildly more competent in one than the other.

Also don't we have the High-Frequency Blades equipped? So our blades cauterize as we cut, reducing the amount of Blue we need to clean up?
Dodging means you get out of the way, while Parrying allows you to counterattack. Your Dodges roll 1d10+3 (Agility), and your Parries 1d5+2 (Dexterirt).

You never built the HF-2s.
[X] Dodge

Can we research some sort of augment to make parrying more effective? My brain is thinking some sort of MASC* equivalent for the arms instead of the legs.

*Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry, basically overclocks the false muscles so that they fire twice as hard temporarily; famous for mobility kills when they misfire, as the leg actuators of a BattleMech are not designed to handle stresses at that level. "Roll a d6. Target is 2. 2+ you can move twice your Walk. Roll a 1, you can't move for the rest of the battle. Target increments by 2 every successive turn you use the MASC, and decays by 1 every turn you don't."
[X] Dodge

Can we research some sort of augment to make parrying more effective? My brain is thinking some sort of MASC* equivalent for the arms instead of the legs.

*Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry, basically overclocks the false muscles so that they fire twice as hard temporarily; famous for mobility kills when they misfire, as the leg actuators of a BattleMech are not designed to handle stresses at that level. "Roll a d6. Target is 2. 2+ you can move twice your Walk. Roll a 1, you can't move for the rest of the battle. Target increments by 2 every successive turn you use the MASC, and decays by 1 every turn you don't."
Yes, you can research better parrying. It'll probably be in the form of a new fist, since those are what you parry with usually-- though I do like that overclocker idea.

Seems like most people want Dodge.

1d10+3 to get out of the way!

Tacit ducks away, but Murphy's claws still hit, pointed claws digging into Tacit's conpod! The sensor arrays squeal, before shorting out in a blaze of sparks!

Tacit takes 1 Strike! Sensors shorting out! -3 Dex, and no Ranged Attacks for 3 turns! Extra Conpod damage ensues!

But Murphy's not done yet. The kaiju pushes forwards, jamming its fingers further into the jaeger's head! The tortured visor crumples, nearly half of Tacit Ronin's face simply ripping away! Communications are cut off in an instant, as the jaeger practically falls away from the kaiju, sparks and coolant hissing from the gaping wound!

Back in the LOCCENT, alarms appear.


Murphy is 7 from the channel, melee with Tacit, 26 from Choppers, and 109 from the T-squads.

Finish this quick.