What does this mean? Do you just want a general ranged weapon for Tacit/other future jaegers, or something else?

Because if you want a ranged weapon, you'll need to upgrade Tacit to a Mark II. And by that I mean you'll need a total of Str 2 (to mount 2 diff weapons-- one is taken up by fangblades), and Ran 1 (so you can actually aim the damn thing)
Oh, I didn't realize that it would take that much just to get a ranged weapon for Tacit. :(
I'm guessing we don't need to worry about building new conpod armor? Or should we be spending an action to take care of that?

[X] Plan Press On
-[X] Prepare secondary pilot team. (free action)
-[X] Clean up the Blue. (-150) (free action)
-[X] Build 3x HF-2 Fangblades (-1,500) (2 for immediate use, 1 as a backup just in case)
-[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades. (-50)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
-[X] Research more advanced Arges Laser-Targeting System, with a focus on allowing aim assist for units without guided projectiles
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Ocean Gunships w/modular weapons system; initial weapon outfit intended to be HF+ Missiles, but should allow for relatively easy swap to other weapon systems once they're designed, including anti-kaiju torpedoes and miniaturized railgun systems.

(3700 Spent, 500 Left)
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I think you're right, Population is probably the most important thing we can do with one of our Actions, and Research next turn will help us get to the place we want to be, but unless the GM says that the HF+ Missile System can strike underwater, I think Torpedoes are probably more important than the shore patrol. What we lack is the ability to effectively strike targets that are fully submerged, and Torpedoes solve that immediately, since fish are easy to mount on air units, and might be able to be fired from T-95s. That in mind...

[X] Prepare secondary pilot team. (free action)
[X] Clean up the Blue. (-150) (free action)
[X] Build 3x HF-2 Fangblades (1 to Storage, 2 to Install) (-1,500)
[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades. (-50)
[X] Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
[X] Research: Improved Kaiju Salvage Technicques (cont.)
[X] Research: Anti-Kaiju Torpedo System
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I think the main need of the boats right now isn't necessarily to hit Kaiju that are underwater, but rather to provide the same role tanks provide when Tacit enters the gap of water where most our support can't go right now.

Once we've got that down, then we can upgrade to support that can hit Kaiju before they emerge from the water.
I guess my priority of Ship > Torpedoes, is I have absolutely 0 issue with fighting the Kaiju in the 20 unit zone outside the DP, so if the Kaiju want to surface to come on land, we can shoot them with missiles anyway. Torpedoes are only a superior option if the enemy literally won't leave the water.

Plus, if we research Gunboats now, it still takes a turn to build them so we could research Torpedoes next turn, and they'd be ready in time to deploy with the ships (assuming research actually succeeds).

edit: Or what Jawa said.

@Space Jawa - I think your Arges upgrade is too ambitious for our current Lab's ability. You're trying to both shrink it's size, and make it work with the Rockets and Tank/Artillery shells by my reading? You could probably get one of those to work, but all 3 at once is asking a lot, and we've seen in other Quests that spreading the research goal too broadly often ends up with either nothing at all, or an inferior result to what we would have gotten from focusing on just the one thing anyway.
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I guess my priority of Ship > Torpedoes, is I have absolutely 0 issue with fighting the Kaiju in the 20 unit zone outside the DP, so if the Kaiju want to surface to come on land, we can shoot them with missiles anyway. Torpedoes are only a superior option if the enemy literally won't leave the water.

Plus, if we research Gunboats now, it still takes a turn to build them so we could research Torpedoes next turn, and they'd be ready in time to deploy with the ships (assuming research actually succeeds).
This...is a remarkably fair point, as is Space Jawa's point for them being water-based tanks. I don't know that I agree, necessarily, but I can see your train of logic. I'm still going to vote for the Torpedoes, but I won't be salty if we get boy toats instead.

Definitely agree that the Arges upgrade is reaching a little far. Let's finish what's on our plates first before reaching for that giant slice of chocolate cake.
Would it be more viable if I changed the Argus vote to just try to upgrade them to work with non-guided weaponry? I can't imagine there's that big a difference between trying to hit something with a dumbfire rocket from the air and trying to hit something with a tank shell from the ground.
can we research advanced materials and make weapons out of them? like super durable and extremely light metals ?
Y'know, considering the giant magical monsters emerging from their giant magical portal... that might not be a bad idea.
Y'know, considering the giant magical monsters emerging from their giant magical portal... that might not be a bad idea.
It was exactly that line of thought that almost made the people from Cherno Quest research magic. So close... now I kind of want to research Magic as well, dammit.

Also, I'm still working on the Omake, but my muse is not cooperating. She made me go over and expand it twice in two days, and now she wants an alternate ending kinda deal. The only reason I haven't scrapped it already is because I already put too much effort on it.
Unless I get other votes, I'll assume that we're going with Plan Press On.
[X] Plan Press On
you know what we should research magic after a while. maybe not now but in a couple a turns we should have the actions and research bonus
[X] Plan Press On
-[X] Prepare secondary pilot team. (free action)
-[X] Clean up the Blue. (-150) (free action)
-[X] Build 3x HF-2 Fangblades (-1,500) (2 for immediate use, 1 as a backup just in case)
-[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades. (-50)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
-[X] Research more advanced Arges Laser-Targeting System, with a focus on allowing aim assist for units without guided projectiles
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Ocean Gunships w/modular weapons system; initial weapon outfit intended to be HF+ Missiles, but should allow for relatively easy swap to other weapon systems once they're designed, including anti-kaiju torpedoes and miniaturized railgun systems.

(3700 Spent, 500 Left)
1d10+3 for More Eyes on Arges
1d10+3 for Boats with Guns - Gunboats
I call the boats with guns!

edit: *droops in disappointment*
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: +3 things that float and shoot Total: 3
3 3
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Eyes on! Rolling for Arges

EDIT: Clairvoyance get?
RagnorakTres threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: A Thousand Eyes Isn't Enough Total: 9
9 9
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I had a thought - right now, dodge is far more viable a counter for Tacit against close combat attacks than parry is. And, seeing as we'd reasonably have some idea about what other Jaegers were capable of due to all the stations of the PPDC being interconnected, it wouldn't be out of place to consider instead focusing on a Jaeger upgrade we might already know provides a bonus to dodging - Striker Eureka's 'Angel Wings'. Maybe we should think about researching those instead.