I had a thought - right now, dodge is far more viable a counter for Tacit against close combat attacks than parry is. And, seeing as we'd reasonably have some idea about what other Jaegers were capable of due to all the stations of the PPDC being interconnected, it wouldn't be out of place to consider instead focusing on a Jaeger upgrade we might already know provides a bonus to dodging - Striker Eureka's 'Angel Wings'. Maybe we should think about researching those instead.
But I don't want dodge to continue being a more viable counter. In a real melee, you parry every single time the opportunity presents itself, because it requires you to move less and has a chance to knock the enemy off-balance for a riposte and a quick kill. Parrying requires less energy for more return literally every time. I'd much rather our go-to counter be parrying than dodging.
But I don't want dodge to continue being a more viable counter. In a real melee, you parry every single time the opportunity presents itself, because it requires you to move less and has a chance to knock the enemy off-balance for a riposte and a quick kill. Parrying requires less energy for more return literally every time. I'd much rather our go-to counter be parrying than dodging.
Less cheekily - I also agree, dodging is good and all, but when your Giant Mech is a melee-oriented one, you should aim for breaking faces, not floating like a housefly.
A-Ano, chigaimasu:

Hitotsu—The "Sansei" was both for my character (The Commodore/Junshō/准将) and my own agreement with @RagnorakTres about not only dodging, and in fact wanting to parry instead (to 'break faces' as it were).
Futatsu—When you're on a phone, it's not always easy to type quickly in he other keyboards, and more importantly using Romanji (ロマン字) is more respecful in general (to me) so people can still translate if they're inclined, but let's them also hear what I'm saying.
Futatsu—When you're on a phone, it's not always easy to type quickly in he other keyboards, and more importantly using Romanji (ロマン字) is more respecful in general (to me) so people can still translate if they're inclined, but let's them also hear what I'm saying.
This I appreciate. I have a very limited understanding of Japanese that is almost entirely the result of watching subbed anime and half-listening to my grandmother teach my brother. Can't read kanji to save my life, though it is something I'm interested in learning.
This I appreciate. I have a very limited understanding of Japanese that is almost entirely the result of watching subbed anime and half-listening to my grandmother teach my brother. Can't read kanji to save my life, though it is something I'm interested in learning.
As a decent speaker but a rusty writer, and a College Anime & Manga Club President, I'm always trying to be sure people don't get turned off or struggle trying to understand things.

I recommend tangorin.com for a quick and powerful online dictionary
Week 11: Downtime
[X] Plan Press On
-[X] Prepare secondary pilot team. (free action)
-[X] Clean up the Blue. (-150) (free action)
-[X] Build 3x HF-2 Fangblades (-1,500) (2 for immediate use, 1 as a backup just in case)
-[X] Repair and Refit Tacit Ronin. Install HF-2 Fangblades. (-50)
-[X] Upgrade Population to 6 (-3,000)
-[X] Research more advanced Arges Laser-Targeting System, with a focus on allowing aim assist for units without guided projectiles
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Ocean Gunships w/modular weapons system; initial weapon outfit intended to be HF+ Missiles, but should allow for relatively easy swap to other weapon systems once they're designed, including anti-kaiju torpedoes and miniaturized railgun systems.

(3700 Spent, 550 Left)
The week is a surge of activity. Crews are immediately dispatched to deal with the Blue, and neutralization is swift.

Not two, but three of the new HF-2s are built, massive things of titanium made to sheer through flesh and armour like nothing. Tacit's own Fangblades are finally removed, placed into storage just in case.

3 HF-2 Fangblades constructed!
2 Fangblades in storage!
1 HF-2 Fangblade in storage!

Tacit Ronin comes under repairs, and it's not too much to deal with. The conpod damage is swiftly repaired, and the arms are partially disassembled to fit the new weapons in. Each Fangblade isn't just a massive sword-- it's also the rail system and (in the HF-2s) the oscillators and power feeds. By the end of the week, the new weapons should be ready to go.

Additionally, an error is found; Tacit Ronin's power distribution is at fault, causing excess energy to be lost as heat! A few bright sparks are quick to rectify this, diverting the excess power from the reactor into the jaeger's artificial musculature.

Tacit Ronin is at 100% functionality! HF-2 Fangblades installed! Tacit Ronin to Strength 2!

An explanation; I am become error. Tacit was supposed to start with ten points of stats; I accidentally gave him nine. Since you guys probably want a bit more punching power, I threw the extra stat into Strength for free!

But what's a weapon without a user? What's a Jaeger without a pilot? Neither Noah nor Alec are in any shape to pilot, even if the latter's recovering far faster than anticipated.

Something has to be done. And it is.

Of the candidates who were available to pilot Tacit, Noah and Alec were only the ones with the best Drift. Now, it's time to see what the second best can do. The council is briefed on the new pilots: Ashley Langley and Maria Vinerra. They're stepsisters, with a... complicated family history on Ashley's side. The style they exhibit can be summed up as showy and aggressive; Maria being the showy one, while Ashley's the aggression.

Apologies for the bare bones/little bit sloppy character descriptions. As I write, you'll get a better feel for them.
They're totally not a reference nosireebob.

Ashley takes Right, Maria takes Left. Using the CAvTW Adjective Chart, Ashley is Hotblooded/Skilled, and Maria is Disciplined/Direct, though this won't really do anything for you right now.

Yet more people surge in, the city's total population jumping by nearly ten thousand. In reply, some of the old skyscrapers are opened up, reinforced, and set up as apartment complexes.

Population increases to 6!

Yet more work is thrown at the Arges system, this time trying to expand what it can work with. Some of the scientists throw back the comment that they should just get more missiles instead-- before apparently realizing something, and rushing off.

Three days later, the head scientist of the Conventional Military Research division drops a rocket the size of his forearm down at the council table. They've found a few compromises, he says.

First off, guiding the dumb-fire rockets by Arges is nearly impossible, and would be a stupid thing to try to do. So instead, they've just made the rockets into micro missiles, allowing them to work with Arges normally.

'Kaiju-Buster' Super RPGs upgraded to Micro Missiles! Micro Missiles benefit from Arges!

The second thing they did was develop a scanner of sorts to help the gunner crews lock onto Arges. It's not much, just an over glorified photosensitive infrared camera, but it should help them point at the glowy circles better.

All 120mm Cannons now benefit from Arges!

It appears that the 'B' research team was actually sent to work on the other task! However, in Seattle, something like a boat is very, very hard to screw up, even if it has a missile launcher on it. The end result is seaworthy, if not very impressive. The team also forgot about the whole 'modular weapons' thing.

New Conventional Military unit available for purchase: Anti Kaiju Missile Gunboat!
Anti Kaiju Missile Gunboat
Costs 500 Resources
- Move up to 4 units a turn on water only
- Hellfire+ Missile: 1d10 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Range 20/-/-. Hits on 4+. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.

Other than that, not much goes on.

Roll me 1d10+1 for scanners.
Of the candidates who were available to pilot Tacit, Noah and Alec were only the ones with the best Drift. Now, it's time to see what the second best can do. The council is briefed on the new pilots: Ashley Langley and Maria Vinerra. They're stepsisters, with a... complicated family history on Ashley's side. The style they exhibit can be summed up as showy and aggressive; Maria being the showy one, while Ashley's the aggression.
We have Asuka and Mari as our new pilots. I'm not sure whether to be excited or terrified.
We have Asuka and Mari as our new pilots. I'm not sure whether to be excited or terrified.
Actually it's not Mari. Mari would have a fun last name.

Maria Vinerra is a reference to a rather obscure Evangelion character, Maria Vincennes, from the NERV White Papers RPG. She's... rather Asuka-like. So I made them stepsisters.
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Oh. Thought it was Mari because they are stepsisters in Nobody Dies.
Oh. Thought it was Mari because they are stepsisters in Nobody Dies.
TRvTW is far more restrained than ND.

Besides, Mari would be Hotblooded/Eccentric, not Disciplined/Direct.

The scanners definitely need replacement at this point.


Annoyingly, the systems malfunction again, before finally zeroing in on the kaiju.

It's underwater. But it doesn't look like it'll stay that way for long.

SE-26-016, codenamed "Pisces", is about 9 kilometers South of Neo-Seattle, and appears to have submerged around Vashton Island. That's not the worrying part. It's currently headed, not towards the city, but towards a small community that's established itself at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport! While not necessarily vital for Neo-Seattle, Morale would almost certainly take a hit if the kaiju managed to destroy this small community.
A quick calculation suggests that Tacit Ronin on foot and the Scout Helicopters might be able to intercept it before it can reach the camp, barely, but anything slower would almost certainly be late to some degree.

Any reports of Pisces' body plan are lost in the panic.

Pisces is 9 kilometers from the Se-Ta Airport Camp 7 kilometers away. Tacit Ronin and the Scouts can reach it before it reaches the Camp, but anything else will be 2 turns late at minimum.

What do you do?
Send Tacit to intercept and slow it down as best we can, while the Scouts load Arges and hang back to arrive with the HK Choppers and Gunboats. Tacit engages in a fallback delaying maneuver to keep Pisces away from the community until his backup arrives. Aggression is not a good plan with as little intel as we have on this target, first thing we should do is get its attention and scan the fuck out of it so we have more of an idea what we're dealing with. Can we scan it from range again, or is that a one time deal?

[X] Scan the contact again. Intel is King.
[X] Send Tacit in to intercept and delay the target.
[X] Concentration of force is key here. All conventional backup should aim to arrive at the same time.
[X] Deploy Tacit and the choppers Asap, while everyone else makes their best speed to the area.
-[X] Deploy Tacit halfway between Pisces' position and the Airport.
-[X] Scan the Kaiju again.
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[X] Deploy Tacit and the choppers Asap, while everyone else makes their best speed to the area.
-[X] Deploy Tacit halfway between Pisces' position and the Airport.
[X] Deploy Tacit and the choppers Asap, while everyone else makes their best speed to the area.
-[X] Deploy Tacit halfway between Pisces' position and the Airport.
-[X] Scan the Kaiju again.
[X] Deploy Tacit and the choppers Asap, while everyone else makes their best speed to the area.
-[X] Deploy Tacit halfway between Pisces' position and the Airport.
-[X] Scan the Kaiju again.
1d10+1 for secondary scan..
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[X] Deploy Tacit and the choppers Asap, while everyone else makes their best speed to the area.
-[X] Deploy Tacit halfway between Pisces' position and the Airport.
-[X] Scan the Kaiju again.

Secondary scan: 7+1=8
Tacit Ronin charges out of the Shatterdome, reactor roaring as the jaeger pushes itself at full speed. Above, the Arges-equipped scout squadron swoops, more than matching Tacit's speed.

The remaining NPPDCDF is scrambled, heading out after them as fast as possible.

Ashley and Maria make good time, even if Pisces is moving faster than anticipated. Catching it halfway is not an option.


Meanwhile, at the Command Centre...

The scanners screech, running again despite their faulty mechanics. Something shows up that catches the operator's attention. It's not the fishlike body, nor the six paddle-shaped limbs, nor the developed bone structure in the head.

It's the bioelectrical signature. A rather high one, even despite the reduction from being land-bound.

"Er, Tacit. We might have a little problem with the kaiju..."


Venting stem from its back, Tacit gives off the irritation of its pilots-- or more accurately, of one pilot in particular. Still, there's nothing they can do about it at the moment, except to keep moving.

Pisces comes into view a few kilometers away. Clearly, it's not supposed to be on land-- though that doesn't seem to be stopping it. The fish-faced monster notices them to, stopping less than three kilometers away from the camp to hiss at them. Tacit continues to close, foghorns roaring.

Tacit Ronin is 18 units North of Pisces. Your scouts are 15 units North of Pisces. The camp is 30 East of Pisces.

Your Hellhounds and two of your Artillery (airlifted to the battlefield) will arrive in 2 turns, and the Arty will take 1 turn to unload and set up. Your tanks and brigades will arrive in 7 turns.
Oh, since it wasn't specified in the deployment, are the Scouts carrying ARGES?

If the Kaiju has a Lightning Gun we are so screwed... stuns are murderous.

[X]Tacit moves 4 units forward
[X]Scouts pull 5 units back
[X]Tacit moves 4 units forward
[X]Scouts pull 5 units back
Tacit doesn't stop, still closing distance with Pisces. The kaiju shifts back on its paddle-like feet, unsure. Then it pauses.

It seems that the kaiju made a decision.


Pisces pulls back, and springs forwards, six legs pounding across the terrain like a train's pistons! Overly eager, the kaiju's jaw gapes open, preparing to bite--

--only for the blow-back of air to catch the kaiju's oral membranes and gills, acting like an E-Brake and forcing it to a halt before it can reach Tacit!

Countercharge? (Auto-success)
[ ] Obviously.
-[ ] Progressive knives Fangblades!
-[ ] Punch!
-[ ] Kick!
-[ ] Slam! (finally a viable option thanks to my Str goof-up)*
-[ ] Grapple!
[ ] Nope.

Tacit Ronin is 4 units North of Pisces. Your scouts are 10 units North of Pisces. The camp is 35 East of Pisces.

Your Hellhounds and two of your Artillery (airlifted to the battlefield) will arrive next turn, and the Arty will take 1 turn to unload and set up. Your tanks and brigades will arrive in 6 turns.

*Fun thing! This means that Tacit can now mount two differing weapons systems on its frame! However, you'll still need a point in Range before you can use any ranged weapons.