Your guns can't fire across the water, but there's a 2 kilo stretch where kaiju will typically have to surface on either end.
So we'd have 2 klicks of open season before they cleared the surf and this became a much more desperate fight? Not as much space as I'd like, but more than I thought we had.

Not sure why, the Pacific Northwest isn't exactly known for it's cliff-like beaches. Yet.

So what if we set our ground forces (Tacit and tanks and arty oh my) up just off the beach and played the traditional killing ground game? Can we be sure of where they're coming up on the near shore, or would we have time to relocate if we used our airforce to track the buggers and they came up in a more unexpected place?

EDIT: Also we should really see about mining that channel or something next downtime. This is sort of a nasty little conundrum we're stuck in, unless I'm operating off of faulty information.
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If we are truly continuing to have problems with Kaiju trying to play Jaws, that would be a strong argument for investing in ocean-based conventionals beyond the long-term argument of having support if we ever get around to trying to launch an assault on the breach to close it.
I also dislike the current plan, but knowing that it's not literally a bad plan—just unfavorable—and without an alternative in my head?

[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
With extreme swiftness, the plan is decided on, and the forces deploy.

Tacit Ronin is to engage the humanoid-reptilian SE-26-014, codenamed "Murphy", in single combat. The jaeger drops from the carryalls, crashing into the surf just as the kaiju halts. As the jaeger rises up, Noah and Alec get their first good look at the monster. Murphy stands about as tall as them, with a finned tail nearly as long as its body dragging on the ground. A flurry of quills rise up behind its shoulders, fanning as the draconic kaiju hisses. In reply, Tacit's horn snarls back.

Meanwhile the air-force is to engage SE-26-015, the radioactive "Garm", using the new Arges units. The helicopters hover just over a kilometer away, getting a good look at the kaiju. Garm is more like a dog than a crocodile, though the eight sunken eyes and thick armour plating over its core somewhat dull the resemblance. The monster rumbles, a blue-tinted glow coming from within its mouth.

Murphy and Garm are 15-20 from the channel, 100 from the T-squads.
- 20 from Tacit
- 15 from Scouts, 20 from Hellhounds

In other news, I am a silly who cannot distance. The channel's actually 100 units across, not 50. But I am nice, so I doubled the distances. Please fill in the channel with navy so I don't make stupid decisions like this again.
[X] Tacit be ready to counter Murphy.
[X] All units within range of Garm fire!
Eh, stuff seems to boil down to this.
1d10-1 for Arges
3x 1d10(+1) for Hellhounds
And hit locations for the Hellhounds.

Clearly I have been blessed by the salt...? You can't make this sh*t up!

Hit locations: 12, 15, and 10
Ψυχή threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Arges Total: 9
9 9
Ψυχή threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Hellhounds Total: 24
9 9 9 9 6 6
Ψυχή threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: TehChron... WITNESS ME! :V Total: 37
10 10 2 2 7 7 8 8 2 2 8 8
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