Yeah, I'm kind of embarrassed that you're completely overlooking what is arguably the most important thing to deal with right now. That's kind of a really, really big deal to just go and forget like that.
"Hm? Nani?"

(Never really wanted the pet in the first place :V)
"Hm? Nani?"

(Never really wanted the pet in the first place :V)

Eh, if nothing else, you should at least be able to appreciate the bonus we get to Kaiju research as long as we have one in captivity.

EDIT: Side note - would it be possible to include information for the various stats that various upgrades have in the character sheet so that we don't have to go look up the original post we researched them on each time we want to know what they do?
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(Never really wanted the pet in the first place :V)
But science!

(keep in mind that you-- in-game-- have no idea about the Hivemind yet, or that the kaiju are artificial organisms, or why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or that the kaiju are genetically identical, or anything like that)
But science!

(keep in mind that you-- in-game-- have no idea about the Hivemind yet, or that the kaiju are artificial organisms, or why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or that the kaiju are genetically identical, or anything like that)
Of course. The Commodore simply learned his lesson about dangerous pets years ago...

Also, I'll have you know he is a kid at heart who eats sugary cereal like Cinnamon Toast Crunch (or better yet, French Toast Crunch) with Sake every mornin'!
Of course. The Commodore simply learned his lesson about dangerous pets years ago...

Also, I'll have you know he is a kid at heart who eats sugary cereal like Cinnamon Toast Crunch (or better yet, French Toast Crunch) with Sake every mornin'!
Isn't sake like... really not a morning beverage?
[X] Plan "I am ashamed you guys forgot about our future pet Kaiju"
-[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 R)
-[X] Build Kaiju Research and Containment Facility (-1500 R)
--[X] Lock Up Palisade inside Kaiju Research and Containment Facility
-[X] Continue Research on Laser Targeting System w/+1 Bonus
-[X] Continued Research into Kaiju Biology for additional resource gathering from slain Kaiju, including improvements and upgrades to Kaiju Salvage Facilities both current and future.

(4000 Resources Spent, 525 Resources Remain)
I'll take a...
1d10+4 for Lazors
1d10+3 for More Harvest (Kaiju Research Bonus applies next turn)
I'm 2/3rds of the way on the Omake, by the way! That is, 2/3rds unless my muse decides to add even more stuff to it.

If anyone has quirks or any distinguishing traits they want for their characters, please tell me.

By the way, I'll roll for the Kaiju harvesting.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Researching how to cook Kaiju Total: 2
2 2
Votes, please! Otherwise we can't have fun kaiju fights!

Oh, and someone had questions about Waltz. Who/what was it?

Guilty as charged.

How intact was the round that Waltz dropped? It kinds sounded to me as if he dropped the bullet instead of properly firing it... or using the ocean like a water firing tank.
Guilty as charged.

How intact was the round that Waltz dropped? It kinds sounded to me as if he dropped the bullet instead of properly firing it... or using the ocean like a water firing tank.
The shot was very low power, due to a lessened reaction and the water. Other than being a bit beat up from where it hit the seabed, the shell's fine, which is how your scientists were able to get in the first place.
Week 10: Downtime
[X] Plan "I am ashamed you guys forgot about our future pet Kaiju"
-[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 R)
-[X] Build Kaiju Research and Containment Facility (-1500 R)
--[X] Lock Up Palisade inside Kaiju Research and Containment Facility
-[X] Continue Research on Laser Targeting System w/+1 Bonus
-[X] Continued Research into Kaiju Biology for additional resource gathering from slain Kaiju, including improvements and upgrades to Kaiju Salvage Facilities both current and future.

(4000 Resources Spent, 525 Resources Remain)
Embarrassingly, the council nearly forgets about the kaiju in their metaphorical backyard, before one of them reminds them that yes, it's right there.

The new Research and Containment Facility is constructed, built around the half submerged kaiju to save time.

Meanwhile, new infrastructure is built, allowing the hydroponic systems to support more and more people.

Population increases to 5!
Kaiju Research and Containment Facility constructed! Occupied by Palisade!

Research sparks up again, focused on continuation of the laser targeting system, as well as improving the gain of the salvage facility.

As it turns out, the laser targeting system is a huge success! The system, known as the "Arges" (after the hundred-eyed giant of Greek mythos), uses a series of compound laser dishes to triangulate specific areas, allowing for more precision and control of weapons fire. The only real downsides are that the system is too heavy for the scout helicopters to use while their rockets are attached, and that the guidance only works with munitions that are capable of being guided already-- in this case, this means the Hellfire+ missiles.

New Weapon for Scout Helicopters: Arges Laser-Targeting Array!
Scouts must pick one weapon on launch.
- Arges Laser-Targeting Array: 1d10 attack. Hits on 5+. Range 10/15/-. On a successful hit, guided munitions are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2. All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

Totally not a ripoff of Eagle Eye/LARS.

The second focus doesn't have any real progress. No disasters happen, but getting used to the new containment area delays K-Science from getting anything major done. While enthusiastic about their new subject, they also very much don't want to accidentally harm it.

Roll me 1d10+1 for scanners.
Ah, the classic same-time tie...

Eh, if nothing else there's two guys on the scanners today, and one covers for the other?
Eh what the hell, there's two kaiju, it's fine.
The scanners flash, alerting of a pair of incoming kaiju!


The first one's signature is shaky, hard to lock down on, but the second one shines bright.

Possibly because of the Gamma Radiation it's emitting.

The two kaiju are coming in from the West, heading the same way as Rampart. The first one has a reptilian body plan, but that's it. The other one appears quadrupedal, with thick armour around its core, and the aforementioned Gamma emissions. It's nowhere near Waltz's level of radioactivity, but it's still very high for a kaiju.

The two kaiju are about 10 kilometers West, 50 from the water. You can just barely intercept them with your air force before they make it there.

What do you do? Keep in mind you have to specify what the scouts have; rockets or Arges
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What do we have that benefits from the TAG-lite again? Just the HK choppers, yeah?

So then...

[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
-[X]If an opportunity presents, Jaegerbomb that motherless son.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
-[X]If an opportunity presents, Jaegerbomb that motherless son.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
Egh... Splitting our forces and putting Tacit in a 1v2 against statistically superior opponents is really not the best idea IMO.
[X]Set the T-95s and T-100s up as Overwatch in case one of the targets slips the net and makes it to the near shore.
[X]Deploy Ronin as close to on top of the not-radioactive one as possible.
-[X]If an opportunity presents, Jaegerbomb that motherless son.
[X]Load Arges onto the Scout Squadron and have them work with the 3 HK Squadrons to harry the radioactive one.
-[X]Crippling shots are ideal here, it's hard to swim with no working joints.
Egh... Splitting our forces and putting Tacit in a 1v2 against statistically superior opponents is really not the best idea IMO.
I can see your point here. I was hoping for some discussion of options rather than people just voting my way...

I do think Tacit can come out with a win here, especially with the HK choppers flying fire support. If the Arty can fire across the channel, we might set the T-95s up close enough that they can provide fire support as well. My issue is "how do we get tanks and arty support in an underwater fight." If the Kaiju are smart, they're going to rush into the water where our big guns can't be brought to bear and take Ronin apart piece by piece. By forcing the fight at the opposite shore, we've avoided the hemmed-in ground of the channel. I don't really want to play the waiting game at the near shore and allow this to turn into a fight on desperate ground.

If we could guarantee that only one of the kaiju can reach the channel with only the airforce, I would say deploy Tacit at the quarter mark and advance to engage underwater, but we can't. In this case, we can maximize the chance we take one out of the fight initially, either mobility killed or just straight up killed, and deal with the other at our leisure. I can agree that a 2v1 is not best odds, but, well, I've made my virgin sacrifices and burnt offerings to the Dark Gods of RNG, which is really all we can do.