Week 9: Downtime
[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
The auto-jigs fire up, half helping to construct more improvements to the production and construction capabilities, while the others work on fabricating the trucks and equipment needed in order to improve the harvesting of kaiju. By the end of the week, both projects should be completely finished and ready for use.

Manufacturing increases to 5!
Kaiju Salvage Facility constructed!

Research is immediately brought to bear on the Palisade problem, and the results are favorable. Essentially a miniature Wall of Life, the facility should be be to contain a crippled Category II Kaiju with little trouble, though anything stronger will require further research. The proposed design would be quite expensive, though that's understandable, due to the fact that its walls are nearly a foot-thick mass of steel-reinforced concrete, and its partially sunken into the ground to make escape even more difficult.

New Augment available for purchase: Kaiju Research and Containment Facility
- Kaiju Research and Containment Facility (Research):
Cost: 1500 Resources
May safely contain one Category II or lower Kaiju that has been Incapacitated and captured. +1 to K-Science Research while occupied by a Kaiju.

Other fields are approached, with far more military applications.
The first is an attempt to construct a system to allow for increased accuracy, by painting a target with lasers. While a fairly simple principle, work is hampered by the fact that the system's too heavy to mount on any aerial vehicle, and a specialized platform has yet to be developed for land use. Still, it's progress.

+1 to future Laser Targeting System research!

The other research goes far better. A small group of brave people, in a gaggle of trucks and helis, can carry stores of ammunition and backup supplies, allowing for other offensive units to stay in the fight for longer.

New Conventional Unit available for purchase: Field Resupply Squad
- Field Resupply Squad
Cost: 200 Resources
For each FRS, ignore one instance of Out-of-Ammunition suffered by a Conventional Military Unit. After being used, the FRS is unavailable for the remainder of the battle.

While all this progress is certainly promising, the swift usage of Neo-Seattle's resources prevents any real continuation in these fields.

Oh, wait. Here comes some refreshment.


Perhaps some backup scanners should be installed. The burnt-out scanners aren't fully repaired, and results are iffy once more.

Put simply, it's big. SE-26-013 is the new largest kaiju Neo-Seattle's been up against, and it's not pretty. The monster's already sounded, and is currently tearing through the remains of Lynnwood towards the city. Readings suggest high bone density, and minute thermal spikes around the kaiju's body. A codename, loosely scribbled on a notepad, is delivered to the council.


Gorgon is 93 units North of Seattle, and is heading South, with a slight Eastern tilt. What do you do?
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[X] Scan it again!
[X] Prepare to deploy
Eh, close enough.
1d10+1 for More Scanning.
Let's DO THIS!

For a brief moment, our scans can see forever. Past the veil of reality and the heavy muck of matter, beyond the limits of energy into the hidden planes of power both occult and mysterious.

Those who see the results of the scans in that moment feel as if they were peering into a deep abyss, an unfathomable gate that leads somewhere the mind cannot comprehend.

As their minds struggle to comprehend the magnitude of what their scanners managed to uncover, they feel, more than hear, the faint sound of flutes, the distant chanting and the light sound of something titanic as it slumbers.

And then...
No no, this won't do. This isn't that kind of story.
The screens turn pitch black and the sound of laughter is briefly heard coming from the speakers. The moment passes and screen turn back on, the read-outs incredibly clear but mundanely so.
But do take care not to keep attracting our attention like that... We might just decide that you're asking for it.
With a shudder, those gathered in the command center unanimously decide to forget what just happened and focus in the battle lest their minds wander back to that moment of terror.
Highwind threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Scanners! Total: 25
10 10 10 10 5 5
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[X] Scan it again!
[X] Prepare to deploy
Scanners: 10+10+5+1=26
What the fuck.

One of the techies gives the scanner array a solid kick. And the array jumps into maximum functionality, data streaming in rapidly.

As Tacit Ronin powers up and the NPPDCDF gets ready to go, the info's relayed in to the council.

Gorgon's body appears semi-reptilian, with its main weapons seeming to be its tail and hands. The tail is long and flexible, with a hard bone spike on the end, while the hands have equally developed forefingers that are more akin to blades than anything else. The head is similar to James', being a massive set of mandibles-- though here they appear to be closer to a triple beak than a shark mouth. Most of the body, and the hands, have thicker armour plating when compared to the limbs, with plates of bone just under the skin. They register as very hard, but are most likely far more brittle. Finally, the thermal spots are clustered around the shoulders, back, and collar, and seem to be shaped like darts. This is most likely some sort of ranged weapon.

Gorgon has closed to 83 units North of Seattle. What do you do?
[X] Deploy Tacit 35 units north, in the direction of the Kaiju's projected path.
-[X] Conventional units deploy five units behind Tacit.

This way they'll be safe-ish until Tacit can grab it's attention. If the Kaiju closes in without using his ranged attack, Tacit can still count on the conventional units to soften it up before he closes the gap himself.
[X] Deploy Tacit 35 units north, in the direction of the Kaiju's projected path.
-[X] Conventional units deploy five units behind Tacit.
[X] "Tacit to 35 north."
-[X] "Conventional: 30 north."
[X] Deploy Tacit 35 units north, in the direction of the Kaiju's projected path.
-[X] Conventional units deploy five units behind Tacit.
[X] Deploy Tacit 35 units north, in the direction of the Kaiju's projected path.
-[X] Conventional units deploy five units behind Tacit.
Tacit Ronin is launched, the conventional forces not far behind it. As the forces near the lock-down point, Gorgon becomes clear. It's moving just as fast as the Carryalls are, though as the forces close in, it slows down a little. At little more than two kilometers away, something else becomes clear.

Gorgon doesn't have any eyes.

Painted olive and charcoal, the scaly, blind kaiju stomps forwards, before letting out a subsonic foghorn call.

Gorgon is 15 Units from Tacit, 20 from conventionals
Your move.
uh, no?
"Painted olive and charcoal, the scaly, blind kaiju stomps forwards, before letting out a subsonic foghorn call."
Sonar, then. Interesting. Anyone know how to trick sonars?

Maybe if we stay very still it won't notice us? It shouldn't notice the Conventionals, at least, compared to Tacit and the Kaiju they're glued to the ground and the choppers would look more like slightly big flies.
Sonar, then. Interesting. Anyone know how to trick sonars?

Maybe if we stay very still it won't notice us? It shouldn't notice the Conventionals, at least, compared to Tacit and the Kaiju they're glued to the ground and the choppers would look more like slightly big flies.
white noise on a similar frequency. It's what Tiger moths use against bats.
white noise on a similar frequency. It's what Tiger moths use against bats.
Well, unless we have some enterprising (mad) scientist on our team who can create this signal in the next couple minutes this won't be of much use during the battle.

[X] all units that can fire, fire.
-[X] Tacit walks three units forward, and tries to bait the Kaiju

It's not like we can do any fancy plans until he comes closer.
Well, unless we have some enterprising (mad) scientist on our team who can create this signal in the next couple minutes this won't be of much use during the battle.
You don't.

And who says it's using only one sense? It could be doing a bunch of stuff at once. Totally not magnetic fields.

For the records, you essentially have no way of jamming this guy's senses.