
Now you just have to figure out how to contain it.

Downtime post due in several hours. Feel free to talk.
I think I figured out how to contain the Kaiju without huge costs in time or material, at least for a while.

First, we make a huge shovel for Tacit. Then we set aside an area for him to dig. Then he digs until we have a huge, Kaiju-sized hole in the ground. We dump the Kaiju there, secure him in place with steel cables and then we figure out a more permanent solution.
I think I figured out how to contain the Kaiju without huge costs in time or material, at least for a while.

First, we make a huge shovel for Tacit. Then we set aside an area for him to dig. Then he digs until we have a huge, Kaiju-sized hole in the ground. We dump the Kaiju there, secure him in place with steel cables and then we figure out a more permanent solution.
I have found a flaw.

What stops Pal from waking up and flopping away whist the shovel's being made? What, is Tacit going to sit on Palisade or something?
I have found a flaw.

What stops Pal from waking up and flopping away whist the shovel's being made? What, is Tacit going to sit on Palisade or something?
Tacit just needs to whack him in the head with the shovel whenever he starts to wake up, obviously! That or we make a Jaeger-scale Taser/Cattle Prod and poke the Kaiju until it gives up fleeing. :V

EDIT: Oh wait, you said "while the shovel is being made".

Well, Tacit can just use his fists then. Or stomp Pal on the head some more. Or break his limbs until he can't move. We have plenty of options.
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Week 9: Combat End
The only problem is Rampart. The kaiju's corpse can be easily retrieved, but it's been bleeding out underwater for more than a good ten minutes. Cleanup is next to impossible-- but there shouldn't be too nasty of an effect. Had Rampart been any larger or higher in category, however, and there would be serious consequences.

The ripped apart and burnt Bastion is also retrieved, its corpse brought in for an examination by K-Science. Amazingly, the kaiju's neural tissues appear to fill the role of superconductor and electromagnet, propelling an electromagnetically-charged bone dart at immensely high speeds. K-Science is sure that this tissue has some practical applications in the field, even if the weapon itself is in no way salvageable.

Bastion Token gained! (Railgun Tech)

Palisade, of course, is the main focus. K-Science has never had a living kaiju available to them before, and the knowledge that could be gained from one is simply staggering! The kaiju itself is still immobile and unconscious, but the science teams doubt that it'll stay that way for much longer than a week or two. Some sort of containment will have to be made to keep it restrained.

Nevertheless, it's obvious that the capture of one of the enemy, and complete destruction of the others has left an impact on Seattle. Morale soars once again, and cheers ring through the streets.

Morale increases to Calm! +25% Manufacturing!


Som̴ewḩer͜e͞ ̴e͏ls̶e͞.̛..



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Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category II Kaiju
The kaiju is tall, but slender, with trunk-like legs and rounded forearms. Its stubby head has an elongated horn emerging from its forehead, just above a gaping maw.

HtH: 2
Ran: 0
Str: 3
Tou: 4
Agi: 2
Dex: 1

Dura: 3
Stru: 10

Talons (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d10+1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 2
Grappling Bonus: -3
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength +2

Coverage: All but Eyes and Arms
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All
Durability: 7

Tough Hide
Coverage: Arms
Armor Value: 4/2
Resilience: All, +1 Blunt
Durability: 7
Class: Category I Kaiju
The kaiju is bipedal, with three arms. The right arm is fused from two, forming an elongated cannon, while the dual left arms end in single claws. Bastion's head is flattened, and almost frog-like in appearance, though its lower jaw is split in two.

HtH: 1
Ran: 3
Str: 1
Tou: 1
Agi: 3
Dex: 2

Dura: 3
Stru: 5

Dual Switch-Claws (Left)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 2x1d10
Parry Dice: 2d5
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 1
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength

Bio-Railgun (Right)
Built-In Ranged Weapon (Rifle)
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 3
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Bonus: Ranged+1
Range: 10/20/30

Lubricated Hide
Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: All, +1 Fire
Durability: 7

It is now downtime.

Category II Kaiju killed: +500 Resources
Category I Kaiju killed: +100 Resources
Category I Kaiju Captured: +75 Resources
Quick Kill Bonus: +200 Resources
Manufacturing: +2000 Resources
Morale Bonus: +500 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 3700
is there some way we could make the kaiju a quadriplegic? only move his neck? can we guess what level of restraints we need to hold him that it would be very hard for him to get out of?
is there some way we could make the kaiju a quadriplegic? only move his neck? can we guess what level of restraints we need to hold him that it would be very hard for him to get out of?
You could break his spine. But that'd probably just kill him. You could cut off his legs. But that'd also probably just kill him. For maximum safety, your scientists think a mini-Shatterdome or Wall-of-Life type thing might be good. Which means a big complex of earth, concrete, and steel, with walls about a foot thick.
Ok, so this is kinda dumb, but if we want to be efficient with actions we don't actually want to install the HF-2 Blades on Tacit this turn since installing will cost a whole action on its own, and we could wait, build them next turn and install them as part of the likely Repair Action.

Also looking at what to upgrade. More Manufacturing is great because money. I'm also looking at the Kaiju Salvage facility, and really not impressed. The flat 10% bonus means we'd have to kill 100 Cat 1s, 20 Cat 2, or 10 Cat 3s for it to only reach the break-even point.

Should probably research some kind of Kaiju Containment/Research Pit too.
To be fair, you can research it to be a higher percentage. This was just week four when you got it, so there's plenty of room for improvement!
Alrighty. Something like that being doable makes it much nicer.

[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion

Get started on the two Techs we didn't do last time, plus the Kaiju Storage facility, and boost our Econ more. 2,500 resources + Kills/week is good money.
[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
Someone's going to have to explain to me how we're supposed to both upgrade the city and build that salvage facility with a single action. Is there a rule somewhere I'm missing?

[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 Resources)
[X] Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X] Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-1000 Resources)

(3500 Resources total, 700 Resources left)

Really, we ought to upgrade population this turn rather than manufacturing - as what the other plan that tries to get a double action and the fact that we effectively have to wait for those new stingblades makes clear.

Plus, it'll finally put us at enough actions that going out to hunt Kaiju might finally be something we can finally start considering.
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Good point.

[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 Resources)
[X] Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X] Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-1000 Resources)
[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 Resources)
[X] Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X] Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-1000 Resources)
Someone's going to have to explain to me how we're supposed to both upgrade the city and build that salvage facility with a single action. Is there a rule somewhere I'm missing?

[X] Upgrade Population to 5 (-2500 Resources)
[X] Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X] Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-1000 Resources)

(3500 Resources total, 700 Resources left)

Really, we ought to upgrade population this turn rather than manufacturing - as what the other plan that tries to get a double action and the fact that we effectively have to wait for those new stingblades makes clear.

Plus, it'll finally put us at enough actions that going out to hunt Kaiju might finally be something we can finally start considering.
It was a game mechanic in HB Quest at least, when building upgrades to city stats any Augmentations to that stat could be rolled into the same build action. Since GM didn't poke me saying it was bad, I'm assuming it's still OK.
It was a game mechanic in HB Quest at least, when building upgrades to city stats any Augmentations to that stat could be rolled into the same build action. Since GM didn't poke me saying it was bad, I'm assuming it's still OK.

Might as well allow it, though I don't know if that was due to some other researched thing or not.
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[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
[X]Upgrade Manufacturing to 5 & Build Kaiju Salvage Facility (-3,500)
[X]Research Kaiju Storage & Containment Facility
[X]Research Laser Targeting System
[X] Research Field Repair and Resupply Battalion
Roll me...
1d10+3 for Kaiju Containment.
1d10+3 for Laser Targeting.
1d10+3 for Resupply Battalion.
Rolling for Kaiju Containment

Edit: With the +3 that makes this an 11.
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Kaiju Containment Total: 8
8 8
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