It's a weird feeling, knowing that technically I wasn't ninja'd since I posted I was rolling for Waltz before the actual roll came, and yet LD's roll counting instead of this once since he basically called all the rolls first.

It's even weirder knowing that both our rolls were the same.
Should I have not done all the rolls?
I usually leave combat rolls to everyone else so I figured I'd do these...
i think I've done that myself like 3 or 4 times by now, probably more.
Looks like I'm late to the party. Funny thing, I was just re-reading the old Cherno threads and wistfully remembering the glory days.

Alas, I suppose the amerikanski will have to do.

Mistake this not for contempt, sir, you just made my day!

Though, anyone know where the system used for this quest can be found? I may have an idea...

Oh, and here's some combat music for us.

. . . *dons coat over shoulders*
Week 8: Downtime
Though, anyone know where the system used for this quest can be found? I may have an idea...
Hardboiled Vs. The World Links said:
My only condition is, if you're planning on making a Pacific Rim '___ vs. the World' quest, that you throw a link over here so I can check it out as well. Of course, as GM, I can't vote in weekly plans if a crossover is a possibility, but eh, whatever.

[X]Plan Armaments
-[X]Upgrade the rest of our tanks/Artillery to Type C (Free action, -225 resources)
-[X]Build 3 Attack Helicopters (-1500)
-[X]Continue research on Cauterizing Fangblades
-[X]Scan for local Kaiju
-[X] Research Titan 'Waltz' incident - Review the non-fight surrounding the non-Kaiju classified as 'Waltz' to try to determine just WTF happened, including investigating the area of the ocean that it fired its cannon into for hints about what it may have been trying to do.
The close to the day is an odd one. There's no kaiju blue, no repairs, nothing. But the week is busy nonetheless.

Many of the new ceramic barrels are constructed, and retrofitted to the remaining cannon-wielders of the NPPDCDF.

Nine shiny new Hellhounds are the next things to come out of the auto-jigs, and they're heartily accepted. The new operators, all eighteen of them, are put under the care of the SH-60 pilots. By the end of the week they're more than a little shaken up, but considerably competent at their jobs.

3 A-KA-77 'Hellhound' Attack Helicopter Squadrons constructed!

The Command Centre's scanners fire out in an easy pulse of the surroundings... before they malfunction again. A closer investigation suggests that the burn-out was caused by some sort of alcohol... specifically, a low-malt beer. No fingers are pointed, but the next day each of the council members finds a note on their door, suggesting that they kindly avoid partying in the Space Needle.

Other than a single result before it burnt out, the system gave back nothing, and the crew'll be lucky to fix it by the next Kaiju attack.

New Kaiju in Territory!
- SE-26-R-001 'Reikon', Cat III: Distance; unknown. Direction; South. High armour density, metallic elements detected, low energy emissions.

Branch-01 has its work cut out for it, undertaking two more projects this week. The first; finish the damn cauterizing Fangblades.

As it turns out, this was a remarkable success! A superconductor run through the blade's core appears to help keep power consumption down, and a built-in oscillator allows for the blades to sheer through thicker armour than before, while maintaining the cauterizing effect!

New Weapon available to purchase!
HF-2 Fangblade
500 Resources
Built-In Melee Weapon

Attack Dice: 1d10 (links if paired)
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: -3
Damage Type: Edged, Fire
Damage Bonus: Strength
Cauterizes Wounds.

Fangblades x2
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 2
Grappling Bonus: -3
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength

The other project's results aren't nearly as good, but they're still better than the scanner incident.

Attempt to figure out what the hell Waltz's deal was is stalled for several hours while the scientists bicker on what to call the damn thing. Eventually, the co-head of K-Science, Dr. Brandstelle, literally tells everyone else to "Shut the hell up, it's a goddamn Seijin, and that's final!" Apparently, the word means 'alien' in Japanese-- a somewhat apt name, given just how different Waltz was from anything else.

Other than that, they don't have much. The Seijin's motivations are completely unknown, and the radiation its reactor was putting out made any attempt at scanning its neural system impossible. However, the area that its cannon fired is taken into account, and a small convoy sent out.

What they come back with is the kaiju equivalent of a 420 mm artillery shell, constructed of bone and chiton with a fleshy, hydrogen-saturated core of acidic neural tissues. The shell is instantly placed in an inert atmosphere, to prevent any detonation, and examined. No real activity is detected, but they can guess that the shell is on standby. After mapping its circuits, however, they're not sure on what. The signals certainly aren't leading to ignite the hydrogen, that's for sure. Perhaps it was placed as a sort of beacon?

Whatever the case, future investigation will have to wait.


Throw me a 1d10+1 for Scanners!
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Scanners Result: 4+1=5
Unfortunately, the circuitry isn't fully cleaned-- *cough*stopdrinkingintheSpaceNeedleyouguys*cough*-- so it takes a bit to lock on.

The two Category Is, SE-26-010 and SE-26-012-- codenamed 'Palisade' and 'Bastion'-- are fairly simple in terms of body readings, though Bastion's emitting a focused electromagnetic field from somewhere. Visual reports suggest an arthropedal build for Palisade, with yellowed plating, while reports on Bastion are saying that it has three arms, one of which is substantially bigger and bulkier.

SE-26-011, the Category II-- codenamed 'Rampart'-- is bigger and bulkier than either, though it's only barely a Category II. Visual reports suggest a single horn, and heavily armoured arms.

Palisade and Bastion are 10 kilos South-East (almost at Mercer Island), and can be engaged on land. Rampart is 13 kilos West (edge of Bainbridge Island), and has almost entered the water.
How do you deploy?
how should we set this up...close to home so we can assist the other if needs be? or far from the city so it doesn't get damaged if one side loses?
I feel like engaging the Cat II ASAP with TR is the right move, while leaving all our guns and the choppers to fight the Cat 1s. Depending on how fast the Kaiju are moving, Tacit might be able to make it back in time to help.

I'm a little worried about Bastion's EM field if it can shoot that thing. Choppers cost a lot but are quite fragile.

[X]Deploy TR 15 units away from Rampart
[X]All tanks & Artillery deploy along the DP, facing Palisade and Bastion
[X]Choppers deploy along the wall as well.
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I feel like engaging the Cat II ASAP with TR is the right move, while leaving all our guns and the choppers to fight the Cat 1s. Depending on how fast the Kaiju are moving, Tacit might be able to make it back in time to help.

I'm a little worried about Bastion's EM field if it can shoot that thing. Choppers cost a lot but are quite fragile.

[X]Deploy TR 15 units away from Rampart
[X]All tanks & Artillery deploy along the DP, facing Palisade and Bastion
[X}Choppers deploy along the wall as well.
One of your brackets is broken.

My suggestion for our tactics is to get our new choppers to engage the Cat 2 in a Hit and Run strategy, aimed at distracting and daging it as much as possible. Tacit needs to take out the one with the weird electromagnetic readings as fast as possible because electromagnetic Kaiju are always bad news. Give Tacit the Tanks as backup and let them engage the other Cat 1 if possible. Artillery may either be deployed near the wall to provide defensive fire in caae one target gets past us, or be deployed alongside the Helicopters for fire support.
One of your brackets is broken.

My suggestion for our tactics is to get our new choppers to engage the Cat 2 in a Hit and Run strategy, aimed at distracting and daging it as much as possible. Tacit needs to take out the one with the weird electromagnetic readings as fast as possible because electromagnetic Kaiju are always bad news. Give Tacit the Tanks as backup and let them engage the other Cat 1 if possible. Artillery may either be deployed near the wall to provide defensive fire in caae one target gets past us, or be deployed alongside the Helicopters for fire support.
Cat II is about to enter the water. Tacit is the only thing we have that can engage him down there.
Yeah, that's true. But there's about a 20-odd unit stretch of water on either emd where Rampart's poking out of the water enough to get a good shot off.

[X] Deploy TR 15 units away from Rampart
[X] All Tanks & Artillery deploy along the DP, facing Palisade and Bastion.
[X] Choppers between TR and DP for flexibility.
[X] Deploy TR 15 units away from Rampart
[X] All Tanks & Artillery deploy along the DP, facing Palisade and Bastion.
[X] Choppers between TR and DP for flexibility.
[X] Deploy TR 15 units away from Rampart
[X] All Tanks & Artillery deploy along the DP, facing Palisade and Bastion.
[X] Choppers between TR and DP for flexibility.
Deployment is extremely rapid, as the land and air divisions go their separate ways.

Along the eastern front, 120 mm cannons poke from behind the walls, ready to open up on the approaching kaiju.

Meanwhile, Tacit and the Hellhounds fly out over the water, heading straight for Rampart.


Eastern group:

The two kaiju aren't particularly nasty looking, even considering their distance.

Palisade resembles a declawed scorpion, a jagged stinger tail waving above its head. The kaiju's many legs stomp the ground, splattering its dull yellow shell with mud and dust.

Bastion is a little more worrisome. While it's thin, and seems to lack thivk armour, its got some nasty looking weapons. Its two left arms end in single curved talons, glinting in the dim light. Its right arm is fused from two smaller ones at the elbow, and terminates in a glowing barrel. This appears to be the main source of the electromagnetic radiation.


Western group:

The cables detach. Thousands of tons of giant robot crash into the water, sinking rapidly beneath the waves. Several kilometers back, the Hellhounds hang in the air, waiting.

The water isn't too deep, for an 80-meter mech. The problem is the darkness. Floodlights spark on in Tacit's head, illuminating the dark fluid around it.

Rampart should only be about two kilos away.

- All forces intersect the DP
- Palisade and Bastion are about 45 East of the DP, with Bastion 5 behind Palisade.
- Tacit is 50 units West of the DP, 30 West from the Hellhounds, and about 20 East of Rampart.

Action plans!
...Palisade playing defense, eh...?
Well, with Rampart in the water the choppers are basically useless. Exactly why I didn't want them there in the first place.

[X]Choppers move back to the DP
[X]Tacit ping sonar/scanners for Rampart
[X]Guns overwatch Bastion
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Except we were specifically told the only places in Ramparts approach vector that wouldn't be under water was 20 units on either end of the straight, and we voted to intercept him ASAP, so we were going to meet somewhere in the middle. This was hardly unforseeable.
. . .not what I meant but. . .