Not over yet...

Plus, Heli's in more danger of EMP.
OK, so at that point it only matters if Rampart and Tacit manage to completely miss each other in the muck, or Tacit eats it down there. Which is why I'm sending the Choppers back to the DP so they can be the QRF that they are. Either go shoot Rampart if it lived, or go help with Palisade if/when Bastion is taken out.
OK, so at that point it only matters if Rampart and Tacit manage to completely miss each other in the muck, or Tacit eats it down there. Which is why I'm sending the Choppers back to the DP so they can be the QRF that they are. Either go shoot Rampart if it lived, or go help with Palisade if/when Bastion is taken out.
[X]Choppers move back to the DP
[X]Tacit ping sonar/scanners for Rampart
[X]Guns overwatch Bastion
[X]Choppers move back to the DP
[X]Tacit ping sonar/scanners for Rampart
[X]Guns overwatch Bastion


i'll let you add the Dex

EDIT: it's a rating of 2. so 4+2=6
jaiveer00 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: scan Total: 4
4 4
[X]Choppers move back to the DP
[X]Tacit ping sonar/scanners for Rampart
[X]Guns overwatch Bastion

The Hellhounds continue, hovering further back towards the shoreline.


Tacit sweeps the immediate area with its sonar, searching for the kaiju-

... Nothing. There's a few flashes on the sonar, but nothing Tacit can nail down solidly. The kaiju's definitely closer, and should come into view of the jaeger's lights soon...



Palisade and Bastion continue their closing-in, the latter pushing forwards a bit with impatience. The barrel of its... gun, sparks, causing electrical dials and sensors to waver a bit, but that's it. Palisade is a very slow kaiju.

- All forces intersect the DP
- Palisade and Bastion are about 42 East of the DP, with Bastion 3 behind Palisade.
- Tacit is 50 units West of the DP, 40 West from the Hellhounds, and about 10 East of Rampart.
[X]Everyone do the same thing they did last time

The waiting game is annoying.
[X] Let's do that again.

I still think we should have sent Tacit to deal with the EMP Kaiju and its friend while the Helicopters and maybe some tanks prepared to meet with the Cat 2 when it left the water.
. . .*grunt*. . .

[X] . . . again . . .
yeah, that's weird.

Edit: so it consistently getting the same roll every time.
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Scanning +2 Total: 4
4 4
Again, again! Do it again!

The Hellhounds reach the shore, hovering above the edge of the water.


Frustrated, Tacit sweeps again. The donar flashes get closer and closer, but still-

- with an echoing keen, Rampart rushes out of the blackness, charging into view!
The kaiju's body is grey and humanoid, each arm thickened and tipped in a triple claw, while the head's horn is long and straight. The monstrosity rushes forwards-


-only for Tacit to reflexively punch it in the face, sending the unharmed, but now considerably pissed off kaiju stumbling back a few steps.

Rampart has failed his charge! Counter charge him?



Bastion warbles, gesturing for its comrade to hurry the hell up. In reply, Palisade snaps its mandibles, maintaining its slow speed. Bastion grumbles.

- All forces intersect the DP
- Palisade and Bastion are about 39 East of the DP, with Bastion 3 behind Palisade.
- Tacit is 50 units West of the DP and the Hellhounds, and 1 East of Rampart.
. . . Palisade is a chill guy. Bastion and Rampart could learn from 'im.

Meanwhile, Rampart waited too long, so Tacit was basically preparing an attack and socked it to him.

Finishing Rampart fast so Tacit can go help deal with Bastion seems prudent.

Any clear shots yet on Bastion, or Palisade still mostly in the way?
Palisade has stubby little legs. Running is hard for the poor... artificially created silicon based lifeform.
[X] tacit counter charge
-[X] stab
[X] Guns continue to overwatch Bastion

Bastion and Palisade are making me think of a comedy duo.
[X] tacit counter charge
-[X] stab
[X] Guns continue to overwatch Bastion

Heh. If Palisade only has agility 0, it literally can't use the run action, so 3 units is as fast as it can go. That means 7 turns until it gets into range. Either Bastion is going to get fed up with the slowpoke and go on ahead, or we could try to bait Bastion by moving tanks up and shooting him, but then they'd be at serious risk of getting EMP'd, which tends to kill conventionals dead.