As a side note - hilarious plot twist: The guys who make the Kaiju notice we're going out of our way to take this one alive, and as result, stop sending big, dumb, mean, ugly kaiju and instead start sending us smart, hilarious kaiju with fun, cute, quirks as a means of enticing us to try to take them all alive and make a collection out of them for nefarious reasons.
[X] Kick to Flip!
-[X] Get that Kaiju on it's back like a stupid flailing turtle!
Tacit's foot lashes out, crushing one of Palisade's legs in a spray of meat and juice, before the kaiju is flipped onto its back, remaining legs flailing like a turtle's!

Palisade takes 3 Strikes! Palisade is losing stamina! L. Ankle Armour Destroyed! -1 Agility!

Squealing, the kaiju's legs flail, tail whipping around, before stabbing into the dirt again!


Again, the limb yanks itself back up, a heavy chunk of material impaled by the stinger-- but not fast enough to attack!

- Artillery intersects with the DP.
- Tanks 37 East of the DP (8 in front of Palisade).
- Hellhounds 50 East of the DP (5 behind Palisade).
- Palisade is 45 East of the DP.
- Tacit is 45 units East of the DP (melee with Palisade).

Hmmm... might want to use that piece of debris as an impromptu mace... then again, stepping back would give him breathing space so...

[X] Uno mas?
how do we knock it unconscious but not kill it?
Deal enough Strikes that you reach its Structure threashold. Technically, you've done this before, but it's a hassle to have everyone have to vote whether or not to kill each kaiju you knock out. It's called Incapacitation, and it's not quite dead. Basically, it's what happened to Tacit when Drac handed him his shiny metal arse. You just usually kill the kaiju afterwards.
[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on it's back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough to squeeze enough life out of it to force it into unconsciousness.
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[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on it's back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough tosqueeze enough life out of it toforce it into unconsciousness.
---[X] Also, pose heroically while you're stepping on it. For the propaganda posters, you know?
[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on its back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough tosqueeze enough life out of it toforce it into unconsciousness.
---[X] Also, pose heroically while you're stepping on it. For the propaganda posters, you know?
[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on its back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough to squeeze enough life out of it to force it into unconsciousness.
---[X] Also, pose heroically while you're stepping on it. For the propaganda posters, you know?
[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on its back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough to squeeze enough life out of it to force it into unconsciousness.
---[X] Also, pose heroically while you're stepping on it. For the propaganda posters, you know?
That'll be a 1d10+2 (assuming called shot to Torso), and a hit location.
[X] Step on Palisade's head/upper torso.
-[X] Not enough to kill it, just enough to keep it on its back while it wears itself out.
--[X] And maybe enough to squeeze enough life out of it to force it into unconsciousness.
---[X] Also, pose heroically while you're stepping on it. For the propaganda posters, you know?

The kaiju fliails, tail whipping about.


"If that tail ends up hitting us, could do some nasty damage," Noah muses.

"True. We're supposed to just step on its chest... But then again..."

Noah smirks.
"I know. Tempting, isn't it?"

There's a pause, before the two reach a decision.

"Eh, to hell with the orders! This'll look just as badass!"


Tacit does not step on Palisade's head. Nor its exposed underbelly.

Instead, Tacit Ronin brings its foot down on the base of Palisade's thrashing tail.

Palisade takes 5 Strikes! -2 HtH! -2 Dex! Palisade is losing stamina! Tail disabled!

SE-26-010, 'Palisade' has been Incapacitated!

An ear-splitting squeal can be heard as the metal foot crushes the appendage, and rips it off with a free hand. Palisade, overwhelmed by pain and stress, simply falls unconscious as Tacit holds the weakly twitching limb high in the air!


Now you just have to figure out how to contain it.

Downtime post due in several hours. Feel free to talk.
So by complete dumb luck two turns in a row we hit it in the spot I thought would be too tricky to hit if we were actually trying to hit there.

Somehow I'm not surprised.