Aw damnit, was gonna suggest we start punching since James is already losing stats due to strikes.. Oh well.

edit: Looks like Tacit is about to chop off James's foot. Yay?
aledeth threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Sword Stabby Total: 24
8 8 10 10 6 6
aledeth threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Elite Tonk Total: 6
6 6
aledeth threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Tonk Total: 1
1 1
aledeth threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Hits Total: 35
7 7 3 3 1 1 1 1 8 8 9 9 2 2 4 4
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[X] stab and shoot again
The tank cannons fire again, the shells ricocheting off James' arm and leg.

No damage!

But Tacit's still not done, bearing down on its much larger foe with unrelenting ferocity!


Despite the kaiju's desperate efforts to fend off its attacker, the jaeger powers forwards, and shoves its forearm back into the bubbling wound on its chest!

"Eat this, Frosty."

The forearm twists down... and the blade fires.

Kaiju SE-26-007, "James" Defeated!

You'll be pleased to learn that this won't actually have a very high clean-up cost--between James' perk, your cauterizing wounds, and the fact that he only suffered from 3 Ongoing wounds for, like 2 rounds.
Week 6: Combat End
After a few kicks (to make sure it's dead), James' corpse is dragged over to the perimeter, where the crews set about disassembling it. The injured artillery crews are also hauled off to several hospitals.

Tacit Ronin, completely undamaged, was on top of its game during the fight, barely giving the larger kaiju a chance to breathe. Alec and Noah are, understandably, enthused by this. So far, their in-your-face style of fighting's paid off, and it's easy enough to capitalize on that.

New Perk!
- Beatdown: If Tacit Ronin rolls a natural 10 on an attack with its Fangblades, take a Hand-to-Hand Test (10). On a success, the target is knocked Prone.

While the duo works on their new technique, the science teams are busy with James' corpse.

The kaiju is... weird. Its body temperature is remarkably low, with most of its internal fluids cooling to a sludge in the few hours after its death. It appears to be able to condense the vapor in the air into a blinding cloud, and use a supercoolant fluid as an oral weapon. Your guys still don't know how it got this stuff.

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category III Kaiju
The kaiju is bipedal, holding its long arms just above the ground, balanced by a long tail. The kaiju's head is almost all mouth, two bony prongs jutting out of the sides of its neck. No eyes are visible.

HtH: 3
Ran: 2
Str: 3
Tou: 5
Agi: 1
Dex: 4

Dura: 6
Stru: 12

- Blind: All attacks that would hit the Eyes instead hit the Head. Must make a Dexterity Check for every 5 rounds to locate non-melee foes.
- Supercooled Fluids: Take 1 less Ongoing from any attack, to a minimum of zero. Automatically heals 1 Ongoing per Round so long as James hasn't exceeded its Durability.
- Snow Fun For Anyone: If encountered during heavy precipitation, James is partially obscured by a cloud of fog, snow, and sleet, imposing a +2 Difficulty to any Ranged attacks as per concealment. If the opponent succeeds on a Dexterity Check (8), or enters melee combat with James, the cloud is pierced, and no longer provides concealment. James is not affected by his own cloud in any manner.

Supercoolant Spit
Built-In Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10/2d10/3d10
Damage Type: Ice
Damage Bonus: 1d5
Armor Penetration: 0
Range: 1/4/-
Flash Freeze: +2 Damage Bonus at point-blank range.if all three shots are fired.
Can not move and shoot, Can not make called shots.
Six shots only, each attack dice rolled uses up a shot

Slavering Maw
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-2
Parry Dice: -
Block Dice: -
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: +0
Damage Type: Edged/Ice
Damage Bonus: Strength x2

Hooked Talons x2
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength

Coverage: All
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All, +1 Edged
Durability: 7

It is now downtime.

Category III Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Manufacturing: +1500 Resources
10% Morale Bonus: +150 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 3675

Free Actions:
[ ] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
[ ] Leave it be!

Pick your four actions!
I like that perk.
For now we need to upgrade the foundations of our Defense efforts: Industry, population and Science divisions. And maybe Scanners too.
[X] Plan "Insert Witty Name Here"
-[X] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing (-2000 R)
-[X] Upgrade Research (-1500 R)
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Attack Helicopters
-[X] Research cauterization upgrade for Tacits' Blades

(3625 Resources Total, 50 Resources Left)

Then next turn we can upgrade our population again, hopefully. I would have preferred to do it this turn, but we don't have the money for that, and to take another upgrade to research alongside manufacturing seems like a pretty good idea since we do have enough money for that.
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[X] Plan "Insert Witty Name Here"
-[X] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing (-2000 R)
-[X] Upgrade Research (-1500 R)
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Attack Helicopters
-[X] Scan surroundings for Kaiju!

(3625 Resources Total, 50 Resources Left)

Then next turn we can upgrade our population again, hopefully. I would have preferred to do it this turn, but we don't have the money for that, and to take another upgrade to research alongside manufacturing seems like a pretty good idea since we do have enough money for that.
Are you certain we should research the Attack Helicopters right now? We might be better served with a Cauterizing upgrade for Tacit's blades, considering the main problem we face after our fights is the Kaiju Blue that bleeds from the cuts.

Though I suspect the Cauterizing upgrade might reduce our chances of causing Ongoing Damage on enemies, so we could go the other way and increase our blades Lethality along with Cleanup Cost reductions, in which case I'm fine with researching Attack Helos right now.
Actually, we could technically research both if we wanted to wait on scanning for Kaiju again. Especially since we've still only got a 1 on that at the moment and our population levels seem to have limited our Kaiju hunting thus far.
Actually, we could technically research both if we wanted to wait on scanning for Kaiju again. Especially since we've still only got a 1 on that at the moment and our population levels seem to have limited our Kaiju hunting thus far.
It does seem like a bit of a waste for now, mostly because we don't have the stats and support structure to handle fighting one Kaiju after another without time to repair.

I trust Fyrstorm to scale the Kaiju so we have a chance to beat both the Hunt target and the Weekly Kaiju, but I don't see why we should take the risk right now. Heck, we don't even have any outstanding projects that require much in the way of resources yet, our general income is enough, provided we don't have to pay loads of resources with Cleanup ops. At the moment, I feel like our big bottleneck is still the number of actions per week, not the amount of resources we have to spend.
Plan updated, swapped out the scan for researching an upgrade to those blades.
You should have taken the opportunity to change the name of the plan to "Insert Wittier Name Here.":V

[X] Plan "Insert Witty Name Here"
-[X] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing (-2000 R)
-[X] Upgrade Research (-1500 R)
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Attack Helicopters
-[X] Research cauterization upgrade for Tacits' Blades
[X] Plan "Insert Witty Name Here"
-[X] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing (-2000 R)
-[X] Upgrade Research (-1500 R)
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Attack Helicopters
-[X] Research cauterization upgrade for Tacits' Blades
Alright then. I assume you aren't using the Abrams Token, so roll me...
1d10+2 for AK Helis
1d10+2 for Flame Blades
How would we even use the Abrams Token here?
Research exotic fuels for the Flame Blades, I guess.

I want to use it to either research a new engine for our conventional units or to make better armour for Tacit, but I also want to get a better Science division first. Around level 5 should do.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Flame Blades Total: 4
4 4
Yeah, the Helicopters came to mind after I'd already asked the question.

I'm inclined to save it as well, personally, and given that we've already started rolling, I figure it's too late to ask, but since I would have asked if it had come to mind for Tacit, would we have potentially had the option to vote on if we did want to use it after all?
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: A-KA Helos +2 Total: 5
5 5
Yeah, the Helicopters came to mind after I'd already asked the question.

I'm inclined to save it as well, personally, and given that we've already started rolling, I figure it's too late to ask, but since I would have asked if it had come to mind for Tacit, would we have potentially had the option to vote on if we did want to use it after all?
I'd assume you'd put it in the plan, seeing how it's clearly visible in the city Inventory. But saving is fine-- tokens don't degrade with time or anything.
Yeah, the Helicopters came to mind after I'd already asked the question.

I'm inclined to save it as well, personally, and given that we've already started rolling, I figure it's too late to ask, but since I would have asked if it had come to mind for Tacit, would we have potentially had the option to vote on if we did want to use it after all?
Honestly, our Science division is still anemic. We can't even reliably increase our stats and we've already spent two actions to do it with max resources committed. We need to fix that, but Manufacturing and Population are higher priority for obvious reasons.
Week 6: Downtime
[X] Plan "Insert Witty Name Here"
-[X] Clean up the spill! (-125 R)
-[X] Upgrade Manufacturing (-2000 R)
-[X] Upgrade Research (-1500 R)
-[X] Research Anti-Kaiju Attack Helicopters
-[X] Research cauterization upgrade for Tacits' Blades

(3625 Resources Total, 50 Resources Left)
As the clean-up is addressed, more love is heaped on Neo-Seattle's scientific community. The new testing lab is expanded, and a personal set of auto-jigs are built to supply them with any sort of useful tools or prototypes they need.

But that's not all the auto-jigs churn out. The older systems are constructing new parts for themselves, the machining complex that is Branch 03 slowly expanding.

Of course, what better to do with new equipment than use it? Two projects are set upon by the Branch 01 scientists; creating a set of cauterising blades for Tacit, and creating a dedicated combat helicopter. The results are... mixed.

Obviously, the easiest was to make Tacit's blades cauterise kaiju flesh is to hook them up to the reactor output-- but there's a few problems with that. On one front, the electromagnetic guide rails don't make any further attachments between the blades and the arms easy, meaning that the energy would probably have to be funneled through the rails to maintain the weapons' mobility-- and that risks overloading the rails. The other problem is Tacit's reactor itself; while it can handle the full mecha with relative ease, its cooling system is a bit iffy-- though Seattle's constant cold weather provides an extra heat sink. Should the reactor be called on to power the massive blades-- each of which is the same size as the rest of its arm, there's a very real possibility of the reactor overheating. The jaeger will need a much better cooling system before it can handle reactor-fueling its fangblades fully. Still, it's a start.

+1 Bonus to continued Research on Cauterising Fangblades gained

The other team has a far easier time. Probably because there's hundreds of attack helicopter designs to come by, and Seattle already has a few types lying around. It takes a while, but eventually the team has their sturdy little prototype out on its first test flight. Although 'little' is a bit of a misnomer-- the vehicle's about the size of a Type 90 Tank, with the firepower to match. Dubbed the 'Hellhound', the helicopter only really matches the Jumphawk in speed-- but speed isn't its focus. It mounts a pair of heavy, phosphorus-filled missiles, along with two smaller rocket racks similar to those on the scouts-- but with an expanded magazine. The only problem is that the prototype is currently the only Hellhound available-- and alone, it won't do much against a Kaiju. No free squadrons for the council.

New Conventional Unit available for purchase: A-KA-77 'Hellhound' Attack Helicopter Squadron
A-KA-77 'Hellhound' Attack Helicopter Squadron
Cost: 500 Resources
- Move up to 10 units a turn.
- Hellfire+ Missile: 1d10 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Range 20/-/-. Hits on 4+. One Shot Only. Cauterises Wounds.
- 'Kaiju-Buster' Super RPG: 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -3 Damage. Range 5/-/-. Hits on 4+. Four Shots Only. Cauterises Wounds.

Research increases to 3!
Manufacturing increases to 4!


Roll me the scanners!