Week 7: Combat End
Immediately, rescue teams are scrambled, hosing down Tact to the best of their ability, before the jaeger is airlifted back by two Carryall teams. The jaeger's conpod is detached, set aside while the body is addressed. While the pilots are okay, the rest of the mech is anything but.

Tacit's midsection is shredded, the spinal column and reactor visable through the wound. The armour is irreparable, only useful for melting down. The ignited fuel lines have done some nasty damage, fusing several high end electronics in the mech.

Tacit Ronin will require a dedicated repair action and 1450 R to fix. Additionally, the jaeger will need a new piece of armour, as it's lost the piece on its Torso.

Furthermore, I actually forgot something. Your Elite Units all have +1 to their rolls. That should

There's no way to hide this damage from the populace. Within hours, the can-do spirit that had suffused Neo-Seattle bleeds out, despite the victory.

Morale drops to Steady! No Manufacturing bonus!

Drac's corpse is retrieved, and stripped down for resources. The only things interesting in its physiology are the double-jointed limbs, and the pilebunker-like 'cattle prod tongue' that punched through Tacit's stomach plate. Even then, the harnessing of bio-electricity is nothing special for the weirdness of kaiju.

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category II Kaiju
The kaiju is lightweight, with a standard hexapedal build. It has two pairs of double-jointed arms, tipped with menacing grippers, and hand-like feet. Its hide is pale, with numerous flexible ridges sprouting along it. Oddly enough, Drac looks rather intelligent, with three pairs of quick, darting eyes.

HtH: 2
Ran: 0
Str: 4
Tou: 3
Agi: 3
Dex: 2

Dura: 6
Stru: 10

- Double Jointed: Throw, Break, and all Holds in a grapple cost 1 less point to use, to a minimum of one point.

Talons (x4)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Parry Dice: 2d5
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 1
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Cattle-Prod Tongue
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Armour Penetration: 2
Grappling Bonus: -1
Damage Type: Edged, Electric
Damage Bonus: 0
May only be used in a grapple

Ridged Skin
Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All
Durability: 7

It is now downtime.

Category II Kaiju killed: +500 Resources
Manufacturing: +2000 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 2550

Free actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue (-250 R)
[ ] Leave it be.

Pick your four actions.
Right, between the Rebuilding costs and the new armor piece, we won't have much cash left. I suggest we also continue the research into the Heat Blades and maybe start another one. Maybe better Tanks, given their effectiveness? Or it might be better to invest in Combat Helicopters or now.

Actually, here's a good research idea when you consider the source of most of the Tank Squad losses: Tank Production Failsafes, so they don't explode if they roll below zero after modifiers.
[X]Clean the spill (-250 Resources)
[X]Repair Tacit and install new armor (-1450 Resources)
[X]Build 5 pieces of Steel Armor (-625 Resources)
[X]Continue Research on Cauterizing Blades
[X]Research Cannon failsafes : In case a 0 or below is rolled, tanks and artillery treat it as an Out-Of-Ammo roll instead of blowing themselves up.


If we build 1 less piece or armor we could drop the failsafe research and try to get the Toughness upgrade done.
The failsafe won't be quite as useful until we can increase our number of Tank Squads again so I say we go for increased Toughness.
I suppose the way to look on the bright side for this is that things could have been a lot worse.

If we build 1 less piece or armor we could drop the failsafe research and try to get the Toughness upgrade done.

I'm inclined to think that, given the beatdown Tacit just received, smart money probably goes to trying to get those last 4 toughness points.

In fact, I actually think it might be smarter to go with that and the research against self-destructing conventionals, since both would be immediately useful and far more likely to finish this turn if we got them rather than having to wait a turn to use the more difficult to research cauterization blades.
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[X] Plan What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
-[X] Clean the spill (-250 Resources)
-[X] Build 4 pieces of Steel Armor (-500 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: Toughness*15 (-300 Resources)
-[X] Research Cannon Failsafes : In case a 0 or below is rolled, tanks and artillery treat it as an Out-Of-Ammo roll instead of blowing themselves up.
-[X] Repair Tacit and Install new Armor/Upgrades (-1450 Resources)

(2500 Resources total, 50 Resources left)
[X] Plan What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
-[X] Clean the spill (-250 Resources)
-[X] Build 4 pieces of Steel Armor (-500 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: Toughness*15 (-300 Resources)
-[X] Research Cannon Failsafes : In case a 0 or below is rolled, tanks and artillery treat it as an Out-Of-Ammo roll instead of blowing themselves up.
-[X] Repair Tacit and Install new Armor/Upgrades (-1450 Resources)
[X] Plan What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
-[X] Clean the spill (-250 Resources)
-[X] Build 4 pieces of Steel Armor (-500 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: Toughness*15 (-300 Resources)
-[X] Research Cannon Failsafes : In case a 0 or below is rolled, tanks and artillery treat it as an Out-Of-Ammo roll instead of blowing themselves up.
-[X] Repair Tacit and Install new Armor/Upgrades (-1450 Resources)
Roll me...
15x 1d10+3 for Toughen the Tacit, and
1d10+3 for Safety Guns.
I gotta say, there's a part of me that's surprised you locked it up that quickly.

But anyway, here goes toughness rolls...
Space Jawa threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Toughen Up (+3) Total: 54
6 6 3 3 1 1 4 4 10 10 6 6 2 2 4 4 10 10 6 6 1 1 1 1
Space Jawa threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Toughen Up (+3) Total: 8
2 2 5 5 1 1
Week 7: Downtime
[X] Plan What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
-[X] Clean the spill (-250 Resources)
-[X] Build 4 pieces of Steel Armor (-500 Resources)
-[X] Research Tacit Upgrade: Toughness*15 (-300 Resources)
-[X] Research Cannon Failsafes : In case a 0 or below is rolled, tanks and artillery treat it as an Out-Of-Ammo roll instead of blowing themselves up.
-[X] Repair Tacit and Install new Armor/Upgrades (-1450 Resources)
The clean-up is addressed-- but it's clearly not the main focus. There's much more work to be done.

First things first, several massive pieces of solid steel plating are constructed, one set painted white while the others are put into storage.

3 Spare pieces of Steel Body Plating added to inventory!

Work on the impact-gel finally finishes, and the new substance is installed. After the disastrous results of the last fight, it's decided that longer operation time is a bigger concern than longer max functionality. The impact-gel is attached in massive shock-absorbent pads to Tacit's innards, cushioning the new and delicate electronics recently installed. Over top is a layer of under-armour, before the metal plates are finally bolted on top.

Tacit Ronin fully Repaired! Toughness increases to 2! Tacit gains +2 Structure!

Research is done on making the cannon systems utilized by the Type 100s and T-95s safer to use. The solution is a little more expensive, but very useful.

Essentially, the vehicles' barrels are turned into 'crumple zones'-- aimed to provide an easy escape point for any explosive misfires. If a shell goes off while loaded into the gun, the barrel will shatter, funneling the reaction out of the weapon, rather than back into the ammo stores. Of course, this makes the gun basically useless until a new barrel can be attached, and they can't be replaced without heavy, specialized equipment, so once a unit's spent its barrels like this, it will have to retreat and refit. Perhaps some sort of resupply battalion could fix this?...

New Conventional Variants available to purchase!
Type 100-C Anti-Kaiju Tank Squadron
225 Resources
T-95-C Anti-Kaiju Artillery Team
75 Resources
- Ceramic Safety Barrels: If a Critical Failure is rolled, treat the unit as Out-Of-Ammo for the remainder of the deployment, rather than destroyed.

Elite Type 100s upgraded to Type 100-C for free!
All Current Units may receive an upgrade to C-Type as a free action. Each unit upgraded costs 25 Resources to upgrade.

With all this done, Neo-Seattle's forces are in substantially better condition than before, and ready to rumble.

A day later, it's Tuesday. And it looks like they just got their chance.


Throw me some scanners!
What does this mean?
"Possible Non-Kaiju Vector? The hell does that mean?!" One technician demands. Unhelpfully, the scanning computer simply continues to flash its warning.

The weather itself isn't helpful either. It's raining down quite the nasty storm out there, and the scouts aren't able to launch in time. Still, there's some information.

SE-26-009-X is approaching from the North, the same route as Arbalest. Currently submerged in Peugeot Sound, the... whatever it is is approaching at a leisurely pace. Scans indicate a humanoid build, with... a high metal content. And a-- relatively weak, but present nonetheless-- nuclear signal of all things. Of course, it's also reading biological processes, so maybe the system's finally lost it.

SE-26-009-X (Codename currently not chosen) is approaching underwater from the North, and is roughly 6 kilometers away. This's gonna be a close (but hopefully fun) one.
How do you deploy?

Oh, and have some music. Seems like the type of stuff that suits your style. That, and it's just cool.
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