Goddammit Drac. You're a goddamn grapple-bot, why do you fail so badly?!

Tacit Ronin wins the Grapple! 5 Advantage Points!
Drac takes no damage from Ongoing!

Noah screams something about apples, before Tacit sweeps the offending kaiju's functioning leg out from under it. The pale mech fires out a Fangblade, locking one of Drac's wrists against its arm!

Drac is a disappointment.
You have five points to use on as many actions as you want. Your options are...

[ ] Continue the Grapple, and loose all points.

[ ] 1 Point actions
--[ ] Equip (Take something from your (empty) inventory)
--[ ] Disarm (Take something away from your foes (Drac doesn't have anything))
--[ ] Manipulate (Interact with stuff in a hundred meter/1 Unit radius)
--[ ] Maintain Hold (Keep Choking/Submission Holding-- only if you've started one already)

[ ] 2 Point actions
--[ ] Disengage (Pull a Shinji and run away. You attempt to break free from the grapple. You can immediately make a standard Movement action away from the combat. This move is subject to all standard movement rules, and you may not perform any other actions in that round. You can also Disengage for another member of the grapple, allowing them to escape.)
--[ ] Standard Attack (make a standard melee attack against any person in the grapple, with reactions available as usual. On a successful Dodge reaction, instead of shifting one space, gain +1 to your next grapple roll.)
--[ ] Expose (Let another E-Scale character melee a foe without worry of hitting you. Unfortunately, you don't have another jaeger)
--[ ] Shoot (If any member of the grapple is holding a ranged weapon, the winner can attempt to shoot somebody with it. Roll an attack with the weapon against any target, outside of or within the grapple. Do not add Ranged to the attack. Everyone in the grapple, including the shooter, will be considered Clustered if the weapon fires more than one attack dice. If the person being targeted is within the grapple, they can attempt to dodge or parry as with a standard point-blank shooting attack.)

[ ] 3 Point actions
--[ ] Submission Hold (The winner grabs a target from among the losers and forces one of their limbs in such a way as to inflict extreme pain. This inflicts 1d5+Strength temporary Strikes on the target that last for one turn.)
--[ ] Choke (Wrap your hands around their neck and squeeze. This inflicts 1 Strike on the target. Each consecutive Choke action-- including Maintain Hold-- on the same target inflicts twice as many Strikes as last round. (ie, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16…))
--[ ] Prime (If you have an explosive which can be Primed as a single action, you can take it out and Prime it. Additionally, if anyone else in the grapple has an explosive in their inventory which could be retrieved as a single action, you can Prime it while keeping it in their inventory.)

[ ] 4 Point actions
--[ ] Throw (pick someone up and throw them bodily in any direction as many units as your Strength+1d5. On landing, the impromptu projectile, and anyone they land on, takes falling damage. The thrown player is no longer locked in the grapple.)
--[ ] Free Attack (make a Melee action against the target of their choosing using whatever weapon they are holding. All melee rules apply, but the target cannot perform any reactions.)

[ ] 5 Point actions
--[ ] Break (make a Hard (10) Strength skill check. If the action is a success, the target immediately takes a Major wound to a randomly assigned location. (Either Spine, an Arm, a Thigh or the Neck))

You can make up to Three Grapple Actions in a turn.

Tacit: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Drac, 22 from B/T
Brigade/Tank: 12 from DP/A/S, 44 from Drac, 22 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 22 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 40 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac
Wow, that is a lot of options.

[X] 4 Point actions
-[X] Free Attack (make a Melee action against the target of their choosing using whatever weapon they are holding. All melee rules apply, but the target cannot perform any reactions.)
--[X] Continue Stabbings!
[X] 4 Point actions
-[X] Free Attack (make a Melee action against the target of their choosing using whatever weapon they are holding. All melee rules apply, but the target cannot perform any reactions.)
--[X] Continue Stabbings!
[X] 4 Point actions
-[X] Free Attack (make a Melee action against the target of their choosing using whatever weapon they are holding. All melee rules apply, but the target cannot perform any reactions.)
--[X] Continue Stabbings!

I'm tempted to try and break it's neck, but this seems a safer bet.
[X] 4 Point actions
-[X] Free Attack (make a Melee action against the target of their choosing using whatever weapon they are holding. All melee rules apply, but the target cannot perform any reactions.)
--[X] Continue Stabbings!
I'll need...
2x 1d10+2 for Stabbing
2d10 hit locations
1d10+5 for continued Grappling

Without hesitation, the Jaeger drives its other Fangblade forward, stabbing into Drac's shoulder joint-- before tearing off one of the kaiju's four arms! Drac squeals, toxic fluid gushing from the stump!

Drac takes 6 Strikes! +4 Ongoing! -3 HtH, -3 Dex! Drac is losing stamina! R. Shoulder Armour Destroyed!
Drac heals 1 Ongoing! No damage from Ongoing!


The squeal of pain swiftly turns to rage, as the blood-stained kaiju rushes off its feet, tackling Tacit Ronin to the ground!

Drac wins the Grapple! 12 Advantage points!

The kaiju's upper arms latch onto Tacit's biceps, slamming its arms into the ground. The monster's mouth opens, distending as something sparks in the back of its throat.


Tacit takes 5 Strikes! +4 Ongoing! +2 Extra Ongoing! +3 Extra Strikes from Electrical Overload! Torso Armour Destroyed! Tacit Ronin's Torso is on Fire!
WARNING: Tacit Ronin is Incapacitated!

Almost too fast to see, a dual-pronged appendage of meat and bone punches through Tacit's gut, shredding the armour plating! Drac's spine flashes white, before thousands of volts of power course down the tongue, overloading the jaeger's systems, and setting fuel lines alight! Overtaxed, the venerable jaeger simply shuts down, oil and lubricants leaking from its wound as the fire licks across the armour.

Shaking as the freakish appendage retracts, Drac raises its shaking fists, and brings them down on Tacit!


Tacit takes 1 Strike from Fire!

Weakened by tissue damage and a hazy pain, the flexible claws do nothing. One bounces off of Tacit's shoulder, while the others just crash into the ground, their energy almost spent.

Drac warbles, frustrated at its body's inability to function properly. The hands plunge into the open wound, wrapping around the exposed spinal column. With all its strength, Drac throws Tacit Ronin!


No damage!

'All its strength' does not appear to be much. Tacit Ronin crashes to the ground a few hundred meters from the half-dead kaiju, undamaged. Relatively.

Drac looks up, gaze catching on the approaching vehicles. Stemming the flow of blood from its stump with one arm, the kaiju snarls in defiance.

Tacit: Mostly Dead, Somewhat Alive.
Brigade/Tank: 16 from DP/A/S, 18 from Drac, 16 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, 2 from Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 18 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 40 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac

Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Man, Drac likes his crits doesn't he? What happened to our second attack though? I only see the shoulder hit, nothing about the other one.

[X]Shoot him with tanks.
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Man, Drac likes his crits doesn't he? What happened to our second attack though? I only see the shoulder hit, nothing about the other one.

[X]Shoot him with tanks.
The other one was the spine hit. Only did one strike, which I rolled into the damage report. Also, it didn't really flow well, but you did hit it.
[X] anything that can attack, fire.

This taught us an important lesson. Never grapple with a Kaiju made for grappling.
That free attack seemed so promising... >___<
It did great! Four strikes and four more ongoing is nothing to sneeze at. The problem is the next turn the Kaiju got twelve action points and savaged us.

It was a combination of bad luck and bad matchup.

Now, we still need to figure out exactly what kind of fighter Tacit is. A brawler he ain't, as our last bout showed us. He doesn't have quite enough toughness and strenght to be able to grapple and fight in close, so I guess the next obvious style is Hit and Run, with lots of bonuses to Charge and Dodge.
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Tonks Total: 15
10 10 5 5
Even better news: Both shots hit the shoulder that had its armor destroyed by TR. Yey.
That free attack seemed so promising... >___<

This taught us an important lesson. Never grapple with a Kaiju made for grappling.
Don't say our strategy was bad because the Kaiju crit and we rolled a 1. After taking that much damage to his shoulder his stats were screwed. Things would have been very different if there wasn't that kind of roll disparity.
[X] anything that can attack, fire.
The maroon coloured tanks halt, and raise their guns, aiming for the blue-stained stump. The order is given.

"Open fire."

Drac takes 5 Strikes!

Kaiju SE-26-008, "Drac" Defeated!

The heavy shells tear through the wound, chunks of kaiju flesh crashing to the ground. Overwhelmed, Drac collapses, dead.

Downtime post incoming.
The maroon coloured tanks halt, and raise their guns, aiming for the blue-stained stump. The order is given.

"Open fire."

Drac takes 5 Strikes!

Kaiju SE-26-008, "Drac" Defeated!

The heavy shells tear through the wound, chunks of kaiju flesh crashing to the ground. Overwhelmed, Drac collapses, dead.

Downtime post incoming.
Goddamn I love our tanks right now. We need to give them more love. But first, the cruel realities of Damage Reports, Environmental hits and Giant Robot Repair.