[X] Counter-Charge! Then start with the stabbing!
Tacit Ronin seizes the moment, charging in with blades drawn! But Drac's quick to respond, slamming one of its hands into the ground to bring it back to balance!


Drac's arms swing, one pair grabbing a blade and forcing it aside, the other missing the attack! Tacit's sword penetrates the kaiju rips through the kaiju's hip, slicing through muscles and tendons before exiting the flesh! Blue blood sprays from the wound, a flap of pale skin coming undone, exposing the underlying flesh of the kaiju's lower body.

No damage from blocking!
Drac takes 3 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! Pelvic Armour Destroyed! -2 Agility!

Despite the fact that one of its legs isn't fully working, Drac howls with fury, and throws itself at Tacit, arms outstretched!

Drac is attempting to start a grapple!
[ ] Let's do it!
[ ] Back off, kaiju!

Tacit: 35 from DP/A/S, 5 from Drac, 17 from B/T
Brigade/Tank: 12 from DP/A/S, 44 from Drac, 17 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, 5 from Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 22 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 35 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac
[X] Back off. Kaiju Hugs are the worst.

can we maneuver him into jumping on our blade?

Tacit waves its blades furiously, but Drac's grasping limbs are just too agile! The kaiju snarls, and nearly pulls the jaeger's arms out of their sockets as it imposes its weight on it!

You're in a grapple! For the first round, roll 1d10+HtH+Grapple Bonus-- or 1d10+4 (next round, add your strength to make it 1d10+5).

Tacit: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Drac, 22 from B/T
Brigade/Tank: 12 from DP/A/S, 44 from Drac, 22 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 22 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 40 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac

Tacit Ronin wins the Grapple! 1 Advantage Point Gained!

Still trying to keep itself upright from its wound, Drac is caught off guard as Tacit knees it in the face! The kaiju squawks, temporarily loosening its grip, before the white mecha bears down, yanking Drac's arms out to the side!

You've won this round of the Grapple by one point. You may...

[ ] Continue the grapple, discard the point.
[ ] Spend the point!
--[ ] Equip (neither you nor Drac have anything in your inventory, so not very useful)
--[ ] Disarm (neither of you are carrying anything, so not very useful)
--[ ] Manipulate (grab/interact with anything within 1 Unit-- which is basically just some rubble and debris)
--[ ] Maintain Hold (not useful, since you aren't Choking or Submission Holding Drac)

In a Grapple, you're Clustered with your opponents.
Damn, seems like we got into a grapple with the Lucha Kaiju. That or it just has some really good luck.

We need to either get out from the grapple or stay in it and pray to the Dice Gods.
[X] Continue the grapple, discard the point.

So if an 11 is him failing, and a 12 is pretty close to us rolling as well as we can...

Man. Now I know how it felt to be on the receiving end of HB's attention.
[X] Continue the grapple, discard the point.

Well, since there's nothing else we can do besides grab some rubble...