Tacit waves its blades furiously, but Drac's grasping limbs are just too agile! The kaiju snarls, and nearly pulls the jaeger's arms out of their sockets as it imposes its weight on it!
You're in a grapple! For the first round, roll 1d10+HtH+Grapple Bonus-- or 1d10+4 (next round, add your strength to make it 1d10+5).
Tacit: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Drac, 22 from B/T
Brigade/Tank: 12 from DP/A/S, 44 from Drac, 22 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, melee with Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 22 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 40 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac