[X] Tacit Ronin is to prepare to defend himself.
[X] Tanks and AKBs catch up to Tacit.
[X] Artillery takes a moment to get some coffee.
"Hey, guys!" one of the artillery gunners shouts, her voice carrying along the perimeter to both her squadron and others."Looks like Tacit's handling this, so I'm going for coffee. Any of you want anything?"
The reply is a rousing roar of confirmation. The gunner chuckles.
"Well, if all of you want some, I'm gonna need some volunteers to help carry it all!"
Tacit's foot slams into the ground, hydrazine E-Brakes firing in bursts as the jaeger skids to a halt. Tacit raises an arm, pulling back into a defensive stance with its weight on its hind foot.
The tanks' and brigades' engines snarl, the vehicles cutting closer across the terrain.
Drac rumbles, planting its feet solidly on the ground. For a moment, it doesn't seem clear what it's going to do...
Until the kaiju charges, throwing up another dirt cloud as it reachs out with four arms-
-and promptly trips over its own feet, halfway to its target.
Drac has failed its Charge, and is 5 from Tacit. Countercharging is an appropriate reaction.
Tacit: 35 from DP/A/S, 5 from Drac, 17 from B/T
Brigade/Tank: 12 from DP/A/S, 44 from Drac, 17 from Tacit
Drac: 40 from DP/A/S, 5 from Tacit, 24 from Scouts, 22 from B/T
DP/Arty/Scouts: 35 from Tacit, 12 from B/T, 40 from Drac