Scanner roll: 7+1= 8
The error in the scanners has been hammered out, and the signal's narrowed down. SE-26-008-- codename 'Drac'-- isn't directly aimed at Seattle like the others have been, but its current trajectory will bring it uncomfortably close to the city.

Drac itself seems fairly normal, with four elongated arms, two legs, and a tail. Nothing too different-- especially compared to the more recent kaiju. There's currently no indication of any internal weaponry, either.

Drac will be about 10 kilometers away at the 'danger point'. You have time to deploy to intercept anywhere-- if you fancy fighting at all.
What do you do?

As a note, you technically don't have to deploy-- but there is a chance that Drac will change course at the Danger Point.
[X]Deploy Tacit 5 units in front of wall facing danger point
[X] deploy all other units in or on the wall spread out by at least a unit. freebies on the helicopter, we may want to consider seeing if we can upgrade the design before we build any, see if we can upgrade its ammo capacity and reduce the cost of the thing. And maybe its evasive skills, too.

As a note, you technically don't have to deploy-- but there is a chance that Drac will change course at the Danger Point.

But Resources! And Kaiju killin'!

[X] Deploy Tacit 5 units in front of wall facing danger point
[X] deploy all other units in or on the wall spread out by at least a unit.
[X] Deploy Tacit 5 units in front of wall facing danger point
[X] deploy all other units in or on the wall spreadout by at least a unit. freebies on the helicopter, we may want to consider seeing if we can upgrade the design before we build any, see if we can upgrade its ammo capacity and reduce the cost of the thing. And maybe its evasive skills, too.
You essintially have what everyone else had for attack helis, albeit with one more shot for its rockets. Other than that, it's basically the same.
Oh, and-- like the scout-- it uses the infantry's RPGs, meaning the rockets hit on 4+ rather than the 5+ everyone else's chopper rockets hit on.
So it's a pretty good deal.
[X]Deploy Tacit 5 units in front of wall facing danger point
[X] deploy all other units in or on the wall spread out by at least a unit.
With uncertain danger looming, the NPPDCDF and Tacit Ronin deploy. The trip's a short one, only taking a few minutes before everyone's set up at the DP. The scouts are sent out to check on Drac, swooping out to the Danger Point.

As expected, Drac is no big change from typical kaiju appearances. The sandy-skinned kaiju easily catches a glimpse of the noisy helis, and draws its teeth back in a snarl. The four arms are lanky, each double-jointed and ending in a seven-fingered hand with blunted claws. The tail is fairly stubby, and the feet far more dexterous looking than normal-- but it's the head that stand out. More accurately, the eyes.

Drac's eyes aren't the mindless, bestial eyes that almost every other kaiju has had. These are the eyes of a far more dangerous kaiju, all six glinting with a cold intelligence. The eyes dart from heli to heli, before tracing down towards the flickering lights of the city. Drac hisses, the ridges down its back stiffening.

Drac is 100 units from the DP. Your scouts are roughly 20 from him.
What do you do?
[X] retreat 10 units if he moves towards them, stay in place if he keeps walking the way he was before.
[X] retreat 10 units if he moves towards them, stay in place if he keeps walking the way he was before.

Drac stands in place, staring down the helicopters.

Not particularly anxious to see what the kaiju has in store for them, the scout helis angle back, retreating towards the DP. The kaiju's gaze follows them for a few seconds, before its muscles flex under its skin.

Drac moves, limbs folding up compactly as it chases down the helicopters, a cloud of dust spraying up around its hand-like feet as it closes the gap remarkably fast!

Drac has moved 12 units closer, and is 88 units from the DP. Your scouts are roughly 18 from him.
What do you do?
Drac stands in place, staring down the helicopters.

Not particularly anxious to see what the kaiju has in store for them, the scout helis angle back, retreating towards the DP. The kaiju's gaze follows them for a few seconds, before its muscles flex under its skin.

Drac moves, limbs folding up compactly as it chases down the helicopters, a cloud of dust spraying up around its hand-like feet as it closes the gap remarkably fast!

Drac has moved 12 units closer, and is 88 units from the DP. Your scouts are roughly 18 from him.
What do you do?
[X] Scouts are to retreat at maximum speed back to HQ.
[X] Tacit and conventionals are to advance until they are within range of Drac.

Alright, let's get some distance between the smart speedster and our base, shall we?
You're forgetting something - we only have 2 conventionals that can advance.

The T-95s are immobile once deployed, remember? They may be dirt cheap, but they're only worthwhile in a fight if we set them up in the right location.
Shit, I forgot that. Well, I guess the Scouts will have to play bait again.

[X] Scouts are to fall back to Tacit's position.
[X] Conventional Units are to fire as soon as Drac gets in range.
[X] Tacit Ronin is to remain on standby until Drac Approaches.
can the scouts fly higher to get out of range? like instead of 1km off the ground they could go to 2km?
can the scouts fly higher to get out of range? like instead of 1km off the ground they could go to 2km?
Only Kaiju, Jaegers, and Superheavies have enough power to get any meaningful increase in altitude (rockets and shuttles are technically superheavies for this purpose).

The reason for this is because of how damaged the atmosphere is. It's full of dust and vaporized kaiju and electromagnetic whatsits that will tear up the engines of lesser aircraft. Your maximum flight ceiling with conventional units isn't high enough to have any mechanical impact on the game.
[X] Scouts are to fall back to Tacit's position.
[X] Conventional Units are to fire as soon as Drac gets in range.
[X] Tacit Ronin is to remain on standby until Drac Approaches.
Engines roar, the choppers retreating at full speed. Drac's approach lessens, the kaiju unable to match the top speed of the stripped-down helicopters. Meter by meter, the distance between kaiju and chopper grows, and the distance between kaiju and city shrinks.

Drac has moved 24 units closer (2 rounds), and is 64 units from the DP. Your scouts are roughly 24 from him.
What do you do? You could just have Tacit run up and punch him in the face of he gets close enough.
Only Kaiju, Jaegers, and Superheavies have enough power to get any meaningful increase in altitude (rockets and shuttles are technically superheavies for this purpose).

The reason for this is because of how damaged the atmosphere is. It's full of dust and vaporized kaiju and electromagnetic whatsits that will tear up the engines of lesser aircraft. Your maximum flight ceiling with conventional units isn't high enough to have any mechanical impact on the game.
I take it this means we'll never be able to invest in orbital support?
Hmm... considering a good mount of our forces are stationary once deployed it was a tactical mistake to do it right next to the part we need to defend, especially considering Drac can move up to 12 units a turn...

We'll need to go out and meet the creature without support. What's Tacit's maximum speed? Agi*2?
We need to run and fight it far enough to give our Artillery squads a turn to fire in case Drac tries to run past us straight for the DP. Heck, we can leave the mobile conventionals behind and wait for them to catch up, if they can.

How about this?
[X] Plan "I heard there was a Kaiju and got here as fast as I could"
-[X] Tacit is to run until he is 20 units away from the DP or until within engagement distance with Drac.
-[X] Tanks and AKBs are to follow after Tacit at their best speed.
-[X] Artillery is to stay behind and protect the DP in case Drac makes a run for it.
-[X] Scouts are to keep bravely running away advancing backwards to Tacit's position.
[X] Plan "I heard there was a Kaiju and got here as fast as I could"
-[X] Tacit is to run until he is 20 units away from the DP or until within engagement distance with Drac.
-[X] Tanks and AKBs are to follow after Tacit at their best speed.
-[X] Artillery is to stay behind and protect the DP in case Drac makes a run for it.
-[X] Scouts are to keep bravely running away advancing backwards to Tacit's position.

I take it this means we'll never be able to invest in orbital support?

Not as long as we have the atmosphere to deal with.

Hmm... considering a good mount of our forces are stationary once deployed it was a tactical mistake to do it right next to the part we need to defend, especially considering Drac can move up to 12 units a turn...

We'll probably want to cut back on T-95 purchases from here on out. They're good for giving us lots of guns to shoot with at a discount, but at this point mobility is probably a thing that is not to be underrated. Especially since we now actually have genuine air support we can build.
Artillery were definitely a solid pick before when you first grabbed them and keeping about 10 of them can really push a fight in our favor. I think to really make these sort of offensive actions have a properly supported jeager we will need some stronger conventionals. a super heavy tank and assault copter would really help. scout choppers are too weak to make a big difference without significant numbers or extreme luck on there side. maybe if we could give them a rocket pod that fired all 3 shots at the same time at the cost of a bit of accuracy or just bigger a rocket so they can just shoot once then get the hell out of dodge.

[X] Plan "I heard there was a Kaiju and got here as fast as I could"

In a previous jeager quest a small navy was surprisingly good at reinforcing our defense as well. they have bigger guns and longer range than the artillery and the ability to help engage kaiju offshore was useful. think it was the Australian one. based on how Seattle looks some frigates and destroyers would not be out of place.
Google Maps
Looking at the sheets I can't see the stats for the current attack heli we have. is it the same statline as in other quests or is it something different?
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