[X] Plan Lets Try That Again
-[X] Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
-[X] TR attempt to Scan James.
-[X] Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
Things go wrong from the start.

It seems that a manufacturing error plagued the last twelve T-95s, as their barrels immediately overheat and melt, causing the rest of their ammunition to cook off and blow the cannons to pieces! The crews are only saved by the heavy blast shields that the weapons mount, and even then suffer substantial injuries.

T-95 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Team Destroyed!
T-95 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Team Destroyed!

More than eighteen cannons are victim of the distorting cloud, their projectiles missing the target completely! Even the elite Type 100s aren't exempt, their own rounds whizzing right over James' head! Even the shots that do manage to connect just ricochet off the kaiju's armour!

Fortunately, one team of T-95s is able to coordinate their fire with the other tank squadron, temporarily overwhelming Jame's armour as the unload shells into its left arm!

James takes 1 Strike!

The kaiju snarls, speeding up again! Gusts of vapor puff from its maw, as the temperature continues to drop!

James is 11 units from the DP (7 from Tacit). Your turn again.
[X] Everything fire again.
[X] Tacit advances 1 unit towards James.
What good does moving Tacit closer to James do? That just makes it easier for him to charge us next turn. As is, we roll a 2d5+3 to make the charge, meaning we need just 4 to make it there.

[X] everything fire again
[X] Tacit Charge James, Slash it.
[X] everything fire again
[X] Tacit Charge James, Slash it.

Side question - what is it that separates a unit from being destroyed when it rolls a nat 1 and being gone for good from simply running out of ammo when it rolls a nat 1 and merely being out of action for the remainder of the current fight?
[X] everything fire again
[X] Tacit Charge James, Slash it.

Side question - what is it that separates a unit from being destroyed when it rolls a nat 1 and being gone for good from simply running out of ammo when it rolls a nat 1 and merely being out of action for the remainder of the current fight?
Nat 1 - 1 = 0 = Bad Times.
Side question - what is it that separates a unit from being destroyed when it rolls a nat 1 and being gone for good from simply running out of ammo when it rolls a nat 1 and merely being out of action for the remainder of the current fight?
You rolled a natural one... with a negative modifier. A natural one or a one w/modifiers results in a weapon or unit running out of ammunition, but a zero or lower results in a misfire-- in the case of Jaegers, Kaiju, and superheavies, this results in a roll on the Misfire table-- in the case of standard conventionals, this results in the unit being destroyed.
1 = out of ammo
0- = misfire/self-destruct.


[X] everything fire again
[X] Tacit Charge James, Slash it.
I'll need...
2d5 +3 for Charging.
2x 1d10+4 for Slashing.
1d10-1 for Elites.
1d10-1 for Normal Tanks.
8x 1d10-1 for Arty.
2d10 Hit Locs all around!
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Space Jawa threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: CHARGE! +3 Total: 6
3 3 3 3
Space Jawa threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Slashing +4 Total: 15
2 2 10 10 3 3
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Elites -1 Total: 9
9 9
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Tanks -1 Total: 4
4 4
Space Jawa threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: T-95s -1 Total: 48
2 2 9 9 5 5 9 9 3 3 7 7 4 4 9 9
Space Jawa threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations Total: 57
1 1 4 4 10 10 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 3 3 9 9
More Hitlocs!
aledeth threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Sword hits Total: 31
1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 9 9
aledeth threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: The other 5 Tank hits Total: 63
10 10 2 2 9 9 10 10 1 1 7 7 3 3 9 9 6 6 6 6
[X] everything fire again
[X] Tacit Charge James, Slash it.
The bombardment resumes, but the kaiju's armour is far too thick! In their haste to harm the aggressor, several cannons find themselves running out of ammunition!

T-95 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Team Out of Ammunition!
No damage!

Tacit seems to make a decision. As the monster inches closer, the jaeger's legs tense up... before releasing their force, throwing Tacit Ronin towards his foe!


The first blade is batted aside by a massive clawed hand, blades clanging off the angled scales-- but the second Fangblade hits the target! The sword of polished, sharpened tungsten shatters the scales covering James' vitals, ripping a wound that almost fully penetrates the kaiju's torso! Murky blue fluid sprays out-- though nowhere near the amount expected, quickly solidifying into a crusty scab around the jaeger's forearm.


James takes 3 Strikes! Internal bleeding causes a permanent +2 Ongoing! Chest Armour Destroyed! Cloud Disabled-- James no longer has Concealment!
No damage from Ongoing this round!

As Tacit's floodlights flicker on, the vaporous cloud around James is washed away, revealing the kaiju in its entirety. It's a smoky grey behemoth with obscenely long arms, covered in angled, interlocking scales-- except for its recently exposed chest, where dimly glowing blue veins can be seen coursing against indigo muscle. Two hollow spikes rise from the side of its neck, puffing out super-cooled vapours. But most disturbing is its head-- or rather, what passes for a head.

There are no eyes on this monster, Tacit's crew realizes. The head is little more than a massive mouth, with teeth longer tha Tacit's hand. With what might be malice, or might be glee, the kaiju rumbles, and opens its maw. A gust of vapour that frosts on Tacit's conpod shakes his pilots back to reality-- this thing's going to attack!

James Counter-attacks! Reaction!
[ ] Block!
[ ] Parry!
[ ] Dodge!

James is 11 units from the DP, and 1 from Tacit.

Well, you broke James' stupid cloud-thing by melee-ing him, so that means you don't have to worry about missing as much. You do have to worry about hitting poor Tacit, who's right in the way of your guns.

Tacit Ronin rips its blade out of James' body, dancing away from the kaiju easily.

Distances: James is 11 from the DP, 1 from Tacit (different direction). Your move.
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[X] Tacit Sidesteps around James to give the conventionals as clear a line of fire as possible, then stabs James again.
-[X] Any Conventionals that can shoot James without risk of hitting Tacit do so.
[X] Tacit Sidesteps around James to give the conventionals as clear a line of fire as possible, then stabs James again.
-[X] Any Conventionals that can shoot James without risk of hitting Tacit do so.
[X] Tacit Sidesteps around James to give the conventionals as clear a line of fire as possible, then stabs James again.
-[X] Any Conventionals that can shoot James without risk of hitting Tacit do so.
I'll need...
2x 1d10+2 for Slashing.
1d10-1 for Elites.
1d10-1 for Normal Tanks.
And four
2d10 Hit Locs.

Your tanks are the only units currently able to get a clear shot at James without worry, since you haven't fielded your scouts.
Tank! Tank!

EDIT: And hit locations. I can't remember what Tacit hits on, so I'm going to roll for both just in case and let the QM ignore the hit locations that aren't actually supposed to hit anything.
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Elites Total: 9
9 9
Space Jawa threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Tanks Total: 10
10 10
Space Jawa threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations Total: 27
3 3 4 4 3 3 1 1 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5
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[X] Tacit Sidesteps around James to give the conventionals as clear a line of fire as possible, then stabs James again.
-[X] Any Conventionals that can shoot James without risk of hitting Tacit do so.
As Tacit ducks out of the way of James' jaws, the tank squads make their moves, rolling to the opposing side. Thanks t their mobility, they can manage a relatively clean clean shot against the kaiju-- something the artillery can't.

"Open fire!"

The white and red guns roar, throwing sparking shells into the kaiju's pelvic region, drawing the eyeless beast's ire!

James takes 1 Strike! James is Stunned, and cannot React this round!

The situation's just what Tacit needs, the jaeger leaping forwards to strike!


James takes 4 Strikes! +1 Ongoing! R. Ankle Armour Destroyed! -1 Agility! James is losing stamina!

Ducking low, Tacit chops a slice out of the kaiju's thigh, before ripping his other blade through its lower leg! The scales shatter again, exposing more of James' dark musculature. The additional wounds do no good for James' first wound, the cut through its chest bubbling up with sludgy blood from its damaged heart!

James takes 2 Strikes from Ongoing! James is losing stamina!

The kaiju screeches, nearly dropping to the ground-- but manages to catch itself with its tail at the last moment! The monster's jaws open again, as James spews out a massive blast of freezing gases!


Unfortunately, James has no eyes, and can't see that Tacit's not directly in front of it. The high-pressure jet of frost flies through the spot where Tacit's upper body would have been, and splashes down halfway to the Defense Perimeter. The kaiju's spray cuts off, the monster starting to wheeze-- its wounds and failed attack seems to have taken a lot out of it.

Distances: James is 11 from the DP, 1 from Tacit (different direction).
What do?
OOC: I completely forgot that James had both an actual turn and a counterattack. Oops. I am become error.