Scanner roll: 1+1= 2
The standard scanning procedure starts up...

...only to freeze, and blue-screen.

"You're gotta be kidding me! This worked just fine last time!" one of the crew exclaims.

Frantic and annoyed, the scanner crew reboots the system, trying to get a lock on the kaiju. The scan quality is irritatingly poor, only offering a general distance and direction of approach. The kaiju, whatever it is, is approaching from the west, and is a few kilometers away. This is going to be a close one-- some of the forces might have to deploy on the camp's perimeter.

Scouting is fruitless-- all that they can see through the torrential rainstorm that's kicked up is a cloud of what looks like snow...

...Even though it's only fall.

SE-26-007 is an unknown distance away. The Defense Perimeter is a thing.
Try not to die.

Another note: deploying your T-95s is effectively instantaneous if they are deployed within the city limits (up to the Defense Perimeter), though they still can't move once deployed (unless you use the Carryalls).
The standard scanning procedure starts up...

...only to freeze, and blue-screen.

"You're gotta be kidding me! This worked just fine last time!" one of the crew exclaims.

Frantic and annoyed, the scanner crew reboots the system, trying to get a lock on the kaiju. The scan quality is irritatingly poor, only offering a general distance and direction of approach. The kaiju, whatever it is, is approaching from the west, and is a few kilometers away. This is going to be a close one-- some of the forces might have to deploy on the camp's perimeter.

Scouting is fruitless-- all that they can see through the torrential rainstorm that's kicked up is a cloud of what looks like snow...

...Even though it's only fall.

SE-26-007 is an unknown distance away. The Defense Perimeter is a thing.
Try not to die.

Another note: deploying your T-95s is effectively instantaneous if they are deployed within the city limits (up to the Defense Perimeter), though they still can't move once deployed (unless you use the Carryalls).
[X]Deploy all Artillery and Tanks onto the Western Perimeter.
-[X]Try and get them centered on the Kaiju's approach Vector, though if that's too fuzzy spread them out a little more to ensure at least some coverage.
[X]Deploy TR 4 units away from the Perimeter.
[X]Deploy AKBs 5 units inside the Perimeter, keep them mounted.

I don't expect the AKBs to do much of anything in a fight against a Cat 3, so keeping them in reserve is best I think.
[X]Deploy all Artillery and Tanks onto the Western Perimeter.
-[X]Try and get them centered on the Kaiju's approach Vector, though if that's too fuzzy spread them out a little more to ensure at least some coverage.
[X]Deploy TR 4 units away from the Perimeter.
[X]Deploy AKBs 5 units inside the Perimeter, keep them mounted.
[X]Deploy all Artillery and Tanks onto the Western Perimeter.
-[X]Try and get them centered on the Kaiju's approach Vector, though if that's too fuzzy spread them out a little more to ensure at least some coverage.
[X]Deploy TR 4 units away from the Perimeter.
[X]Deploy AKBs 5 units inside the Perimeter, keep them mounted.
[X]Deploy all Artillery and Tanks onto the Western Perimeter.
-[X]Try and get them centered on the Kaiju's approach Vector, though if that's too fuzzy spread them out a little more to ensure at least some coverage.
[X]Deploy TR 4 units away from the Perimeter.
[X]Deploy AKBs 5 units inside the Perimeter, keep them mounted.
Alarms blaring, the forces rush to the western perimeter, preparing to do battle. The brigades stay inside the walls, trying to keep a general sense of security among the populace-- as the kaiju's sheer suddenness caught almost everyone off guard. Hell, the thing showed up too fast to warrant a codename.

The artillery is set up along the perimeter, each team spaced so that there's more than a kilometer of overlap between any consecutive twelve guns. The two teams of tanks patrol up and down the line, the white and dark red vehicles' engines rumbling as softly as a tank can manage.

Out in front of the Defense Perimeter, blades unsheathed, stands Tacit Ronin, glaring out into the unquenchable rain.

The temperature's dropping noticeably, frost beginning to condense on Tacit's visor. The rain ahead is changing, flickers of sleet dancing through it.

There it is. The kaiju.

SE-26-007 is half-obscured by rain and frost-lined fog, but its basic shape is still visible at this distance. Vaguely saurian, with immense arms and an equally giant head, 'James'-- as the recently given codename reads-- does not look to be easy. Even more worrying is the thermal readings-- or lack thereof. James' body is colder than the air around it.

James is about three kilometers/30 units from the DP. AKBs are 5 units within the DP, the 100s, Elite 100s, and 95s are at the DP, and Tacit is 4 units in front of the DP.
Your move.
[X]Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
[X]TR attempt to Scan James.
[X]Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
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Scanning is a Dexterity check. 1d10+Dex. The higher, the better. It's also a Standard Action.

Remind me what Overwatch is, please.

Also, do you people get what I did there? With the kaiju's name?
Different name for a Held action. The unit does nothing on our turn, but if the enemy moves into range during its turn, we get to shoot them while they are moving, rather than having to wait for our next turn to do so.
Different name for a Held action. The unit does nothing on our turn, but if the enemy moves into range during its turn, we get to shoot them while they are moving, rather than having to wait for our next turn to do so.
Yes, I know what a Held Action is. Thank you for informing me what 'Overwatch' referred to-- I figured it was probably something lie that, but I just wanted to make sure.

James. Kaiju # SE-26-007. He likes his foes shaken, not stirred.
[X]Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
[X]TR attempt to Scan James.
[X]Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
Seeing how we haven't gotten any votes, I'm going with this plan. I'll need...
1d10+2 for TR Scans.
And that's it.
[X]Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
[X]TR attempt to Scan James.
[X]Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
The barrels slide down, locking into place. The crews attempt to lock on-- but James' low temperature and the distorting cloud of vapor are making it difficult to get a solid lock-- though any shot from this distance wouldn't have enough power to damage kaiju skin.

Tacit's scanner arrays spin up, trying furiously to penetrate the concealing barrier.
It's not working very well, but at least they can narrow down the kaiju's range.

So long as the cloud is in place, all ranged attacks against James will be at +2 difficulty to hit (your tanks normally hit on 5+, with the cloud up they hit on 7+, etc.). Further Dexterity Checks may penetrate the barrier.


- Tacit Ronin's Conpod

"Hey, remember when kaiju didn't pull this sort of stuff?"


"I miss those days."

"Me too, Webb. Me too."


The kaiju continues its slow plodding, inching forwards through the rain. It pauses, momentarily becoming more indistinct as the vapor pools around it, and raises its shadowy head. A few seconds later, the head drops back down, James' figure becoming indistinct once more.

James is 27 units from the DP, and his stupid cloud thing is stupid and gimmicky. Too bad kaiju don't care how gimmicky their stuff is.
Your move.
[X] Plan Lets Try That Again

pretty much that. also keep trying to scan him every time we can.
[X] Plan Lets Try That Again
-[X] Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
-[X] TR attempt to Scan James.
-[X] Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
As before, a 1d10+2 for scanning, please.
[X] Plan Lets Try That Again
-[X] Tanks and Artillery Overwatch on James
-[X] TR attempt to Scan James.
-[X] Everyone else sit on their hands until it gets in range.
The goddamn scanners aren't doing shit.

Tacit sheaths one blade, and bangs on its conpod a bit, as if trying to shake water out of its ears. The lights flicker on and off a bit.

"Sweet damn this thing's got awful scanners!"

"He's an old jaeger; something's bound to malfunction occasionally."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying as hell."

The jaeger's exhaust nozzles vent a puff of steam in irritation, the arm falling back to its side for the blade to extend again.

James resumes its advance, faster than before. Its shape becomes more distinct, with digigrade legs, triple-clawed hands, and the numerous gleam of scaly hide-

-the two kilo line is crossed.

"Forget this bastard's cloud thing! Everyone, shoot it!"

Overwatch activated!
I need...

1d10-1 for the Elite 100s.
1d10-1 for the normal 100s.
10x 1d10-1 for the half-metric arseload of T-95s you have.
And 2d10 hit locs all around!
Keep in mind you only hit on 7+ at the moment.

James is 19 units from the DP (15 from Tacit), and his stupid cloud thing is still happening.