[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
Plan Tohou/shoot the problem until it's no longer a problem :D
[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
2x 1d10 for boat torps (hits on 5s)
1d10 for mura torps (hits on 5s)
1d10 for elite arges (hits on 5s)
5x 1d10 for arges (hits on 6s)
6x 1d10(+arges) for micromissile (hits on 5s)
5x 1d10(+arges) for mini laser (hits on 5s)
8x 1d10+1 for TASHITO REIZHA!!!! Lasers (hits on 8s)
2x 1d10+4 for JAGKTO RAIFURU!!!! Burst fire (hits on 5s)
And hit locations.
8x 1d10+1 for TASHITO REIZHA!!!! Lasers (hits on 8s)
2x 1d10+4 for JAGKTO RAIFURU!!!! Burst fire (hits on 5s)
This'll be fun.

Edit: Holy shit this was fun :lol
Highwind threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Laser barrage Total: 51
10 10 4 4 4 4 9 9 5 5 8 8 1 1 10 10
Highwind threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Laser Crits Total: 19
4 4 10 10 5 5
Highwind threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Laser hits Total: 60
4 4 9 9 8 8 9 9 10 10 7 7 8 8 5 5
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hunter's Cannon Total: 7
5 5 2 2
Highwind threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hunter's hits Total: 27
10 10 4 4 10 10 3 3
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Just need micromissiles and mini lasers (+2 bonus to both from Arges)
I would've rolled the missiles but my computer crapped out on me, sorry.
[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
Again, the navy and airforce open fire, though the latter is hampered by the water.

2 Arges hits!

The scouts try to lock on, though only a few manage before the others fire. The navy's torpedoes home in again, as micromissiles and lasers punch down from above.

Hunchback takes 4 Strikes! Hunchback is losing stamina!

The water provides little protection, much to the kaiju's misfortune. Warheads detonate against its head, while lasers superheat points across its body.

Then Tacit Ronin plants its feet, its four laser ports still open. Cables shunt power flow from one junction to another, building up enough energy to the point where its weapons can just break through the refraction.


The water around Tacit's emitters heats to a boil in seconds, as four shimmering beams of light erupt from the lasers, each one cycling around the multitude of lenses in mere instants to lay out a constant stream of energy. The beams slam into the kaiju's left side, before the overwhelming energy liquefies flesh and bone, and breaks out the other side. Hunchback lets out a gurgling howl as its arm detaches-- before Tacit turns left by a few degrees, and burns through its nervous system.

Hunchback takes 7 Strikes!
SE-26-048, "Hunchback" Defeated!

The Vulcans shut off, one emitter going completely dark as it burns through its fuses. Hunchback slowly falls to the sea floor, its wounds still glowing with heat. Jagdhund lowers her rifle, while the military looks on.

Beamu :tongue:
Week 32: Combat End
I'm okay with this.


The jaegers, as expected, are in tip-top shape. Hunchback didn't even touch 'em. To Ashley's mortification, her super-robot-esque screaming features prominently in the following tapes. Noah seems to like it, though.

Morale improves to Enthusiastic! +50% Manufacturing bonus!

Hunchback itself is, to the surprise of nobody, nothing special. A minor echolocative ability seems tied to its spinal spikes, but nothing else is really unique.

And that's... really it.

It is now downtime.

Kaiju stats:
Class: Category III Kaiju
Hunchback is curled and hunched, with a reptilian appearance. Its back features a row of brittle looking spines, leading to a bullet shaped head. The kaiju's skin is blue and leathery, sort of like a crocodile's, while the spines are bone white.

HtH: 4
Ran: 0
Str: 1
Tou: 4
Agi: 3
Dex: 3

Dura: 6
Stru: 12

- Attack, Attack, Attack: Hunchback may always counter attack, even if it fails to parry. This counter suffers the normal penalties associated with counters.
- Blindsense: Hunchback is never considered blind against anything within 10 Units, unless its Spinal Spikes are destroyed.

Claws (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: Strength
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Built-in Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: +0
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: 3

Durable Hide
Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: All, +1 Edged
Durability: 10

Spinal Spikes
Coverage: Neck, Spine
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: All, -1 Blunt
Durability: 5

Category III Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Salvage Facility Bonus: +300 Resources
Manufacturing: +4500 Resources
Morale Bonus: +2250 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 44578

Pick as many actions as you have Population (10), along with a Communications, Breach Research, 2 Jaeger Research actions, and 1 free J-Recycling action, and 5 free units from the MPFs.

5 Weeks until Noah can be fielded again. You can't launch an Oblivion Bay retrieval squad yet-- that'll need more research if/when you choose to do so.
Just getting into the quest now, and it's amazing.

So, what's been the short-term and long-term plans of what we're trying to do?
Then Tacit Ronin plants its feet, its four laser ports still open. Cables shunt power flow from one junction to another, building up enough energy to the point where its weapons can just break through the refraction.


The water around Tacit's emitters heats to a boil in seconds, as four shimmering beams of light erupt from the lasers, each one cycling around the multitude of lenses in mere instants to lay out a constant stream of energy. The beams slam into the kaiju's left side, before the overwhelming energy liquefies flesh and bone, and breaks out the other side. Hunchback lets out a gurgling howl as its arm detaches-- before Tacit turns left by a few degrees, and burns through its nervous system.

Hunchback takes 7 Strikes!
SE-26-048, "Hunchback" Defeated!

The Vulcans shut off, one emitter going completely dark as it burns through its fuses. Hunchback slowly falls to the sea floor, its wounds still glowing with heat. Jagdhund lowers her rifle, while the military looks on.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. I can almost see the dramatic pose with glowing eyes while the enemy explodes is the background.

The jaegers, as expected, are in tip-top shape. Hunchback didn't even touch 'em. To Ashley's mortification, her super-robot-esque screaming features prominently in the following tapes. Noah seems to like it, though.

Morale improves to Enthusiastic! +50% Manufacturing bonus!
Much of that increased manufacturing capacity goes into the production of the new Perfect Grade Tacit Ronin miniatures, with functional lasers and a voicebox to play various recordings of Ashley screaming Super Robot Attack Names and catchphrases recorded by the Ranger herself.

Just getting into the quest now, and it's amazing.

So, what's been the short-term and long-term plans of what we're trying to do?

Our short-term plans include making Breach-closing bombs, researching more Magic and figuring out which research gets the bonus token: Hammerspace or Jaeger flight? Long term plans include shutting down breaches and getting even more Super Robot Bullshit to better kill Kaiju with. Getting anther Jaeger lies somewhere in the mid-term, but closer to short- than to the long-term.
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Our short-term plans include making Breach-closing bombs, researching more Magic and figuring out which research gets the bonus token: Hammerspace or Jaeger flight? Long term plans include shutting down breaches and getting even more Super Robot Bullshit to better kill Kaiju with. Getting anther Jaeger lies somewhere in the mid-term, but closer to short- than to the long-term.
Magic's a proven thing for this Quest? Cool.

Also, are there any plans to either improve the Heimdall or get more ground vehicles? One of my greatest disappointments in Jaeger Quests has been relatively few numbers of Anti-Kaiju Tanks.
Magic's a proven thing for this Quest? Cool.

Also, are there any plans to either improve the Heimdall or get more ground vehicles? One of my greatest disappointments in Jaeger Quests has been relatively few numbers of Anti-Kaiju Tanks.
Our conventionals tend to swing wildly between "upstaging the Jaegers" and "what are we here for again?" at times. I definitely prefer when they're in one of the former phases.
Perfect Grade Tacit Ronin
I want one.

Also... assuming that's 1/60th scale like other PGs, that's... just about 1.25 metres tall. Jeeze.

Ashley screaming Super Robot Attack Names
Gonna be limited to "LIGHTNING... STRIKE!!" and "BLAZING, RONIN... BEAM!!" since Ronin hasn't really unleashed that many Super Robot Attacks.

Magic's a proven thing for this Quest? Cool.
Breach!Magic is proven. You guys are now looking into Magic!Magic. Your team has actually gotten a hint of progress on it.
Our long-term plan is to drop nukes through the breeches.
Short term plan is to get better stuff.

Also... assuming that's 1/60th scale like other PGs, that's... just about 1.25 metres tall. Jeeze.
Awesome, right? I know I want one.

And here's the first draft of a plan. Not complete, it needs a comms action.

-[] ???? (Free Comm Action)
(Not sure what to do here)
-[] Recycle x9 Solid Iron plating (Free recycling action)
-[] Research Breach Gate Technology. (Safe research mode!) (Free Breach Research)
-[] Research Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator refinement, including ironing out the weaknesses (shielding especially), making it compatible with lower-MK Jaegers in addition to MK IV Jaegers, and improved design efficiency to reduce its overall cost. (Free Jaeger Research 1)
-[] Research Tacit Ronin HtH*20 (Free Jaeger Research 2) (400RUs)
-[] Build 5*Banshee Helicopter Squadrons (Free Construction Action)

-[] Research 'Breach Buster' Anti-Breach device

-[] Research Magic. As in real, genuine, frakkin' reality-warping Magic.
-[] Research Fragmentation Slicers to downscale their effective operational size and increase energy efficiency.

-[] Research Energy Shielding safety
(Would reduce the overload damage)

-[] Research improved ARGES
(Let's see if we can get a +3 bonus)

-[] Research Installation of RX-11 onto the Murasame
-[] Research Jaeger-scale flight with Ascelon token
(I think if we plan to have mini-Jaegers this is a good tech to get)
-[] Research Breach Storage (Safe Research Mode)

-[] Build ANGEL-Net Transmitter (2000 RUs)
-[] Build J-Tech Lab (1000 RUs)
[ ] Normal Actions:
-[] Research: BRFS Fangblade Design
-[] Research: Hypercompact Fusion Reactors
-[] Research: Improved Railgun Design
-[] Research: Jaeger Flight Systems
-[] Continue Research: Actual Magical Magic.
-[] Research: Less Expensive Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator
-[] Research: Physical Shield housing the Variable Barrier Shield Generator.
[ ] Free Actions
-[] Improve Tacit Ronin's HtH (20 rolls)
-[] Improve Jagdhund's AGI (20 rolls)
-[] Research: Breach Storage
-[] Comms: Scout the area searching for Kaiju or other things of interest.
-[] J-Recycling
-[] Build (5) Free Conventional Units

I can't think of anything else I really want for now, so here's what I'm after. The cheaper Stellarator will be necessary sooner rather than later, considering Tacit is just one point away from the Cap and Jagdhund isn't far behind. Speaking of that, she could use better defenses, thus the investment in AGI.

The Hypercompact Reactors are for all those fun things that would require too much energy to field without a Jaeger, like the Shield Conventional/Superheavy. Speaking of Supeheavies, I'm tempted to research the "Mini" Mecha sooner rather than later, but I'm sure we have better things to invest in right now. Like more stats for the Jaegers.

Railguns, because the Heimdal could use some more punch. Jaeger Flight, because it's my pet project and I've already explained why it's actually a very good idea. Hammerspace, because I agree with Jawa that it's a very good idea as well. The shield thing because I still have spaces left over in this plan draft and I still think it's a neat idea. I'm open to dropping for whatever other good idea appears.

Finally, the Comms action to fly around looking for shiny things and/or optional enemies because I had no idea what else to use it for.

And by the way, here's a handy template to help organize plans.
[ ] Normal Actions:
[ ] Free Actions
-[] Jaeger Research
-[] Jaeger Research
-[] Breach Research
-[] Comms Action
-[] J-Recycling
-[] Build (5) Free Conventional Units