[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.

[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.

Fire all the things at it until it dies.
[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
The rules might, though.

Better to ask first, assumption is the mother of all fuckups, and I'd rather know whether our techs went over the necessary settings for laser use in water.
Oh, all right. I withdraw my objections.

[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
11x 1d10 for heli torps, hitting on 6s
2x 1d10 for boat torps, hitting on 6s
1d10 for mura torps, hitting on 6s
2x 1d10+4 for rifle fire, hitting on 5s
Hit locations for all that hit.

Oh, and, because you're underwater, you'll have to roll to reload your rifle.
11x 1d10 for heli torps, hitting on 6s
2x 1d10 for boat torps, hitting on 6s
1d10 for mura torps, hitting on 6s
I got all these.

Edit: oh wow Torps are hard to aim.
LostDeviljho threw 11 10-faced dice. Reason: heli torps Total: 39
3 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 5 5 3 3 10 10 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2
LostDeviljho threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: heli torp jit locs Total: 11
1 1 10 10
LostDeviljho threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: boat torps Total: 12
5 5 7 7
LostDeviljho threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: boat torp hit locs Total: 9
7 7 2 2
LostDeviljho threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: mura torps Total: 6
6 6
LostDeviljho threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: mura torp hit locs Total: 4
2 2 2 2
Last edited:
2x 1d10+4 for rifle fire, hitting on 5s
Hit locations for all that hit.

Oh, and, because you're underwater, you'll have to roll to reload your rifle.
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rifle Attack 1 1d10+4 Total: 5
5 5
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rifle Attack 2 1d10+4 Total: 6
6 6
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locations! Total: 19
2 2 5 5 8 8 4 4
[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
There's a pause, before every helicopter and ship fires their torpedoes. Underwater, the jaegers reflexively crouch, making sure to avoid the paths of the aquatic projectiles as they streak past. A massive explosion swallows up Hunchback, each Neptune-43 adding more and more to the combined blast.

The steam and bubbles swiftly dissipate, revealing that-- to the horror of many-- the kaiju is barely scratched!

Hunchback takes 1 Strike!

It doesn't take long to figure out what happened; after the first few hit, they must have caused the next one's to go off before they hit, resulting in a massive, useless chain reaction.

Simulations have been run on Jagdhund's weaponry many times and she's adapted enough to minimise any loss of damage, should she have to use her rifle underwater-- which, coincidentally, is exactly what she's going to do.

Hunchback takes 6 Strikes! +2 Ongoing! -1 HtH, Dex, Agi! Hunchback is losing stamina! Hunchback heals 1 Ongoing!

Even underwater, the rounds are incredibly potent, blasting chunks from the kaiju's joints. As blue blood clouds the water, Hunchback dives down from the surface, swimming forwards towards the jaegers.

Unfortunately for it, the kaiju's now within range of Tacit's new lasers.

Roll me 2x 1d10+1, hitting on 8s, and any hit locations needed afterwards.

Hunchback is 12 from jaegers, 14 from crunchies. Any attacks from above water* will be at -1 to-hit due to submersion.

*Torpedoes, obviously, are not "attacks from above water".
Panels on Tacit's chest slid back, exposing the transparent, glowing tips of four laser arrays. The emitters flash--


Despite several calculations, there's still some error to the system. Enough to seriously throw off its performance at this range. The water around the Laser Vulcans boils, scattering most of the concentrated beams into diffuse photons, and resulting in not much more than a pretty light show. One beam breaks through the diffusion, only to simply bend and miss the kaiju.

And the result is nadda.
Weren't we supposed to throw like, eight dice when firing all lazors or something?

Well then. Hunch's 15 units away from Tacit. We can Charge without chance of failure at anything within... 5 agi plus 2 from rear thrusters and another 3 from the Solid Fuel ones... ten units. Let's fire again and then murderize it.

[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
Weren't we supposed to throw like, eight dice when firing all lazors or something?
You never specified
[X] Fire all Lasers

It's like with Jagdhund. You guys say
[X] Jagdhund shoot
I default to;
[X] Jagdhund shoot on single-shot

If you want all the lasers, you'll have to say it, or I'll use the default Attack Dice.
You never specified
[X] Fire all Lasers

It's like with Jagdhund. You guys say
[X] Jagdhund shoot
I default to;
[X] Jagdhund shoot on single-shot

If you want all the lasers, you'll have to say it, or I'll use the default Attack Dice.
Oh. 'Kay then, lemme try this again.

[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
She already did, Fyr just used her as an example.

[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.
[X] Everyone fire Everything Again. Let's see how this Kaiju likes Touhou.
-[X] And when I say everything I mean everything. Fire all those lasers Tacit.
-[X] And Jagdhund fires bursts this time.