By the time the scanners have locked on, the kaiju's already closed in significantly from its estimated original position. Fortunately, one of the Condor squadrons catches it before it can get any closer.

Kaiju SE-26-048, codename "Hunchback", is nothing special by kaiju standards, though that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. The kaiju's approaching from the west, only its spiny upper back protruding from the water. Scanners suggest a bipedal build, and an oddly shaped ribcage, but not much else.

Hunchback is 10 kilometres west of the city, and is not completely submerged. Blah blah blah deployment.
singular kaiju, obvs we send everything.

Edit: Oh hey, it's in the water. Do we get to test out destroyer now?
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Kaiju SE-26-048, codename "Hunchback", is nothing special by kaiju standards, though that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. The kaiju's approaching from the west, only its spiny upper back protruding from the water. Scanners suggest a bipedal build, and an oddly shaped ribcage, but not much else.

so I'm guessing it's a ranged Kaiju, possibly one that can fire of those spines.
Hmm oddly shaped ribcage sounds more alarming then the spines on the back. I can certainly speculate on what it could be, anything from just internal heavy armor, to making room for some sort of chest cannon, to it shoots its ribs out at us or even an AMKC (Armored Mini Kaiju Carrier).

So looking at the map, it doesn't really look like we can deploy any of our ground conventionals except on the walls as a last line of defense. At least assuming the 10km west is west of the command center or the shatterdome on the map in the city stats doc. Is the Heimdal amphibious?

So this will be jaegers air and sea only as far as I can tell.

So for a rough/simple deployment outline

[ ]Deploy Tacit and Jagd 5 KM west of the city.
[ ]Deploy all seaforces two units behind them.
[ ]Deploy all landunits on the west wall.
[ ]Deploy all air units 2 units behind jaegers
The destroyer is our sea-bound superheavy. Heimdal is the landmaster.
(Flying murder fortress of doom is yet to come, but SOONs menacingly from the horizon.)
[ ]Deploy Tacit and Jagd 5 KM west of the city.
[ ]Deploy all seaforces two units behind them.
[ ]Deploy all landunits on the west wall.
[ ]Deploy all air units 2 units behind jaegers
Sounds good. I think we want to deploy Hellhounds and Banshees with torpedeos, and scouts will deploy with ARGES as always.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
My first contribution to this quest!:)

[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
[X] Deploy Tacit Ronin and Jagdhund five kilometers West of the city.
[X] All oceanic units depoy two units behind the Jaegers.
[X] Land units deploy along the western wall, within the defensive perimeter.
[X] Air Force deploys two units behind the Jaegers, equipped with torpedoes.
Unable to do much else, the land forces content themselves with forming perimeter defense. Meanwhile, the others head out.

At the five kilometre mark, the jaegers drop, instantly sinking down just below the surface. Behind them, the new destroyer and its escort gunboats wait, as the airforce hangs overhead.

The kaiju is only a little ways away at this point, its leathery green hide visible as it swims forwards, half submerged. From the jaegers' point of view, it's much more visible, a lanky silhouette with a stretched neck clear from below.

Hunchback is 22 from your conventional forces, 20 from jaegers. Jaegers are underwater, but shallow enough that they can reach the surface. They're basically just under the surface. That said, the IE-10 will have some trouble operating (bigger risk when firing), and your pressure weakness is active (-1 Blunt on all places with the supercomposite while you're here).

Play ball!
Well, the kaiju is in range of the torpedoes, but they dont benefit from the Arges. Lasers should still work pretty well, but the Banshee squads would need to get closer. Tacit can fire his new lasers as soon as the Kaiju is 15 units away.
Jagdhund is in range.

[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
[X] All conventional units, fire your torpedoes.
[X] Tacit stays in place for now, prepare to fire as soon as the Kaiju enters the range of the lasers.
[X] Jagdhund fires her cannon, burst fire.
