Fyrstorm's Research List
Here we go, the TRvTW Research Ideas List, free for your viewing and editing pleasure! I have tried to organise and copy over some of the stuff from the old document-- but if you guys have any better ideas for layout or sections or stuff, feel free to make those changes! It could definitely use a little more work as-is.

Hope you enjoy!
Hm. Maybe, but Umpo's build doesn't exactly scream "I have the agility to successfully charge you", so I dunno.
Yeah, and neither does the Armored Titan's. Doesn't stop it from working. Mass has a momentum all of it's own.
Well, you don't need great agility to charge when you have huge rockets strapped to your back. Though Tacit has shown that high agility just makes it even better.

Umpo might have some sort of perk, ability or augment to make a low-ish Agi build good enough to charge with. Not to mention Kaiju can be deceptively quick anyway.
Something like getting to use, for example, Str instead of Agi to dodge.

*reads update*
Oh hell. They shoot steaming, molten tar, don't they? Probably meant to entangle foes. And the nature of that horn and the Spears certainly makes me think of a Lancer build. Plus, we likely have a Commander type who plays shield games. Yay.
We have a Brawler/Meatshield, a Gunner and a Speedster/Grappler.
Odd assumption to make about the guy who looks smart, is drooling tar, and has shields.
Here we go, the TRvTW Research Ideas List, free for your viewing and editing pleasure! I have tried to organise and copy over some of the stuff from the old document-- but if you guys have any better ideas for layout or sections or stuff, feel free to make those changes! It could definitely use a little more work as-is.

Hope you enjoy!
Thank you. I appreciate this greatly.
Here we go, the TRvTW Research Ideas List, free for your viewing and editing pleasure! I have tried to organise and copy over some of the stuff from the old document-- but if you guys have any better ideas for layout or sections or stuff, feel free to make those changes! It could definitely use a little more work as-is.

Hope you enjoy!
Shifted the two things I added to the other sheet to this one as well.

Gonna try and keep a record of proposed downtime actions that get set aside and aren't likely to be picked back up immediately next turn, like those two.
[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
Goals List
So I decided to write a Goal Document, with the hope that knowing our goals might make figuring out research priorities easier:

TRvTW Goal Document
Edit: may have screwed up the link

I also partially reformatted the Research Document (nice bullet points instead of dashes) and added my Acid AoE idea and a Breach Hypersonic Vacuum Shell to the list.

The Breach Hypersonic Vacuum Shell seems likely to be necessary to achieve the speeds necessary for being able to intercept and kill HAL-9000 (aka the high altitude lizard pumping out EMP). As of right now, the hypothetical Allegorica Tacit Ronin can go about twenty units per turn, which is probably around Mach 1.5. Escape velocity, which I am using as a stand in for a good intercept velocity, is Mach 33. I think a large portion of the speed cap is the Jaeger having worse aerodynamics than a multi ton brick; to solve this, the Breach Hypersonic Vacuum Shell opens up a moving Breach, or several in such short succession it seems to move anyway, in front of the Jaeger. Since the air all flows through the Breach, it doesn't induce massive amounts of drag on the Allegorica, thus allowing the Allegorica to go much faster.

Oh, and if anyone needs a Google Account to create documents, I've created one just for the quest:

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(For Research Phase.)
Plan: Execute Directive 66

[X] Allegorica/nuclear engines

  • Behemoth Jaeger carrier

  • Super Allegorica (something like 10x faster)

[X] Better Ranger/Piloting/Crew suits

  • lightweight powered armor/exoframes with mobility assistance (skates & jets).
    • Designed to let crew bail and make it off the battlefield if the unit is destroyed.

    • Like Macross EX-gear
[X] Environmental Loadout Armour: Special parts to better function in other environments, a la Evangelion Equipment. Locks onto the Jaeger's outside instead of replacing the armour

  • Marine Armour: Lets the robots do more than just sink (also, better sonar and computer for same, making scanning an automatic/toggleable action)

  • Hostile Environment Armour: For places where regular giant robot armour just doesn't cut it (e.g. space, magma, Breach interior…)

[X] Mark Zeros

  • Variants? Baseline? ????

  • Control systems

  • 0-scale-machine rifles

  • Spears (with crossguards, to prevent Kaiju from shoving themselves down them)

  • Accelerated Charging System attached to the spear for extra charging action

  • Dash/dodge systems for better survivability/mobility. Maybe folding wings like on A/Z Kataphracts or jump units like on Muv-Luv TSFs?
[X] More/Targeted defensive options for the Hlin?

  • Super Lightning rod to protect crunchies from lightning, for example.

  • Anti-Melee shield?

  • Either mount all at once, or go modular



[X] Anti-Kaiju Poison:

  • They poison our world with their very blood; turnabout is fair play.

  • Make absolutely sure that they don't affect Earth-life, although they probably won't given how different they are

  • Derive a poison based on Ethylene Oxide that reacts with the ammonia in Kaiju tissue to create Ethanolamine and then from that Ethanol, the main ingredient in beer!

[X] Research: Alternate shell/warhead types for Jagdhund & crunchies

  • Develop HEAT-type rounds for increased armor penetration and cauterization

  • Develop Cryo rounds (liquid nitrogen?)

  • Rounds which create large explosions for use against Category 0's

  • Smokescreen rounds?

  • Gyrojet rounds for boosted range

  • Anti-air rounds (explosives with Variable Timing/Proximity Fuses)?

  • EMP rounds for use against enemy conventionals/Jaegers

  • Develop indirect fire capability (think mortar/howitzer) if that would boost range
    • Cluster bomb rounds?
  • Develop guided anti-kaiju missile munitions

  • Mine rounds?
    • The first time we use them, they look like misses at first

    • Then...BAM!!!!!!!

    • On later deployments
      • They can be used to rig the field before the fight

      • Prevent them from charging during one by placing them between them and our forces.
    • Make them manual detonation only so they can possibly be recovered if undetonated and don't affect our units
  • Adhesive rounds, for slowing down foes, or restraining them entirely?

  • AoE Acid rounds, used only in offensive operations.
These seem the most logical to me. I mean, Armor being able to go into the Breach sounds pretty damn great. Also withstanding Lava and such? Yeah.

The Shells I like for open options. I know it may seem like a waste, but I rather have 15 types of Bullets I can switch to, rather than just one type that the Kaiju Menace can adapt to. Hence why I didn't choose DA LAZOR.

Poison Damage is a longtime friend of mine. It has saved my ass too many times to count. So I am saying this: Let's go Purple Wedding some Kaiju!
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[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
While I'd love to further research the Allegorica and get started on the Mark 0s, I fear there are a couple problems there. Namely, the fact we need a second city to start Mark 0 Research and that the next turn will probably be focused on bringing Phenom's stats to their current cap and equipping the Barrier Shield Plate on him.

Other actions that I'd say are priorities for the near future are researching the Regeneration tech further so we can use it on Ashley mostly safely, getting that shut-off valve for the Solid Fuel Thrusters, bullets for the Jagdgewehr, upgrading the Hlin, the Fire Control System for the Murasame... mostly the stuff we failed thanks to the Dice last downtime. Also build a couple attack submarines just to have them ready.

I'd also propose building a Dolch/Schwert Gevehr Plasma gun, so we can have it ready for use just in case. As an ace in the hole instead of the main attack, as it were.

And If we do have extra actions left over, then I'd prioritize refining the Atomic Engine tech so we can get a headstart on a ludicrously high-speed transport Superheavy.
[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force loiters where they are.
Slowly, the ground force units begin to advance, rumbling forwards alongside the mighty Hlin. Even the Heimdal follows behind them, though its sheer weight and poorly adapted motor systems mean that it's going to fall behind eventually.

The jaegers advance as well, their natural stride allowing them to close the distance easily, even with Phenom's slower pace forcing it to put more effort into keeping up.

Umpo and Endo continue their advance unhindered, while Inko steps a little bit towards the latter alongside its normal steps. The kaijus' eyes flicker in their sockets, scanning the approaching threats.

Kaiju: 50 units from DP, spacing Umpo****Inko**Endo, with Umpo and Endo (3 apart) closest to DP (Inko is ~2 units further).
Jaegers: 25 units from DP, 3 units spacing PS***TR***JH (west to east)
SDF: Tanks/Hlin are 29 from DP, Mortar 27, Heimdal 26, Arty/Air Force 23.

Not too much here-- don't know why this took so long.

Also, the Research Ideas List is not something to just plug parts in from as is-- most of the items there are made of multiple parts, and performing such actions (multiple goals) is very difficult. Plus, they're not really phrased as well as they could in some parts, and a good deal are unfinished.
Also, the Research Ideas List is not something to just plug parts in from as is-- most of the items there are made of multiple parts, and performing such actions (multiple goals) is very difficult. Plus, they're not really phrased as well as they could in some parts, and a good deal are unfinished.
In point-of-fact, at least some of them are merely suggested paths of inquiry, or directions we might give our researchers as a starting point. And some are potentially the ramblings of a very tired Nixeu. I was editing the sheet pretty late at night, in some cases. But yeah, I agree with you, they require refinement before they're vote material.
considering the only ones on there even close to being ready for use in a vote are the two rejected vote options I added, yeah. Pls don't copypaste directly from the ideas list.

Also: We have a (semi-)standardized downtime plan template (Jawa is the holdout), which I keep up to date on what our actions available look like. I'd appreciate it if you'd use it if you try to make a downtime plan, because it keeps everything somewhat neat and legible.
Jaegers are within 25 units of the first two Kaiju. Tanks and Hlin are at 21 units from Umpo and Endo. Arty and Air Force are 27 units from the Kaiju.

Jagdhund's Machine Cannon has a Range of 15/25/30, so she can hit either of the closer two without penalty, or at Inko at +2 difficulty. A Five or more can probably ensure a hit against Inko.

Tacit can't hit either of them with the lasers and Phenom has to be in their faces to do anything.

The Tanks and Air Force can scoot and shoot with no penalty, so they can target either of the enemies with no problem. The Heimdal is 24 units away from the front pair, and 28 from Inko, but it needs to lock down before it can fire.

As the obvious Ranged-attack-capable enemy of the trio, Inko is argueably the biggest threat and the priority target. With it down Tacit and Phenom can rush forward and do their thing at short range.

The higher difficulty should be mitigated by Jagdhund's five points in Ranged. The DC to-hit can go anywhere between 7 and 11, depending on the abilities the Kaiju has, meaning the required roll can be anywhere between two and six. I'm betting on 9 at most, but I won't be overly optimistic here. :V

The Air Force can hit Inko as well, without penalty too, but they open themselves up for being shot in return. The ground forces can't do anything about it for now, so I suppose we should have the Tanks and Hlin move to 30 units from the DP, Tacit and Phenom move in with them as well, Jagdhund hangs back for a shot this turn while the Air Force charges in.


[X] Plan "Hit 'em Fast"
-[x] The Air Force splits into two groups to pincer Inko. The Scouts lock the target with the Arges, the Helicopters fire Cracker missiles and the Quetzals fire their Hellfire+s.
-[x] Tanks and Hlin move to 33 units from the DP and fire at Inko with normal shells.
-[x] Tacit and Phenom move to 33 units as well.
-[x] Jagdhund fires a burst at Inko.
-[x] The Heimdal moves forward as far as possible and locks down to fire.

What do you all think?
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Jaegers are within 25 units of the first two Kaiju. Tanks and Hlin are at 21 units from Umpo and Endo. Arty and Air Force are 27 units from the Kaiju.

Jagdhund's Machine Cannon has a Range of 15/25/30, so she can hit either of the closer two without penalty, or at Inko at +2 difficulty. A Five or more can probably ensure a hit against Inko.

Tacit can't hit either of them with the lasers and Phenom has to be in their faces to do anything.

The Tanks and Air Force can scoot and shoot with no penalty, so they can target either of the enemies with no problem. The Heimdal is 24 units away from the front pair, and 28 from Inko, but it needs to lock down before it can fire.

As the obvious Ranged-attack-capable enemy of the trio, Inko is argueably the biggest threat and the priority target. With it down Tacit and Phenom can rush forward and do their thing at short range.

The higher difficulty should be mitigated by Jagdhund's five points in Ranged. The DC to-hit can go anywhere between 7 and 11, depending on the abilities the Kaiju has, meaning the required roll can be anywhere between two and six. I'm betting on 9 at most, but I won't be overly optimistic here. :V

The Air Force can hit Inko as well, without penalty too, but they open themselves up for being shot in return. The ground forces can't do anything about it for now, so I suppose we should have the Tanks and Hlin move to 30 units from the DP, Tacit and Phenom move in with them as well, Jagdhund hangs back for a shot this turn while the Air Force charges in.


[] Plan "Hit 'em Fast"
-[] Tanks and Hlin move to 30 units from the DP and fire at Umpo with Corrosion Shells.
-[] Tacit and Phenom move to 30 units as well.
-[] Jagdhund fires a burst at Inko.
-[] The Air Force splits into two groups and moves to fire at Inko as well, appreaching from both sides. They are to try to remain unclustered as much as possible.
-[] The Heimdal moves forward as far as possible and locks down to fire.

What do you all think?
Depends; how much of the Air Force are you willing to lose? I'm working off the assumption that Inko power leveled Ranged to something like 4 or 5, and those four guns can all do 1d10+whatever bonus they get - air force dodge bonus(2 in most cases, 1 for the not!AC-130).

I assume Inko's inbuilt weapon is an analogue to Jaghund's Machine Cannon; if it has less of a bonus then move accordingly on the table. I'm assuming they target the not!AC-130s, but if they aren't just move up a DC.

  0 lost
1 lost
2 lost 3 lost 4 lost
6 0.01% 0.36% 4.86% 29.16% 65.61%
7 0.16% 2.56% 15.36% 40.96% 40.96%
8 0.81% 7.56% 26.46% 41.16% 24.01%
9 2.56% 15.36% 34.56% 34.56% 12.96%
10 6.25% 25% 37.5% 25% 6.25%
11 12.96% 34.56% 34.56% 15.36% 2.56%
12 24.01% 41.16% 26.46% 7.56% 2.56%
13 40.96% 40.96% 15.36% 2.56% 0.81%
I dunno, what kinda losses should we be okay with taking?

Edit: I also want to write up an omake about Minokawa (aka the EMP Kaiju in high atmosphere), but need help writing up the Cat V up.
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(2 in most cases, 1 for the not!AC-130).
Here's the modifications to to-hit difficulties for the Air Force units:
Hellhounds/Quetzals: +1
Dragonflies/Banshees: +1 (or +2 if they've moved 10 or more units in their last turn)
Jumphawks/Meganeuras: +0 (basic to-hit difficulty)

Note that these are all for ranged attacks, though that... probably doesn't need to be said. The Condors also have +1 difficulty, but they're non-combat units.

Edit: I also want to write up an omake about Minokawa (aka the EMP Kaiju in high atmosphere), but need help writing up the Cat V up.
Technically, I've already figured out Iblis, and since you guys don't actually have any data on it beyond its name (since it was the one that knocked out global communications and everything when it appeared), such an omake might be a bit of a spoiler for the eventual fight.
Just as reminder, it's entirely possible that Inko's guns are meant as a way of disabling foes at range, rather than being DPS. Mind you, I'm not sure most our conventionals would be able to survive a huge ball of molten tar any better than most Kaiju attacks. But they may very well shoot molten tar. Because it's got a high heat-signature, and is drooling what appears to be tar. As is that guy with the shields.

Honestly, that makes me think it's worth it to alpha-strike Inko. Because getting entangled would be really bad, for pretty much any of our Jaegers. Penalties would suck, but I'm more afraid of the possibility of being incapacitated and unable to move. Because that would be a really bad time.
Depends; how much of the Air Force are you willing to lose? I'm working off the assumption that Inko power leveled Ranged to something like 4 or 5, and those four guns can all do 1d10+whatever bonus they get - air force dodge bonus(2 in most cases, 1 for the not!AC-130).

I assume Inko's inbuilt weapon is an analogue to Jaghund's Machine Cannon; if it has less of a bonus then move accordingly on the table. I'm assuming they target the not!AC-130s, but if they aren't just move up a DC.

  0 lost
1 lost
2 lost 3 lost 4 lost
6 0.01% 0.36% 4.86% 29.16% 65.61%
7 0.16% 2.56% 15.36% 40.96% 40.96%
8 0.81% 7.56% 26.46% 41.16% 24.01%
9 2.56% 15.36% 34.56% 34.56% 12.96%
10 6.25% 25% 37.5% 25% 6.25%
11 12.96% 34.56% 34.56% 15.36% 2.56%
12 24.01% 41.16% 26.46% 7.56% 2.56%
13 40.96% 40.96% 15.36% 2.56% 0.81%
I dunno, what kinda losses should we be okay with taking?

Edit: I also want to write up an omake about Minokawa (aka the EMP Kaiju in high atmosphere), but need help writing up the Cat V up.
That's a more complete answer than I expected to receive.

Well, the Air Force can take some losses, but ideally we want to lose no one. Realistically, we've had worse losses than four and bounced back, and thankfully none of the Kaiju appear to have Bit Flowers. Four squads isn't little by any means, but it's a lesser loss compared to the possibility of losing a Jaeger.

I'd say it's worth risking it and hoping for small or nonexistant casualties.

Just as reminder, it's entirely possible that Inko's guns are meant as a way of disabling foes at range, rather than being DPS. Mind you, I'm not sure most our conventionals would be able to survive a huge ball of molten tar any better than most Kaiju attacks. But they may very well shoot molten tar. Because it's got a high heat-signature, and is drooling what appears to be tar. As is that guy with the shields.

Honestly, that makes me think it's worth it to alpha-strike Inko. Because getting entangled would be really bad, for pretty much any of our Jaegers. Penalties would suck, but I'm more afraid of the possibility of being incapacitated and unable to move. Because that would be a really bad time.
Even it those guns are meant to debuff rather than cause damage, the Cons are still toast if they're hit. Any amount of damage can destroy them.

And I rank Inko and other Ranged-capable Kaiju as priority targets for a reason. They can be hilariously lethal for Tacit and Jagdhund if they land a hit, which is why we went to great lengths to give us ways to not get shot, like the GAPAS and the Barrier Plate.

So, plan "Hit 'em Fast" is a go?
Even it those guns are meant to debuff rather than cause damage, the Cons are still toast if they're hit. Any amount of damage can destroy them.

And I rank Inko and other Ranged-capable Kaiju as priority targets for a reason. They can be hilariously lethal for Tacit and Jagdhund if they land a hit, which is why we went to great lengths to give us ways to not get shot, like the GAPAS and the Barrier Plate.

So, plan "Hit 'em Fast" is a go?
I'm down with it. Death-by-molten-tar might be horrific, but, when you come down to it, risking their lives for the city is the job of our soldiers. And I think we really want those guys dead as fast as possible. Because the alternatives are worse.

[x] Plan "Hit 'em Fast"
At this point the air force is officially the place where you're either crazy or you have balls of solid titanium. Tanks are just kinda there, the air force has AC/DC playing constantly in the background.

...Actually, can you get elite conventionals from having them survive regular engagements long enough, ala the veteran perk?
Just to be clear, conventionals can move and shoot at no penalty? Because I think the tanks can all unload on Inko, if the conventionals get to go first in the priority list and move and fire with no penalty.

Edit: Hlin can definitely cover our tanks three units out, dunno how bad the acid spit attack is, but I'll guess it's about as bad as our Corrosive Rounds, if not worse. The tanks should be able to fire at three units out.

Double Edit: The Hlin's shielding should survive one turn at least against three spit attacks like Corrosive Rounds, if all three hit. It'll fall apart the next turn, but with, uh, eleven tanks to delete Inko.

On the other hand, Inko shoots at Hlin with four guns and it'll be done in two shots, three if we're lucky, four if we're exceedingly lucky. I think I need to reconsider this.
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I'm down with it. Death-by-molten-tar might be horrific, but, when you come down to it, risking their lives for the city is the job of our soldiers. And I think we really want those guys dead as fast as possible. Because the alternatives are worse.

[x] Plan "Hit 'em Fast"
The way I see it, a soldier's job is to fight for something they believe in. Whether that is their nation, their duty to his fellows, the safety of his family or for cold, hard cash, that's up to them.

...I might have an inspirational Omake in me later this week. I just hope we won't need it.

Just to be clear, conventionals can move and shoot at no penalty? Because I think the tanks can all unload on Inko, if the conventionals get to go first in the priority list and move and fire with no penalty.

Edit: Hlin can definitely cover our tanks three units out, dunno how bad the acid spit attack is, but I'll guess it's about as bad as our Corrosive Rounds, if not worse. The tanks should be able to fire at three units out.
Good catch. The Hlin and the tanks both move 4 units/turn and Conventionals don't suffer a penalty for moving and shooting. Let's have them move forward and then alpha-strike Inko. I'm updating the plan.

Edit: I decided to have the Tanks fire the normal shells, given the Corrosive ones have -1 damage compared to the normal ones' +0. I'm open to changing it back to the Corrosive ones if people want to.
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...Actually, can you get elite conventionals from having them survive regular engagements long enough, ala the veteran perk?
Yeah. Come to think of it, you're probably overdue for some new Elites. I think most of your remaining Hellhounds have survived long enough... remind me when you've killed all these kaiju.

Just to be clear, conventionals can move and shoot at no penalty? Because I think the tanks can all unload on Inko, if the conventionals get to go first in the priority list and move and fire with no penalty.
Got it spot on.
Superheavies, however... I'm not actually certain on that front, since your only shooty superheavy can't fire period on the same turn it moves. I may have to figure that out as well.