Banshee upgrade: Menacing Wail.

Whenever a group of four or more Banshees are loitering above your troops, enemy Kaiju within line of sight must roll their 1d10+DEX. On a roll of 7 or lower, they spend a turn paralyzed in fear of the「Menacing」sound produced by the helicopters. May cause spontaneous Fabulous Posing on your troops.

ゴゴゴゴ :V
Fabulous posing, you say? I would be totally up for turning this into Tacit Ronin's Bizarre Adventure.
[X] Deploy at roughly 25 units from the DP.
-[x] Tanks deploy at the 25 unit line along with the Hlin.
-[x] Artillery, Mortars and the Heimdal are right behind them, at 23 units.
-[x] The Air Force loiters above them, spread out so as to remain unclustered.
-[x] The Jaegers deploy at 20 units from the DP, with Tacit in the middle, Jagdhund to the left and Phenom to the right.
--[jk] Posing as a team optional, but encouraged.
Didn't Cherno get bonuses from playing Hardbass or something like that? There we have it, precedent for gaining bonuses by plaing our own soundtrack, straight from the original!

Hi, finally get to participate in vs The World quest!

Quick note on Superheavy Durability improvements: I notice that on the stat sheet both the Hlin and the Heimdall have Titanium Armor; maybe we could spend a research action to adapt Supercomposite Armor instead of leveling Tou?

Onto the deployment and fight itself:
First off is SE-27-007, "Umpo". Biggest and heaviest of the three, Umpo sports a large cranial horn, and conical forearms.

SE-27-008 "Inko" is the most different in its physiology from the others, as it has four arms and overall thinner armour. There's a high temperature area at its core.

Finally, SE-27-009 "Endo" is curious. It possesses highly developed arms, with some sort of physical shield on each one. Like Inko, Endo has a high temperature area at its core, though it is cooler than the former's.

I notice that Umpo is not said to have high temperature readings from the core; this seems to scream at me that Umpo is either not powered up or won't use any abilities that require a nuclear power plant. Those conical arms are probably nasty in CQC slugfests, but look pretty terrible at grapples, although it is the biggest and toughest looking of the bunch. Edit: Upon further thought, he's probably an STR build and those drills probably get bonus from Strength. I think we've seen that Cranial Horn before too, and it gave bonuses to Slam. Actually, this guy probably Slams you prone and then drills you to death, if he doesn't just go for the stomp.

Inko seems to be a grappler type with four arms, but his super hot aspect is brought to our attention; I think this means Inko has a nuclear engine, and given his build he probably has either thrusters, a GAPAS analogue, and/or a strong chest mounted ranged attack. Worst case is that it could be all three.

Endo seems to fit the role of the tank, with developed arms and what looks like a shield on both arms, along with a strong heat signature. As before, this likely means that Endo has a nuclear engine, albeit not as powerful as Inko's is. The highlighting of the physical shield and the power draw leads me to suspect that those shields are actually EXB-03 knockoffs. There could also be a chest mounted gun, but that probably isn't worth fretting over.

With this in mind, the three form the formation of Tank, DPS, and Jungler; Endo tanks and prevents support from reaching the target, Umpo does his level best to drill you to death, and Inko bursts out to shut down any Ranged support with Grapples.
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I notice that Umpo is not said to have high temperature readings from the core; this seems to scream at me that Umpo is either not powered up or won't use any abilities that require a nuclear power plant. Those conical arms are probably nasty in CQC slugfests, but look pretty terrible at grapples, although it is the biggest and toughest looking of the bunch. Edit: Upon further thought, he's probably an STR build and those drills probably get bonus from Strength. I think we've seen that Cranial Horn before too, and it gave bonuses to Slam. Actually, this guy probably Slams you prone and then drills you to death, if he doesn't just go for the stomp.
Technically, I think all Kaiju have internal, biological nuclear plants. In most cases, though, the plants are too well-shielded to be detectable. In cases where they are, that's usually a sign of energy weapons, or some other trick involving lots of power.

As for his build, I suspect he's a charger. Maybe with a focus on Str, maybe not, but it would make sense.
Inko seems to be a grappler type with four arms, but his super hot aspect is brought to our attention; I think this means Inko has a nuclear engine, and given his build he probably has either thrusters, a GAPAS analogue, and/or a strong chest mounted ranged attack. Worst case is that it could be all three.
Or some sort of nuclear over-clocking feature. Or a heat-based enhancement to it's melee attacks. There are a lot of options, here. Also, it's notable that we have detected radiation from Kaiju in the past, before engaging. The fact that we're only getting thermal might be an indicator of this being a purely thermal weapon.

Or it could be an AT field. I think those do weird things with thermal energy in this. Would explain the reduced armor.
It was a Lego movie reference; where Lego Batman has a thing for big ol' sound systems.

There's another scene later in the movie where he distracts the villains by visiting them as Bruce Wayne and insisting their doomsday device needs a proper sound system.

Ah. Yeah, need to see that movie at some point.
Technically, I think all Kaiju have internal, biological nuclear plants. In most cases, though, the plants are too well-shielded to be detectable. In cases where they are, that's usually a sign of energy weapons, or some other trick involving lots of power.

As for his build, I suspect he's a charger. Maybe with a focus on Str, maybe not, but it would make sense.

Or some sort of nuclear over-clocking feature. Or a heat-based enhancement to it's melee attacks. There are a lot of options, here. Also, it's notable that we have detected radiation from Kaiju in the past, before engaging. The fact that we're only getting thermal might be an indicator of this being a purely thermal weapon.

Or it could be an AT field. I think those do weird things with thermal energy in this. Would explain the reduced armor.

Ah. Yeah, need to see that movie at some point.
Hm. Maybe, but Umpo's build doesn't exactly scream "I have the agility to successfully charge you", so I dunno. For Inko, actually that heat based attack makes sense; it might be a riff on the BSH, except in this case it's heat rather than edge.

Something to research during downtime: Acid Mortar rounds. Sure, we'd never use it anywhere we want to settle again, but in cases like Oblivion Bay Raid, Mount Saint Helens Attack, and the Anteverse city it might be just the tool we need to deal with multiple high level ranged Kaiju.
Hm. Maybe, but Umpo's build doesn't exactly scream "I have the agility to successfully charge you", so I dunno.
Well, you don't need great agility to charge when you have huge rockets strapped to your back. Though Tacit has shown that high agility just makes it even better.

Umpo might have some sort of perk, ability or augment to make a low-ish Agi build good enough to charge with. Not to mention Kaiju can be deceptively quick anyway.
[X] Deploy at roughly 25 units from the DP.
-[x] Tanks deploy at the 25 unit line along with the Hlin.
-[x] Artillery, Mortars and the Heimdal are right behind them, at 23 units.
-[x] The Air Force loiters above them, spread out so as to remain unclustered.
-[x] The Jaegers deploy at 20 units from the DP, with Tacit in the middle, Jagdhund to the left and Phenom to the right.
--[jk] Posing as a team optional, but encouraged.
The troops roll out quickly, forming a defensive wall in front of the city. Behind them are the trio of jaegers, standing imposingly together.

Off in the distance, three creatures move through the fog.

As the scans suggested, the trio of kaiju are very similar. Each one's a thick, hunched crustaceal mass, with a seemingly unpolished design (compared to how some other kaiju have looked). Their body plan is equally simple; a barrel-shaped body with a protruding chest, a small head with a pair of beady black eyes and a snapping maw, and vaguely cylindrical limbs-- all plated in thick chitinous armour. It's from there that they diverge.

Umpo, taking up one of the closer positions, is clearly the largest-- with thicker limbs, a broader chest, and a thicker neck than its two comrades. Umpo's arms terminate in spearhead points instead of hands, and seem designed for precise, powerful hits, though the rounded tips suggest that the anti-edge resilience of Jagdarium isn't going to be as useful here. The reason for the thicker neck is also clear, as a massive, crescent-moon-shaped blade the size of one of its forearms sprouts from its forehead, curving up like a rhino's horn. Umpo's armour is rust red, but darkens to a black-brown on its extremities and horn.

Though Inko is further away than the others, it's still quite clear. Though still matching Jagdhund in terms of bulk, the kaiju's clearly the slimmest and most agile of the three, and its unarmoured joints only add to this impression. A second pair of arms sprout above and behind the first, mounted on flexible, segmented shoulder joints. All four limbs have some sort of armoured bracer on their forearms, though-- like Umpo-- Inko lacks any sort of conventional hand. Instead, a short, wide-bore cannon barrel protrudes from each wrist, glowing with inner light. Inko's chitin is pale white, but stained black in places by the steaming, tarry fluid that regularly drips from its mouth.

Endo, meanwhile, looks... cunning. Its black eyes glitter with animalistic intelligence, and the nimble dexterity of its movements further adds to this impression. Its armour is purple-grey, and segmented far beyond those of its brethren, affording it great flexibility. Unlike the others, Endo actually has hands-- a set of narrow, dexterous pincers. Its arms are long and double-jointed, with either one of the furthest sections sporting a broad shield plate. Like Inko, Endo's mouth is stained black with a steaming substance, though it's not dribbled all over itself quite as much.

The trio of kaiju advance as one, staying a little closer to each-other. Umpo and Endo are in front, using their bulk to shield the lighter Inko, but still affording it an open firing arc.

Kaiju: 55 units from DP, 3-unit spacing Umpo-Inko-Endo, with Umpo and Endo closest to DP (Inko is ~2 units further).
Jaegers: 20 units from DP, 3 units spacing PS***TR***JH (west to east)
SDF: Tanks/Hlin are 25 from DP, Arty/Mortar/Heimdal 23, Air Force 23.
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ah shit. Inko isn't a grapple, it's a ranged Kaiju. Endo is likely the field Commander, Dex or HtH specialized, with, mentioned to be doublejointed for bonus grappling ability.

I think Inko is either already in range or about to be, so we should open fire with Banshees only; Banshees get bonuses to dodge shots; Quetz don't have that. Maybe one or two autogyro, so that in case Inko turns out to have AoE antiair we don't instantly lose all our scouts. So, here's my plan:

[X] Wail of the Banshees
-[X] Tacit Ronin, Jaghund, and Phenom Sable run forward.
-[X] 3 Autogyros Arges Inko
-[X] 3 Banshees target Inko
--[X] 3 Crackers
-[X] All other units Overwatch, targeting approaching units.

@Fyrstorm Do we have the Hlin nearby, or is there a reason it wasn't mentioned?
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We have a Brawler/Meatshield, a Gunner and a Speedster/Grappler.
[X] Wail of the Banshees
-[X] Tacit Ronin, Jaghund, and Phenom Sable run forward.
-[X] 3 Autogyros Arges Inko
-[X] 3 Banshees target Inko
--[X] 1 Cracker
--[X] 2 Laser Vulcan
-[X] All other units Overwatch, targeting approaching units.

@Fyrstorm Do we have the Hlin nearby, or is there a reason it wasn't mentioned?

The Hlin is defending the Tanks, as per the deployment plan.

Also, we really shouldn't have the Jaegers advance yet. Umpo and Endo are both within range of the Tanks and the Heimdal, Jagdhund can fire at both of them with no problem and at Inko with a +2 increase on the difficulty of the to-hit roll.

Tacit can safely charge at anything 12 units away, so the best to do is have him advance at least three units to activate the GAPAS while Jagdhund, the Tanks and the Heimdal take a shot at one of the Kaiju and Phenom hangs back until we deal with the Ranged bastard.

One viable option is to have Phenom link up with the Hlin and have both advance together. It's not quite the same as a Barrier plate since the Hlin still takes Vitals damage when the Barrier pops, but since they both walk at the same speed, it's an option.

[X] Jagdhund, the Tanks and the Heimdal take a shot at Umpo. Tanks use the Corrosive Shell.
[X] Tacit and Phenom move four units forward, under the Hlin's protective umbrella.
[X] Air Force falls back to the Jaeger's previous position.
[X] Everyone else on overwatch for the moment the Kaiju enter their range.

@Fyrstorm I couldn't find the Acid Damage table on the first page. What exactly can we expect from it, mechanically speaking? It was meant to be some flavor of "fuck your armor" but I couldn't find what exact flavor we're dealing with.
Nevermind, I found the mechanics on the downtime we got the Corrosion Shell Prototypes
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We have a Brawler/Meatshield, a Gunner and a Speedster/Grappler.

The Hlin is defending the Tanks, as per the deployment plan.

Also, we really shouldn't have the Jaegers advance yet. Umpo and Endo are both within range of the Tanks and the Heimdal, Jagdhund can fire at both of them with no problem and at Inko with a +2 increase on the difficulty of the to-hit roll.

Tacit can safely charge at anything 12 units away, so the best to do is have him advance at least three units to activate the GAPAS while Jagdhund, the Tanks and the Heimdal take a shot at one of the Kaiju and Phenom hangs back until we deal with the Ranged bastard.

One viable option is to have Phenom link up with the Hlin and have both advance together. It's not quite the same as a Barrier plate since the Hlin still takes Vitals damage when the Barrier pops, but since they both walk at the same speed, it's an option.

[X] Jagdhund, the Tanks and the Heimdal take a shot at Umpo. Tanks use the Corrosive Shell.
[X] Tacit and Phenom move four units forward, under the Hlin's protective umbrella.
[X] Air Force falls back to the Jaeger's previous position.
[X] Everyone else on overwatch for the moment the Kaiju enter their range.

@Fyrstorm I couldn't find the Acid Damage table on the first page. What exactly can we expect from it, mechanically speaking? It was meant to be some flavor of "fuck your armor" but I couldn't find what exact flavor we're dealing with.
The Jaghund, tanks and Heimdall are all out of range of the enemy Kaiju; Umpo and Endo are 30 units away from the tank line and 35 from Jaghund; Inko is two further from that. As is the airforce can barely shoot at Inko...I need to fix my plan real quick, vulcans can't hit Inko as is.

Our current Jaeger line is all about five units behind the tank line, so the Hlin probably isn't anywhere.
The Jaghund, tanks and Heimdall are all out of range of the enemy Kaiju; Umpo and Endo are 30 units away from the tank line and 35 from Jaghund; Inko is two further from that. As is the airforce can barely shoot at Inko...I need to fix my plan real quick, vulcans can't hit Inko as is.

Our current Jaeger line is all about five units behind the tank line, so the Hlin probably isn't anywhere.
Disregard that then. Sleepy me is bad at maths. :facepalm:
But the Hlin is there,
[X] Deploy at roughly 25 units from the DP.
-[x] Tanks deploy at the 25 unit line along with the Hlin.
-[x] Artillery, Mortars and the Heimdal are right behind them, at 23 units.
-[x] The Air Force loiters above them, spread out so as to remain unclustered.
-[x] The Jaegers deploy at 20 units from the DP, with Tacit in the middle, Jagdhund to the left and Phenom to the right.
--[jk] Posing as a team optional, but encouraged.

Let's just have everyone advance a bit under it's shadow and then turtle up while the Kaiju close in.

[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
@Fyrstorm Do we have the Hlin nearby, or is there a reason it wasn't mentioned?
I'd glossed over it previously. Edited to fix that.

I think Inko is either already in range or about to be, so we should open fire with Jaghund and Banshees only
Actually, Inko is further away-- about 57 units from the DP. Umpo and Endo are the closer ones. After all, it's not really "shielding [Inko] with their bulk" if Inko's right out in the open to shoot at.

Also, we really shouldn't have the Jaegers advance yet. Umpo and Endo are both within range of the Tanks and the Heimdal, Jagdhund can fire at both of them with no problem and at Inko with a +2 increase on the difficulty of the to-hit roll.
Actually, nothing you have can hit them without moving. They're 30 units from your tanks, 32 from the Heimdal/airforce, and 35 from Jagdhund. Your longest range weapons are 30 units (Heimdal and Jagdhund), and those are both out of range.

...and looks like Good Point beat me to it.
On second thought, that's probably less risky.

[X] All non-Jaeger ground units advance four units, keep under the Hlin's shield.
-[X] The Jaegers move forward as well, closing their distance with the Hlin.
-[X] The Air-Force moves loiters where they are.
So, while I'm waiting for votes, I'm gonna go and create a new Research List document for you guys to use! Yay!