[X] Contact Waltz with the Morse system we know he's fluent in; ask what his status is and if he requires assistance.

I still want Savage Warrior really badly, but I'm down with getting a more ranged-oriented Jaeger first.
Okay, from what I remember of my old designs, Revolver Shogun uses Coyote Tango as a base, except railguns instead of chemical propellant cannons. So we'll need to research some J-scale railguns, because the longspear apparently isn't compatible.

Not entirely sure what to stick on the arms, chest, and waist, though variety would be good as I recall being pointed out a while ago.

We'd probably want to pump its stats in Ranged and Agility primarily, because it's a ranged Jaeger and we basically never do anything but dodge. It'll need some of the others of course, both to prevent crippling overspecialization, and because you need to be stronk to carry lots of guns.
Okay, from what I remember of my old designs, Revolver Shogun uses Coyote Tango as a base, except railguns instead of chemical propellant cannons. So we'll need to research some J-scale railguns, because the longspear apparently isn't compatible.

Not entirely sure what to stick on the arms, chest, and waist, though variety would be good as I recall being pointed out a while ago.

We'd probably want to pump its stats in Ranged and Agility primarily, because it's a ranged Jaeger and we basically never do anything but dodge. It'll need some of the others of course, both to prevent crippling overspecialization, and because you need to be stronk to carry lots of guns.
What do you think about a J-scale shotgun with J-scale Dragon's Breath shot for the close quarters weapon?

For the Railgun, we can go Guntank/Coyote Tango style and go for something over the shoulder, but collapsible to keep ot from being cumbersome when dodging, though I'd prefer something that folds out fom the back and is held under the arm, for aesthetic reasons and for Waltz no to think we're making a clone of him. :V

As for the midrange weapon option... dunno. We do have a spare Jaeger gun lying around from Vulcan. We could use that.
What do you think about a J-scale shotgun with J-scale Dragon's Breath shot for the close quarters weapon?
I was thinking of mounting our lightning shotgun on one of the arms and a plasmacaster on the other.

All I know for certain is that he needs a minimum of 6 guns, because muh naming aesthetics.
One of the reasons I want more is more dice to roll > better chance of at least one railgun hitting.

*chants* Revolver Shogun! Revolver Shogun! Revolver Shogun!

More seriously, we just saw that a Ranged Jaeger (or Seijin, in this case) can be fucking awesome. I want me all the guns.

[X] Contact Waltz with the Morse system we know he's fluent in; ask what his status is and if he requires assistance.
Isn't one of the issues with a Jaegun that it means we get Revolver Kaiju thrown at us?
Yeah but... I kinda don't mind, much? We've been getting Kaiju with ranged attacks off and on for ages now, and we have an aug specifically for countering that. If making a range-focused Jaeger prompts the stream of ranged kaiju to be a little less off and a little more on, well... okay.
New challenges just mean we need to adapt, and we do have quite a few options on how to deal with ranged Kaiju.

They range from "bullet-proof Jaeger shields" to "high-agility bullet-dodging with the GAPAS" all the way to "Flying Tacit dodging the shots and Gespenst Kicking Kaiju out of an aerial charge".

And Ascalon did show that last one was a viable way of getting in melee range before anyone could shoot.
Am I weird or a glutton for punishment if I kind of want to face 1-3 Ascalon-types again one of these days?

....Albeit after we have multiple cities each with 2-3 Mark 4-5 Jaegers defending them...
[X] Contact Waltz with the Morse system we know he's fluent in; ask what his status is and if he requires assistance.
With the kaiju gone, there's one thing left to deal with: the seijin.

As Waltz's stomps slow, Tacit Ronin turns to the being. Waltz stops, its spikes floating around it casually. The pale jaeger sends a message.


After all, the biomechanical creature did take a nasty hit to the eyes.

Waltz lets out a burst of steam from its joints, the exposed eyes blinking a few times.


It replies, after a moment's hesitation.


Your turn.
[X] Tell Waltz he's welcome to stay as long as he needs to rest or recover.
-[X] Ask where Waltz's originates from and what is his mission.
-[X] All in that Morse system, of course.

Waltz helped us in the fight and hasn't shown himself to be hostile just yet. We should show some courtesy and hospitality to a fellow Kaiju-slayer.

That said, we do need to know more about where he came from.
[X] Tell Waltz he's welcome to stay as long as he needs to rest or recover.
-[X] Ask where Waltz's originates from and what is his mission.
-[X] All in that Morse system, of course.
Pretty sure we asked this before the fight.
Oh yeah. We did. Derp.

Stepping back a bit from the rather intense reply, Tacit stops. As Waltz seems to relax, the jaeger raises its hands, flashing back an anxious response.


There's a tense pause, while Tacit and Jagdhund slowly back a little further away. Waltz's gaze follows them, its expression unreadable. Cautiously, Tacit offers up a question.


Another burst of steam hisses from the seijin's throat, its joints shifting slightly.


"What's your function?" "Right now, none." And then the Kaiju attacked.

Either Waltz was tracking the Kaiju that attacked us and finding them finished his mission, or he was just wandering around without a mission.

It might be better to just ask what his origin is. And maybe what his next mission will be.
[X] Use Morse System to offer Waltz a place to rest and recover.
-[X] If he accepts (or at least doesn't take off right away), ask him about his origins and what his plans are to do next.

We are the BEST at Diplomancy! :D
[X] Use Morse System to offer Waltz a place to rest and recover.
-[X] If he accepts (or at least doesn't take off right away), ask him about his origins and what his plans are to do next.
[X] Use Morse System to offer Waltz a place to rest and recover.
-[X] If he accepts (or at least doesn't take off right away), ask him about his origins and what his plans are to do next.
[X] Use Morse System to offer Waltz a place to rest and recover.
-[X] If he accepts (or at least doesn't take off right away), ask him about his origins and what his plans are to do next.
As the jaegers slow their less vital systems, lessening the risk of any damage playing up, Tacit continues relaying messages to Waltz.


It's a tentative offer, but Seattle could use all the allies it can get.

Waltz replies.


The answer is simply stated, no real emotion visible in the seijin's body language. The spikes return to it, locking back into place, as the Seijin stands there. However, as Waltz doesn't seem to be running away, command scrambles to get a few more answers out of it.


The jaeger flashes hurriedly.


Waltz pauses.


And then, it turns, and begins to stomp away, back towards the water.


Encounter end.
As the jaegers slow their less vital systems, lessening the risk of any damage playing up, Tacit continues relaying messages to Waltz.

You can stay.
Rest and Recover.

It's a tentative offer, but Seattle could use all the allies it can get.

Waltz replies.


The answer is simply stated, no real emotion visible in the seijin's body language. The spikes return to it, locking back into place, as the Seijin stands there. However, as Waltz doesn't seem to be running away, command scrambles to get a few more answers out of it.


The jaeger flashes hurriedly.

Before (you) go please explain:
Current plan?

Waltz pauses.

Plan to be determined.
See you.

And then, it turns, and begins to stomp away, back towards the water.


Encounter end.
I don't know what the last bit from Waltz is, though.
Week 31: Encounter End
Here's that shiny new reactor I promised you guys, back before Waltz showed up. Have fun~

New Miscellaneous Available: Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator!
Helios Heavy Fusion Stellarator (Mk 4)
52 500 Resources
- May power Mark 4 jaegers (20-25 points)
- Magnetised Stabilisers: -1 to Vitals Damage rolls.
- Rear Thrusters: One use per battle, +2 Agility on charge, increases charge bonus to +3
- Unshielded: Rolls twice for all adverse Electrical effects, taking the worse result.


Post-battle examination of the jaegers reveals that there really isn't much damage to them-- certainly nothing that'll take long to fix. The most complex stuff is cleaning up Jagdhund's sensors, and getting that freezing venom out of Tacit's stomach joints. In fact, the workers are sure they can probably fix both in the same timeframe.

Tacit Ronin will require 100 Resources to fix!
Jagdhund will require 100 Resources to fix!
Upgrade to Shatterdome! If two jaegers or more have not suffered Wounds, then Strike Repair may be rolled into a single action!

Kaiju analysis reveals some interesting things, even without one of the kaiju present at all and one blown to pieces.

Charybdis reveals little of itself, besides its very hard-- and surprisingly brittle-- armour plates. Zeno, meanwhile, shows hints of structures akin to the late Bastion, with massive bio-capacitors taking up internal space, and a linear weapons system. However, it's hard to glean much more, as the kaiju is mostly in burnt, exploded chunks.

Kraken is very interesting. Unlike most specimens, the creature seems built to live attached to something else; its digestive system is rudimentary at best, and its mouth is little more than a set of tubes for fluid and nutrient exchange with Grae. Additionally, its stinger contains a potent chemical compound that reacts to metal and silicon much like a flesh-dissolving venom would to organic material-- if it had penetrated Tacit's armour, there could have been trouble.

Much more interesting than that, however, is what K-science figures was responsible for those barriers. The reason why they say 'was' is mainly because the actual organs are charred and crippled. Still, they could provide valuable insight into replicating this phenomenon, alongside the samples from Crank. Examination of its operation in the field suggests that it works on some sort of energy transfer, hardening the environmental medium around a specific area while simultaneously venting the absorbed energy in the form of heat. There's clearly a limit, however, and clearly some major consequences should the influx of energy overwhelm the dissipation system-- seeing the kaiju catch fire when the barriers blew out is evidence enough of that.

With the threat finally finished off, Neo-Seattle is free to resume work again.

It is now downtime.

Kaiju stats:
Class: Category III Kaiju
Like a massive, segmented worm, Charybdis slithers around. It's front is made mostly of mouth, with a retracting sheath that can cover both it and the small cluster of eyes surrounding the maw.

HtH: 2
Ran: 0
Str: 4
Tou: 7
Agi: 2
Dex: 1

Dura: 9
Stru: 13

- Burrowing Expert: May dig beneath the surface as a standard action, and surface as a free action. While submerged, Charybdis is at +2 difficulty to-hit and gains an unbreakable AV 1 to all locations. It will automatically surface if it attacks, runs, suffers a Major+ Wound, or tries to Dodge an attack.
- Demolitions Expert: Ignores City Defenses for the purpose of destroying city infrastructure and conventional units.

Shredder Mouth
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-3
Armour Penetration: 4
Grappling Bonus: +0
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Bonus: Strength +2
Shredder: Does +3 damage for the purposes of Armour and Weapon Durability.

Tail Crash
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-1
Parry Dice: 1d5
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength +3
Cannot be used after moving

Armoured Shell
Coverage: All
Armor Value: 4/2
Resilience: All, +1 Impact, -1 Edged
Durability: 5
Class: Category II Kaiju
Zeno is a quadruped, with a long, lithe body and a blunt head. Two mobile spikes grow from its back, ending in angled boreholes.

HtH: 1
Ran: 3
Str: 1
Tou: 2
Agi: 3
Dex: 2

Dura: 4
Stru: 8

- Run-and-Gun: Penalty for moving and firing is reduced to -2.
- Moving Target: +1 difficulty to-hit for enemy units if Zeno has made a run action in its previous turn.

Claws (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d5
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +1
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Dexterity

Dorsal Gauss Launchers (x2)
Built-In Ranged Weapons (Rifle)
Attack Dice: 2x 1d10
Armour Penetration: 3
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Bonus: 3
Range: 14/28/35
Double-Whammy: if both shots hit the same location, they are treated as a single attack

Weak Skin
Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 2/1
Resilience: All
Durability: 7
Class: Category I Kaiju (parasite)
Kraken resembles not much more than an ovoid chunk of segmented chitin with a few limbs coming off it. The kaiju's head consists of a nutrient tube and a few eyes, and is mostly hidden under its armour. The only dangerous thing on it seems to be the pointed stinger on the tip of its tail.

HtH: 1
Ran: 0
Str: 2
Tou: 5
Agi: 1
Dex: 2

Dura: 4
Stru: 7

- Parasite: comes attached to Grae's Spine. May not detach, attack, or move unless 1) Grae awakens it as a 2 point action in a grapple, 2) Grae is stunned, 3) Grae has suffered a Major + wound, or 4) Kraken has suffered damage.
- Clingy Bugger: If awakened in a grapple, Kraken automatically engages in it. Kraken and Grae share an Advantage Point pool as long as both are alive, and may draw from it as they see fit.
- Sneaky: Kraken is hard to notice on its own. If it detaches from Grae and does not run or attack, it is considered stealthed. While stealthed, it may not be attacked unless it loses stealth (i.e. runs or attacks) or is located (Dex or Scanners check, DC 12).

Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Impact
Damage Bonus: Strength
Venom: on a hit that deals a minor or higher wound, automatically inflict a -1 penalty to one Physical stat (HtH, Agi, Str) of the kaiju's choosing. This penalty may be removed by a Toughness test (DC 7).

Area Barrier Shield
Power: 5 (4)
Dispersal: 4 (3)
Integrity: 13
Affects all clustered, friendly units by default. Defends against Ranged Attacks only. May be activated or deactivated as a free action, as long as it has not collapsed.
Power is the amount that incoming damage is reduced by. Dispersal is the amount of damage that bleeds off each round. Integrity is how much damage the shield can absorb before collapsing.
As long as the shield is active, Kraken takes a -1 penalty to physical stats. If the shield collapses, Kraken suffers a Minor Chest Wound.
As a free action on its turn, Kraken may expand the shield, covering everything within 5 units. When expanded, all attacks against those within the barrier resolve against the shield first, using the values in parentheses.

Coverage: All
Armor Value: 3/-
Resilience: All
Durability: 6

Category I Kaiju killed: +100 Resources
Category II Kaiju killed: +500 Resources
Category III Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Salvage Facility Bonus: +480 Resources
Manufacturing: +4500 Resources
Morale Bonus: +1125 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 37768

Free Actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-403 R)
[ ] Don't clean it up! (environmental penalties)

Pick as many actions as you have Population (10), along with a Communications, Breach Research, 2 Jaeger Research actions, and 1 free J-Recycling action, and 5 free units from the MPFs.

And a roll for Noah.
Okay, I have a plan. If this works as-is we have two MPF items left in it as well. EDIT: It's also missing two actions.

-[ ] Clean up the Blue (403 RUs)

-[ ] Research: Jagdhund ARGES link
(Free J-tech 1)
-[ ] Research: Tacit AGI, 20 rolls. (400 RUs)
(Free J-tech 2)
-[ ] Research: Breachgate (Safe research mode)
(Free Breach tech)
I want to be able to drop Tacit right behind command Kaijus with zero warning. I know we're probably not going to get it this turn, but even getting deployment time of the Jaegers down is helpful.
-[ ] Research: additional magic
-[ ] Research: Heimdall ARGES link
-[ ] Research: ARGES upgrade - max to +3, environmental compensation
-[ ] Research: Improved Fragmentation Slicers
I'm thinking smaller (like an axe or pair of fangblades) and lower power cost. Also, should we be SRM'ing this?
-[ ] Research: Energy shields - with Clank's token
(SRM this?)
-[ ] Research: Experiment on the shell from Waltz
-[ ] Research: Improved engines (additional movement speed for conventionals)

-[ ] Send a team to Oblivion bay to search for usable Jaeger (parts)
(Free comms)
-[ ] Build 3x Banshee squads (1800RUs) (MPFs)

-[ ] Repair Tacit and Jagdhund [200RUs)
-[ ] Build 2x Faraday frames (4000 RUs)
-[ ] Install a Faraday frame on Tacit and Jagdhund
These are for shielding the new reactors, might as well get it done now. Also they aren't perfect defense against Electrical attacks, but they will help.
EDIT: nevermind, missed them on the sheet.

6803 RUs spent
30965 RUs remaining
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